363 research outputs found

    Gondolatok a határellenőrzési technológiák fejlesztési lehetőségeiről

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    Napjainkban egyre nagyobb igény fogalmazódik meg a biztonságra vonatkozóan, nincs ez másként az országha-tár védelmének esetében sem, hiszen egy ország lakosainak védelme már az első határátlépés során végrehaj-tott ellenőrzéskor megkezdődik. Az ellenőrzések végrehajtására egyre több olyan modern eszköz áll rendelke-zésre, mint az ujjlenyomat azonosítók, az arc- és test hőtérképét vizsgáló berendezések, melyekkel biztonságo-san kiszűrhetők azok a személyek, akik valamilyen módon fenyegetik az állampolgárok biztonságát. | These days, an ever increasing demand is being formulated concerning security. This is neither different in case of national border guarding matters, as protection of a country’s citizens starts already with a control at the en-try point of crossing the border. An ever increasing number of modern utensils are available for the execution of these controls, including fingerprint identifiers and equipment for examining thermal scans of face and body, to ensure secure ways for filtering out persons which may threaten in any way the safety of citizens

    The Issue of the Utilization of Thermal Resources in Somogy County (1960-1990)

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    The purpose of the study. To examine how the situation of thermal tourism in Somogy county developed during the period of socialism. The importance of the use of thermal wells for tourism or industrial purposes was considered by the county council and the organizations of the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party (MSZMP). Applied methods. Literature review, especially the development of thermal tourism. The overview includes general processing of economic and tourism history. We place great emphasis on the use of archival materials. It is also important to examine the local press and use the collections of legislation. Outcomes. In Hungary, more and more economic policy measures have been taken since the 1960s to develop tourism. In some rural areas, this was linked to the increased number of oil drillings at the time, as hot water was found in many cases during the test drillings, on which thermal tourism could later be built. Despite the fact that Somogy County was already a prominent tourist destination through Lake Balaton, until the mid-1970s, 22 springs were found during the test drillings where the temperature of the water breaking to the surface exceeded 35 °C. Some of these wells were closed, but the issue of their exploitation could not be circumvented, which caused a number of problems due to a lack of material and human resources. At the same time, the Somogy County Council and county organizations of the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party (MSZMP) took the issue of thermal tourism extremely seriously and developed a concept for their development on two occasions. However, this only applied only to four major spas: Nagyatád, Igal, Csokonyavisonta and Kaposvár. The smaller spas were entrusted to local maintainers

    Társadalom, vagyon és bűnmegelőzés

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    A dolgozat számvetéssel kezdve tekint végig a magyar bűnözés keresztmetszetén, ám ezt mindvégig a bűnmegelőzésre fókuszálva teszi. A szerző több szakirodalmi forrást is kutatva megállapítja, hogy a bűnözés elleni küzdelem ma is két irányban zajlik, a represszív és preventív feladatok köré csoportosulva, ám a közeljövőben sokkal nagyobb teret remél ez utóbbinak, hiszen a bűnüldözési tartalékok kimerültek. A rendszerváltást követően nem csak a társadalom és intézményrendszerének szerkezete változott, hanem a gazdaság, s vele együtt és összefüggésben minden folyamat. Igaz volt ez a bűncselekményekre, elkövetőkre, jellegükre, a bűnözés szerkezetére is. Ezt a folyamatot azonban nem követte a bűnmegelőzés eszköztárának szélesítése, ezért itt az ideje, hogy erre koncentráljunk. | The study gives a cross-sectional view of the Hungarian criminality, focusing on crime prevention and community safety. Analyzing a vast bibliography the author concludes that the fight against crime has been conducted in two ways: with repressive and preventive tasks. The author hopes the prevention policies will take way as the resources of criminal investigation are running low. After the change of the regime not only the society and its institutional structure has changed, but also the economy and all related processes. This also applies to the nature and structure of delinquency, the criminal’s profile and methods. However the methods of crime prevention have not been updated. It’s high time to concentrate on widening the prevention policies

    A pedagógusok szerepe a drogfogyasztás megelőzésében

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    Idő és szobrászat

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    A cikk szerzıje az USA-ból induló, talán az elmúlt két év hétköznapjait és közbeszédét — nem kevésbé gazdaságát és politikáját — meghatározó válságot láttatja saját szakmája, munkája, a vagyonvédelem szemszögébıl. A válság — fogalmaz a szerzı érintette azon tevékenységeket is, amelyeket a családok, vagy épp cégek nem elsıdleges prioritásként tartottak nyilván. A cégek esetében ilyenek a marketingköltségek, a fejlesztési, vagy a megújuló energiával kapcsolatos beruházások, a családoknál pedig a lakást, a közvetlen környezetet érintı halasztható kiadások. Ami viszont mindkét esetben — tehát a cégeknél és a magánszemélyeknél is jelen van — az az egyébként sem magas biztonsági kiadásokra tervezett költségek radikális megnyirbálása, vagy épp teljes elhagyása. Kollégáim rendszeresen találkoznak olyan paneltulajdonosokkal, akiknek minden vagyonát egyetlen régi (és egyáltalán nem biztonságos zár) védi, és nem ritkák azon cégek sem, akik esetenként a több tíz- vagy százmilliós értékeiket nem, vagy csak a látszattevékenységet meg nem haladó módon biztosítják. A cikk elı kívánja segíteni a tervezett, tudatosabb érték- és vagyonvédelem szemléletének meghonosítását. | The author of the study presents his opinion on the crisis — that emerged from the USA, and has been part of the common talk and every day life — on the on hand, and of the economy and politics on the other hand for the past two years — from the point of view of safeguarding. The author states that the crisis hit all those activities which are not seen as first line priority by families and companies. In the case of companies these include marketing costs, green energy investments and development projects, and in the case of small households the costs not related to everyday use are cut off. Both the companies and the households save costs on the safeguarding, which some times are totally left out from their budget. My colleagues often meet flat owners, whose property is warded only by an old (and not at all safe) lock. And there are many companies that do not secure at all, or only at a minimal level insure their ten or hundred million worth values. The aim of the study is to disseminate the more conscious planning of value — and safeguarding

