128 research outputs found

    Fundamentals of heat measurement

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    Various methods and devices for obtaining experimental data on heat flux density over wide ranges of temperature and pressure are examined. Laboratory tests and device fabrication details are supplemented by theoretical analyses of heat-conduction and thermoelectric effects, providing design guidelines and information relevant to further research and development. A theory defining the measure of correspondence between transducer signal and the measured heat flux is established for individual (isolated) heat flux transducers subject to space and time-dependent loading. An analysis of the properties of stacked (series-connected) transducers of various types (sandwich-type, plane, and spiral) is used to derive a similarity theory providing general governing relationships. The transducers examined are used in 36 types of derivative devices involving direct heat loss measurements, heat conduction studies, radiation pyrometry, calorimetry in medicine and industry and nuclear reactor dosimetry

    Lecture Course “Modern Physics”

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    In the paper, the structure of the lecture course “Modern Physics” is described in detail. The course is based on a logical presentation of modern ideas about quantum-, atomic-, nuclear-, and molecular physics as well as astrophysics. A special attention is paid to a relatively new interdisciplinary research field, namely the physics of open systems, and to the study of clusters as one of the most promising scientific areas. Separate chapters of the textbook are devoted to nonlinear optics, quantum information, structure and dynamics of molecules. The fundamental laws and concepts of modern physics, their relationship and origin are comprehensively discussed. It is underlined that this lecture course is intended, first of all, for students of technical universities, postgraduate students of relevant specialties, as well as professors of vocation-related subjects. The inclusion of new sections of physics in the curricula of universities is rationalized, in particular, by the fact that physics is closely related to engineering. Due to this fact, the important role that physics plays in society becomes especially evident. The paper may also be of interest to those who are fond of physics and its state-of-the art

    Premalignant changes in the bronchial epithelium are prognostic factors of distant metastasis in non-small cell lung cancer patients

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    Background: The study assessed the possibility of dividing patients into groups based on the assessment of morphological changes in the epithelium of small-caliber bronchi located near the primary tumor in order to predict high and low risks of distant metastasis of non-small cell lung cancer. Methods: In 171 patients with non-small cell lung cancer (T1-4N0-3M0) in small-caliber bronchi taken at a distance of 3–5 cm from the tumor, various variants of morphological changes in the bronchial epithelium (basal cell hyperplasia (BCH), squamous cell metaplasia (SM), and dysplasia (D)) were assessed. Long-term results of treatment, namely, distant metastasis, were assessed after 2 and 5 years. Results: During the follow-up period, distant metastases were found in 35.1% (60/171) of patients. Most often, they were observed in patients of the high-risk group: BCH+SM−D−(51.6%, 40/95) and BCH−SM+D+ (54.4%, 6/11). Less often, distant metastases were observed in low-risk group patients: BCH+SM+D− (6.7%, 3/45) and BCH−SM−D−(10.0%, 2/20). Tumor size, grade, and stage were significant predictors of metastasis only in the high-risk group. The 5-year metastasis-free survival was better in the low-risk group of distant metastases. Conclusions: Isolated BCH or dysplasia in small bronchi distant from foci of tumor isassociated with a high-risk distant metastasis and less 5-year metastasis-free survival

    Fundamental scaling laws of on-off intermittency in a stochastically driven dissipative pattern forming system

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    Noise driven electroconvection in sandwich cells of nematic liquid crystals exhibits on-off intermittent behaviour at the onset of the instability. We study laser scattering of convection rolls to characterize the wavelengths and the trajectories of the stochastic amplitudes of the intermittent structures. The pattern wavelengths and the statistics of these trajectories are in quantitative agreement with simulations of the linearized electrohydrodynamic equations. The fundamental τ3/2\tau^{-3/2} distribution law for the durations τ\tau of laminar phases as well as the power law of the amplitude distribution of intermittent bursts are confirmed in the experiments. Power spectral densities of the experimental and numerically simulated trajectories are discussed.Comment: 20 pages and 17 figure

    Молекулярный фенотип клеток крови, ассоциированный с прогрессированием трижды негативного рака молочной железы

