757 research outputs found

    High efficiency gaseous tracking detector for cosmic muon radiography

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    A tracking detector system has been constructed with an innovative approach to the classical multi-wire proportional chamber concept, using contemporary technologies. The detectors, covering an area of 0.58 square meters each, are optimized for the application of muon radiography. The main features are high (>99.5%) and uniform detection efficiency, 9 mm FWHM position resolution, filling gas consumption below 2 liters per hour for the non toxic, non flammable argon and carbon dioxide mixture. These parameters, along with the simplicity of the construction and the tolerance for mechanical effects, make the detectors to be a viable option for a large area muography observation system.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figure

    NövelhetƑ-e a csƑd-elƑrejelzƑ modellek elƑre jelzƑ kĂ©pessĂ©ge az Ășj klasszifikĂĄciĂłs mĂłdszerek nĂ©lkĂŒl?

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    A BĂĄzel–2. tƑkeegyezmĂ©ny bevezetĂ©sĂ©t követƑen a bankok Ă©s hitelintĂ©zetek MagyarorszĂĄgon is megkezdtĂ©k sajĂĄt belsƑ minƑsĂ­tƑ rendszereik felĂ©pĂ­tĂ©sĂ©t, melyek karbantartĂĄsa Ă©s fejlesztĂ©se folyamatos feladat. A szerzƑ arra a kĂ©rdĂ©sre keres vĂĄlaszt, hogy lehetsĂ©ges-e a csƑd-elƑrejelzƑ modellek elƑre jelzƑ kĂ©pessĂ©gĂ©t növelnia hagyomĂĄnyos matematikai-statisztikai mĂłdszerek alkalmazĂĄsĂĄval oly mĂłdon, hogy a modellekbe a pĂ©nzĂŒgyi mutatĂłszĂĄmok idƑbeli vĂĄltozĂĄsĂĄnak mĂ©rtĂ©kĂ©t is beĂ©pĂ­tjĂŒk. Az empirikus kutatĂĄsi eredmĂ©nyek arra engednek következtetni, hogy a hazai vĂĄllalkozĂĄsok pĂ©nzĂŒgyi mutatĂłszĂĄmainak idƑbeli alakulĂĄsa fontos informĂĄciĂłt hordoz a vĂĄllalkozĂĄs jövƑbeli fizetƑkĂ©pessĂ©gĂ©rƑl, mivel azok felhasznĂĄlĂĄsa jelentƑsen növeli a csƑdmodellek elƑre jelzƑ kĂ©pessĂ©gĂ©t. A szerzƑ azt is megvizsgĂĄlja, hogy javĂ­tja-e a megfigyelĂ©sek szĂ©lsƑsĂ©gesen magas vagy alacsony Ă©rtĂ©keinek modellezĂ©s elƑtti korrekciĂłja a modellek klasszifikĂĄciĂłs teljesĂ­tmĂ©nyĂ©t. Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kĂłd: C52, C53, G33

    Stock Ă©s flow tĂ­pusĂș szĂĄmviteli adatok alkalmazĂĄsa a csƑdelƑrejelzƑ modellekben

