224 research outputs found

    Pd nanocube decoration onto flexible nanofibrous mats of core-shell polymer-ZnO nanofibers for visible light photocatalysis

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    Plasmonic enhancement for electron-hole separation efficiency and visible light photocatalysis was achieved by Pd nanocube decoration on a ZnO nanolayer coated onto electrospun polymeric (polyacrylonitrile (PAN)) nanofibers. Since exciton formation and sustainable electron-hole separation have a vital importance for realizing better solar energy in photovoltaic and photocatalytic devices, we achieved visible light photocatalysis by Pd nanocube decoration onto well designed core-shell nanofibers of ZnO@PAN-NF. By controlling the cubic Pd nanoparticle size and the thickness of the crystalline ZnO nanolayer deposited onto electrospun PAN nanofibers via atomic layer deposition (ALD), defect mediated visible light photocatalysis efficiency can be increased. By utilizing nanofabrication techniques such as thermal decomposition, electrospinning and ALD, this fabricated template became an efficient, defect mediated, Pd nanocube plasmon enhanced photocatalytic system. Due to the enhanced contact features of the Pd nanocubes, an increase was observed for the visible light photocatalytic activity of the flexible and nanofibrous mat of Pd@ZnO@PAN-NF. © 2017 The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

    Effect of Activation of the GLT-1 Transporter by a Beta-Lactam Antibiotic on Serotonin-Induced Scratching Behavior in Mice

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    Glutamate is believed to be the predominant excitatory neurotransmitter in the networks responsible for itch-related behavior. Beta-lactam antibiotics were shown to exert neuroprotective effects by increasing expression of the glutamate transporter GLT-1. We observed whether repeated administration of the beta-lactam antibiotic ceftriaxone suppresses serotonin-induced itch-related behavior (similarly to its effect on pain transmission) in mice. Chronic, but not acute, ceftriaxone introductions reduced the number of serotonin-induced scratches; dihydrokainic acid, a selective GLT-1 transporter inhibitor, partly but significantly abolished this effect of ceftriaxone. Our findings suggest that GLT-1 activation by beta-lactam antibiotics looks promising for the treatment of chronic itch.Як вважають, глутамат є основним збуджуючим нейротрансмітером у нейронних мережах, відповідальних за поведінкові моторні прояви при почутті свербіжу. β-лактамні антибіотики мають нейропротективні властивості, оскільки забезпечують посилену експресію глутаматного транспортера GLT-1. Ми з’ясовували, чи здатне повторне введення β-лактамного антибіотика цефтриаксону пригнічувати викликані ін’єкціями серотоніну поведінкові моторні прояви (чухальні рухи), пов’язані з індукцією почуття свербіжу (подібно до впливу цього агента на біль) у мишей. Хронічні (але не поодинокі) введення цефтриаксону викликали зменшення кількості рухів чухання. Селективний блокатор транспортера GLT-1 дигідрокаїнова кислота частково, але істотно перешкоджала цьому ефекту цефтриаксону. Наші спостереження дають підстави вважати, що активація GLT-1 β-лактамними антибіотиками є перспективним підходом у лікуванні хронічного свербіжу

    Mudanças nos compostos bioativos e atividade antioxidante de pimentas da região amazônica.

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    A Embrapa Amazônia Oriental possui um Banco Ativo de Pimenteira com diferentes genótipos do gênero Capsicum, os quais ainda não foram analisados, quanto às suas características funcionais e capacidade antioxidante. Este estudo objetivou determinar os teores de ácido ascórbico, compostos fenólicos, carotenoides totais e a atividade antioxidante total, em frutos imaturos e maduros de genótipos de pimentas Capsicum spp. As concentrações de vitamina C (100,76-361,65 mg 100 g-1 nos frutos imaturos e 36,70-157,76 mg 100 g-1 nos maduros) decresceram com a maturação dos frutos. Carotenoides totais não foram detectados nos frutos imaturos, porém, nos frutos maduros, observaram-se valores de 73,80-1349,97 mg g-1, em função do genótipo. Os teores de compostos fenólicos aumentaram nos frutos maduros (147,40-718,64 mg GAE 100 g-1), para oito dos nove genótipos avaliados. Os frutos de pimenteira apresentaram significativa atividade antioxidante (55,02-92,03 mM trolox g-1 nos frutos imaturos e 39,60-113,08 mM trolox g- 1 nos maduros). Concluiu-se que o grau de maturação dos frutos influenciou nos teores de compostos bioativos dos genótipos estudados. Destacaram-se, como genótipos promissores com potencial para serem utilizados em programas de melhoramento genético, IAN-186301 e IAN-186324, pelos altos teores de carotenoides totais; IAN-186301, IAN-186311, IAN-186312 e IAN-186313, com relação às altas concentrações de ácido ascórbico; IAN-186304 e IAN-186311, pelos altos teores de compostos fenólicos; e IAN-186311, para atividade antioxidante

