15 research outputs found

    The Influence of Leadership and Professionalism to the Performance of Teachers of SMAN 1 Teluk Kuantan

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    In the face of stiff competition in the world education, SMAN 1 Teluk Kuantan strive to improve the quality of school, including by improved performance of teachers with pay attention to the factors of leadership and professionalism. Being a teacher without good leadership and professionalism will make teacher performance is reduced and planning or target is not reached.Sampling in this study conducted a census in which all members of the population sampled then obtained 49 samples. Research done by giving questionnaires to be filled up to all the teachers at SMAN 1 Teluk Kuantan, then the results were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively as well as partial and simultaneous (multiple regression analysis with SPSS).The analysis showed that there is a significant and positive effect between the variables of leadership and professionalism of the teacher's performance in SMAN 1 Teluk Kuantan either partially or simultaneously. The most dominant variable in affecting the teacher's performance is professionalism. Of the conclusions that have been obtained, the researchers gave some suggestion in this research that teachers are expected to keep increasing the motivation and skills to advance education, always develop insight expertise and knowledge through a variety of media education. In addition, the principal of SMAN 1 Teluk Kuantan to be more assertive in the discipline or teachers

    Pengaruh Kualitas Produk, Word Of Mouth Dan Kepuasan Pelanggan Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Tas Texas Collection Ditoko Texas Collection Jakarta Timur

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the t test on the variables of product quality, word of mouth and customer satisfaction on purchasing decisions for Texas Collection bags at the texas collection shop in East Jakarta.  This research data source uses primary data in the form of a questionnaire, this research data was given to 97 respondents who made purchasing decisions for Texas Collection East Jakarta. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression and hypothesis testing using t-statistics that have been processed by SPSS 26. The results showed that product quality (Xl) has a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions.  This can be seen from the results of the t test where ting (2.814> 1.984) Word of Mouth variable (X2) has a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions. This can be seen from the t test results where ting (5.377> 1.984).  The Customer Satisfaction variable (X3) has a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions. This can be seen from the t test results where ting (2.411 > 1.984). Keywords: Product Quality, Word of Mouth and Customer Satisfaction

    Pengaruh Pemberian Teh Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera) terhadap Kadar Asam Urat Pria Obesitas

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    Latar Belakang : Prevalensi hiperurisemia di Indonesia usia dibawah 34 tahun sebesar 32%. Moringa oleifera merupakan salah satu tanaman yang dapat menjaga kestabilan kadar asam urat karena mengandung vitamin E dan fitokimia yang dapat menghambat pembentukan asam urat dan meningkatkan ekskresi asam urat di urin. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh pemberian teh daun kelor terhadap kadar asam urat pria obesitas. Metode : Penelitian quasi experimental dengan rancangan non-equivalent control group design pada 38 subjek pria obesitas usia 30-59 tahun serta memiliki kadar asam urat ≥5,0 mg/dl di Kantor UPT Dikdas dan LS Kecamatan Cepogo, Kabupaten Boyolali, Jawa Tengah. Subjek dibagi menjadi dua kelompok : kelompok kontrol dan kelompok intervensi yang diberikan teh daun kelor selama 14 hari. Kadar asam urat diukur 2 kali yaitu sesudah dan sebelum perlakuan, dengan metode kolorimetri. Uji yang digunakan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kadar asam urat antara kedua kelompok digunakan uji independent t-test. Hasil : Hasil uji beda penurunan kadar asam urat menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan penurunan kadar asam urat antara kelompok intervensi dengan kelompok kontrol (p > 0,05). Terdapat penurunan rerata kadar asam urat 0,21 mg/dl pada kelompok perlakuan, dan kenaikan rerata kadar asam urat 0,01 mg/dl pada kelompok intervensi. Simpulan : Pemberian teh daun kelor selama 14 hari tidak berpengaruh terhadap kadar asam urat pria obesitas

