65 research outputs found

    The local repolarization heterogeneity in the murine pulmonary veins myocardium contributes to the spatial distribution of the adrenergically induced ectopic foci

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    An atrial tachyarrhythmias is predominantly triggered by a proarrhythmic activity originate from the pulmonary veins (PV) myocardial sleeves; sympathetic or adrenergic stimulation facilitates PV proarrhythmia. In the present study the electrophysiological inhomogeneity, spatiotemporal characteristics of the adrenergically induced ectopic firing and sympathetic nerves distribution have been investigated in a murine PV myocardium to clarify mechanisms of adrenergic PV ectopy. Electrically paced murine PV demonstrate atrial-like pattern of conduction and atrial-like action potentials (AP) with longest duration in the mouth of PV. The application of norepinephrine (NE), agonists of α- and β-adrenergic receptors (ARs) or intracardiac nerves stimulation induced spontaneous AP in a form of periodical bursts or continuous firing. NE- or ARs agonists-induced SAP originated from unifocal ectopic foci with predominant localization in the region surrounding PV mouth, but not in the distal portions of a murine PV myocardium. A higher level of catecholamine content and catecholamine fiber network density was revealed in the PV myocardial sleeves relative to LA appendage. However, no significant local variation of catecholamine content and fiber density was observed in the murine PV. In conclusion, PV mouth region appear to be a most susceptible to adrenergic proarrhythmia in mice. Intrinsic spatial heterogeneity of AP duration can be considered as a factor influencing localization of the ectopic foci in PV. © 2019, The Physiological Society of Japan and Springer Japan KK, part of Springer Nature.18-34-00931The study is supported by RFBR 18-34-00931 grant. AP Action potentials AR Adrenergic receptors EAD Early afterdepolarization DAD Delayed afterdepolarization DD Diastolic depolarization SAP Spontaneous action potentials RMP Resting membrane potentials LA Left atria LAA Left atria appendage PKA Proteinkinase A PV Pulmonary veins PNS Postganglionic nerves stimulation NCX Natrium-sodium exchanger NE Norepinephrine PHE Phenylephrine ISO Isoproterenol

    Methodology of contract managers’ project competency formation in CPE

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    The paper defines and systematizes the key methods, which influence the results of continuing professional education (further referred to as “CPE”) implementation and quality control of CPE process. All this will allow providing coaches, tutors, business consultants, contract managers and professionals with an effective tool to identify and improve project competency of contract managers (contract officers, specialists in procurement further referred to as “contract managers”). The key methodused is a logicalmodeling, which allows to examine the problem of project competency formation as a purposeful and conscious process of forming professional skills of contract managers. The following approaches were also used: statistical and heuristic techniques, such as questionnaires, interviews of representative groups of contract managers. The authors introduce a study on key points in formation of project competency of contract managers at different levels: as a specialist in procurement and expert in procurement, according to professional standards, adopted by the Ministry of Labour of the Russian Federation № 625n and № 626n of 10.09.2015. The authors give some recommendations on project competency formation of contract managers, taking into consideration competency-based and business oriented training. The mentioned above approach in CPE, in authors’s opinion, contributes to the efficient development of competencies (competency clusters) of contract managers according to the expectations and interests of employers on the labour market. Aspects of project competency and stages of formation of such competency are considered from several perspectives. In order to cover above-mentioned issues the specially developed questionnaire was suggested by authors. The authors used a systematic literature review approach, starts with literature review, problems identification, selection process, assess, synthesize and write down the ideas proposed, and then make conclusions. © 2016 Pecherskaya et al

