943 research outputs found


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    У статті обґрунтовано нормативну динамічну модель оцінювання ефективності інвестиційної діяльності недержавних пенсійних фондів та побудовано інтегральний коефіцієнт ефективності інвестиційної діяльності. (In the article it is justified the normative dynamic model of evaluating the investment performance of private pension funds and it is built the integral investment performance gain.

    Morphological properties of underwater soils of river deltas

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    The results of the study of the morphological properties of underwater soils in the deltas of the Volga, Don and Kuban rivers are shown. This paper is based on field descriptions of profiles of underwater soils found in deltas. Genetic horizons have been identified, their basic properties (pH, Eh, electrical conductivity, grain size composition, organic carbon content) have been studied and the main types of soils, which are formed under different types of sedimentation and under different types of aquatic vegetation, have been described. Names of horizons and types of soils are given due to the classification of underwater soils (aquazems) of the Volga delta, that had been proposed previously. The diversity of underwater soils of three deltas has been studied, and the properties of the same soil types formed in different deltas have been compared. The features of underwater soils formation are described; the difference between the factors of underwater and terrestrial soil formation is discussed. It is shown that the number of occurring soil types depends on the diversity of the emerging types of aquatic landscapes and the contrast of the conditions of migration and accumulation of matter. Necessary conditions for the forming of underwater soils and the possibility of relating bottom sediments to soil formations are discussed. Our results are indicative of the need of studying bottom sediments with soil-like profile from the standpoint of soil science and the inclusion of aquazems into the modern Russian soil classification

    Effects of Sequence Disorder on DNA Looping and Cyclization

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    Effects of sequence disorder on looping and cyclization of the double-stranded DNA are studied theoretically. Both random intrinsic curvature and inhomogeneous bending rigidity are found to result in a remarkably wide distribution of cyclization probabilities. For short DNA segments, the range of the distribution reaches several orders of magnitude for even completely random sequences. The ensemble averaged values of the cyclization probability are also calculated, and the connection to the recent experiments is discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, LaTeX; accepted to Physical Review E; v2: a substantially revised version; v3: references added, conclusions expanded, minor editorial corrections to the text; v4: a substantially revised and expanded version (total number of pages doubled); v5: new Figure 4, captions expanded, minor editorial improvements to the tex

    Influence of the modifying agent nano-powder of nickel on basic electrophysical characteristics of polyvinylidene fluoride

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    Results of the study of temperature-frequency relationships of dielectric permittivity and dielectric loss tangent, electric strength and permolecular structure of polyvinylidene fluoride, modified nano-powder of nickel are presented in this paper. It was shown that load nano-particles of nickel in polyvinylidene fluoride lead to change of structure and electrophysical characteristics one

    The effect of anthracene derivatives on the state of the extracellular matrix of the periodontal connective tissue and the oral mucosa of old rats

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    In the experiments on 27 old female rats, the effect of the anthracene derivative preparation on the state of the intercellular matrix of the connective tissue of the periodontal and oral mucosa in intact animals, as well as on the periodontitis model, was studied


