589 research outputs found

    Exploring the Three-Way Destination Safety Solution to Crisis Management in Tourist Destinations in Rural Nigeria

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    Development of tourist destinations is among topical issues in national discourse for economic growth and sustainability. The past two decades have witnessed massive development and investment in tourist destinations in rural areas. This is owing to the fact that rural tourism has been identified as among the development options for rural communities in most developing nations. Of recent, crisis and other safety issues have been among the militating factors against tourist destinations hence the cry for destination safety. These are said to emanate from the activities of the three major principals in the management of tourist destinations (hosts, tourism resources, and tourists/visitors). Incidentally, destination safety discourse is source of worry for these principal factors in tourist destination management. This has left many tourist destinations devastated, abandoned and abused. However, this chapter proposal would seek to identify the way out of this predicament. It tends to explore the meaning and application of the three-way destination safety (TWaDeSS) model in the management of crisis at tourist destinations in rural Nigeria. This will not only promote harmony among the three major principals in tourist destination but also enhance the rate of investment as a result of quality crisis control in these destinations

    Developing Heritage Tourism in Imo State, Nigeria: Socio-Economic and Cultural Gains

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    The Igbo area of Nigeria and other parts of Africa has unique natural environment coupled with the rich socio-cultural characteristics making one of the notable beehives of heritage tourists. This is peculiar to areas with harnessed heritage tourism potentials. The major challenge has been the knowledge of the availability of heritage tourism potentials, indispensable contribution of heritage tourism to socio-economic development, and sustainable development and management of heritage resources for tourism promotion. Imo, as one of the 36 states of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is distinguished amongst other states in the Igbo area of Nigeria with great potentials of heritage tourism development. This is made manifest in the availability of various classes of heritage resources that are evenly distributed amongst various communities in the state. This paper had an in-depth study on the heritage resources in Imo State and their various classes. The paper also looked at various developmental stratagem and models towards ensuring a sustainable heritage tourism development in the state for socio-economic development and preservation of the heritage resources and rich value system of the people. Keywords: Imo, Sustainable tourism, preservation, heritage resources, heritage tourism, socio-economic development, Cultural gains, TCIM Model

    Numerical simulation of the dynamic response in pulse-loaded fibre-metal-laminated plates

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    This article presents a three-dimensional constitutive model to replicate the dynamic response of blastloaded fibre–metal laminates made of 2024-0 aluminium alloy and woven composite (glass fibre–reinforced polypropylene). Simulation of the dynamic response is challenging when extreme localised loads are of concern and requires reliable material constitutive models as well as accurate modelling techniques. It is well known that back layers in a fibre–metal laminate provide structural support for front layers; thus, proper modelling of constituent failure and degradation is essential to understanding structural damage and failure. The improved developed model to analyse damage initiation, progression and failure of the composite is implemented in finite element code ABAQUS, and a good correlation is observed with experimental results for displacements of the back and front faces as presented by other researchers. The model was also able to predict accurately the tearing impulses. Finally, the concepts of the ‘efficiency of the charge’ and ‘effectiveness of the target’ are proposed in the context of localised blast loading on a structure. Dimensionless parameters are introduced to quantify these parameters

    Fire Safety in High-Rise Buildings: Is the Stay-Put Tactic a Misjudgement or Magnificent Strategy?

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    Historically, fire incidents in high-rise buildings reveal that Fire and Rescue Services frequently rely on the stay-put tactic (i.e., occupants of high-rise buildings should remain in their apartments) during an inferno. Recent fire occurrences in high-rise buildings reveal that there are two opposing viewpoints on the stay-put tactic. First, the understanding that the stay-put tactic is a beneficial practice used to protect, control, and facilitate smooth evacuation of occupants during fire incidents. Second, the argument that the stay-put tactic is a misjudgement and futile strategy that leads to fatalities, particularly in high-rise buildings. The aim of this study was to provide awareness and understanding of fire and rescue services use of the stay-put tactic in high-rise buildings. We attempted to answer the questions: is the stay-put tactic a misjudgement or magnificent strategy? The study adopted phenomenological research strategies with various focus groups consisting of seasoned firefighters and survivors with first-hand accounts of stay-put instructions in high-rise buildings. The study also scrutinised three case studies of fire incidents in high-rise buildings in two countries. The study revealed that the stay-put tactic is obsolete; with the potential to cause catastrophic misjudgement, mostly during conflagrations in high-rise buildings. There is a need to advance research on the use of artificial intelligence communication systems and infrared image detectors camera to enhance quick and smooth fire evacuation in high-rise buildings

    Algorithm for Fingerprint Verification System

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    Extraction of minutiae based features from good quality fingerprint images is more effective for fingerprint recognition in comparison with features from low quality fingerprint. In this paper, a new technique for fingerprint feature extraction based on ridge pattern is proposed. Robust features are extracted from fingerprint image notwithstanding the quality of the image. The variation within different person fingerprint is established using centre of gravity of the fingerprint image as the reference point for effective classification. Similarity measure in term of Euclidean distance is compute for test fingerprint image