    Mitochondria-targeted antioxidant SkQ1 reverses glaucomatous lesions in rabbits

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    Original article is published in: Frontiers in Bioscience, Landmark, 20, 892–901, January 1, 2015Glaucoma is the main cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. This disease is characterized by apoptosis of retinal ganglion cells (RGC) and visual field loss that seems to be related to elevated intraocular pressure (IOP). Several lines of evidences have implicated the crucial role of mitochondrial dysfunction in the pathogenesis of glaucoma. Increased mitochondrial oxidative stress in RGC may underlie or contribute to susceptibility of RGC to apoptosis. In our work we (i) designed a rabbit model of chronic, moderately elevated IOP for studying glaucoma and (ii) demonstrated efficacy of mitochondria-targeted antioxidant SkQ1 as a tool to reverse several traits of experimental glaucoma induced by a series of injections of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) to the anterior chamber of the rabbit eye. It is shown that 6 months instillations of drops of 0.2.5–5 µM solution of SkQ1 normalize IOP and eye hydrodynamics and abolish an increase in lens thickness that accompanies glaucoma.Original article is published in: Frontiers in Bioscience, Landmark, 20, 892–901, January 1, 2015Glaucoma is the main cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. This disease is characterized by apoptosis of retinal ganglion cells (RGC) and visual field loss that seems to be related to elevated intraocular pressure (IOP). Several lines of evidences have implicated the crucial role of mitochondrial dysfunction in the pathogenesis of glaucoma. Increased mitochondrial oxidative stress in RGC may underlie or contribute to susceptibility of RGC to apoptosis. In our work we (i) designed a rabbit model of chronic, moderately elevated IOP for studying glaucoma and (ii) demonstrated efficacy of mitochondria-targeted antioxidant SkQ1 as a tool to reverse several traits of experimental glaucoma induced by a series of injections of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) to the anterior chamber of the rabbit eye. It is shown that 6 months instillations of drops of 0.2.5–5 µM solution of SkQ1 normalize IOP and eye hydrodynamics and abolish an increase in lens thickness that accompanies glaucoma


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    Syndrome of bronchial obstruction is a symptomatic complex arising on the background of constriction or occlusion of bronchial tubes of different caliber due to bronchospasm, edema and inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, hypersecretion of mucus or compression by surrounding structures. Bronchoobstructive syndrome (BOS) is one of the most common pathological conditions in pediatric practice. The outcome of BOS can be different: from the complete disappearance of clinical manifestations to the process, disability or even death. Accordingly, the study of this problem and the search for methods for early diagnosis and prediction of the outcome of BOS is a very urgent problem. In order to identify risk factors for BOS and to clarify the association with polymorphism of the CC16 gene, 126 children belonging to the main group and 58 from the comparison group were examined. In the course of the study, the triggers influence on the formation of the BOS of concomitant ENT pathology, burdened personal and family allergic anamnesis, and also the recurrent nature of respiratory infections in the first year of life was proved. The association of polymorphism of AA gene of CC16 with the presence of weighed allergic anamnesis and frequent episodes of ARVI, as well as the influence of this genotype on the early debut of respiratory diseases in children, has been revealed. The relationship of the GG genotype with the concomitant ENT pathology among patients with recurrent BOS has been proved

    Comparing prevalence of chronic kidney disease and its risk factors between population-based surveys in Russia and Norway.

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    BACKGROUND: Little data exists on the prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the Russian population. We aimed to estimate the prevalence of CKD in a population-based study in Russia, compare with a similar study in Norway, and investigate whether differences in risk factors explained between-study differences in CKD. METHODS: We compared age- and sex-standardised prevalence of reduced eGFR (< 60 ml/min/1.73m2 CKD-EPI creatinine equation), albuminuria and or a composite indicator of CKD (one measure of either reduced eGFR or albuminuria) between participants aged 40-69 in the population-based Know Your Heart (KYH) study, Russia (2015-2018 N = 4607) and the seventh Tromsø Study (Tromsø7), Norway (2015-2016 N = 17,646). We assessed the contribution of established CKD risk factors (low education, diabetes, hypertension, antihypertensive use, smoking, obesity) to between-study differences using logistic regression. RESULTS: Prevalence of reduced eGFR or albuminuria was 6.5% (95% Confidence Interval (CI) 5.4, 7.7) in KYH and 4.6% (95% CI 4.0, 5.2) in Tromsø7 standardised for sex and age. Odds of both clinical outcomes were higher in KYH than Tromsø7 (reduced eGFR OR 2.06 95% CI 1.67, 2.54; albuminuria OR 1.54 95% CI 1.16, 2.03) adjusted for sex and age. Risk factor adjustment explained the observed between-study difference in albuminuria (OR 0.92 95% CI 0.68, 1.25) but only partially reduced eGFR (OR 1.42 95% CI 1.11, 1.82). The strongest explanatory factors for the between-study difference was higher use of antihypertensives (Russian sample) for reduced eGFR and mean diastolic blood pressure for albuminuria. CONCLUSIONS: We found evidence of a higher burden of CKD within the sample from the population in Arkhangelsk and Novosibirsk compared to Tromsø, partly explained by between-study population differences in established risk factors. In particular hypertension defined by medication use was an important factor associated with the higher CKD prevalence in the Russian sample