    A systematic review on the effectiveness of physical and rehabilitation interventions for chronic non-specific low back pain

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    Low back pain (LBP) is a common and disabling disorder in western society. The management of LBP comprises a range of different intervention strategies including surgery, drug therapy, and non-medical interventions. The objective of the present study is to determine the effectiveness of physical and rehabilitation interventions (i.e. exercise therapy, back school, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), low level laser therapy, education, massage, behavioural treatment, traction, multidisciplinary treatment, lumbar supports, and heat/cold therapy) for chronic LBP. The primary search was conducted in MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, CENTRAL, and PEDro up to 22 December 2008. Existing Cochrane reviews for the individual interventions were screened for studies fulfilling the inclusion criteria. The search strategy outlined by the Cochrane Back Review Groups (CBRG) was followed. The following were included for selection criteria: (1) randomized controlled trials, (2) adult (≥18 years) population with chronic (≥12 weeks) non-specific LBP, and (3) evaluation of at least one of the main clinically relevant outcome measures (pain, functional status, perceived recovery, or return to work). Two reviewers independently selected studies and extracted data on study characteristics, risk of bias, and outcomes at short, intermediate, and long-term follow-up. The GRADE approach was used to determine the quality of evidence. In total 83 randomized controlled trials met the inclusion criteria: exercise therapy (n = 37), back school (n = 5), TENS (n = 6), low level laser therapy (n = 3), behavioural treatment (n = 21), patient education (n = 1), traction (n = 1), and multidisciplinary treatment (n = 6). Compared to usual care, exercise therapy improved post-treatment pain intensity and disability, and long-term function. Behavioural treatment was found to be effective in reducing pain intensity at short-term follow-up compared to no treatment/waiting list controls. Finally, multidisciplinary treatment was found to reduce pain intensity and disability at short-term follow-up compared to no treatment/waiting list controls. Overall, the level of evidence was low. Evidence from randomized controlled trials demonstrates that there is low quality evidence for the effectiveness of exercise therapy compared to usual care, there is low evidence for the effectiveness of behavioural therapy compared to no treatment and there is moderate evidence for the effectiveness of a multidisciplinary treatment compared to no treatment and other active treatments at reducing pain at short-term in the treatment of chronic low back pain. Based on the heterogeneity of the populations, interventions, and comparison groups, we conclude that there are insufficient data to draw firm conclusion on the clinical effect of back schools, low-level laser therapy, patient education, massage, traction, superficial heat/cold, and lumbar supports for chronic LBP

    Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on surgery for indeterminate thyroid nodules (THYCOVID): a retrospective, international, multicentre, cross-sectional study

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    Background Since its outbreak in early 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has diverted resources from non-urgent and elective procedures, leading to diagnosis and treatment delays, with an increased number of neoplasms at advanced stages worldwide. The aims of this study were to quantify the reduction in surgical activity for indeterminate thyroid nodules during the COVID-19 pandemic; and to evaluate whether delays in surgery led to an increased occurrence of aggressive tumours.Methods In this retrospective, international, cross-sectional study, centres were invited to participate in June 22, 2022; each centre joining the study was asked to provide data from medical records on all surgical thyroidectomies consecutively performed from Jan 1, 2019, to Dec 31, 2021. Patients with indeterminate thyroid nodules were divided into three groups according to when they underwent surgery: from Jan 1, 2019, to Feb 29, 2020 (global prepandemic phase), from March 1, 2020, to May 31, 2021 (pandemic escalation phase), and from June 1 to Dec 31, 2021 (pandemic decrease phase). The main outcomes were, for each phase, the number of surgeries for indeterminate thyroid nodules, and in patients with a postoperative diagnosis of thyroid cancers, the occurrence of tumours larger than 10 mm, extrathyroidal extension, lymph node metastases, vascular invasion, distant metastases, and tumours at high risk of structural disease recurrence. Univariate analysis was used to compare the probability of aggressive thyroid features between the first and third study phases. The study was registered on ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT05178186.Findings Data from 157 centres (n=49 countries) on 87 467 patients who underwent surgery for benign and malignant thyroid disease were collected, of whom 22 974 patients (18 052 [78 center dot 6%] female patients and 4922 [21 center dot 4%] male patients) received surgery for indeterminate thyroid nodules. We observed a significant reduction in surgery for indeterminate thyroid nodules during the pandemic escalation phase (median monthly surgeries per centre, 1 center dot 4 [IQR 0 center dot 6-3 center dot 4]) compared with the prepandemic phase (2 center dot 0 [0 center dot 9-3 center dot 7]; p<0 center dot 0001) and pandemic decrease phase (2 center dot 3 [1 center dot 0-5 center dot 0]; p<0 center dot 0001). Compared with the prepandemic phase, in the pandemic decrease phase we observed an increased occurrence of thyroid tumours larger than 10 mm (2554 [69 center dot 0%] of 3704 vs 1515 [71 center dot 5%] of 2119; OR 1 center dot 1 [95% CI 1 center dot 0-1 center dot 3]; p=0 center dot 042), lymph node metastases (343 [9 center dot 3%] vs 264 [12 center dot 5%]; OR 1 center dot 4 [1 center dot 2-1 center dot 7]; p=0 center dot 0001), and tumours at high risk of structural disease recurrence (203 [5 center dot 7%] of 3584 vs 155 [7 center dot 7%] of 2006; OR 1 center dot 4 [1 center dot 1-1 center dot 7]; p=0 center dot 0039).Interpretation Our study suggests that the reduction in surgical activity for indeterminate thyroid nodules during the COVID-19 pandemic period could have led to an increased occurrence of aggressive thyroid tumours. However, other compelling hypotheses, including increased selection of patients with aggressive malignancies during this period, should be considered. We suggest that surgery for indeterminate thyroid nodules should no longer be postponed even in future instances of pandemic escalation.Funding None.Copyright (c) 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Relative contributions of crust and mantle to generation of Campanian high-K calc-alkaline I-type granitoids in a subduction setting, with special reference to the Harsit Pluton, Eastern Turkey

