1,354 research outputs found

    Spermatogenesis and sertoli cell activity in mice lacking Sertoli cell receptors for follicle stimulating hormone and androgen

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    Spermatogenesis in the adult male depends on the action of FSH and androgen. Ablation of either hormone has deleterious effects on Sertoli cell function and the progression of germ cells through spermatogenesis. In this study we generated mice lacking both FSH receptors (FSHRKO) and androgen receptors on the Sertoli cell (SCARKO) to examine how FSH and androgen combine to regulate Sertoli cell function and spermatogenesis. Sertoli cell number in FSHRKO-SCARKO mice was reduced by about 50% but was not significantly different from FSHRKO mice. In contrast, total germ cell number in FSHRKO-SCARKO mice was reduced to 2% of control mice (and 20% of SCARKO mice) due to a failure to progress beyond early meiosis. Measurement of Sertoli cell-specific transcript levels showed that about a third were independent of hormonal action on the Sertoli cell, whereas others were predominantly androgen dependent or showed redundant control by FSH and androgen. Results show that FSH and androgen act through redundant, additive, and synergistic regulation of spermatogenesis and Sertoli cell activity. In addition, the Sertoli cell retains a significant capacity for activity, which is independent of direct hormonal regulation

    Evolution of the Hemifused Intermediate on the Pathway to Membrane Fusion

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    AbstractThe pathway to membrane fusion in synthetic and biological systems is thought to pass through hemifusion, in which the outer leaflets are fused while the inner leaflets engage in a hemifusion diaphragm (HD). Fusion has been proposed to be completed by lysis of the expanded HD that matures from a localized stalklike initial connection. However, the process that establishes the expanded HD is poorly understood. Here we mathematically modeled hemifusion of synthetic vesicles, where hemifusion and fusion are most commonly driven by calcium and membrane tension. The model shows that evolution of the hemifused state is driven by these agents and resisted by interleaflet frictional and tensile stresses. Predicted HD growth rates depend on tension and salt concentration, and agree quantitatively with experimental measurements. For typical conditions, we predict that HDs expand at ∼30 μm2/s, reaching a final equilibrium area ∼7% of the vesicle area. Key model outputs are the evolving HD tension and area during the growth transient, properties that may determine whether HD lysis occurs. Applying the model to numerous published experimental studies that reported fusion, our results are consistent with a final fusion step in which the HD ruptures due to super-lysis HD membrane tensions

    Dynamical Interactions and the Black Hole Merger Rate of the Universe

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    Binary black holes can form efficiently in dense young stellar clusters, such as the progenitors of globular clusters, via a combination of gravitational segregation and cluster evaporation. We use simple analytic arguments supported by detailed N-body simulations to determine how frequently black holes born in a single stellar cluster should form binaries, be ejected from the cluster, and merge through the emission of gravitational radiation. We then convolve this ``transfer function'' relating cluster formation to black hole mergers with (i) the distribution of observed cluster masses and (ii) the star formation history of the universe, assuming that a significant fraction gcl of star formation occurs in clusters and that a significant fraction gcand of clusters undergo this segregation and evaporation process. We predict future ground--based gravitational wave (GW) detectors could observe ~500 (gcl/0.5) (gcand/0.1) double black hole mergers per year, and the presently operating LIGO interferometer would have a chance (50%) at detecting a merger during its first full year of science data. More realistically, advanced LIGO and similar next-generation gravitational wave observatories provide unique opportunities to constrain otherwise inaccessible properties of clusters formed in the early universe.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. To appear in PRD Rapid Communication

    Sunn Hemp as an Alternative Forage in the Texas High Plains Region

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    Forage production in the Texas High Plains, a semi-arid region, is critical to sustain the local cattle industry. However, the main source of water for irrigation is the highly depleted Ogallala Aquifer, making forage crop water productivity (CWP) of high importance. In this one-year study, three types of forages were cultivated under deficit irrigation treatments of 80% and 50% of full crop water use. The forages were: a non-brown midrib forage sorghum; a legume, sunn hemp; and a sorghum/sunn hemp mix. The experiment was conducted in Bushland, Texas in 2019. Treatment plots were arranged in a split plot design with four replications under a 6-span variable rate irrigation center pivot sprinkler. Above ground biomass samples were taken by hand from a 1 m2 quadrat in each of the 24 plots on Jul 23, Aug 6 for forage analysis, and on Aug 19 to assess biomass yield and CWP. Crude protein was significantly higher at the first and second cuttings in the sunn hemp monocrop, but not significantly different between irrigation levels. The final biomass yields and CWP were similar between the sorghum (23.6 Mg ha-1) and sorghum/sunn hemp (25.1 Mg ha-1) forages, irrespective of irrigation level. The sunn hemp monocrop produced significantly lower biomass (9.75 Mg ha-1), which reduced CWP