    Quality Learning At Tourist Destinations: The Nexus of Tourism and Adult Education

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    Amongst the major threats to the preservation and sustenance of tourist destinations is attitude of tourists to these destinations. This has functioned from ignorance and poor orientation programmes; resulting to intolerance and conflicts amongst tourists and their hosts. No thanks to the varying behavioural backgrounds and desire to explore. This paper worked on the integration of adult education in tourism; using adult education to ameliorate rate of ignorance and intolerance at tourist destinations towards bridging the gap between tourists and tourist destinations through quality learning and orientation programmes. Various tools and techniques in adult education were employed. Also the paper functioned as a catalyst for interdisciplinary trend in the field of academics towards ensuring quality, progressive and diversified knowledge. The paper revealed the essence of adult education to tourism development. Keywords: tourism, adult education, tourist destination, tourist


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    Educational development is a concept that has adequate scholarly description. It advocates for positive change in educational system to enhance learning. This paper focuses on utilization of sports for improved learning at all levels of education. It presents various ways sports can be used to improve learning in order to achieve educational goals. It highlights how Sports can influence learners, learning experiences, materials and environment. In conclusion, it posits that since sports influence virtually every aspect of human life which results to positive change, it should be utilized for educational development. Sports would ensure increased period of physical activities at school and encourage active life at home which would result to positive life style among the populace. The role of education in the society has made its development a continual process, therefore necessary collaborations should be employed to ensure success. It recommends that: Sports should be integrated in every area of educational curriculum with adequate time allotted to sporting activities. Participation in sports as part of educational curriculum should be made mandatory in educational institutions. Government should mount enlightenment campaign on the need for education through sports.  Article visualizations

    Obesity in adult Nigerians: a study of its prevalence and common primary co-morbidities in a semi-urban Mission General Hospital in South-Eastern Nigeria.

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    Background: Obesity is socially and culturally acceptable in Nigeria and therefore not usually recognized as a medical problem. This study is aimedat determining the prevalence of obesity using body mass index(BMI) criterion and its common primary comorbiditiesamong adult Nigerians attending a semiurban Mission General Hospital in Imo state, South- Eastern, Nigeria. Methods: A descriptive study using primary data collection technique was carried out from October 2007 to December 2008. A total of 9296 consecutive new adult patients aged 18-88 years were screened for obesity using BMI criterion and 684 patients who had BMI=30 kg/m2 met the inclusion criteria. The data collected included age, sex, marital status, education, occupation, weight(kilogram), height(meters), andblood pressure; fasting blood sugar and fasting lipid profile. Obese patients' perception of their obese condition and knowledge of lifestyle modification werealso assessed. Results: Six hundred and eighty-four(7.4%) out of a total of 9296 patients screened for obesity were obese.Hypertension(18.4%) was the commonest primary comorbidity, others include high triglyceridaemia(9.2%), high total cholesterol(8.2%), high LDLcholesterol( 6.0%) and diabetes mellitus(3.4%). One hundred and one(14.8%) obese patients were aware of their obese condition and majority, 72(71.3%) of them were informed of their obese condition by healthcare professionals. Forty seven(46.5%) of those who were aware of their obese condition had knowledge of lifestyle modification. However, majority(72.3%) of those who had knowledge of lifestyle modification demonstrated low knowledge level of lifestyle modification. Conclusion: This study has shown the existence of obesity and its common primary co-morbidities among the study population. Anthropometric determination of obesity and screening for its common primary comorbidities should be integrated as part of clinic baseline assessment of adult Nigerians attending semiurban hospitals. Those who had obesity-related primary co morbidities should become secondary target for risk reduction therapy and appropriate management. Key words: Adult, Obesity, Prevalence, Comorbidities, Semi-urban, Hospital, Nigeria

    Indigenous Communities and Community Development Principles in South-East Nigeria: Challenges and Prospects

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    Indigenous communities have fallen victims of underdevelopment arising from the remote nature of their environment coupled with public/private concentration on the urban areas for meaningful infrastructural and super-structural development. This situation has deprived most of these indigenous communities in Nigeria of unleashing their potentials and maximum utilization of their human and non-human resources for socio-economic development in their environment. This paper is motivated by this scenario to look for ways of improving the course of indigenous communities through optimal use of their unharnessed potentials for socio-economic development. The paper discussed the principles of community development, its challenges and prospects for socio-economic growth and sustenance of indigenous communities in Nigeria. This will function as a catalyst for empowering indigenous communities towards socio-economic and sustainable development. Keywords: Indigenous communities, community development, principles, challenges and prospects, sustainability
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