458 research outputs found

    Study of the Integration of Disabled Students With Difficulties in Training

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    The article reflects the experience of the support center for the disabled students at the Ural State University. The study investigates the attitudes of groups of students and teachers toward the integration of students with disabilities. The success of this academic program requires the integration of populations fromdifferent backgrounds. The main factors for the success of the program are the staff and the students. These two factors participate in creating a supportive learning atmosphere. This study observes the attitudes of faculty members (teachers) and students toward the students with disabilities. The study examines their contribution to the program, development of the social and educational climate in terms of this unique and challenging population’s ability to independently perform in an academic environment. The process of integration of students with disabilities into higher education informs the subject of integration in general, and therefore the attitudes of those taking part in the integration. The improvement of this process is the key to itssuccess. The results of the research can be used to create educational programs for teachers and to organize courses for university students. Keywords: the students with disabilities, professional education, tutor support center for disable peopl

    Educational and professional strategy for students in the uninterrupted education system

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    В статье автором рассмотрено создание условий для выбора обучающимся своей образовательной и профессиональной траектории в системе непрерывного образования при переходе на Федеральные государственные образовательные стандарты нового поколения.In the article the author considers a creation of conditions for students to help them to make a choice of their own educational and professional strategy in the uninterrupted education system at transition to Federal state educational standards of new generation

    The structural factor of regional economic stability in Russia during the coronacrisis period

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    Relevance. The coronavirus pandemic has lead to one of the most serious crises in the global economy. The significant disparities between Russian regions influenced the levels of morbidity and their strategies of containing the crisis.Research objective. The aim of this paper is to identify the factors of regional development which, during the pandemic and in the post-pandemic period, affected and will affect the economic stability of Russian regions.Materials and Methods. The research is based on the Rosstat data, industry reviews, materials from analytical and consulting firms, Russian and international research literature. The research methodology is based on the structuralist approach and the provisions of the new structural economics put forward by J. Lin. The methods of comparative, statistical, and structural analysis were also used.Results. The most significant factors in regional economic development are the structure of the economy and the quality of public administration at the national and regional levels. The high-tech sector in the structure of a regional economy plays a pivotal role in ensuring its stability in the times of crisis. The study shows the need for a transition to independent national value chains. It is also necessary to develop a long-term national strategy aimed at stimulating the structural transformation of regional economies.Conclusions. The study has demonstrated the importance of the two key factors in shaping the regions’ responses to the pandemic and the speed of their recovery – the structure of regional economy and the role of the government. These factors should be taken into account by the Strategy of the State Regional Industrial Policy

    Modelling Interregional Cooperation in the Real Sector of the Russian Economy

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    oai:ojs2.amazoniainvestiga.info:article/15The article substantiates the relevance of spatial development for Russian regions. The authors emphasize the importance of industrial cooperation for socio-economic and industrial development. The paper describes an empirical study of interregional relations of 10 subjects of Russia within the Ural and Volga Federal Districts, previously called the “Big Ural”. The article reveals the potential for interregional interaction using the spatial econometrics method. The results obtained lead to the conclusion that the most durable and effective interregional industrial cooperation is achieved with a cluster system of cooperation. The study shows that the development of interregional cooperation in a real economy requires the development of a unified economic policy based on the regions' competitive advantages.En el artículo se justifica la actualidad de los problemas del desarrollo espacial de las subdivisiones de Rusia. Se indicada la importancia de la cooperación productiva para el desarrollo social y económico e industrial. Los vínculos interregionales de 10 subdivisiones de Rusia que forman parte de los distritos federales de Ural y Volga, anteriormente llamados “Gran Ural”, se investigan empíricamente. En base del método de econometría espacial, el artículo identifica las capacidades de interacción de las regiones. Los resultados permiten concluir que la interacción interregional más eficaz y a largo plazo en el contexto de la industria se logra mediante el sistema de cooperación en conglomerados. El estudio muestra que para el desarrollo de la interacción interregional en el sector real de la economía es necesario desarrollar una política económica unificada que tenga en cuenta las ventajas competitivas comparativas de las regiones.В статье обоснована актуальность проблем пространственного развития субъектов России. Отмечена значимость производственной кооперации для социально-экономического и промышленного развития. Эмпирически исследованы межрегиональные связи 10 субъектов России, входящих в Уральский и Приволжский федеральные округа, ранее называемые “Большой Урал”. На основе метода пространственной эконометрики в статье выявлены возможности взаимодействия регионов. Полученные результаты позволяют сделать вывод, что наиболее долгосрочное и эффективное межрегиональное взаимодействие в области промышленности достигается при кластерной системе кооперации. В исследовании показано, что для развития межрегионального взаимодействие в реальном секторе экономики необходима разработка единой экономической политики, учитывающая сравнительные конкурентные преимущества регионов


