24 research outputs found

    Analisis dan Penyebab Miskonsepsi pada Materi Genetika Buku SMA Kelas XII

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    ABSTRACT- This research is aimed to reveal some misconception in genetic in some senior highschool handbook. Twelve biology books for highschool published during 2006-2010 have been reviewed. All those books show particular pattern of misconception that caused by misunderstanding about particular Mendelian approaches, inappropriate analogy and terminologies. Those misunderstanding lead to the misconception in the concept of chromose structure, protein syntheses, cell division, traits and mutation. Such misconceptions can be fix trhough the application of representative biomolecular approaches. Kata-kata Kunci: Misconception in genetics

    Genetics Misconception on High School Textbook, the Impact and Importance on Presenting the Order of Concept through Reorganization of Genetics

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    The aim of this research was to uncover the misconception of high school class XII textbook, especially on genetic material. Fiveteen textbooks were analyzed and published in 2007-2010. This research was conducted to identify misconception page by page and chapter by chapter and validated by geneticist. The result show that misconception found in the concept of the scope of genetics, the genetic material of chromosome, gene, DNA; replication; polypeptide synthesis; Mendel and inheritance, cell division and mutation. The cause of the misconception was still a classic presentation of genetic material or Mendel mindset still dominate, the use of analogy was not appropriate, use the bias terminology and the selection of language (word and sentence not appropriate), and the ideas of the author. Misconception affect the concept of genetic disorder. Misconception can be overcome by doing the selection of books, and reorganization of the genetic concept that takes into account the order of presentation of the concept. Keywords: misconception, cause of misconception, genetics, high school textboo


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    Human being evolution development, firstly started by many postulates and develop through Darwin evolution theory. The next development pointed out by focil findings and finaly shape human being evolution tree. Moleculer genetics development revealed how evolution concept develope. Firstly, evolution was a simple human being changing to be a complex human being. Through molecular genetics findings, evolution was genetic changing from human life to adaptive situation. The definition of evolution tree was not based on morfologys . But based on DNA analysis, namely tRNA and rRNA. Learning evolution theory at school need critical analysis in relation with development of material and sciens. It is needed spesific curriculum about human being origin

    PERKEMBANGAN BIOTEKNOLOGI MODERN KLONING (Hasil Temuan, Resiko, dan Bioetika dalam Penelitian)

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    Cloning is one of the Biotechnology branches advance that is developed by copying from male or female individual human being so it is got double identic genetic. The positive advantage from cloning that it is very good for cloning terapyutic, open new knowledge, save nutfah plasma, and avoid genetic disadvantage. In this category cloning can be developed so fort. Cloning risk in this case should be minimalized, cloning can be developed with a clear purposes, and cloning can be developed by research advance. In the case, Biotics in this research should be understood properly by experts so that it can be resulted research advantage that has good fuction for human and being prosperit


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    The aim of this research was to develop local potential based biology teaching material on subject matter of living thing diversity for grade VII Junior High Schools. The teaching material used in schoolwas only teaching material from the central education office. Local examples in Gorontalo Province were not available. This resulted in the learners did not recognize the local potential that exists in the area. Application of curriculum requires the utilization of local potential as a learning resource through teaching materials, student worksheets, and media. It was important to develop a learning book by using local examples exist in the environment with which student can learn the concept of biology. The method used was the teaching materialdevelopment, with a 4-D model. Data collection instrumentswere the need analysis questionnaire for teachersand the feasibility assessment questionnaire of instructional material draft for experts and validators of biology teacherpractitioners, and the student questionnaire. The learning bookproduced is very feasible to use for learning. The validation includeslearning bookvalidation test by material experts, instructional media experts and linguists. From this research resulted the teaching materials on the biodiversity material of living things to add examples of the diversity of animals and plants that are local potential, along with the problems and efforts to overcome them. Keywords: development, instructional material, local potential, diversit


