77 research outputs found

    Use of nanoporous ceramic membranes for carbon dioxide separation

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    Natural gas processes accounts for about 5.3 billion tonnes per year of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission to the atmosphere. At this rate of emission, the expectation will drastically rise if not curtailed. In order to achieve this, a cost-effective and environmental friendly technology is required. In recent times, membrane technology has been widely applied for CO2 removal from raw natural gas components. This article examines CO2 separation from natural gas, mainly methane (CH4), through a mesoporous composite membrane. A laboratory scale tubular silica membrane with a permeable length of 348 mm, I.D and O.D of 7 and 10 mm, respectively, was used in this experiment. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to analyze the morphology of the membrane. Single gas permeation of helium (He), CH4, nitrogen (N2), argon (Ar) and CO2 were determined at permeation temperature range between 25 and 100°C and feed gauge pressure of 0.05 to 5.0 barg. Before silica modification, He recorded the highest flow rate (0.3745 l/min) while CO2 recorded the least flow rate (0.1351 l/min) at 0.4 barg and 25°C. After silica modification, CO2 flow enhances significantly (3.1180 l/min at 1.0 barg) compared to CH4 (2.1200 l/min at the same gauge pressure) due to the influence of surface flow mechanism. Temperature variation described the applicability of Knudsen diffusion for He. A combination of viscous, surface and Knudsen diffusion transport mechanisms were obtained throughout the experiment. Membrane thickness was also calculated to be 2.5 × 10−4 m

    Isolation And Identification of Common Fungal Pathogens Invading Sweet Potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) Sold in Choba Market, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

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    This research was aimed at isolating and identifying common fungal pathogens invading sweet potato tubers. Tubers were collected from Choba Market, Port Harcourt in Obio/Akpor Local Government Area of Rivers State. Fungal isolates were collected and morphologically identified. The Deoxyribonucleic acid of the most common fungal isolates, SP-1 and SP-2 were molecularly characterized using Internal Transcribed Spacer 4 and 5 molecular markers. The isolates Deoxyribonucleic acid sequence was aligned using Basic Local Alignment Search Tool for Nucleotide 2.8.0 version of National Centre for Biotechnology Information database. The molecular weight of the Deoxyribonucleic acid of the isolates were 573 base pairs for Lasiodiplodia theobromae and 521 base pairs for Pichia kudriavzevii. Based on sequence similarity, it was observed that the sweet potato tubers isolate SP-1 was 99.25% identical to Lasiodiplodia theobromae and SP-2 was 99.70% identical to Pichia kudriavzevii. These findings showed that Lasiodiplodia theobromae and Pichia kudriavzevii are some of the causal fungal pathogens invading sweet potato tubers. It is projected that this result will provide information for disease control approach for improving the post-harvest losses of sweet potato. This study will improve available information and aid in reducing the deteriorating activities of fungi invading Sweet Potato tubers

    Design and fabrication of a multipurpose railroad hand truck

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    A multipurpose railroad hand truck comprising mainly of a frame, swinger arm, connecting rod, crank shaft, gears, wheels and brake was designed and fabricated to reduce the cost of material handling in small scaled manufacturing industries. The frame and other major components of the hand truck were fabricated with mild steel bars, shafts and sheets while the guide rail was constructed using 50mm by 50mm mild steel angle bar. The hand truck is hand paddled and requires no prime mover (electric motor, IC engine, etc.), hence incurring minimal operational cost. The hand truck will be used to convey tools, materials and work pieces from one part of the workshop to another on guide rails. Results of its performance test indicated that the hand truck can carry loads up to 250kg. All materials used for the fabrication were sourced locally.Keywords: railroad, truck, paddled, swinger, multipurpos

    Growth Performance, Carcass and Organ Characteristics of Pullets Fed Plantain Ash Supplemented Commercial Diets

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    The main objective of this study was to compare the effects of different plantain ash sources (plantain root base ash (PRA) and plantain stalk ash (PSA) supplementation on the performance of pullets fed commercial diets. Ninety six Isa brown pullets aged 15 weeks were therefore used to assess the effect of supplementing commercial diets with plantain root base (PRA) and stalk ashes (PSA) on growth performance, carcass and organ characteristics of pullets during 4 weeks before point of laying (19 weeks of age) and 6 weeks of laying period (25 weeks of age). The pullets were divided into two groups of 48 each for supplementation with either PSA or PRA. Each group was divided into four groups of 12, which were further replicated 3 times with 4 birds per replicate in a completely randomized design. At each developmental stage, the feed offered to the birds was supplemented with 0 (control), 1, 2, and 3 g/kg body weight of PSA or PRA. One g/kgBW of PRA supplementation elicited observable growth performance effects on the birds, while for PSA it was 2 g/kgBW. The 2 g/kgBW PSA supplemented birds gained significantly (P<0.05) more weight than the other groups except the control, which consumed significantly (P<0.05) more feed. At point of laying, the 1g/kgBW PRA group recorded significantly (P<0.05) higher body weight and weight gain than the control. Plantain root base ash affected dressing percentage significantly (P<0.05) resulting in higher thigh weights, while organ weights decreased with increasing ash supplementation levels. Plantain ash therefore has positive effect on growth and edible carcass cut. Key words: plantain ash, pullets, feed, carcas