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    The  method  of  expansion  of  set  of  analyzing  frequencies  with  digital  filters,  based  on  frequency selection, was suggested. The way of increasing of measurement precision using this class of filters was investigated.  The  conformal  generalization  of  structure  of  filters  based  on  frequency  selection  and  the standard nonrecursive comb filter are the base of this method. This method can be used in different fields of research where the task of determination of hide periodicities is actual.Предложен метод расширения множества анализируемых частот цифровыми фильтрами на основе частотной выборки. Рассмотрен способ повышения точности измерения этим классом фильтров спектров сигналов. В основе предложенного подхода лежит согласованное обобщение структур фильтров на основе частотной выборки и стандартного нерекурсивного гребенчатого фильтра. Предложенный метод может найти широкое применение при решении задач выявления скрытых периодичностей

    Positively Correlated miRNA-miRNA Regulatory Networks in Mouse Frontal Cortex During Early Stages of Alcohol Dependence

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    Although the study of gene regulation via the action of specific microRNAs (miRNAs) has experienced a boom in recent years, the analysis of genome-wide interaction networks among miRNAs and respective targeted mRNAs has lagged behind. MicroRNAs simultaneously target many transcripts and fine-tune the expression of genes through cooperative/combinatorial targeting. Therefore, they have a large regulatory potential that could widely impact development and progression of diseases, as well as contribute unpredicted collateral effects due to their natural, pathophysiological, or treatment-induced modulation. We support the viewpoint that whole mirnome-transcriptome interaction analysis is required to better understand the mechanisms and potential consequences of miRNA regulation and/or deregulation in relevant biological models. In this study, we tested the hypotheses that ethanol consumption induces changes in miRNA-mRNA interaction networks in the mouse frontal cortex and that some of the changes observed in the mouse are equivalent to changes in similar brain regions from human alcoholics. Results: miRNA-mRNA interaction networks responding to ethanol insult were identified by differential expression analysis and weighted gene coexpression network analysis (WGCNA). Important pathways (coexpressed modular networks detected by WGCNA) and hub genes central to the neuronal response to ethanol are highlighted, as well as key miRNAs that regulate these processes and therefore represent potential therapeutic targets for treating alcohol addiction. Importantly, we discovered a conserved signature of changing miRNAs between ethanol-treated mice and human alcoholics, which provides a valuable tool for future biomarker/diagnostic studies in humans. We report positively correlated miRNA-mRNA expression networks that suggest an adaptive, targeted miRNA response due to binge ethanol drinking. Conclusions: This study provides new evidence for the role of miRNA regulation in brain homeostasis and sheds new light on current understanding of the development of alcohol dependence. To our knowledge this is the first report that activated expression of miRNAs correlates with activated expression of mRNAs rather than with mRNA downregulation in an in vivo model. We speculate that early activation of miRNAs designed to limit the effects of alcohol-induced genes may be an essential adaptive response during disease progression.NIAAA 5R01AA012404, 5P20AA017838, 5U01AA013520, P01AA020683, 5T32AA007471-24/25Waggoner Center for Alcohol and Addiction Researc

    Tools for setting up the personnel labor motivation system: a review of research by Russian scientists and practitioners

