3,038 research outputs found

    An experimental manipulation of life-history trajectories and resistance to oxidative stress.

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    Optimal investment into life-history traits depends on the environmental conditions that organisms are likely to experience during their life. Evolutionary theory tells us that optimal investment in reproduction versus maintenance is likely to shape the pattern of age-associated decline in performance, also known as aging. The currency that is traded against different vital functions is, however, still debated. Here, we took advantage of a phenotypic manipulation of individual quality in early life to explore (1) long-term consequences on life-history trajectories, and (2) the possible physiological mechanism underlying the life-history adjustments. We manipulated phenotypic quality of a cohort of captive zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) by assigning breeding pairs to either an enlarged or a reduced brood. Nestlings raised in enlarged broods were in poorer condition than nestlings raised in reduced broods. Interestingly, the effect of environmental conditions experienced during early life extended to the age at first reproduction. Birds from enlarged broods delayed reproduction. Birds that delayed reproduction produced less offspring but lived longer, although neither fecundity nor longevity were directly affected by the experimental brood size. Using the framework of the life-table response experiment modeling, we also explored the effect of early environmental condition on population growth rate and aging. Birds raised in reduced broods tended to have a higher population growth rate, and a steeper decrease of reproductive value with age than birds reared in enlarged broods. Metabolic resources necessary to fight off the damaging effect of reactive oxygen species (ROS) could be the mechanism underlying the observed results, as (1) birds that engaged in a higher number of breeding events had a weaker red blood cell resistance to oxidative stress, (2) red blood cell resistance to oxidative stress predicted short-term mortality (but not longevity), and (3) was related with a parabolic function to age. Overall, these results highlight that early condition can have long-term effects on life-history trajectories by affecting key life-history traits such as age at first reproduction, and suggest that the trade-off between reproduction and self-maintenance might be mediated by the cumulative deleterious effect of ROS

    Chemical and dynamical processes in the mesospheric emissive layer. First results of stereoscopic observations

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    [1] The mesospheric emissive layer is an efficient tracer of the dynamical processes propagating in the atmosphere at that level. CCD images in the near infrared taken from the ground at slant angles often reveal the existence of wavy fields. A series of such images has been transformed, using matrix operations, producing a downward satellite-type view that covers a circular area of radius ∼1000 km at the altitude of the layer. The Fourier characteristics of the wave system are measured using a Morlet-type wavelet generator function with horizontal wavelengths of mostly ∼20–40 km and 100–150 km and temporal periods of ∼15–30 min. An oxygen-hydrogen model is used to evaluate the response of the emissive layer to a progressive density wave. The altitude of the layer is modulated with an amplitude of ∼0.8–1.8 km when a density wave propagates vertically. The layer thickness is slightly modulated and is equal to ∼7 km. Stereoscopic pairs of photographs taken simultaneously on 8–9 September 2000 at the Château-Renard and Pic du Midi observatories are used to obtain surface maps of the emission layer barycenter altitude. A stereocorrelation method suitable for low contrast objects without discrete contours is employed. Preliminary results for areas ∼50 × 50 km2 are presented. The surface maps of the layer barycenter altitude depict the existence of waves. They show the same wavy structure and compare favorably with the maps showing the emission intensity

    Changing concepts in plant hormone action

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    Summary: A plant hormone is not, in the classic animal sense, a chemical synthesized in one organ, transported to a second organ to exert a chemical action to control a physiological event. Any phytohormone can be synthesized everywhere and can influence different growth and development processes at different places. The concept of physiological activity under hormonal control cannot be dissociated from changes in concentrations at the site of action, from spatial differences and changes in the tissue's sensitivity to the compound, from its transport and its metabolism, from balances and interactions with the other phytohormones, or in their metabolic relationships, and in their signaling pathways as well. Secondary messengers are also involved. Hormonal involvement in physiological processes can appear through several distinct manifestations (as environmental sensors, homeostatic regulators and spatio-temporal synchronizers, resource allocators, biotime adjusters, etc.), dependent on or integrated with the primary biochemical pathways. The time has also passed for the hypothesized ‘specific' developmental hormones, rhizocaline, canlocaline, and florigen: root, stem, and flower formation result from a sequential control of specific events at the right places through a coordinated control by electrical signals, the known phytohormones and nonspecific molecules of primary and secondary metabolism, and involve both cytoplasmic and apoplastic compartments. These contemporary views are examined in this revie

    The impact of population-based faecal occult blood test screening on colorectal cancer mortality:a matched cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Randomised trials show reduced colorectal cancer (CRC) mortality with faecal occult blood testing (FOBT). This outcome is now examined in a routine, population-based, screening programme. METHODS: Three biennial rounds of the UK CRC screening pilot were completed in Scotland (2000–2007) before the roll out of a national programme. All residents (50–69 years) in the three pilot Health Boards were invited for screening. They received a FOBT test by post to complete at home and return for analysis. Positive tests were followed up with colonoscopy. Controls, selected from non-pilot Health Boards, were matched by age, gender, and deprivation and assigned the invitation date of matched invitee. Follow-up was from invitation date to 31 December 2009 or date of death if earlier. RESULTS: There were 379 655 people in each group (median age 55.6 years, 51.6% male). Participation was 60.6%. There were 961 (0.25%) CRC deaths in invitees, 1056 (0.28%) in controls, rate ratio (RR) 0.90 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.83–0.99) overall and 0.73 (95% CI 0.65–0.82) for participants. Non-participants had increased CRC mortality compared with controls, RR 1.21 (95% CI 1.06–1.38). CONCLUSION: There was a 10% relative reduction in CRC mortality in a routine screening programme, rising to 27% in participants

    Fronto-Temporal Disconnection Within the Presence Hallucination Network in Psychotic Patients With Passivity Experiences.