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    We present elemental and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic data for the magmatic suite (similar to 79 Ma) of the Harsit pluton, from the Eastern Pontides (NE Turkey), with the aim of determining its magma source and geodynamic evolution. The pluton comprises granite, granodiorite, tonalite and minor diorite (SiO(2) = 59.43-76.95 wt%), with only minor gabbroic diorite mafic microgranular enclaves in composition (SiO(2) = 54.95-56.32 wt%), and exhibits low Mg# (<46). All samples show a high-K calc-alkaline differentiation trend and I-type features. The chondrite-normalized REE patterns are fractionated [(La/Yb)(n) = 2.40-12.44] and display weak Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.30-0.76). The rocks are characterized by enrichment of LILE and depletion of HFSE. The Harsit host rocks have weak concave-upward REE patterns, suggesting that amphibole and garnet played a significant role in their generation during magma segregation. The host rocks and their enclaves are isotopically indistinguishable. Sr-Nd isotopic data for all of the samples display I(Sr) = 0.70676-0.70708, epsilon(Nd)(79 Ma) = -4.4 to -3.3, with T(DM) = 1.09-1.36 Ga. The lead isotopic ratios are ((206)Pb/(204)pb) = 18.79-18.87, ((207)Pb/(204)Pb) = 15.59-15.61 and ((208)Pb/(204)Pb) = 38.71-38.83. These geochemical data rule out pure crustal-derived magma genesis in a post-collision extensional stage and suggest mixed-origin magma generation in a subduction setting. The melting that generated these high-K granitoidic rocks may have resulted from the upper Cretaceous subduction of the Izmir-Ankara-Erzincan oceanic slab beneath the Eurasian block in the region. The back-arc extensional events would have caused melting of the enriched subcontinental lithospheric mantle and formed mafic magma. The underplating of the lower crust by mafic magmas would have played a significant role in the generation of high-K magma. Thus, a thermal anomaly induced by underplated basic magma into a hot crust would have caused partial melting in the lower part of the crust. In this scenario, the lithospheric mantle-derived basaltic melt first mixed with granitic magma of crustal origin at depth. Then, the melts, which subsequently underwent a fractional crystallization and crustal assimilation processes, could ascend to shallower crustal levels to generate a variety of rock types ranging from diorite to granite. Sr-Nd isotope modeling shows that the generation of these magmas involved similar to 65-75% of the lower crustal-derived melt and similar to 25-35% of subcontinental lithospheric mantle. Further, geochemical data and the Ar-Ar plateau age on hornblende, combined with regional studies, imply that the Harsit pluton formed in a subduction setting and that the back-arc extensional period started by least similar to 79 Ma in the Eastern Pontides.Geochemistry & GeophysicsMineralogySCI(E)33ARTICLE4467-48716

    The use of Brazilian vegetable oils in nanoemulsions: an update on preparation and biological applications