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    Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan yang bertujuan untuk menghasilkan perangkat praktikum virtual terintegrasi model pembelajaran Discovery Learning pada materi Bakteri yang memiliki kriteria valid sehingga dapat digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu penelitian pengembangan (RD) modifikasi dari Sugiyono (2013). Produk yang dikembangkan adalah Perangkat Praktikum Virtual. RD terdiri dari 10 langkah, tetapi dalam artikel hanya melaporkan 5 tahap sebagai berikut: (1) Potensi dan Masalah; (2) Pengumpulan Data; (3) Desain Produk; (4) Validasi Produk; (5) Revisi Produk. (6) Uji Coba Produk Penelitian ini menggunakan hanya 5 dari 10 langkah dalam model penelitian dan pengembangan (R D) karena menyesuaikan dengan tujuan dari penelitian yang akan diuji. Untuk uji validasi dilakukan dengan mengahadirkan para pakar pada bidangnya yang disebut sebagai validator. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan 4 validator. Hasil penelitian pengembangan perangkat praktikum virtual  menggunakan aplikasi Adobe photoshop cs 6, kevalidan perangkat praktikum virtual terintegrasi model pembelajaran Discovery Learning telah berkategori sangat valid dengan persentase kevalidan media 87%, persentase kevalidan materi 98,7%, persentase kevalidan perangkat pembelajaran 98% dan persentase kevalidan praktisi 96% dengan kategori sangat valid. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa perangkat praktikum virtual terintegrasi model pembelajaran Discovery Learning pada materi bakteri sangat valid, untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis sisw

    Science learning to understand the value of conservation character in students in the coastal region

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    This research was conducted to understand the value of conservation character in students by utilizing local resources in the coastal areas of Gorontalo Province. The research design used is the application of one group pretest-posttest design. Data collection was performed using cluster sampling techniques with research subjects totaling 160 students spread across four elementary schools in the coastal areas of Gorontalo Province. Data analysis was performed using N-Gain and Anava 2 x 2 test to see differences in learning outcomes in the form of moral knowledge and moral goodness of conservation at each grade level and examine the difference in the total score of the pretest and the total score of the posttest. The results showed that the N-Gain value for knowledge about coastal natural resources was 0.74, moral conservation knowledge was 0.76, and moral goodness conservation was 0.84. Anava test results showed the level of class and type of test differed significantly on the character values of students with sig <0.05 (0.000 <0.05). That is, there are differences in the value of student conservation characters based on grade levels. Significantly the character value of grade 3 and grade 4 students shows the highest value compared to the grade value of grade 5 and grade 6 students. The application of science learning tools with conservation characteristics utilizing the local potential of natural resources in elementary school students in coastal areas can understand the character conservation of students in coastal areas

    Pengembangan Buku Ajar Ekologi Dengan Memanfaatkan Hasil Analisis Potensi Ekosistem Mangrove Sebagai Penyerap Karbon

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    Analysis of Mangrove Ecosystem Potential as Carbon Absorbent, For Development of Textbook Material On Ecology Course". Thesis of Graduate Program of State University of Gorontalo (UNG). The principal supervisor was. Prof. Dr. Ramli, Utina, M.Pd. and the co-supervisor was Dr. Elya Nusantari, M.Pd. This study aims To determine the quality of textbooks based on research for the development of teaching materials on the subject of ecology subject matter and energy. Development of research-based learning tools of subject matter and Energy using R D model through 10 steps of development then simplified on three stages, namely (1) exploration stage, (2) prototype development stage, and (3) product validation stage, As for the products produced in this study is a textbook. The resulting product development is then validated by material experts, design experts, and students. The result of the research shows that (1) textbook based on research according to the material expert from the whole aspect of assessment for the validation of textbook is 93.75% including excellent quality, because it is in the range of 81% to 100%, (2) For the validation of textbook design is 91.67%, including excellent quality, because it is in the range of 81% to 100%, (3) student response to the overall quality of textbook aspect is at 94% percentage where this value belongs to very good category because it is In the range of 81 to 100%