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    Psychosis, characterized by hallucinations and delusions, is a common feature of psychiatric disease, especially schizophrenia. One prominent theory posits that psychosis is driven by abnormal sensorimotor predictions leading to the misattribution of self-related events. This misattribution has been linked to passivity experiences (PE), such as loss of agency and, more recently, to presence hallucinations (PH), defined as the conscious experience of the presence of an alien agent while no person is actually present. PH has been observed in schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, and neurological patients with brain lesions and, recently, the brain mechanisms of PH (PH-network) have been determined comprising bilateral posterior middle temporal gyrus (pMTG), inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), and ventral premotor cortex (vPMC). Given that the experience of an alien agent is a common feature of PE, we here analyzed the functional connectivity within the PH-network in psychotic patients with (N = 39) vs without PE (N = 26). We observed reduced fronto-temporal functional connectivity in patients with PE compared to patients without PE between the right pMTG and the right and left IFG of the PH-network. Moreover, when seeding from these altered regions, we observed specific alterations with brain regions commonly linked to auditory-verbal hallucinations (such as Heschl's gyrus). The present connectivity findings within the PH-network extend the disconnection hypothesis for hallucinations to the specific case of PH and associates the PH-network with key brain regions for frequent psychotic symptoms such as auditory-verbal hallucinations, showing that PH are relevant to the study of the brain mechanisms of psychosis and PE

    The novel mTOR inhibitor RAD001 (Everolimus) induces antiproliferative effects in human pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor cells

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    Background/Aim: Tumors exhibiting constitutively activated PI(3) K/Akt/mTOR signaling are hypersensitive to mTOR inhibitors such as RAD001 (everolimus) which is presently being investigated in clinical phase II trials in various tumor entities, including neuroendocrine tumors (NETs). However, no preclinical data about the effects of RAD001 on NET cells have been published. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the effects of RAD001 on BON cells, a human pancreatic NET cell line that exhibits constitutively activated PI(3) K/Akt/mTOR signaling. Methods: BON cells were treated with different concentrations of RAD001 to analyze its effect on cell growth using proliferation assays. Apoptosis was examined by Western blot analysis of caspase-3/PARP cleavage and by FACS analysis of DNA fragmentation. Results: RAD001 potently inhibited BON cell growth in a dose-dependent manner which was dependent on the serum concentration in the medium. RAD001-induced growth inhibition involved G0/G1-phase arrest as well as induction of apoptosis. Conclusion: In summary, our data demonstrate antiproliferative and apoptotic effects of RAD001 in NET cells in vitro supporting its clinical use in current phase II trials in NET patients. Copyright (c) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Colorectal cancer after a negative Haemoccult II® test and programme sensitivity after a first round of screening: the experience of the Department of Calvados (France)

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    Colorectal cancers emerging after a negative Haemoccult II® are described in the context of a first round of mass screening in the Department of Calvados (France), from April 1991 to the end of December 1994. People with a cancer occurring after a negative test until 31 December 1995 were identified by a local cancer registry. Incidence was calculated and the programme sensitivity was estimated. The incidence of cancer emerging after a negative test was 57.7 per 100 000, i.e. half of the calculated incidence in the reference group (141.6 per 100 000). These cancers did not differ from those of either the non-responder or reference groups, in particular for the stage of extension. The programme sensitivity was globally higher than that estimated in European trials: 77.2, 66.3 and 55.9%, 1, 2 and 3 years after the test respectively. Programme sensitivity was higher for distal colon cancer 1 year after the test, which is probably due to the relatively slow growth of this subsite. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Insight into the Assembly Properties and Functional Organisation of the Magnetotactic Bacterial Actin-like Homolog, MamK

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    Magnetotactic bacteria (MTB) synthesize magnetosomes, which are intracellular vesicles comprising a magnetic particle. A series of magnetosomes arrange themselves in chains to form a magnetic dipole that enables the cell to orient itself along the Earth’s magnetic field. MamK, an actin-like homolog of MreB has been identified as a central component in this organisation. Gene deletion, fluorescence microscopy and in vitro studies have yielded mechanistic differences in the filament assembly of MamK with other bacterial cytoskeletal proteins within the cell. With little or no information on the structural and behavioural characteristics of MamK outside the cell, the mamK gene from Magnetospirillium gryphiswaldense was cloned and expressed to better understand the differences in the cytoskeletal properties with its bacterial homologues MreB and acitin. Despite the low sequence identity shared between MamK and MreB (22%) and actin (18%), the behaviour of MamK monitored by light scattering broadly mirrored that of its bacterial cousin MreB primarily in terms of its pH, salt, divalent metal-ion and temperature dependency. The broad size variability of MamK filaments revealed by light scattering studies was supported by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) imaging. Filament morphology however, indicated that MamK conformed to linearly orientated filaments that appeared to be distinctly dissimilar compared to MreB suggesting functional differences between these homologues. The presence of a nucleotide binding domain common to actin-like proteins was demonstrated by its ability to function both as an ATPase and GTPase. Circular dichroism and structural homology modelling showed that MamK adopts a protein fold that is consistent with the ‘classical’ actin family architecture but with notable structural differences within the smaller domains, the active site region and the overall surface electrostatic potential