154 research outputs found

    Web development productivity improvement through object-oriented application framework

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    Most of the commercial and industrial web applications are complex, difficult to implement, risky to maintain and requires deep understanding of the requirements for customization. As today's software market is more competitive, productivity has become a major concern in software development industry. The aim of this research is to design and develop an application framework for accelerating web development productivity through object-oriented technology. It allows customization, design reuse and automatic code generation to support productivity improvement as a breakthrough solution for the given problem. This research employed systematic literature review (SLR) to identify the source of complexity and productivity factors. Agile development methodology was used to design the framework and it was validated by empirical data from two commercial projects. Results showed that object-oriented application framework (OOAF) has significant factors that affect productivity and dramatically improve higher productivity over traditional approach. It has fulfilled the current needs by reducing complexities, development efforts and accelerates web development productivity. This research contributes in the area of software engineering, specifically in the field of software productivity improvement and software customization. These will lead to faster development time for software industries


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    Terorisme adalah masalah utama pada periode tahun terakhir ini. Sebagai bentukkomunikasi politik, terorisme hanya dapat memiliki signifikansi sebagai tindakankomunikasi jika aksi kelompok terorisme diteruskan melalui media massa kepadakhalayak luas. Teroris melakukan kekerasan dan aksi teror lainnya untukmendapatkan dukungan dari publik, membuat fearness bagi pemerintahinstitusional dan mengumpulkan dana dari pendukung mereka. Penelitiki akanmenjelaskan penelitian ini melalui metode deskripsi analisis. Metode ini adalahdengan menarasikan hasil penelitian dengan bentuk tulisan dari data dan faktafakta yang tentunya memiliki hubungkan dengan penelitian terkait. Kesadaran parapelaku teror/ teroris terhadap kemajuan dunia digital atau teknologi komunikasidan informasi untuk digunakan sebagai alat propaganda yang lebih masihmenunjukan bahwa media social/new media tidak bersifat netral, tetapi tergantungmasing-masing individu untuk digunakan dengan tujuan dan maksud tertentu.Kata Kunci : Terorisme, Media Baru, Teknologi Informasi


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    Tujuan yang ingin capai dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut; a. Mengetahui perkembangan paham radikalisme di Kabupaten Cirebon. b. Mendeskripsikan respon masyarakat terhadap perkembangan paham radikalisme di Kabupaten Cirebon. c. Menjelaskan penggunaan berbagai media bagi perkembangan paham radikalisme di Kabupaten Cirebon. d. Mendeskripsikan pengaruh Media Sosial (Medsos) terhadap perkembangan paham radikalisme di Cirebon. Penelitian ini bermanfaat pada ranah teoritis dan praktis. Pada ranah teoritis, penelitian bermanfaat bagi paraktisi dan akademisi untuk memperkaya wawasan dan pengetahuan mengenai perkembangan paham radikalisme di Cirebon. Adapun pada ranah praktis, penelitian ini memberi manfaat bagi praktisi dan masyarakat serta stakholders Kota Cirebon bagaimana pengaruh media massa terhadap perkembangan paham readikalisme di Kota Cirebon. dengan mengetahui media apa saja yang mempengaruhi perkembangan paham radikalisme, maka dapat menjadi strategi untuk mengurangi bahkan menghambat masuknya paham radikalisme di tengah-tengah masyarakat Kota Cirebon. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode survei dan kajian pustaka. penelitian deskriptif kualitatif menguraikan data yang dihasilkan dari lokasi penelitian yiatu di Kota Cirebon. Adapun penelitian yang bersifat pustaka dengan mengumpulkan data kualitatif yang dihasilkan dari masyarakat yang ada di Kota Cirebon untuk menggali data peranan media sosial terhadap perkembangan aliran radikalisme. Selain itu data yang akan didapatkan berasal dari kajian pustaka, baik berupa jurnal penelitian, buletin, undangundang/ kebijakan pusat dan daerah, maupun buku literatur. Hasil penelitilian membuktikan bahwa aliran radikalisme di Kota Cirebon sudah berkembang di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Ada pengaruh yang cukup besar dari media sosial atas perkembangan aliran radikalisme di Kota Cirebon. Masyarakat yang terpengaruh aliran radikalisme di Kota Cirebon adalah golongan masyarakat yang secara ekonomi di bawah garis kemiskinan dan golongan masyarakat yang pemahaman agamanya masih dangkal serta golongan masyarakat yang memiliki potensi untuk berkonflik, baik konflik vertikal maupun konflik horizontal. Kata Kunci : Medsos, Paham Radikalism

    The Propaganda of Intolerance Act on Instagram: Multimodal Discourse Analysis on #patungbundamaria

