1,024 research outputs found

    Accurate Spitzer infrared radius measurement for the hot Neptune GJ 436b

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    We present Spitzer Space Telescope infrared photometry of a primary transit of the hot Neptune GJ 436b. The observations were obtained using the 8 microns band of the InfraRed Array Camera (IRAC). The high accuracy of the transit data and the weak limb-darkening in the 8 microns IRAC band allow us to derive (assuming M = 0.44 +- 0.04 Msun for the primary) a precise value for the planetary radius (4.19 +0.21-0.16 Rearth), the stellar radius (0.463 +0.022-0.017 Rsun), the orbital inclination (85.90 +0.19-0.18 degrees) and transit timing (2454280.78186 +0.00015-0.00008 HJD). Assuming current planet models, an internal structure similar to that of Neptune with a small H/He envelope is necessary to account for the measured radius of GJ 436b.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A on 21/07/2007; 5 pages, 3 figure

    Characterization of the hot Neptune GJ 436b with Spitzer and ground-based observations

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    We present Spitzer Space Telescope infrared photometry of a secondary eclipse of the hot Neptune GJ436b. The observations were obtained using the 8-micron band of the InfraRed Array Camera (IRAC). The data spanning the predicted time of secondary eclipse show a clear flux decrement with the expected shape and duration. The observed eclipse depth of 0.58 mmag allows us to estimate a blackbody brightness temperature of T_p = 717 +- 35 K at 8 microns. We compare this infrared flux measurement to a model of the planetary thermal emission, and show that this model reproduces properly the observed flux decrement. The timing of the secondary eclipse confirms the non-zero orbital eccentricity of the planet, while also increasing its precision (e = 0.14 +- 0.01). Additional new spectroscopic and photometric observations allow us to estimate the rotational period of the star and to assess the potential presence of another planet.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A on 11/09/2007; 7 pages, 6 figure

    HAZMAT VI: The Evolution of Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation Emitted from Early M Star

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    Quantifying the evolution of stellar extreme ultraviolet (EUV, 100 -- 1000 A\overset{\circ}{A}) emission is critical for assessing the evolution of planetary atmospheres and the habitability of M dwarf systems. Previous studies from the HAbitable Zones and M dwarf Activity across Time (HAZMAT) program showed the far- and near-UV (FUV, NUV) emission from M stars at various stages of a stellar lifetime through photometric measurements from the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX). The results revealed increased levels of short-wavelength emission that remain elevated for hundreds of millions of years. The trend for EUV flux as a function of age could not be determined empirically because absorption by the interstellar medium prevents access to the EUV wavelengths for the vast majority of stars. In this paper, we model the evolution of EUV flux from early M stars to address this observational gap. We present synthetic spectra spanning EUV to infrared wavelengths of 0.4 ±\pm 0.05 M_{\odot} stars at five distinct ages between 10 and 5000 Myr, computed with the PHOENIX atmosphere code and guided by the GALEX photometry. We model a range of EUV fluxes spanning two orders of magnitude, consistent with the observed spread in X-ray, FUV, and NUV flux at each epoch. Our results show that the stellar EUV emission from young M stars is 100 times stronger than field age M stars, and decreases as t1^{-1} after remaining constant for a few hundred million years. This decline stems from changes in the chromospheric temperature structure, which steadily shifts outward with time. Our models reconstruct the full spectrally and temporally resolved history of an M star's UV radiation, including the unobservable EUV radiation, which drives planetary atmospheric escape, directly impacting a planet's potential for habitability.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figures, accepted to Ap

    Tunable Magnonic Frequency and Damping in [Co/Pd]8 Multilayers with Variable Co Layer Thickness

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    We report the experimental observation of collective picosecond magnetization dynamics in [Co/Pd]8 multilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. The precession frequency shows large and systematic variation from about 5 GHz to about 90 GHz with the decrease in the Co layer thickness from 1.0 nm to 0.22 nm due to the linear increase in the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. The damping coefficient 'alpha' is found to be inversely proportional to the Co layer thickness and a linear relation between the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and 'alpha' is established. We discuss the possible reasons behind the enhanced damping as the d-d hybridization at the interface and spin pumping. These observations are significant for the applications of these materials in spintronics and magnonic crystals

    Proposal for a standard micromagnetic problem: spin wave dispersion in a magnonic waveguide

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    In this paper, we propose a standard micromagnetic problem, of a nanostripe of permalloy. We study the magnetization dynamics and describe methods of extracting features from simulations. Spin wave dispersion curves, relating frequency and wave vector, are obtained for wave propagation in different directions relative to the axis of the waveguide and the external applied field. Simulation results using both finite element (Nmag) and finite difference (OOMMF) methods are compared against analytic results, for different ranges of the wave vector

    Current Population Statistics Do Not Favor Photoevaporation over Core-Powered Mass Loss as the Dominant Cause of the Exoplanet Radius Gap

