Simulacija porarizacijskih mjerenja u elektrotvorbi kaona Monte Carlo metodom


Kaon electro-production experiments with polarized electron beam are planed at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Virginia, USA) in order to complete the information on polarization response functions for the kaon electro-production reactions. The experiment uses the self analyzing property of the Λ recoil. The scattered electrons will be detected in coincidence with the kaons and the decay protons. This paper presents the simulation of this experiment which takes into account the spectrometer acceptances, multiple scattering and radiative corrections. The phase space distribution of the decay protons in the Λ center-of-mass system are generated in order to extract information on the polarization on the three directions. An experimental test with an unpolarized beam has been performed to estimate the efficiency of the method.U Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Virginia, USA) predlažu se mjerenja elektrotvorbi s polariziranim elektronima radi cjelovitosti podataka o polarizacijskim funkcijama odziva u elektrotvorbi kaona. Mjerenje rabi samoanalizacijsko svojstvo odboja Λ čestice. Raspršeni elektroni opažat će se sudesno s kaonima i protonima. Ovaj rad predstavlja simulaciju tog eksperimenta u kojoj se uzimaju u obzir prihvati spektrometara, višestruko raspršenje i radijativne popravke. Izvodi se fazna raspodjela protona u centru mase Λ čestice radi dobivanja podataka o polarizaciji u trima smjerovima. Mjerenjem pomoću nepolariziranog snopa ocijenili smo učinkovitost metode

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