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    A vĂĄllalatok hitelkockĂĄzatĂĄnak megĂ­tĂ©lĂ©sĂ©t szolgĂĄlĂł scoring modellekben ĂĄltalĂĄnosan elterjedt a szĂĄmviteli adatok alapjĂĄn kalkulĂĄlt hĂĄnyados tĂ­pusĂș pĂ©nzĂŒgyi mutatĂłszĂĄmok alkalmazĂĄsa. E vĂĄltozĂłk körĂ©ben azonban vannak olyanok, amelyek mĂ©rlegtĂ©teleket (mint stock tĂ­pusĂș adatokat) Ă©s eredmĂ©nykimutatĂĄsbĂłl vett Ă©rtĂ©keket (mint flow tĂ­pusĂș adatokat) vetnek össze. Az ilyen mutatĂłk esetĂ©n a stock tĂ­pusĂș adatokat a nyitĂł Ă©s zĂĄrĂł Ă©rtĂ©k ĂĄtlagĂĄban szĂŒksĂ©ges figyelembe venni. Ennek ellenĂ©re a tudomĂĄnyos kutatĂĄsban Ă©s a gyakorlati modellezĂ©sben is gyakori, hogy az elemzƑk a stock tĂ­pusĂș adatok vonatkozĂĄsĂĄban elmulasztjĂĄk az ĂĄtlagolĂĄst. A tanulmĂĄny azt a kĂ©rdĂ©st vizsgĂĄlja, hogy e „mulasztĂĄsnak” van-e statisztikailag mĂ©rhetƑ hatĂĄsa a modellek elƑrejelzƑ kĂ©pessĂ©gĂ©re. Az empirikus vizsgĂĄlat sorĂĄn a logisztikus regressziĂł mĂłdszerĂ©t alkalmaztam tĂ­zszeres keresztvalidĂĄciĂłval. A kutatĂĄs eredmĂ©nye arra utal, hogy az idƑszak vĂ©gi Ă©rtĂ©kek hasznĂĄlata az ĂĄtlagok helyett csak kis – a vizsgĂĄlt adathalmaz esetĂ©n egy szĂĄzalĂ©kpontnĂĄl kisebb – mĂ©rtĂ©kben csökkenti a modellek elƑrejelzƑ kĂ©pessĂ©gĂ©t a ROC-görbe alatti terĂŒletet hasznĂĄlva teljesĂ­tmĂ©nymutatĂłkĂ©nt

    Instruments of Criminal Law and Forensics in Combating Organized Crime

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    A kutatĂĄs sorĂĄn megvizsgĂĄltam a bƱnszervezetre vonatkozĂł hatĂĄlyos bĂŒntetƑjogi szabĂĄlyozĂĄst, Ă©s javaslatot tettem, hogy a bƱnszervezet fogalmĂĄban szereplƑ elemeket a PC-S-CO ĂĄltal megfogalmazott esetleges kritĂ©riumokkal kellene kiegĂ©szĂ­teni. Javaslatot tettem a hatĂ©kony felderĂ­tĂ©s Ă©s a bizonyĂ­tĂĄs Ă©rdekĂ©ben egy „EgysĂ©ges NyomozĂĄsi AdatbĂĄzis FelĂŒlet” lĂ©trehozĂĄsĂĄra. A kutatĂĄsom sorĂĄn megĂĄllapĂ­tottam, hogy a taktikai blöff helyes alkalmazĂĄsa jelentƑs szerepet kĂ©pvisel a „dominó” effektus alapjĂĄn a bƱnszervezetek elleni kĂŒzdelemben. TovĂĄbbĂĄ megĂĄllapĂ­tottam, hogy a befolyĂĄsolĂł kĂ©rdĂ©sek kĂĄros következmĂ©nyeit a szervezett bƱnözĂ©s elleni kĂŒzdelem sorĂĄn. A kutatĂĄs eredmĂ©nyekĂ©nt javaslatot tettem egy speciĂĄlis szervezet, a BƱnszervezetek Elleni Iroda (BELI) lĂ©trehozĂĄsĂĄra, amely mĂ©g hatĂ©konyabban lenne kĂ©pes eleget tenni a digitĂĄlis technikai fejlƑdĂ©s kihĂ­vĂĄsainak. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| In the research I examined the current regulations of criminal law on organized criminal groups, and made recommendations for supplementing the conceptual elements of organized crime with the possible criteria listed by the PC-S-CO. I made a proposal for establishing the “Unified Investigative Database” for the sake of efficient detection and prosecution. I concluded that the appropriate application of tactical bluff plays a significant role in the fight against organized crime due to its domino effect. Furthermore, I stated that the detrimental consequences of influential questions in combating organized crime. As one of the conclusions of the research I proposed the establishment of a special organization, the Bureau of Combating Organized Crime (BELI), which could give state-of-the-art answers to the challenges posed by the development of digital technology.In the research I examined the current regulations of criminal law on organized criminal groups, and made recommendations for supplementing the conceptual elements of organized crime with the possible criteria listed by the PC-S-CO. I made a proposal for establishing the “Unified Investigative Database” for the sake of efficient detection and prosecution. I concluded that the appropriate application of tactical bluff plays a significant role in the fight against organized crime due to its domino effect. Furthermore, I stated that the detrimental consequences of influential questions in combating organized crime. As one of the conclusions of the research I proposed the establishment of a special organization, the Bureau of Combating Organized Crime (BELI), which could give state-of-the-art answers to the challenges posed by the development of digital technology