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    Modulatory effects of three probiotic bacterial strains (Lactobacillus rhamnosus K32 (L), Bifidobacterium longum GT15 (B, Enterococcus faecium L-3 (E) on expression level and contents of key cytokines were studied using PCR techniques with reverse transcription, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Both cell cultures and an experimental model of intestinal dysbiosis were used in this study.The genes encoding bacteriocins, surface membrane component, pili and exopolysaccharides involved in host immune system modulation were previously identified in the B and Ebacterial strains.Investigation of probiotic strains and effects of their supernatants expression of cytokines in cell cultures of promonocyte origin (HTP-1) showed increased expression of TNFα, due to E and L supernatants. Moreover, the Bl culture induced IL-8 and IL-10 expression.In a model of Wistar rats with ampicillinand metronidazole-induced intestinal dysbiosis corrected with probiotics we have shown that the dysbiosis was accompanied by sufficient alterations in microbiota composition (Klebsiella spp. overgrowth and low contents of Faecalobacterium prausnitzii) that were observed only in the animals untreated with probiotics (control), or after administration of L.In contrast to these results, the animals treated with E and B, the following changes were revealed: 1) low expression of proinflammatory cytokines IL-8, TNFα, MCP-1 inmesenteric lymph nodes and appropriate changes of their serum contents, 2) increased serum content of the anti-inflammatory TGFβ cytokine. Hence, the present study, having used two complementary models, has detected some individual features of immune modulation produced by the probiotictic strains of L. rhamnosus K32, B. longum GT15 и E. faecium L-3 which exert differential effects upon the intestinal microbiota

    Know Your Heart: Rationale, design and conduct of a cross-sectional study of cardiovascular structure, function and risk factors in 4500 men and women aged 35-69 years from two Russian cities, 2015-18

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    Russia has one of the highest rates of cardiovascular disease in the world. The International Project on Cardiovascular Disease in Russia (IPCDR) was set up to understand the reasons for this. A substantial component of this study was the Know Your Heart Study devoted to characterising the nature and causes of cardiovascular disease in Russia by conducting large cross-sectional surveys in two Russian cities Novosibirsk and Arkhangelsk. The study population was 4542 men and women aged 35-69 years recruited from the general population. Fieldwork took place between 2015-18. There were two study components: 1) a baseline interview to collect information on socio-demographic characteristics and cardiovascular risk factors, usually conducted at home, and 2) a comprehensive health check at a primary care clinic which included detailed examination of the cardiovascular system. In this paper we describe in detail the rationale for, design and conduct of these studies.The International Project on Cardiovascular Disease in Russia (IPCDR) project was supported in part by a Wellcome Trust Strategic Award [100217]. The project was also funded by the Arctic University of Norway, UiT in Tromsø; Norwegian Institute of Public Health; the Norwegian Ministry of Health and Social Affairs