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    За результатами дослідження українських юнаків серед внутрішньо переміщених осіб (ВПО) виявлено, що перспективи позитивної адаптації особистості тим сприятливіші, чим вищі індекси продуктивних копінг-стратегій і чим більше задіяні копінг-ресурси поведінки подолання стресу. Доведено, що переважна більшість ВПО мають обмежений спектр копінг-стратегій і ресурсів стресоподолання, низькі показники рефлексії і осмислення життя, суперечливу модель інтернального контролю, що стосується відповідальності, звернену до минулого, поряд із високою ситуативною тривожністю. Продемонстровано, що травма вимушеної міграції негативно впливає на всі компоненти «позитивної» адаптації ВПО за винятком копінгів сімейних ситуацій.В соответствии с результатами исследований украинских юношей среди  внутренне  перемещенных  лиц  (ВПЛ)  выяснено,  что  перспективы  позитивной адаптации личности тем благоприятнее, чем выше индексы конструктивных копинг-стратегий и чем больше задействовано ресурсов совладания со стрессом. Доказано, что ВПЛ имеют ограниченный спектр копинг-стратегий и ресурсов совладания, низкие показатели рефлексии и осмысленности жизни, противоречивую модель  интернального  контроля  в  области  отвественности,  обращенную  в  прошлое, наряду  с  высокой  ситуативной  тревожностью.  Продемонстрировано,  что  травма вынужденной  миграции  негативно  изменяет  все  компоненты  «положительной» адаптации ВПЛ за исключением копингов семейных ситуаций.Background. In the psychological sense coping is de?ned as the spectrum of overcoming activity – from unconscious psychological defense to conscious and purposeful overcoming of dif?cult or stressful life-situations (R. Lazarus & P. Folkman, P. Spilberg, D. Terry, P. Teylor, L. Burlachuk & O. Korzhova, K. Muzdibaev, S. Nartova-Bochaver, T. Tytarenko); the process of “positive” successful adaptation to new cultural environment or post-stress growth (K. Oberg, M. Seligman). Factor approach is basic for this study. The objective of this study was to investigate positive and negative factors which in?uence the speci?cs of coping behavior and coping-strategies as adaptative strategies of the Ukrainian forced migrant male youth male in comparison with young adult male non-migrants who do not have the stress of forced internal moving experience. Method. A quasi-experimental design for non-equivalent groups singled out on the basis of their coping strategies and coping resources, estimated by the scales COPE by C.S. Carver, CRIS by K.B. Matheny et al. was chosen. The data was clastered with K-averages.  The  groups  were  analyzed  according  to  t-Student’s,  r-Pearson’s  criteria against the characteristics measured by the battery of questionnairs LSC by J.B. Rotter, Purpose-in-Life Test by J. Crumbaugh & L. Maholick, SA & TA by C.D. Spilberger, EPQ by H. Eysenck, FPI by Friberg psychoanalytical group, re?ection index as plural cognitive-emotional score by A.V. Karpov. All scales and questionnairs are adapted by Russian and Ukrainian authors.Sample. 110 adolescent male participants, 50 Ukrainian forced migrants and 60 non-migrants, aged 17 – 22.Results. Adolescent forced migrant males demonstrated restricted potential to use their coping resources and as a result low level of positive adaptation or post-stress growth, they also scored lower in re?ection index, the sense of purpose-in-life, internal locus of control (which appeared to be directed towards the past) and were higher in the anxiety score.Conclusions. The major research ?nding is that a forces mirgant’s prospects of positive adaption or post-stress growth appear to be more favorable in case of high indices of productive cоping-strategies, and the more the cоping-strategies and cоping-resources to be used. It was also shown too that the forced migration trauma negatively changes all components of forced male migrants’ “positive” adaptation except copings in family situations


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    Among the whole set of financial institutions that operate in the global financial market, multinational banks are in the lead. The purpose of the article is a scientific reflection on the classification features of the bank capital, its detailed description by way of the capital calculation and on this basis and the improvement of the compositional representation of the transnational bank capital.The main classification features of the bank capital are systematized. The scientific analysis of the division of the bank capital depending on the method of calculation and critical description of its types, namely, balance, market, regulatory and economic capital is presented. The constituent elements of the regulatory capital according to Basel III and the main requirements according to Basel III regulatory capital standards are determined. It is proved that the concept of economic capital is aimed at determining the bank's own capital, sufficient to cover not only expected but also unexpected risks, while the regulatory capital is intended to cover only expected risks. The economic capital, in contrast to the regulatory, covers a wider range of risks.The component composition of the transnational bank capital is established and the differences between own, borrowed and mezzanine capital are substantiated. The classification of types of the transnational bank capital has been improved by allocating, in addition to existing ones, such classification features and types of capital as: by ownership (private, collective, state, international organizations, other states, legal entities of foreign states); by sources of formation (own, borrowed, borrowed, hybrid); by appointment (regulatory, economic, risk capital, canned, counter-cyclical, systemic); by the level of analysis (microeconomic, mesoeconomic, national, transnational, global); by engagement in banking activities (activated, immobilized, potential). The proposed classification allows to systematize the various types of the transnational bank capital and take into account the specifics of a particular type of the capital in the development of strategic and tactical measures of international expansion.Систематизированы основные классификационные признаки банковского капитала. Осуществлен научный анализ разделения банковского капитала в зависимости от способа расчета и представлена критическая характеристика его видов, а именно балансового, рыночного, регулятивного и экономического капитала. Определен компонентный состав транснационального банковского капитала и обоснованы различия между собственным, заемным и мезонинным капиталом. Предложена интерпретация композиционных составляющих признаков транснационального банковского капитала за счет выделения, дополнительно к существующим, авторских классификационных признаков и видов капитала. Это позволит учитывать специфику того или иного вида капитала при разработке стратегических и тактических мероприятий международной экспансии банковского капитала.Систематизовано основні класифікаційні ознаки банківського капіталу. Здійснено науковий аналіз поділу банківського капіталу залежно від способу розрахунку і представлено критичну характеристику його видів, а саме балансового, ринкового, регулятивного та економічного капіталів. Установлено компонентний склад транснаціонального банківського капіталу та обґрунтовано відмінності між власним, позиченим і мезонінним капіталом. Запропоновано інтерпретацію композиційних складових ознак транснаціонального банківського капіталу за рахунок виділення, додатково до наявних, авторських класифікаційних ознак та видів капіталу. Це дозволить ураховувати специфіку того чи іншого виду капіталу при розробленні стратегічних і тактичних заходів міжнародної експансії банківського капіталу