    A sikondai gyógyfürdő az államosítás előtt és után

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    After the communist takeover, by the end of the 1940s, the previously privately owned spas had fallen into state hands. This was also the fate of the Harkány and Sikonda spas in Baranya County. In 1928, the Salgótarján Coal Mine Company searched for coal in the forest of the Parish of Székesegyház in Pécs, when it found the thermal water source at a depth of 318 meters. The forest councilor of Székesegyház, Andor Kolossváry, recognizing the potential of the spring, using the analysis of the chief chemist of the Danube Steamboat Shipping Company, opened a spa, in the first temporary pool of which 18,000 guests bathed in the first year. In the years that followed, its guests came in part from the ranks of the surrounding mining population, who largely treated their rheumatic ailments here. At the same time, the majority of the guests came from circles that were more able to afford higher prices. The years 1948-49 marked a turning point in the history of the spa, which gained the status of a healing spa from 1935. The nationalization of the spa and the transformation of the hotel into a night sanatorium can be done during this period. From 1963, a mining sanatorium, which was definitely engaged in healing, also operated here. Sikonda’s institution was 64 Nyári T.: A sikondai gyógyfürdő az államosítás előtt és után not unique in the country, but it became one of the most significant, in many cases exemplary, mining medical centers

    Techno-economic feasibility study of a methanol plant using carbon dioxide and hydrogen

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    In 2015, more than 80% of energy consumption was based on fossil resources. Growing population especially in developing countries fuel the trend in global energy consumption. This constant increase however leads to climate change caused by anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. GHG, especially CO2 mitigation is one of the top priority challenges in the EU. Amongst the solutions to mitigate future emissions, carbon capture and utilization (CCU) is gaining interest. CO2 is a valuable, abundant and renewable carbon source that can be converted into fuels and chemicals. Methanol (MeOH) is one of the chemicals that can be produced from CO2. It is considered a basic compound in chemical industry as it can be utilised in a versatility of processes. These arguments make methanol and its production from CO2 a current, intriguing topic in climate change mitigation. In this master’s thesis first the applications, production, global demand and market price of methanol were investigated. In the second part of the thesis, a methanol plant producing chemical grade methanol was simulated in Aspen Plus. The studied plants have three different annual capacities: 10 kt/a, 50 kt/a and 250 kt/a. They were compared with the option of buying the CO2 or capturing it directly from flue gases through a carbon capture (CC) unit attached to the methanol plant. The kinetic model considering both CO and CO2 as sources of carbon for methanol formation was described thoroughly, and the main considerations and parameters were introduced for the simulation. The simulation successfully achieved chemical grade methanol production, with a high overall CO2 conversion rate and close to stoichiometric raw material utilization. Heat exchanger network was optimized in Aspen Energy Analyzer which achieved a total of 75% heat duty saving. The estimated levelised cost of methanol (LCOMeOH) ranges between 1130 and 630 €/t which is significantly higher than the current listed market price for fossil methanol at 419 €/t. This high LCOMeOH is mostly due to the high production cost of hydrogen, which corresponds to 72% of LCOMeOH. It was revealed that selling the oxygen by-product from water electrolysis had the most significant effect, reducing the LCOMeOH to 475 €/t. Cost of electricity also has a significant influence on the LCOMeOH, and for a 10 €/MWh change the LCOMeOH changed by 110 €/t. Finally, the estimated LCOMeOH was least sensitive for the change in cost of CO2. When comparing owning a CC plant with purchasing CO2, it was revealed that purchasing option is only beneficial for smaller plants

    Additions to the History of Hungarian Tourism. The Sikonda Spa in the Middle of the 20th Century

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    After the communist takeover, by the end of the 1940s, the previously privately owned spas fell into state hands. This was also the fate of the Harkány and Sikonda spas in Baranya County. In 1928, the Salgótarján Coal Mine Company searched for coal in the forest of the Parish of the Cathedral in Pécs, when it found the thermal water source at a depth of 318 meters. The forest councillor of the Cathedral, Andor Kolossváry, recognising the potential of the spring, using the analysis of the chief chemist of the Danube Steamboat Shipping Company, opened a spa, in the first temporary pool of which 18,000 guests bathed in the first year. In the years that followed, its guests came in part from the ranks of the surrounding mining population, who largely treated their rheumatic ailments here. At the same time, the majority of the guests came from circles that were more able to afford higher prices. The years 1948-49 marked a turning point in the history of the spa, which gained the status of a healing spa from 1935. The nationalisation of the spa and the transformation of the hotel into a night sanatorium could be done during this period. From 1963, a mining sanatorium, which was definitely engaged in healing, also operated here. Sikonda’s institution was not unique in the country, but it became one of the most significant, in many cases exemplary, mining medical centres