29 research outputs found

    HDX and Native Mass Spectrometry Reveals the Different Structural Basis for Interaction of the Staphylococcal Pathogenicity Island Repressor Stl with Dimeric and Trimeric Phage dUTPases

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    The dUTPase enzyme family plays an essential role in maintaining the genome integrity and are represented by two distinct classes of proteins; the β-pleated homotrimeric and the all-α homodimeric dUTPases. Representatives of both trimeric and dimeric dUTPases are encoded by Staphylococcus aureus phage genomes and have been shown to interact with the Stl repressor protein of S. aureus pathogenicity island SaPIbov1. In the present work we set out to characterize the interactions between these proteins based on a range of biochemical and biophysical methods and shed light on the binding mechanism of the dimeric φNM1 phage dUTPase and Stl. Using hydrogen deuterium exchange mass spectrometry, we also characterize the protein regions involved in the dUTPase:Stl interactions. Based on these results we provide reasonable explanation for the enzyme inhibitory effect of Stl observed in both types of complexes. Our experiments reveal that Stl employs different peptide segments and stoichiometry for the two different phage dUTPases which allows us to propose a functional plasticity of Stl. The malleable character of Stl serves as a basis for the inhibition of both dimeric and trimeric dUTPases

    Highly potent dUTPase inhibition by a bacterial repressor protein reveals a novel mechanism for gene expression control

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    Transfer of phage-related pathogenicity islands of Staphylococcus aureus (SaPI-s) was recently reported to be activated by helper phage dUTPases. This is a novel function for dUTPases otherwise involved in preservation of genomic integrity by sanitizing the dNTP pool. Here we investigated the molecular mechanism of the dUTPase-induced gene expression control using direct techniques. The expression of SaPI transfer initiating proteins is repressed by proteins called Stl. We found that Φ11 helper phage dUTPase eliminates SaPIbov1 Stl binding to its cognate DNA by binding tightly to Stl protein. We also show that dUTPase enzymatic activity is strongly inhibited in the dUTPase:Stl complex and that the dUTPase:dUTP complex is inaccessible to the Stl repressor. Our results disprove the previously proposed G-protein-like mechanism of SaPI transfer activation. We propose that the transfer only occurs if dUTP is cleared from the nucleotide pool, a condition promoting genomic stability of the virulence elements

    Structure and enzymatic mechanism of a moonlighting dUTPase

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    Genome integrity requires well controlled cellular pools of nucleotides. dUTPases are responsible for regulating cellular dUTP levels and providing dUMP for dTTP biosynthesis. In Staphylococcus, phage dUTPases are also suggested to be involved in a moonlighting function regulating the expression of pathogenicity-island genes. Staphylococcal phage trimeric dUTPase sequences include a specific insertion that is not found in other organisms. Here, a 2.1 Å resolution three-dimensional structure of a [varphi]11 phage dUTPase trimer with complete localization of the phage-specific insert, which folds into a small [beta]-pleated mini-domain reaching out from the dUTPase core surface, is presented. The insert mini-domains jointly coordinate a single Mg2+ ion per trimer at the entrance to the threefold inner channel. Structural results provide an explanation for the role of Asp95, which is suggested to have functional significance in the moonlighting activity, as the metal-ion-coordinating moiety potentially involved in correct positioning of the insert. Enzyme-kinetics studies of wild-type and mutant constructs show that the insert has no major role in dUTP binding or cleavage and provide a description of the elementary steps (fast binding of substrate and release of products). In conclusion, the structural and kinetic data allow insights into both the phage-specific characteristics and the generally conserved traits of [varphi]11 phage dUTPase