31 research outputs found

    Etelä-Suomen kuljetuskäytävä 2030 : Ello-tulevaisuusprosessin loppuraportti

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    Etelä-Suomen kuljetuskäytävän tulevaisuutta kartoittava, Ello-tulevaisuusprosessi, oli monivaiheinen ja erilaisia sidosryhmiä osallistava. Tulevaisuusprosessin tavoitteena oli saada esiin uusia ja rikastuttavia näkökulmia logistiikasta ja logistiikan kehittämisestä sekä irrottautua tavanomaisesta ajattelusta ja ennakkokäsityksistä. Tässä raportissa esitetty Etelä-Suomen kuljetuskäytävän visio ja sen toteuttamiseksi vaadittavat strategiset toimenpiteet ottavat kantaa logistiikan lisäksi myös politiikkaan, sosio-ekonomiseen kehitykseen, kulttuuriin, tuotantotapaan, arvoihin, instituutioihin jne. Skenaariot ja visio ottavat kantaa logistiseen maailmankuvaan pitkällä aikaperspektiivillä: millaiseen maailmaan olemme logistiikkaa kehittämässä – ja millaiseen maailmaan haluamme sitä kehittää? Ello-projektin tulevaisuusprosessissa luodut kuusi logistiikan skenaariota kertovat ja kokoavat yhteen ajatuksia siitä, millaisia logistisia kehityspolkuja alueellisiin ja kansallisiin verstaisiin osallistuneet toimijat pitivät mahdollisina seuraavan 20–30 vuoden aikajänteellä

    Poliisiammattikorkeakoulun tulevaisuusverstas : Loppuraportti

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    Deep Learning and the Oceans

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    Machine and deep learning (DL) offer significant opportunities for exploring and monitoring oceans and for tackling important problems ranging from litter and oil spill detection to marine biodiversity estimation. Reasonably priced hardware platforms, in the form of autonomous (AUV) and remote operated (ROV) underwater vehicles, are also becoming available, fuelling the growth of data and offering new types of application areas. DL not only supports emerging applications that harness this data but offers support for operating such platforms. This article presents a research vision for DL in the oceans, collating applications and use cases, identifying opportunities, constraints, and open research challenges. We conduct experiments on underwater marine litter detection to demonstrate the benefits DL can bring to underwater environments. Our results show that integrating DL in underwater explorations can automate and scale-up monitoring, and highlight practical challenges in enabling underwater operations. We also provide a research roadmap for the path forward.Peer reviewe

    Characterizing Everyday Objects using Human Touch: Thermal Dissipation as a Sensing Modality

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    We contribute MIDAS as a novel sensing solution for characterizing everyday objects using thermal dissipation. MIDAS takes advantage of the fact that anytime a person touches an object, it results in heat transfer. By capturing and modeling the dissipation of the transferred heat, e.g., through the decrease in the captured thermal radiation, MIDAS can characterize the object and determine its material. We validate MIDAS through extensive empirical benchmarks and demonstrate that MIDAS offers an innovative sensing modality that can recognize a wide range of materials - with up to 83% accuracy - and generalize to variations in the people interacting with objects.Peer reviewe

    Wrist-worn device combining PPG and ECG can be reliably used for atrial fibrillation detection in an outpatient setting

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    Aims: The aim was to validate the performance of a monitoring system consisting of a wrist-worn device and a data management cloud service intended to be used by medical professionals in detecting atrial fibrillation (AF). Methods: Thirty adult patients diagnosed with AF alone or AF with concomitant flutter were recruited. Continuous photoplethysmogram (PPG) and intermittent 30 s Lead I electrocardiogram (ECG) recordings were collected over 48 h. The ECG was measured four times a day at prescheduled times, when notified due to irregular rhythm detected by PPG, and when self-initiated based on symptoms. Three-channel Holter ECG was used as the reference. Results: The subjects recorded a total of 1,415 h of continuous PPG data and 3.8 h of intermittent ECG data over the study period. The PPG data were analyzed by the system’s algorithm in 5-min segments. The segments containing adequate amounts, at least ~30 s, of adequate quality PPG data for rhythm assessment algorithm, were included. After rejecting 46% of the 5-min segments, the remaining data were compared with annotated Holter ECG yielding AF detection sensitivity and specificity of 95.6 and 99.2%, respectively. The ECG analysis algorithm labeled 10% of the 30-s ECG records as inadequate quality and these were excluded from the analysis. The ECG AF detection sensitivity and specificity were 97.7 and 89.8%, respectively. The usability of the system was found to be good by both the study subjects and the participating cardiologists. Conclusion: The system comprising of a wrist device and a data management service was validated to be suitable for use in patient monitoring and in the detection of AF in an ambulatory setting. Clinical Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov/, NCT05008601.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Antibiotic Resistomes and Microbiomes in the Surface Water along the Code River in Indonesia Reflect Drainage Basin Anthropogenic Activities