    Buah Mengkudu (Morinda Citrifolia L.) sebagai Pengadsorbi Minyak Jelantah

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    The used and storage of cooking oil that has not been done properly can lead to exessive water content in the oil. Thus, this can degrade the quality of the oil and fried foods, and turn to interfere health. The aim of this study was to determine teh quality of used cooking oil after adsorbed by mengkudu or noni (morinda citrifolia L.) powder. The quality of the oil was determined based on the free fatty acids content, peroxide numbers, moisture and dirt content before and after adsorbased by using the titration method in determining the FFA content and peroxide number, while the water content and impurities levels were determined by using a closed oven method. The quality standard of good oil is based on the Indonesian National Standard (SNI), i.e. the maximum free fatty acid content of 0.3%, the maximum peroxide numbers of 2 meq.O2/kg, the maximum water contens of 0.3%, and the impurities level of 1.0%. The result indicated that the quality of used cooking oil before adsorption was not in accordance with the quality standards of oil. The quality of oil improved after adsorption with 5 grams, 10 grams and 15 grams of noni powder of 100 ml waste cooking oil, and the best absorbent numbers, moisture content, and dirt with 15 grams were 0.2%, 2 meq.O2/kg, 0.09%. This is showed that the quality of the used cooking oil to be better after the addition of noni powder served as an adsorbent


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    One of the problems in Indonesia is the rate of population growth which can cause a population explosion. To overcome this problem, the government implemented a Family Planning (KB) program using contraception. The aim of this research is to find out the picture of acceptors in South Tanimbar District in 2023. This research is a quantitative analytical research with a cross sectional research design. The sampling time was carried out in January-April 2023. Samples were taken using a total sampling of 460 people. Data analysis uses univariate analysis with frequency distribution. The results of the research show that in South Tanimbar District, Maluku, the subdistrict with the highest number of active family planning participants is the subdistrict with the highest number of family planning acceptors being Saumlaki and Olilit Raya, namely 99 people, while the highest number of contraceptive users is injectable family planning at 59.35% followed by implant birth control at 27.61 %


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    Proyek akhir ini membahas tentang pembuatan modulator phase shift keying (PSK). untuk membantu proses belajar mengajar dalam praktikum di laboratarium Fakultas Teknik Universitas Garut untuk memudahkan para siswa dalam melakukan praktik. Kerja alat ini menyambungkan probe input osiloscope ke output modulator .dengan memainkan switch on off yang apabila switch on artinya logic 1 dan apabila switch off artinya 0 .sesuai teori Phase Shift Keying yang artinya ada pergeseran phasa yaitu logic 1 phasa 0 Ëš dan logic 0 phasa 180 Ëš Kata Kunci : phase shift keying, osiloscope, modulator

    Evaluasi Kinerja Internet Kampus Universitas Tanjungpura dengan Analisis Quality of Service dan User Acceptance Test

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    Paper ini membahas tentang evaluasi kualitas layanan internet di Universitas Tanjungpura. Penulis menggunakan dua metode analisis, yaitu Quality of Service (QoS) dan User Acceptance Test (UAT) untuk mengukur kinerja internet di kampus Universitas Tanjungpura. Pada analisis QoS, penulis mengukur beberapa parameter kinerja internet, seperti throughput, delay, packet loss, dan jitter, untuk setiap fakultas di kampus. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa throughput tertinggi berada di Fakultas Teknik (FT) dengan nilai rata-rata 87,90 MB, sementara delay dan packet loss terendah terdapat di Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) dengan nilai rata-rata 0,16 ms dan 0,00% secara berturut-turut. Sementara itu, pada analisis UAT, penulis melakukan survei terhadap mahasiswa untuk mengetahui penggunaan internet di kampus dan kepuasan mereka terhadap layanan internet yang disediakan. Hasil survei menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas mahasiswa menganggap internet di kampus memadai dan lancar, serta sering digunakan untuk belajar dan mengakses media sosial