    NövelhetƑ-e a csƑd-elƑrejelzƑ modellek elƑre jelzƑ kĂ©pessĂ©ge az Ășj klasszifikĂĄciĂłs mĂłdszerek nĂ©lkĂŒl? (Can the predictive capacity of bankruptcy forecasting models be increased without new classification methods?)

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    A BĂĄzel–2. tƑkeegyezmĂ©ny bevezetĂ©sĂ©t követƑen a bankok Ă©s hitelintĂ©zetek MagyarorszĂĄgon is megkezdtĂ©k sajĂĄt belsƑ minƑsĂ­tƑ rendszereik felĂ©pĂ­tĂ©sĂ©t, melyek karbantartĂĄsa Ă©s fejlesztĂ©se folyamatos feladat. A szerzƑ arra a kĂ©rdĂ©sre keres vĂĄlaszt, hogy lehetsĂ©ges-e a csƑd-elƑrejelzƑ modellek elƑre jelzƑ kĂ©pessĂ©gĂ©t növelni a hagyomĂĄnyos matematikai-statisztikai mĂłdszerek alkalmazĂĄsĂĄval oly mĂłdon, hogy a modellekbe a pĂ©nzĂŒgyi mutatĂłszĂĄmok idƑbeli vĂĄltozĂĄsĂĄnak mĂ©rtĂ©kĂ©t is beĂ©pĂ­tjĂŒk. Az empirikus kutatĂĄsi eredmĂ©nyek arra engednek következtetni, hogy a hazai vĂĄllalkozĂĄsok pĂ©nzĂŒgyi mutatĂłszĂĄmainak idƑbeli alakulĂĄsa fontos informĂĄciĂłt hordoz a vĂĄllalkozĂĄs jövƑbeli fizetƑkĂ©pessĂ©gĂ©rƑl, mivel azok felhasznĂĄlĂĄsa jelentƑsen növeli a csƑdmodellek elƑre jelzƑ kĂ©pessĂ©gĂ©t. A szerzƑ azt is megvizsgĂĄlja, hogy javĂ­tja-e a megfigyelĂ©sek szĂ©lsƑsĂ©gesen magas vagy alacsony Ă©rtĂ©keinek modellezĂ©s elƑtti korrekciĂłja a modellek klasszifikĂĄciĂłs teljesĂ­tmĂ©nyĂ©t. ______ Banks and lenders in Hungary also began, after the introduction of the Basel 2 capital agreement, to build up their internal rating systems, whose maintenance and development are a continuing task. The author explores whether it is possible to increase the predictive capacity of business-failure forecasting models by traditional mathematical-cum-statistical means in such a way that they incorporate the measure of change in the financial indicators over time. Empirical findings suggest that the temporal development of the financial indicators of firms in Hungary carries important information about future ability to pay, since the predictive capacity of bankruptcy forecasting models is greatly increased by using such indicators. The author also examines whether the classification performance of the models can be improved by correcting for extremely high or low values before modelling

    MesĂ©k Ă©s fejlƑdĂ©ssegĂ­tƑ feladatok az 1. Ă©s a 2. osztĂĄlyos olvasĂłkönyvekben