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    Water and sanitation are important factors in the emergence of antimicrobial resistance in low-and middle-income countries. Drug residues, metals, and various wastes foster the spread of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) with the help of mobile genetic elements (MGEs), and therefore, rivers receiving contaminants and enfluents from multiple sources are of special interest. We followed both the microbiome and resistome of the Code River in Indonesia from its pristine origin at the Merapi volcano through rural and then city areas to the coast of the Indian Ocean. We used a SmartChip quantitative PCR with 382 primer pairs for profiling the resistome and MGEs and 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing to analyze the bacterial communities. The community structure explained the resistome composition in rural areas, while the city sampling sites had lower bacterial diversity and more ARGs, which correlated with MGEs, suggesting increased mobility potential in response to pressures from human activities. Importantly, the vast majority of ARGs and MGEs were no longer detectable in marine waters at the ocean entrance. Our work provides information on the impact of different influents on river health as well as sheds light on how land use contributes to the river resistome and microbiome.Peer reviewe

    Geenien muokkaus uusilla tekniikoilla: kasvit, eläimet, mikrobit

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    CRISPR/Cas9 teknologian soveltaminen genomieditointiin on saanut valtavasti huomiota ja sitä on pidetty mullistavana teknologiana, jonka vaikutukset ja mahdollisuudet ovat paljon laajemmat kuin perinteisten geenimuuntelumenetelmien. Tässä julkaisussa, joka on valmisteltu geenitekniikan lautakunnan pyynnöstä keväällä 2018 valmistuneen muistion pohjalta, selvitetään esimerkkien avulla CRISPR/Cas9 teknologian erilaisia sovelluksia erityisesti kasvinjalostuksessa ja malarian torjunnassa. Mikrobeihin kohdistuvaa genomie-ditointia sivutaan lyhyesti. CRISPR/Cas9-teknologia mahdollistaa myös populaatioissa itseään levittävien geenielementtien (ns. geeniajurien) rakentamisen. Julkaisussa tarkas-tellaan myös genomieditointisovellusten suhdetta geenitekniikkalainsäädäntöön. Erityisen ongelman muodosti pitkään se, että oli epäselvää miten EU:n lainsäädäntöä sovelletaan uusiin tekniikoihin, jotka mahdollistavat kohdennetun mutageneesin tavalla, jota ei voi erottaa luonnon mutaatioista. Tilannetta on selkeyttänyt EU-tuomioistuimen (EUT) heinä-kuussa 2018 tekemä päätös, jossa se otti kantaa uusien mutageneesitekniikoiden juridiseen asemaan. Biotekniikan neuvottelukunta laatii terveyskysymyksistä erillisen selvityksen. </p

    The Many Faces of Edge Intelligence

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    Edge Intelligence (EI) is an emerging computing and communication paradigm that enables Artificial Intelligence (AI) functionality at the network edge. In this article, we highlight EI as an emerging and important field of research, discuss the state of research, analyze research gaps and highlight important research challenges with the objective of serving as a catalyst for research and innovation in this emerging area. We take a multidisciplinary view to reflect on the current research in AI, edge computing, and communication technologies, and we analyze how EI reflects on existing research in these fields. We also introduce representative examples of application areas that benefit from, or even demand the use of EI.Peer reviewe