    Non-Equilibrium in Adsorbed Polymer Layers

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    High molecular weight polymer solutions have a powerful tendency to deposit adsorbed layers when exposed to even mildly attractive surfaces. The equilibrium properties of these dense interfacial layers have been extensively studied theoretically. A large body of experimental evidence, however, indicates that non-equilibrium effects are dominant whenever monomer-surface sticking energies are somewhat larger than kT, a common case. Polymer relaxation kinetics within the layer are then severely retarded, leading to non-equilibrium layers whose structure and dynamics depend on adsorption kinetics and layer ageing. Here we review experimental and theoretical work exploring these non-equilibrium effects, with emphasis on recent developments. The discussion addresses the structure and dynamics in non-equilibrium polymer layers adsorbed from dilute polymer solutions and from polymer melts and more concentrated solutions. Two distinct classes of behaviour arise, depending on whether physisorption or chemisorption is involved. A given adsorbed chain belonging to the layer has a certain fraction of its monomers bound to the surface, f, and the remainder belonging to loops making bulk excursions. A natural classification scheme for layers adsorbed from solution is the distribution of single chain f values, P(f), which may hold the key to quantifying the degree of irreversibility in adsorbed polymer layers. Here we calculate P(f) for equilibrium layers; we find its form is very different to the theoretical P(f) for non-equilibrium layers which are predicted to have infinitely many statistical classes of chain. Experimental measurements of P(f) are compared to these theoretical predictions.Comment: 29 pages, Submitted to J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Host Galaxies Catalog Used in LIGO Searches for Compact Binary Coalescence Events

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    An up-to-date catalog of nearby galaxies considered as hosts of binary compact objects is provided with complete information about sky position, distance, extinction-corrected blue luminosity and error estimates. With our current understanding of binary evolution, rates of formation and coalescence for binary compact objects scale with massive-star formation and hence the (extinction-corrected) blue luminosity of host galaxies. Coalescence events in binary compact objects are among the most promising gravitational-wave sources for ground-based gravitational-wave detectors such as LIGO. Our catalog and associated error estimates are important for the interpretation of analyses, carried out for LIGO, to constrain the rates of compact binary coalescence, given an astrophysical population model for the sources considered. We discuss how the notion of effective distance, created to account for the antenna pattern of a gravitational-wave detector, must be used in conjunction with our catalog. We note that the catalog provided can be used on other astronomical analysis of populations that scale with galaxy blue luminosity.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figures, Accepted to Astrophysical Journal. To appear in March 20 2008 Astrophysical Journa

    PAH Exposure

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    A Single Amino Acid Substitution Makes WNK4 Susceptible to SB 203580 and SB 202190

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    Regulation of the SLC12 family of membrane transporters including NCCT involves a scaffold of interacting proteins including the STE 20 kinase SPAK and the WNK kinases, WNK 1 and WNK 4, which are mutated in the hypertensive syndrome of pseudohypoaldosteronism type 2 (PHAII). WNK4 regulates NCCT by affecting forward trafficking to the surface membrane. Studies in Xenopus using kinase dead WNK4 site mutants have produced inconsistent results with regard to the necessity of kinase function for NCCT regulation. Dynamic inhibition of WNK4 by small molecules may bring clarity to this issue however WNK4 is naturally resistant to commercial MAP kinase inhibitors owing to steric constraints prohibiting entry of small molecules to the active site. Using an approach similar to that used in p38 and ERK, we show that a single substitution in WNK4 (T261G) dramatically enhances its susceptibility to the inhibitors SB 202190 and SB 203580

    Irreversibility and Polymer Adsorption

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    Physisorption or chemisorption from dilute polymer solutions often entails irreversible polymer-surface bonding. We present a theory of the non-equilibrium layers which result. While the density profile and loop distribution are the same as for equilibrium layers, the final layer comprises a tightly bound inner part plus an outer part whose chains make only fN surface contacts where N is chain length. The contact fractions f follow a broad distribution, P(f) ~ f^{-4/5}, in rather close agreement with strong physisorption experiments [H. M. Schneider et al, Langmuir v.12, p.994 (1996)].Comment: 4 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Identifying Advantages and Disadvantages of Variable Rate Irrigation – An Updated Review

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    Variable rate irrigation (VRI) sprinklers on mechanical move irrigation systems (center pivot or lateral move) have been commercially available since 2004. Although the number of VRI, zone or individual sprinkler, systems adopted to date is lower than expected there is a continued interest to harness this technology, especially when climate variability, regulatory nutrient management, water conservation policies, and declining water for agriculture compound the challenges involved for irrigated crop production. This article reviews the potential advantages and potential disadvantages of VRI technology for moving sprinklers, provides updated examples on such aspects, suggests a protocol for designing and implementing VRI technology and reports on the recent advancements. The advantages of VRI technology are demonstrated in the areas of agronomic improvement, greater economic returns, environmental protection and risk management, while the main drawbacks to VRI technology include the complexity to successfully implement the technology and the lack of evidence that it assures better performance in net profit or water savings. Although advances have been made in VRI technologies, its penetration into the market will continue to depend on tangible and perceived benefits by producers
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