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    This paper provides an overview of modern theoretical and practical approaches to the systems of motivation and stimulation of the work of the personnel. The main focus is on the works of Russian researchers within the last decade. The relevance of this study is due to the lack of such reviews in scientific sources, as well as the possible comparison of the achievements of theory and practice in order to create an effective system of staff labor motivation. The purpose of this study is to analyze modern approaches in theory and practice to the content of labor motivation and incentive systems, the mechanism of labor motivation and the selection of the most effective “tools for tuning” the system of labor motivation and incentives. The research methods used in this study include analysis, systematization and generalization of the published approaches of researchers and practitioners, including copyright research, for the period from 2012 to 2020, presented in academic journals and monographic sources. The results of the study were systematized by the authors in three areas of analysis: models and systems of motivation and incentives for personnel and the composition of their elements; approaches to studying mechanisms of motivation and stimulation of labor, guiding the labor behavior of employees; experience of a differentiated approach to managing labor motivation. Systematization and generalization of the approaches made it possible to single out the “tuning tools” of the system of motivation and stimulation of labor and to define the concept. Moreover, it helped to compile the list of such tools, including: monitoring the need-motivational sphere and job satisfaction, studying the dynamics of the employee’s motivational profiles for making and changing management decisions; application of a flexible incentive system, taking into account the differentiation of incentives by gender, age, length of service, job positions of personnel in the company; providing an employee with a choice of a compensation package from the enterprise’s cafeteria. These customization tools guide managers towards a targeted approach to personnel, combining the efforts of management at different levels to align labor motivation with the strategic goals of the company. The authors argue that a timely use and alternation of the tools for setting up and tuning the labor motivation system, focusing on the urgent needs of personnel, allows to change the company’s motivational strategy creating sustainable competitive advantages which are necessary in modern economic realities

    The use of OLAP-technology analysis of the international logistics system

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    В данной статье рассмотрено применение OLAP-технологии международной логистической системе на основе данных компании. Рассчитаны статистические данные услуг грузоперевозчика и определены зависимости показателей деятельности компании.This article discusses the use of OLAP-technology international logistics system based on company data. Calculated statistical data service cargo carrier and determined according to the activities of the company

    Formalization of OLAP-cubes and relational databases with the algebra of sets

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    Mathematical formalization of OLAP-cubes is developed. Dimensions of cube and Cartesian products are supplied with an algebra of sets and measure. These sets are involved in queries. Operations projection and cross section are consistent with the algebra of dimension. Relational connections between dimensions realized with the help of index maps on the works of these dimensions. We introduce three types of index maps to the dimension corresponding to the three types of relational ties. It is shown that the relational database is an OLAP-cube with the corresponding index maps, and can be written by one formula. As an example the analytical processing of the questionnairesПредлагается математическая формализация OLAP-кубов, в которой размерности куба и их декартовые произведения снабжаются алгеброй подмножеств и мерой. Эти множества участвуют в запросах. Операции проекции и сечения согласуются с алгебрами размерностей. Реляционные связи между размерностями реализуются с помощью индексных отображений на произведениях этих размерностей. Вводятся три типа индексных отображений на размерности, соответствующие трем типам реляционных связей. Показано, что реляционная база данных является OLAP-кубом с соответствующими индексными отображениями и может быть записана одной формулой. В качестве примера рассматривается аналитическая обработка анкет

    To question the quality of higher education

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    In the period of formation of new requirements to the system of higher education related to the digital economy, it is necessary to take a fresh look at the problem of the quality of Russian higher education. The quality of education each of its participants (state, society, institution of higher education, the individual) has its own requirements. The most popular audience of education are students of higher education institutions, so it is important to identify their opinion about the current state of higher education.В период формирования новых требований к системе высшего образования, связанных с цифровой экономикой, необходимо по-новому взглянуть на проблему качества российского высшего образования. К качеству образования каждый из его участников (государство, общество, учреждение высшего образования, индивид) предъявляет свои требования. К наиболее массовой аудитории образования относятся студенты учреждений высшего образования, поэтому так важно выявить их мнение о современном состоянии высшего образования