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    Introduction. triple negative breast cancer is an aggressive clinical phenotype characterized by poor prognosis. immune system plays an important role in the development, treatment response, and progression of solid tumor. The search for immune-related markers associated with the prediction of treatment efficacy and disease prognosis, and based on the use of high-resolution molecular techniques, is a promising area of research, the results of which can be translated into clinical practice. Case description. The molecular profile of blood mononuclear cells in a 48-year-old female patient with histologically proven triple negative breast cancer (estrogen Receptor – 0; progesteron Receptor – 0; Her2/neu – 0; gata-3 – 0, androgen Receptor – 0 and Ki67 – 70 %) was described. The patient did not response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy with 4 cycles of paclitaxel + carboplatin followed by 2 cycles of adriamycin + cyclophosphamide. The patient underwent surgery. disease progression (pelvic bone metastases) occurred 2 months after surgery. The features of blood lymphocytes and monocytes associated with a lack of response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy and disease progression were described.Conclusion. This clinical case demonstrates that sequencing of peripheral blood mononuclear cells can be used as a method for identifying predictive markers of therapy efficacy and developing personalized treatments for patients with triple negative breast cancer.Актуальность. Трижды негативный подтип рака молочной железы характеризуется агрессивным течением и неблагоприятным прогнозом. Компоненты иммунной системы как непосредственные участники патогенеза играют роль в развитии, ответе на терапию и прогрессировании этой нозологии. Поиск маркеров иммунных клеток, ассоциированных с предсказанием эффективности лечения и прогнозом заболевания, основанный на применении молекулярных методов высокого разрешения, является перспективным направлением поискового исследования, результаты которого можно транслировать в клиническую практику. Описание клинического случая. Представлен первый опыт описания молекулярного профиля мононуклеарных клеток крови пациентки с трижды негативным раком молочной железы. Опухоль: инвазивная карцинома неспецифического типа с экспрессией: estrogen Receptor – 0; progesteron Receptor – 0; Her2/neu – 0; gata-3 – 0, androgen Receptor – 0, Ki67 – 70 % опухолевых клеток. Отмечено отсутствие ответа на неоадъювантную химиотерапию по схеме: 4 цикла «паклитаксел + + карбоплатин», с последующими 2 курсами АС (адриамицин + циклофосфан). Пациентке проведено оперативное лечение, через 2 мес после которого выявлены метастазы в кости таза. У пациентки описаны особенности лимфоцитов и моноцитов крови, которые могут быть ассоциированы с отсутствием ответа на неоадъювантную химиотерапию и прогрессированием заболевания.Заключение. Представленное клиническое наблюдение показывает, что метод секвенирования мононуклеарных клеток периферической крови можно использовать в качестве поискового для обнаружения предиктивных маркеров эффективности терапии и создания персонифицированной системы лечения пациенток с трижды негативным раком молочной железы

    Поляризация макрофагов: механизмы, маркеры и факторы индукции

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    Macrophages  are  key  components  of  the  innate  immune  system. The  variability  of  the  macrophage’s participation in tumor progression, determined by their functional polarization, opens up a wide prospect for modulating their functional profile, primarily in the direction of increasing antitumor activity. The purpose of the study was to provide up-to-date data on the process of macrophage polarization, mechanisms of its regulation, polarization markers and induction factors. Material and methods. A search was made for available literature sources published in Web of Science, Scopus and other databases. more than 160 sources devoted to the study of the process of macrophage polarization were found, of which 121 were included in this review. Results. This review presents data on the molecular mechanisms and gene signatures associated with M1 and M2 polarization of macrophages. We displayed information on metabolic, phenotypic characteristics and cytokine profile of M1- and M2-macrophages, as well as highlighted data on polarization factors and targets of their action. Conclusion. The information presented in the review can serve as an information base for the development of experimental and clinical approaches for editing the functional profile of macrophages in order to control their involvement in various pathological processes.Макрофаги являются ключевыми компонентами врожденной иммунной системы. Вариативность участия макрофагов в различных патологических процессах, определяемая их функциональной поляризацией, открывает широкую перспективу для модуляции их функционального профиля для использования в терапевтических целях. Цель исследования – предоставить современные данные о процессе поляризации макрофагов, механизмах его регуляции, маркерах поляризации и факторах индукции. Материал и методы. Проведен поиск доступных литературных источников, опубликованных в базах данных Web of Science, Scopus и др. Найдено более 160 источников, посвященных изучению процесса поляризации макрофагов, из которых 121 включен в данный обзор. Результаты. В обзоре представлены данные о молекулярных механизмах и генных сигнатурах, ассоциированных с М1- и М2- поляризацией макрофагов, информация о метаболических, фенотипических признаках и цитокиновом профиле М1- и М2-макрофагов, а также освещены данные о факторах поляризации и мишенях их воздействия. Заключение. Представленные в обзоре сведения могут послужить информационной базой для разработки экспериментальных и клинических подходов для редактирования функционального профиля макрофагов с целью управления патологическими процессами с их участием

    The Lsm1-7/Pat1 complex binds to stress-activated mRNAs and modulates the response to hyperosmotic shock

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    RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) establish the cellular fate of a transcript, but an understanding of these processes has been limited by a lack of identified specific interactions between RNA and protein molecules. Using MS2 RNA tagging, we have purified proteins associated with individual mRNA species induced by osmotic stress, STL1 and GPD1. We found members of the Lsm1-7/Pat1 RBP complex to preferentially bind these mRNAs, relative to the non-stress induced mRNAs, HYP2 and ASH1. To assess the functional importance, we mutated components of the Lsm1-7/Pat1 RBP complex and analyzed the impact on expression of osmostress gene products. We observed a defect in global translation inhibition under osmotic stress in pat1 and lsm1 mutants, which correlated with an abnormally high association of both non-stress and stress-induced mRNAs to translationally active polysomes. Additionally, for stress-induced proteins normally triggered only by moderate or high osmostress, in the mutants the protein levels rose high already at weak hyperosmosis. Analysis of ribosome passage on mRNAs through co-translational decay from the 5' end (5P-Seq) showed increased ribosome accumulation in lsm1 and pat1 mutants upstream of the start codon. This effect was particularly strong for mRNAs induced under osmostress. Thus, our results indicate that, in addition to its role in degradation, the Lsm1-7/Pat1 complex acts as a selective translational repressor, having stronger effect over the translation initiation of heavily expressed mRNAs. Binding of the Lsm1-7/Pat1p complex to osmostress-induced mRNAs mitigates their translation, suppressing it in conditions of weak or no stress, and avoiding a hyperresponse when triggered