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    The aim was to assess the efficacy of mitochondriatargeted antioxidant SkQ1 in prevention of structural and functional abnormalities of brain postresuscitation after cardiac arrest.Materials and methods. Adult male Wistar rats (n=19) underwent cardiac arrest for 7 minutes followed by resuscitation. Nine rats were administered with 500 nmol/kg SkQ1 per os with water for 2 weeks (1 week before and 1 week after resuscitation). A control group consisted of shamoperated animals (n=10). At days 4—6 post operation locomotor activity and anxiety («elevated plus maze» test) and sensorimotor function of limbs («beam walking» test) were examined. Total numbers of neurons per 1 mm of their layer length in vulnerable neuronal populations (cerebellar Purkinje cells and piramidal neurons of hippocampus fields CA1 and CA4) were estimated by histological analysis of the specimens stained with cresyl violet on day 7 postresuscitation. To identify possible mechanisms of SkQ1 action, the immunohistochemical study of a glialderived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) expression in piramidal neurons of hippocampus was performed by indirect peroxidaseantiperoxidase method and antiGDNF primary polyclonal antibodies.Results. Ischemiareperfusion resulted in neuronal loss in all studied brain areas followed by reduction in locomotor activity and development of sensorimotor deficit. SkQ1 prevented development of postresuscitative locomotor and sensorimotor irregularities, significantly reduced Purkinje cells loss, prevented death of piramidal neurons in hippocampal field CA4, but not in CA1. Data demonstrated, that iIn Purkinje cells from resuscitated rats treated with SkQ1 there was a significant increase in number of GDNFpositive neurons, which were more resistant to ischemia (transition of GDNFnegative cells toward the category of cells actively expressing this factor) that promoted their survival postresuscitation.Conclusion. Data confirm the positive effects of SkQ1 on structural and functional status of the brain postre suscitation and suggest possible use of SkQ1 for the prevention or correction of posthypoxic encephalopathies.Цель работы — оценка эффективности митохондриальнонаправленного антиоксиданта SkQ1 для предупреждения постреанимационных нарушений структурнофункционального состояния мозга.Материалы и методы. У 19 половозрелых самцов крыс Вистар вызывали остановку сердца на 7 минут с последующей реанимацией. Часть животных (n=9) получала SkQ1 перорально в дозе 500 нмоль/кг с водой в течение 2х недель (1 неделю до и 1 неделю после реанимации). Контролем служили ложнооперированные животные (n=10). На 4—6е сутки после реанимации у крыс оценивали двигательную активность и тревожность (тест «приподнятый крестообразный лабиринт»), а также сенсомоторную функцию конечностей (тест «сужающаяся дорожка»). Через 7 суток после реанимации на препаратах, окрашенных по Нисслю, определяли плотность нейронов на 1 мм длины их слоя в высокочувствительных к гипоксии нейрональных популяциях (пирамидные нейроны полей СА1 и СА4 гиппокампа, клетки Пуркинье мозжечка). Для выявления возможных механизмов действия SkQ1 проводили иммуногистохимическое исследование экспрессии глиального нейротрофического фактора (GDNF) непрямым пероксидазноантипероксидазным методом с использованием первичных поликлональных антител против GDNF.Результаты. Обнаружено, что ишемияреперфузия приводит к гибели нейронов во всех исследованных отделах мозга, что сопровождается снижением двигательной активности и развитием сенсомоторного дефицита. Применение SkQ1 предупреждает развитие постреанимационных двигательных и сенсомоторных нарушений, существенно уменьшает гибель клеток Пуркинье мозжечка, предотвращает гибель пирамидных нейронов в поле СА4 гиппокампа, но не в поле СА1. Показано, что в популяции клеток Пуркинье мозжечка применение SkQ1 сопровождается увеличением числа GDNFположительных нейронов, более устойчивых к ишемии (переход части GDNFотрицательных клеток в категорию активно экспрессирующих этот фактор нейронов), что способствует их выживанию в постреанимационном периоде.Заключение. Полученные в работе данные свидетельствуют о положительном воздействии SkQ1 на структурнофункциональное состояние мозга в постреанимационном периоде, что обуславливает перспективность применения этого препарата для предотвращения и коррекции постгипоксических энцефалопатий

    Трансформация жирнокислотного состава липидов подкожной жировой ткани морских и пресноводных тюленей

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    Correlation between blubber fatty acid composition of two different kind of seals with their prey and environmental conditions as ecology factors is shown. Regularities of fatty acid layering and its composition in the blubber of Baikal seals and ringed seals of North sea are revealedПоказана взаимосвязь жирнокислотного состава липидов подкожной жировой ткани разных видов тюленей с характеристиками условий обитания, объектов питания как экологическими факторами. Выявлены закономерности послойного изменения состава жирных кислот жировой ткани байкальской нерпы и кольчатого тюленя Северного моря

    Macrophages from naked mole-rat possess distinct immunometabolic signatures upon polarization

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    The naked mole-rat (NMR) is a unique long-lived rodent which is highly resistant to age-associated disorders and cancer. The immune system of NMR possesses a distinct cellular composition with the prevalence of myeloid cells. Thus, the detailed phenotypical and functional assessment of NMR myeloid cell compartment may uncover novel mechanisms of immunoregulation and healthy aging. In this study gene expression signatures, reactive nitrogen species and cytokine production, as well as metabolic activity of classically (M1) and alternatively (M2) activated NMR bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM) were examined. Polarization of NMR macrophages under pro-inflammatory conditions led to expected M1 phenotype characterized by increased pro-inflammatory gene expression, cytokine production and aerobic glycolysis, but paralleled by reduced production of nitric oxide (NO). Under systemic LPS-induced inflammatory conditions NO production also was not detected in NMR blood monocytes. Altogether, our results indicate that NMR macrophages are capable of transcriptional and metabolic reprogramming under polarizing stimuli, however, NMR M1 possesses species-specific signatures as compared to murine M1, implicating distinct adaptations in NMR immune system