5,416 research outputs found

    Meson Mixing and Dilepton Production in Heavy Ion Collisions

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    We study the possibility of ρ−a0\rho-a_0 mixing via N-N excitations in dense nuclear matter. This mixing is found to induce a peak in the dilepton spectra at an invariant mass equal to that of the a0a_0. We calculate the cross section for dilepton production through mixing and we compare its size with that of π−π\pi-\pi annihilation. In-medium masses and mixing angles are also calculated. Some preliminary results of the mixing effect on the dilepton production rates at finite temperature are also presented.Comment: To be published in the proceedings of CIPANP 200

    Squeezing lepton pairs out of broken symmetries

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    We discuss two possible signatures of symmetry breaking that can appear in dilepton spectra, as measured in relativistic heavy ion collisions. The first involves scalar-vector meson mixing and is related to the breaking of Lorentz symmetry by a hot medium. The second is related to the breaking of Furry's theorem by a charged quark-gluon plasma. Those signals will be accessible to upcoming measurements to be performed at the GSI, RHIC, and the LHC.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, talk given at the INPC 2001 (International Conference on Nuclear Physics), 30 July - 3 August 2001, Berkeley, C

    Aspects of meson properties in dense nuclear matter

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    We investigate the modification of meson spectral densities in dense nuclear matter at zero temperature. These effects are studied in a fully relativistic mean field model which goes beyond the linear density approximation and also includes baryon resonances. In particular, the role of N*(1520) and N*(1720) on the rho meson spectral density is highlighted. Even though the nucleon-nucleon loop and the nucleon-resonance loop contribute with the opposite sign, an overall reduction of rho meson mass is still observed at high density. Importantly, it is shown that the resonances cause substantial broadening of the rho meson spectral density in matter and also induces non-trivial momentum dependence. The spectral density of the a0 meson is also shown. We study the dispersion relations and collective oscillations induced by the rho meson propagation in nuclear matter together with the influence of the mixing of rho with the a0 meson. The relevant expression for the plasma frequency is also recovered analytically in the appropriate limit.Comment: 19 pages, 17 figure

    Simulacija porarizacijskih mjerenja u elektrotvorbi kaona Monte Carlo metodom

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    Kaon electro-production experiments with polarized electron beam are planed at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Virginia, USA) in order to complete the information on polarization response functions for the kaon electro-production reactions. The experiment uses the self analyzing property of the Λ recoil. The scattered electrons will be detected in coincidence with the kaons and the decay protons. This paper presents the simulation of this experiment which takes into account the spectrometer acceptances, multiple scattering and radiative corrections. The phase space distribution of the decay protons in the Λ center-of-mass system are generated in order to extract information on the polarization on the three directions. An experimental test with an unpolarized beam has been performed to estimate the efficiency of the method.U Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Virginia, USA) predlaĆŸu se mjerenja elektrotvorbi s polariziranim elektronima radi cjelovitosti podataka o polarizacijskim funkcijama odziva u elektrotvorbi kaona. Mjerenje rabi samoanalizacijsko svojstvo odboja Λ čestice. RasprĆĄeni elektroni opaĆŸat će se sudesno s kaonima i protonima. Ovaj rad predstavlja simulaciju tog eksperimenta u kojoj se uzimaju u obzir prihvati spektrometara, viĆĄestruko rasprĆĄenje i radijativne popravke. Izvodi se fazna raspodjela protona u centru mase Λ čestice radi dobivanja podataka o polarizaciji u trima smjerovima. Mjerenjem pomoću nepolariziranog snopa ocijenili smo učinkovitost metode

    Planetary nebulae and stellar kinematics in the flattened elliptical galaxy NGC 1344