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    ABSTRACT Vegetable oils present important pharmacological properties, which gained ground in the pharmaceutical field. Its encapsulation in nanoemulsions is considered a promising strategy to facilitate the applicability of these natural compounds and to potentiate the actions. These formulations offer several advantages for topical and systemic delivery of cosmetic and pharmaceutical agents including controlled droplet size, protection of the vegetable oil to photo, thermal and volatilization instability and ability to dissolve and stabilize lipophilic drugs. For these reasons, the aim of this review is to report on some characteristics, preparation methods, applications and especially analyze recent research available in the literature concerning the use of vegetable oils with therapeutic characteristics as lipid core in nanoemulsions, specially from Brazilian flora, such as babassu (Orbignya oleifera), aroeira (Schinus molle L.), andiroba (Carapa guaianiensis), casca-de-anta (Drimys brasiliensis Miers), sucupira (Pterodon emarginatus Vogel) and carqueja doce (Stenachaenium megapotamicum) oils

    Plasma apelin-12 levels may predict in-hospital major adverse cardiac events in ST-elevation myocardial infarction and the relationship between apelin-12 and the neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio in patients undergoing primary coronary intervention

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    PubMedID: 27770057Objective: We aimed to investigate the compliance of plasma apelin-12 levels to show angiographic properties and hospital MACE in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Material and Methods: The association of apelin-12 levels with the N/L ratio on admission was assessed in 170 consecutive patients with primary STEMI undergoing primary PCI. All patient SYNTAX scores and thrombolysis in myocardial infarction (TIMI) flow grades were also assessed. Patients were divided into two groups according to their TIMI flow grade. Patients with a TIMI 0-2 flow and TIMI 3 flow with grade 0/1 myocardial blush grade (MBG) score were defined as the no-reflow group and patients with TIMI grade 3 flow with ?2 MBG were considered as the normal flow group. Results: Baseline apelin-12 levels were significantly lower in the no-reflow group than in the normal flow group (3.3±1.81 vs 6.2±1.74, p<0.001). In-hospital events, including death, myocardial infarction (MI) and re-infarction were significantly higher in patients in the no-reflow group than normal flow group (23% vs 7%, p<0.001). Apelin-12 level was negative correlated with the N/L ratio (r= -0.352, p<0.001), Hs-Crp (r=-0.272, p=0.01) and SYNTAX score (r= -0.246, p=0.029). In the multivariate regression analysis, apelin-12, presence of no-reflow and the SYNTAX score were independent predictors of in-hospital MACE (odds ratio [OR] 1.41, 95% confidence interval (CI) [1.27 to 1.67], p=0.001 for apelin-12, OR 1.085, [0.981 to 1.203], p<0.001 for no-reflow and OR 0.201, 95% CI [0.05 to 0.47], p= 0.004 for SYNTAX score). Conclusion: We have shown that lower apelin-12 level on admission is associated with higher SYNTAX scores and no-reflow phenomenon and may be used as a prognostic marker for hospital MACE in patients with STEMI. © The Author(s) 2016


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    Objective: To assess the efficacy of vestibular rehabilitation exercises on patients with chronic unilateral vestibular dysfunction.Design: Prospective study.Setting: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinic and Otolaryngology Clinic of a tertiary referral hospital.Subjects: One-hundred and twenty-five patients with unilateral chronic vestibular dysfunction were included in the study.Interventions: Eight-week, two-staged (clinic and home) vestibular rehabilitation programme with components of Cawthorne-Cooksey and Norre exercises was applied.Main outcome measures: Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI) and visual analogue scale (VAS) were completed three times (at the beginning, end of the second week and end of the treatment).Results: Data for 112 patients in the first stage and 93 patients in the second stage were evaluated because of insufficient compliance of the other patients. The mean DHI score was decreased from 50.42 +/- 24.12 points to 21.21 +/- 15.97 points (p < 0.001) at the end of first two weeks, and to 19.93 &PLUSMN; 19.33 points at the end of the whole treatment. The mean VAS score was decreased from 5.87 &PLUSMN; 2.27 to 2.02 &PLUSMN; 1.75 (p < 0.001) at the end of second week, and to 1.51 +/- 1.29 at the end of eighth week. In respect to both VAS and DHI scores, improvement was noted in 67 patients (77.4%). Age, gender and disability level had no predictive value about therapy outcome.Conclusions: There was a fast recovery in the supervised exercise session, whereas there was no significant difference in the home exercise session. These findings suggest that either supervised exercise is better than home exercise or that 10 supervised sessions are sufficient to get the end result.C1 Pamukkale Univ, Sch Med, Dept Phys Med & Rehabil, Denizli, Turkey.Pamukkale Univ, Sch Med, Dept Otolaryngol, Denizli, Turkey