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    A mesĂ©ben rejlƑ lehetƑsĂ©gek Ă©s a mesĂ©knek a 4–8 Ă©ves gyermekek Ă©letĂ©ben jĂĄtszott szerepe miatt kĂ©zenfekvƑnek tƱnik, hogy a mesĂ©k alkalmazĂĄsĂĄra Ă©pĂŒlƑ mĂłdszerekkel prĂłbĂĄljuk segĂ­teni a gyermekek fejlƑdĂ©sĂ©t. MĂłdszerĂŒnk kidolgozĂĄsĂĄt megalapozandĂł, szĂŒksĂ©gesnek lĂĄttuk annak megvizsgĂĄlĂĄsĂĄt is, hogy a 4–8 Ă©ves korosztĂĄly Ă©letĂ©ben, otthon, az ĂłvodĂĄban Ă©s az iskolĂĄban hogyan jelenik meg a mese. A kĂ©rdĂ©sben valĂł tĂĄjĂ©kozĂłdĂĄshoz az iskolĂĄsok esetĂ©ben az egyik legalkalmasabb lehetƑsĂ©g a tankönyvelemzĂ©s

    Development and Micro Manufacturing of Coronary Stents in Hungary

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    Revascularisation by endovascular implant (stent) has great importance in the treatment of coronary artery diseases. Stents are high-technology implants that are the creation of the knowledge of health sciences, physics, chemistry, material science and engineering. Its development can be carried out only by the involvement of these areas of knowledge. Hungary has a stent production since 1995, which is the only one in the new EU member countries. The aim of the project that has been started within the frameworks of the National Research and Development Program, is the development of a new stent family based on the results of the material science researches have started for 10 years and the clinical and production experiences of experts, which could result an equivalent Hungarian product to the market leader products in case of several product lines. The original wire-mesh cut for those replaced welded stents made of wire later from tubes laser cutted ones. The stents are made of biocompatible materials: 316LVM stainless steel, Co-Cr alloys and nitinol. Stents made from wires are produced by weaving, or reeling and resistance projection welding. Nowadays, stents are produced mostly by high-precision laser cutting. These were large steps forward in the development of production technology, following the appearance of balloon catheters. Independently of what kind of manufacturing process is used, it has to be very precise because a connecting goal of the development is to increase the biocompatibility of the stents with surface treatment and to create a coating that is able to carry drug on the smooth surface. The paper presents the antecedents, achievements and main future objectives in micro manufacturing speciality of that special medical device, that is just before the surface treatment and coating process of the stent

    Development of coronary stents using advanced results of materials science and technology

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    Stents are high tech endovascular implants. K&M Inc. is the single Eastern European stent producer company. The market needs more biocompatible devices as the trend of the stent development all the producers have to react. The other members of a R&D consortium is research institutions deals with diamond-like and drug-eluting coatings for decade. These biocompatible coatings can avoid the metallic stent surface to directly contact to the living tissues. This way a biologically active drug connected to the surface can be delivered directly to the diseased vessel wall. The Cardiovascular Institution has the clinical facility to test the new products. This group of applicants is obliged to develop, test and put on the market the new generation biocompatible coated stents

    Neuronal and astroglial correlates underlying spatiotemporal Intrinsic Optical Signal in the rat hippocampal slice

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    Widely used for mapping afferent activated brain areas in vivo, the label-free intrinsic optical signal (IOS) is mainly ascribed to blood volume changes subsequent to glial glutamate uptake. By contrast, IOS imaged in vitro is generally attributed to neuronal and glial cell swelling, however the relative contribution of different cell types and molecular players remained largely unknown. We characterized IOS to Schaffer collateral stimulation in the rat hippocampal slice using a 464-element photodiode-array device that enables IOS monitoring at 0.6 ms time-resolution in combination with simultaneous field potential recordings. We used brief half-maximal stimuli by applying a medium intensity 50 Volt-stimulus train within 50 ms (20 Hz). IOS was primarily observed in the str. pyramidale and proximal region of the str. radiatum of the hippocampus. It was eliminated by tetrodotoxin blockade of voltage-gated Na+ channels and was significantly enhanced by suppressing inhibitory signaling with gamma-aminobutyric acid(A) receptor antagonist picrotoxin. We found that IOS was predominantly initiated by postsynaptic Glu receptor activation and progressed by the activation of astroglial Glu transporters and Mg2+-independent astroglial N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors. Under control conditions, role for neuronal K+/Cl- cotransporter KCC2, but not for glial Na+/K+/Cl- cotransporter NKCC1 was observed. Slight enhancement and inhibition of IOS through non-specific Cl- and volume-regulated anion channels, respectively, were also depicted. High-frequency IOS imaging, evoked by brief afferent stimulation in brain slices provide a new paradigm for studying mechanisms underlying IOS genesis. Major players disclosed this way imply that spatiotemporal IOS reflects glutamatergic neuronal activation and astroglial response, as observed within the hippocampus. Our model may help to better interpret in vivo IOS and support diagnosis in the future