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    We search for evidence of the cause of the exoplanet radius gap, i.e. the dearth of planets with radii near 1.8 R1.8\ R_\oplus. If the cause was photoevaporation, the radius gap should trend with proxies for the early-life high-energy emission of planet-hosting stars. If, alternatively, the cause was core-powered mass loss, no such trends should exist. Critically, spurious trends between the radius gap and stellar properties arise from an underlying correlation with instellation. After accounting for this underlying correlation, we find no trends remain between the radius gap and stellar mass or present-day stellar activity as measured by near-UV emission. We dismiss the nondetection of a radius gap trend with near-UV emission because present-day near-UV emission is unlikely to trace early-life high-energy emission, but we provide a catalog of GALEX near-UV and far-UV emission measurements for general use. We interpret the nondetection of a radius gap trend with stellar mass by simulating photoevaporation with mass-dependent evolution of stellar high-energy emission. The simulation produces an undetectable trend between the radius gap and stellar mass under realistic sources of error. We conclude that no evidence, from this analysis or others in the literature, currently exists that clearly favors either photoevaporation or core powered mass loss as the primary cause of the exoplanet radius gap. However, repeating this analysis once the body of well-characterized <4 R< 4\ R_\oplus planets has roughly doubled could confirm or rule out photoevaporation.Comment: 27 pages, 32 figures, accepted to Ap

    Estimates of electronic interaction parameters for LaMMO3_3 compounds (MM=Ti-Ni) from ab-initio approaches

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    We have analyzed the ab-initio local density approximation band structure calculations for the family of perovskite oxides, LaMMO3_3 with MM=Ti-Ni within a parametrized nearest neighbor tight-binding model and extracted various interaction strengths. We study the systematics in these interaction parameters across the transition metal series and discuss the relevance of these in a many-body description of these oxides. The results obtained here compare well with estimates of these parameters obtained via analysis of electron spectroscopic results in conjunction with the Anderson impurity model. The dependence of the hopping interaction strength, t, is found to be approximately r3r^{-3}.Comment: 18 pages; 1 tex file+9 postscript files (appeared in Phys Rev B Oct 15,1996

    Static and dynamic magnetic properties of densely packed magnetic nanowire arrays

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    PublishedJournal ArticleThe static and dynamic magnetic properties of magnetic nanowire arrays with high packing density (>0.4) and wire diameter much greater than the exchange length have been studied by static and time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect measurements and micromagnetic simulations. The nanowires were formed by electrodeposition within a nanoporous template such that their symmetry axes lay normal to the plane of the substrate. A quantitative and systematic investigation has been made of the static and dynamic properties of the array, which lie between the limiting cases of a single wire and a continuous ferromagnetic thin film. In particular, the competition between anisotropies associated with the shape of the individual nanowires and that of the array as a whole has been studied. Measured and simulated hysteresis loops are largely anhysteretic with zero remanence, and the micromagnetic configuration is such that the net magnetization vanishes in directions orthogonal to the applied field. Simulations of the remanent state reveal antiferromagnetic alignment of the magnetization in adjacent nanowires and the formation of vortex flux closure structures at the ends of each nanowire. The excitation spectra obtained from experiment and micromagnetic simulations are in qualitative agreement for magnetic fields applied both parallel and perpendicular to the axes of the nanowires. For the field parallel to the nanowire axes, there is also good quantitative agreement between experiment and simulation. The resonant frequencies are initially found to decrease as the applied field is increased from remanence. This is the result of a change of mode profile within the plane of the array from nonuniform to uniform as the ground state evolves with increasing applied field. Quantitative differences between experimental and simulated spectra are observed when the field is applied perpendicular to the nanowire axes. The dependence of the magnetic excitation spectra upon the array packing density is explored, and dispersion curves for spin waves propagating within the array parallel to the nanowire axis are presented. Finally, a tunneling of end modes through the middle region of the nanowires was observed. The tunneling is more efficient for wires forming densely packed arrays, as a result of the extended penetration of the dynamic demagnetizing fields into the middle of the wires and due to the lowering of the tunneling barrier by the static demagnetizing field of the array. © 2013 American Physical Society.The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of V.-A. Antohe and S. Tuilard with sample fabrication and M. Dvornik, M. Franchin, and H. Fangohr with micromagnetic simulations. The financial support from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under Grant Agreements No. 212257 MASTER (fabrication and experiment) and No. 233552 DYNAMAG (simulations) is gratefully acknowledged. We also gratefully acknowledge financial support from a UKIERI-DST standard research award (Grants No. SA 07-021 and No. DST/INT/UKIERI/SA/P- 2/2008) for travel between S. N. B. N. C. B. S., India, and the University of Exeter, United Kingdom. Finally, V.V.K. gratefully acknowledges funding received from the U.K. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Project No. EP/E055087/1