    Response Surface Optimization of a Plastic Powder Processing Machine using Desirability Function Approach

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    Optimal performance and operational parameters of a plastic powder processing machine used for converting used PET bottles into powdered form was assessed in this study. The geometrical (operational) parameters investigated include: speed of hammermill shaft, number of blades on the hammermill, length of hammermill blade and intrinsic viscosity of the PET processed while grain size produced, throughput and conversion efficiency constitute the machine’s (performance) parameters. The interactions of these factors (operational parameters) and responses (performance parameters) were evaluated and estimated using a completely randomized Box-Behnken blocked design layout which comprises twenty seven (27) experimental runs. Desirability function approach was the optimization technique applied. Results revealed the optimal values of hammermill speed, number of blades, blade length and intrinsic viscosity as 1400 rpm, 4, 109.6 mm and 0.82798 respectively with responses of 89.71%, 1.9953 kg/min and 139.9998 for conversion efficiency, throughput and grain size respectively. These optimal operational parameters will make the machine economical to operate in terms of labour, time and energy requirement

    Molecular characterisation of fungi from Arachis hypogaea

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    Arachis hypogaea L. (groundnut) is a food and oil crop of global interest. Groundnut seeds are plagued by fungal organisms especially during storage. This reduces the quantity and the commercial value of the products. Molecular techniques for determining the species of a fungus based on the PCR amplification and sequencing of the Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) region of the fungus has proven to be a more reliable method of identifying fungal species. This study was carried out to isolate and identify the fungi associated with groundnut seeds using both traditional cultural techniques and molecular method. Fungi were isolated from diseased groundnut seeds obtained from Choba market, Port Harcourt, using both Standard Blotter and Potato Dextrose Agar methods. DNA was extracted using Zymo Fungal/Bacteria DNA Miniprep Kit and was amplified using universal primer pair; 27F and 1525R. PCR products of 236 and 615 base pairs were sequenced and the fungal isolates were identified as Lasiodiplodia theobromae and Aspergillus penicillioides, respectively. This study has provided information on the fungal species associated with A. hypogaea which will help in suggesting ways to reduce the incidence of these organisms. Phylogenetic analysis showed the relationship that exists between the fungal isolates and other closely-related species in Genebank such as Pediastrum duplex, Penicillium penicillioides, Colletotrichum capsici and Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae

    Morfología de la cavidad orofaríngea y esófago del bagre africano adulto (<i>Clarias gariepinus</i> Burchell, 1822)

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    The morphology of the adult farmed African catfish -Clarias gariepinus a prominent omnivorous cultivable species in Nigeria was investigated. It revealed cornified horny plates lining the buccal surfaces of the lips. The tongue was not free moving, and the oesophagus was a narrow tube connecting the oropharyngeal cavity to the stomach with no valve or constriction separating it from the later. Histologically, the cavity wall was lined by stratified squamous epithelium containing eosinophilic club cells, mucous cells and taste buds. The laminar propria contained dense collagen fibres. No taste bud was seen on the tongue suggesting it non involvement in food selection through gustation unlike the cavity wall which contained taste buds. The oesophagus was lined by stratified mucous epithelium containing club cells. Histochemistry revealed the presence of neutral, acid and combination of the two. The large extent of oesophageal mucification indicates need for mucin lubrication of food since teleost is known to lack salivary glands and also an adaptation to ingestion of varied feed.La morfología bagre africano del adulto cultivado -Clarias gariepinus- una especie omnívoras cultivables prominente en Nigeria fue investigada. Reveló placas córneas que cubren las superficies vestibulares de los labios. La lengua no tiene movimiento libre y el esófago es un tubo estrecho que conecta la cavidad orofaríngea al estómago sin válvula o constricción que lo separe. Histológicamente, la pared de la cavidad estaba revestida por epitelio escamoso estratificado que contiene células eosinófilas, células mucosas y papilas gustativas. La laminar propia contenía fibras de colágeno denso. No fie vista ninguna papila gustativa en la lengua lo que sugiere la no participación la selección de los alimentos a través gustación a diferencia de la pared de la cavidad que contiene papilas gustativas. El esófago estaba revestido por epitelio estratificado que contiene células mucosas. La histoquímica reveló la presencia de ácido a neutro, y la combinación de los dos. La gran extensión de mucificación esofágica indica la necesidad de lubricación de mucina de los alimentos se sabe que los teleósteos carecen de glándulas salivales y también una adaptación a la ingestión de alimentos variados.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Morfología de la cavidad orofaríngea y esófago del bagre africano adulto (<i>Clarias gariepinus</i> Burchell, 1822)