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    We present photometric and kinematic information obtained by measuring 197 planetary nebulae (PNs) discovered in the flattened Fornax elliptical galaxy NGC 1344 (also known as NGC 1340) with an on-band, off-band, grism + on-band filter technique. We build the PN luminosity function (PNLF) and use it to derive a distance modulus m-M=31.4, slightly smaller than, but in good agreement with, the surface brightness fluctuation distance. The PNLF also provides an estimate of the specific PN formation rate: 6x10^-12 PNs per year per solar luminosity. Combining the positional information from the on-band image with PN positions measured on the grism + on-band image, we can measure the radial velocities of 195 PNs, some of them distant more than 3 effective radii from the center of NGC 1344. We complement this data set with stellar kinematics derived from integrated spectra along the major and minor axes, and parallel to the major axis of NGC 1344. The line-of-sight velocity dispersion profile indicates the presence of a dark matter halo around this galaxy.Comment: 45 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Semiclassical evolution of the spectral curve in the normal random matrix ensemble as Whitham hierarchy

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    We continue the analysis of the spectral curve of the normal random matrix ensemble, introduced in an earlier paper. Evolution of the full quantum curve is given in terms of compatibility equations of independent flows. The semiclassical limit of these flows is expressed through canonical differential forms of the spectral curve. We also prove that the semiclassical limit of the evolution equations is equivalent to Whitham hierarchy.Comment: 14 page

    The effects of meson mixing on dilepton spectra

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    The effect of scalar and vector meson mixing on the dilepton radiation from hot and dense hadronic matter is estimated in different isospin channels. In particular, we study the effect of σ\sigma-ω\omega and ρ−a0\rho-a_0 mixing and calculate the corresponding rates. Effects are found to be significant compared to standard π\pi-π\pi and KK-Kˉ{\bar K} annihilations. While the mixing in the isoscalar channel mostly gives a contribution in the invariant mass range between the two-pion threshold and the ω\omega peak, the isovector channel mixing induces an additional peak just below that of the ϕ\phi. Experimentally, the dilepton signals from ρ\rho-a0a_0 mixing seem to be more tractable than those from σ\sigma-ω\omega mixing.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Signatures of accretion events in the halos of early-type galaxies from comparing PNe and GCs kinematics

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    We have compared the halo kinematics traced by globular clusters (GCs) and planetary nebulae (PNe) for two elliptical galaxies in the Fornax and Virgo clusters NGC 1399 and NGC 4649, and for the merger remnant NGC 5128 (Centaurus A). We find differences in the rotational properties of the PN, red GC, and blue GC systems in all these three galaxies. NGC 1399 PNe and GCs show line of sight velocity distributions in specific regions that are significantly different, based on Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests. The PN system shows multi-spin components, with nearly opposite direction of rotation in the inner and the outer parts. The GCs velocity field is not point-symmetric in the outer regions of the galaxy, indicating that the system has not reached dynamical equilibrium yet. In NGC 4649 PNe, red and blue GCs have different rotation axes and rotational velocities. Finally, in NGC 5128 both PNe and GCs deviate from equilibrium in the outer regions of the galaxy, and in the inner regions the PN system is rotationally supported, whereas the GC system is dominated by velocity dispersion. The observed different kinematic properties, including deviations from point-symmetry, between PNe and GCs suggest that these systems are accreted at different times by the host galaxy, and the most recent accretion took place only few Gyr ago.We discuss two scenarios which may explain some of these differences: i) tidal stripping of loosely-bound GCs, and ii) multiple accretion of low luminosity and dwarf galaxies. Because these two mechanisms affect mostly the GC system, differences with the PNe kinematics can be expected.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS. This new version contains an improved analysis, which includes the study of point-symmetry in the velocity fields and its implications for dynamical equilibriu

    Concentric double hollow grid cathode discharges

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    A new cathode system, consisting of two concentric spherical hollow grids with two aligned orifices, is investigated by space-resolved Langmuir probe measurements and non-linear dynamics analysis. Negative biases of this spherical hollow grids arrangement lead to the formation of two complex space charge structures in the regions of the orifices. The overall dynamics of the current-voltage characteristic (I–V characteristic) of each discharge is characterized by strong oscillatory behaviour with various waveforms correlated with jumps in the static I–V characteristics. Space-resolved measurements through the two aligned orifices of the two grids show a peak increase of the electron temperature and particle density in the regions of the two space-charge structures. The effects of the biases and Ar pressure on the overall spatial distribution of all plasma parameters are investigated. Two important working points of the concentric double hollow grid cathode discharges are revealed which could make this configuration suitable as an electron source