    Dinamikus pĂ©nzĂŒgyi mutatĂłszĂĄmok alkalmazĂĄsa a csƑdelƑrejelzĂ©sben = Application of dynamic financial variables in bankruptcy prediction

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    A csƑdelƑrejelzƑ modellek a vĂĄllalkozĂĄsok jövƑbeli fizetƑkĂ©pessĂ©gĂ©t prĂłbĂĄljĂĄk elƑrejelezni objektĂ­v informĂĄciĂłk alapjĂĄn statisztikai (adatbĂĄnyĂĄszati) mĂłdszerek felhasznĂĄlĂĄsĂĄval. E modellek jellemzƑen a vĂĄllalatok pĂ©nzĂŒgyi kimutatĂĄsaibĂłl (mĂ©rleg, eredmĂ©nykimutatĂĄs) szĂĄmĂ­thatĂł hĂĄnyados tĂ­pusĂș pĂ©nzĂŒgyi mutatĂłszĂĄmokat hasznĂĄljĂĄk magyarĂĄzĂł vĂĄltozĂłkĂ©nt. A tudomĂĄnyterĂŒlet kutatĂĄsa közel 50 Ă©ves mĂșltra tekint vissza. Ennek ellenĂ©re szĂĄmos nyitott kutatĂĄsi kĂ©rdĂ©s talĂĄlhatĂł a szakirodalomban, melynek köszönhetƑen folyamatos az Ă©rdeklƑdĂ©s a tĂ©makör irĂĄnt. E kĂ©rdĂ©sek közĂŒl az egyik legrĂ©gebben ismert problĂ©ma a csƑdelƑrejelzƑ modellek statikus jellegĂ©bƑl adĂłdik. Ennek lĂ©nyege, hogy a modellek magyarĂĄzĂł vĂĄltozĂłi közt csak legaktuĂĄlisabb adatokat hasznĂĄljĂĄk fel Ă©s figyelmen kĂ­vĂŒl hagyjĂĄk a pĂ©nzĂŒgyi mutatĂłszĂĄmok idƑbeli trendjĂ©bƑl kinyerhetƑ informĂĄciĂłkat. A problĂ©ma megoldĂĄsĂĄra fƑkĂ©nt bonyolultabb mĂłdszertani megoldĂĄsok szĂŒlettek, melyek – vĂ©lhetƑen komplexitĂĄsuk miatt – nem terjedtek el ĂĄltalĂĄnosan az Ă­gĂ©retes eredmĂ©nyek ellenĂ©re sem. ÉrtekezĂ©semben arra törekedtem, hogy a modellek dinamizĂĄlĂĄsĂĄt bonyolultabb mĂłdszertani megoldĂĄsok nĂ©lkĂŒl valĂłsĂ­tsam meg. Erre a cĂ©lra egy olyan mutatĂłszĂĄmot javasoltam, amely lehetƑvĂ© teszi a pĂ©nzĂŒgyi mutatĂłk idƑbeli tendenciĂĄjĂĄnak figyelembe vĂ©telĂ©t a szakirodalomban Ă©s a gyakorlati modellezĂ©sben ĂĄltalĂĄnosan elterjedt „hagyomĂĄnyos” mĂłdszerek keretei közt. E mutatĂłszĂĄm azt tĂŒkrözi, hogyan viszonyul egy Ă©rintett vĂĄllalkozĂĄs legaktuĂĄlisabb pĂ©nzĂŒgyi mutatĂłja az adott vĂĄllalkozĂĄs azonos mutatĂłjĂĄnak korĂĄbbi Ă©vekben megfigyelt Ă©rtĂ©keihez