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    The morphology of the adult farmed African catfish -Clarias gariepinus a prominent omnivorous cultivable species in Nigeria was investigated. It revealed cornified horny plates lining the buccal surfaces of the lips. The tongue was not free moving, and the oesophagus was a narrow tube connecting the oropharyngeal cavity to the stomach with no valve or constriction separating it from the later. Histologically, the cavity wall was lined by stratified squamous epithelium containing eosinophilic club cells, mucous cells and taste buds. The laminar propria contained dense collagen fibres. No taste bud was seen on the tongue suggesting it non involvement in food selection through gustation unlike the cavity wall which contained taste buds. The oesophagus was lined by stratified mucous epithelium containing club cells. Histochemistry revealed the presence of neutral, acid and combination of the two. The large extent of oesophageal mucification indicates need for mucin lubrication of food since teleost is known to lack salivary glands and also an adaptation to ingestion of varied feed.La morfología bagre africano del adulto cultivado -Clarias gariepinus- una especie omnívoras cultivables prominente en Nigeria fue investigada. Reveló placas córneas que cubren las superficies vestibulares de los labios. La lengua no tiene movimiento libre y el esófago es un tubo estrecho que conecta la cavidad orofaríngea al estómago sin válvula o constricción que lo separe. Histológicamente, la pared de la cavidad estaba revestida por epitelio escamoso estratificado que contiene células eosinófilas, células mucosas y papilas gustativas. La laminar propia contenía fibras de colágeno denso. No fie vista ninguna papila gustativa en la lengua lo que sugiere la no participación la selección de los alimentos a través gustación a diferencia de la pared de la cavidad que contiene papilas gustativas. El esófago estaba revestido por epitelio estratificado que contiene células mucosas. La histoquímica reveló la presencia de ácido a neutro, y la combinación de los dos. La gran extensión de mucificación esofágica indica la necesidad de lubricación de mucina de los alimentos se sabe que los teleósteos carecen de glándulas salivales y también una adaptación a la ingestión de alimentos variados.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    High molecular permeance dual-layer ceramic membrane for capturing CO2 from flue gas stream.

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    With the objective to create technologically advanced materials to be scientifically applicable, dual-layer silica alumina membranes were molecularly fabricated by continuous surface coating silica layers containing hybrid material onto a ceramic porous substrate for flue gas separation applications. The dual-layer silica alumina membrane was prepared by dip coating technique before further drying in an oven at elevated temperature. The effects of substrate physical appearance, coating quantity, cross-linking agent, number of coatings and testing conditions on gas separation performance of the membrane have been investigated. Scanning electron microscope was used to investigate the development of coating thickness. The membrane shows impressive perm selectivity especially for CO2 and N2 binary mixture representing a stimulated flue gas stream

    Computed Tomography Scanner Distribution and Downtimes in Southeast Nigeria

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    Background: It is clearly known and documented that the first computed tomography (CT) scanner was installed in 1987 at the University College Hospital (UCH) Ibadan, Southwest-Nigeria. Ironically, it is neither clearly documented how many more scanners have been installed after then, nor about their functionality. Objective: To establish the actual number and functionality of CT scanners in the Southeast geopolitical zone of Nigeria.Methodology: The survey was undertaken from March – June, 2016. Radiographers across different tertiary hospitals in southeast (SE) Nigeria, were requested through phone calls to ascertain the number of CT scanners in their respective states of residence. Their feedback was crosschecked using entirely different Radiographers. Internet searches were conducted to authenticate some information obtained. For Anambra State where all but one of the authors worked or schooled, physical visits were made to all centres. Data elicited covered scanner specifications, installation details, ownership, and functionality, amongst others. These were recorded in a pro forma sheet and later collated and presented in tables. Result: A total of 23 CT centres with 28 CT scanners were confirmed. These were distributed across the zone as follows: Anambra; 10 (35.8 %), Imo; 6 (21.4 %), Enugu; 6 (21.4 %), Abia; 4 (14.3 %) and Ebonyi; 2 (7.1 %). Private ownership accounted for 19 (68.0 %) of the scanners while the remaining 9 (32.0 %) were distributed between the Federal Government (n = 5; 18.0 %), public-private partnership (n = 2; 7.0 %), and state governments (n = 2; 7.0 %), respectively. Appropriate personnel were engaged in the facilities. Majority of the scanners were installed in the current decade (2006 – 2016). At least 12 (43.0 %) of the scanners experienced downtime within the period of the survey with 7 scanners having downtime ≥ 1 year. Conclusion: There are 23 radiodiagnostic facilities with 28 CT scanners in the Southeast zone of Nigeria. Five facilities each own two scanners. There appears to be a good distribution of CT scanners with appropriate personnel. A high downtime rate was observed, suggesting the need for the employment of centre-based CT engineers, to ensure that CT patients have as prompt an access as can be achieved