    Determination of Safety Indicators in the Developed Muffins with Non-traditional Raw Materials

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    The aim of research is studying the effect of unconventional raw materials (buckwheat, oatmeal, rye, corn, milk whey, skimmed milk powder, propolis, flower pollen, bean powder, sesame oil, pumpkin seed oil, walnut oil, walnut kernels, candied fruit mixes (apple-cherry fruits of bilberries, natural honey with floral pollen, natural honey with propolis) for the quality and safety of new muffins. The article analyzes the results of the study of the quality and safety indicators of muffins of improved composition, manufactured using non-traditional raw materials. For the preparation of new types of muffins, part of the wheat flour was replaced with buckwheat, corn, oat, milk whey, skimmed milk powder and additives of vegetable origin. Margarine has been replaced by vegetable oils. It has been established that flour confectionery products have high organoleptic properties. From the physico-chemical parameters, the mass fraction of total sugar was determined, which ranged from 28.17 % to 33.07 %, the mass fraction of fat – 16.2–20.66 %, the mass fraction of moisture – 18.0–22.0, mass fraction of ash – 0.03–1.3 %, alkalinity – 0.03–1.8°, the content of toxic elements (copper, zinc, lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury) and microbiological indicators were also determined. Based on the data obtained as a research result, the expediency of using non-traditional raw materials to expand the range of flour confectionery products, in particular muffins is substantiated

    Excitation spectroscopy of vortex lattices in a rotating Bose-Einstein condensate

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    Excitation spectroscopy of vortex lattices in rotating Bose-Einstein condensates is described. We numerically obtain the Bogoliubov-deGenne quasiparticle excitations for a broad range of energies and analyze them in the context of the complex dynamics of the system. Our work is carried out in a regime in which standard hydrodynamic assumptions do not hold, and includes features not readily contained within existing treatments.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Submitted for publicatio

    Cardio-and Neuroprotective Effects of Corvitin and 2-Oxoglutarate in Rats with Pituitrin-Isoproterenol-Induced Myocardial Damage

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    Heart diseases, especially acute coronary syndrome (ACS), are among the most severe illnesses that often lead to death. Despitesignificant advances in the prevention and treatment of ACS, the incidence of the disease and its complications are very serious. +eimbalance between pro- and antioxidant systems, the formation of active carbonyl compounds, and the end products of glycation inthe blood and tissues are the key moments in the development of heart and neurological disorders leading to a change of behavioralresponses. So, the search for antioxidants with cardio- and neuroprotective effects is an urgent task. +is study was aimed atevaluating the effects of Corvitin and 2-oxoglutarate on physiological parameters, heart histology, and markers of carbonyl/oxidativestress of rats with pituitrin-isoproterenol-induced myocardial damage (PIMD). Increased sweating, tachycardia, significantly decreasedlocomotor and exploratory activity, changes of ECG, heart histology, and biochemical changes were observed in the PIMDgroup.+e administration of Corvitin or 2-OG led to the recovery of locomotor and cognitive activities of the rats, improvement inheart histology, a decrease in the levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, advanced glycated end products, and variouschanges in the activity of the antioxidant enzymes, 6 days after PIMD. So, Corvitin and exogenous 2-OG show cardio- andneuroprotective effects through the decrease of carbonyl/oxidative stress and regulation of the activity of the antioxidant system