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    The case of covering the Virgin Mary statue using a tarpaulin is one of the viral cases related to religious issues. The case involved an Islamic mass organization in Kulon Progo Yogyakarta and the owner of the Sasana Adhi Rasa prayer house, ST Yacobus. Some of the posts about the case use the hashtag #patungbundamaria. Hashtags, which intended originally to promote sculpture products, suddenly used to increase the reach of spreading issues. This is as an effort to carry out propaganda that has the potential to bring up a discourse of intolerance. This study aims to determine the form of multimodal discourse from the case of the closing of the Bunda Maria statue in Kulon Progo, as well as the propaganda formed. This research method uses a qualitative approach with a constructivist paradigm. The analysis technique is through multimodal discourse analysis. Researchers look at the use of multimodal text to build propaganda messages with the addition of hashtag modes. The results of this study indicate that the emergence of the issue of the Virgin Mary statue by using hashtags begins in the form of gray propaganda. This is because the data to raise this issue is still not valid due to pursuing posting speed. However, from the process of developing issues on social media, the message shift to white propaganda. In addition, netizens on Instagram have a concern in rejecting intolerance. They seek to suppress the emergence of intolerant discourse by providing comments that encourage tolerance between religious communities

    Awareness, treatment, and control of diabetes in Bangladesh : Evidence from the Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2017/18

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    Background. The prevalence of diabetes is increasing in Bangladesh from ∼5% in 2001 to ∼13% in 2017/18 (∼8.4 million cases). The prevalence of undiagnosed diabetes was also found to be higher at 6% in 2017/18. However, very little is known about the management of diabetes assessed by diabetes awareness, treatment, and control. We aimed to estimate the age-standardised prevalence of awareness, treatment, and control of diabetes and its associated factors. Methods. Cross-sectional data from 1,174 Bangladeshi adults aged 18 years and older available from the most recent nationally representative Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey (BDHS) 2017–18 were analysed. Outcomes were age-standardised prevalence of awareness, treatment, and control of diabetes, estimated using the direct standardisation. Multilevel mixed-effects Poisson regression models were used to identify factors associated with awareness, treatment, and control of diabetes. Results. Of the respondents we analysed, 30.9% (95% CI, 28.2–33.6) were aware that they had the condition, and 28.2% (95% CI, 25.6–30.7) were receiving treatment. Among those treated for diabetes, 26.5% (95% CI, 19.5–33.5) had controlled diabetes. The prevalence of diabetes awareness, treatment, and control was lower in men than women. Factors positively associated with awareness and treatment were increasing age and hypertension, while factors negatively associated with awareness and treatment were being men and lower education. Factors associated with poor control were secondary education and residing in Rajshahi and Rangpur divisions. Conclusions. This study provides evidence of poor management of diabetes in Bangladesh, especially in men. Less than one-third of the people with diabetes were aware of their condition. Just over one-fourth of the people with diabetes were on treatment, and among those who were treated only one-fourth had controlled diabetes. Interventions targeting younger people, in particular men and those with lower education, are urgently needed. Government policies that address structural factors including the cost of diabetes care and that strengthen diabetes management programmes within primary healthcare in Bangladesh are urgently needed

    Editorial: COVID-19 and entrepreneurial mindset

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    [Extract] he entrepreneur’s importance is well-recognized in the economy, especially during critical times. The COVID-19 pandemic is already considered to be one of the biggest socio-economic crises in history. As it is ongoing and bringing many business-related uncertainties, it is very challenging to foresee its impact on the future. However, despite the challenges created, the COVID-19 pandemic also created entrepreneurial opportunities

    Industrial web application customization mechanism to improve software quality and productivity

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    Competition in the software market for industrial use is very challenging.Quality and productivity of software is very important to the software industry to remain competitive.Most of the commercial and industrial web applications are complex, hard to implement, risky to maintain and customization requires deep understanding of the requirements.Research showed that customization and reusability may increase the productivity and quality of the software and also decrease the development time.Unfortunately, implementing systematic reuse and customize existing system has proven to be a difficult process.While software engineers continue to struggle with cost and time, reuse has emerged as a good engineering principles and practice in various fields.However, technology to completely integrate user interface, reuse design, customization and implementation is still immature.The aim of this study is to provide a novel visual object sharing technique for designing, customizing, reusing and visualizing web elements to provide a breakthrough solution for the given problems. This technique support and provide rapid development of web-based business application where all of these underlying data and application codes are defined by meta-data, tag library and XSLT schema.This study contributes mainly in the field of reusability and customization for the web application.This study also demonstrated empirical data from two commercial projects and the results indicated that proposed object-oriented application framework (OOAF) is consistently better than traditional methods.By using OOAF, software industries are able to reduce development time, increase the quality and productivity of web application.

    Synthesis, Characterization and Bioactivities of Some Novel Oxovanadium(IV) Glycinato Complexes

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    The novel oxovanadium(IV) complexes, [VIVO(GlyH)(Gly)]+ClO4 - .H2O (1), [VIVO(GlyH)(Gly)]+NO3 - .H2O (2), [VIVO(GlyH)(Gly)]+CH3COO- .H2O (3) were synthesized and characterized by FT-IR, UV-Vis and 1H NMR spectroscopic measurements. The cumulative spectroscopic assessment envisaged that, the complexes adopt a square pyramidal structure, in which the two glycine ligands coordinate to vanadium(IV) center in bidentate fashions conforming a homoleptic structure. The amino nitrogen and a carboxylato oxygen atom coordinate the vanadium(IV) center from both sides making a five members chelate by each side. All the complexes are stable in amorphous state and in aerobic and anaerobic solution. Significantly, all the complexes have the antifungal activities against Aspergillus niger and Penicillium notatum but ineffective against Candida tropicalis. No antibacterial activity was observed for the complexes against tested bacteria and unfortunately, they were found cytotoxic against brine shrimp bioassay