28 research outputs found


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    Keterbatasan peralatan untuk membuat tempat parsel menjadi permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh UMKM Joni Rotan dimana UMKM Joni kapasitas produksi tidak mampu memenuhi permintaan konsumen dikarenakan keterbatasan peralatan yang pada beberapa proses memerlukan waktu pengerjaan yang lama. UMKM hanya mampu memproduksi tempat parsel maksimal 20 per hari dimana menurut data yang diperoleh permintaan lebih dari 20 perhari. Adanya penambahan investasi berupa alat diharapkan akan mempercepat proses produksi secara signifikan dengan asumsi 40 tempat parsel perhari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan UMKM Joni Rotan terkhusus pada Tempat Parsel pada kondisi sekarang dan setelah penambahan investasi berupa mesin Fitrit-core-split. Analisis kelayakan usaha dilakukan sebelum adanya pengembangan dan setelah adanya pengembangan serta metode yang digunakan berupa aspek finansial dan non finansial. Pada aspek finansial terdapat perhitungan sebagai tolak ukur kelayakan usaha seperti Net Present Value (NPV) yang memperoleh nilai positif sebesar Rp 344.866.202 dan dikatakan layak untuk dijalankan, kemudian pada perhitungan  Internal Rate of Return (IRR) menghasilkan nilai sebesar 15% yang mengartikan usaha ini layak untuk dijalankan, begitu pula dengan perhitungan Payback Periode (PP) selama 3,5 Tahun, selanjutnya hasil perhitungan Profitability Index (PI) menghasilkan nilai sebesar 1,13, kemudian pada hasil perhitungan return of Investment (ROI) menghasilkan 31%, dan Break Even Point (BEP) unit menghasilkan nilai sebesar 4725 unit dan BEP Rupiah sebesar Rp 180.357.823. Setelah mengetahui hasil dari studi kelayakan usaha pada UMKM Joni Rotan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa usaha tersebut dapat dikatakan layak untuk dijalankan atau tidak layak untuk dijalankan.  Sedangkan hasil perhitungan aspek finansial setelah adalanya penambahan investasi berupa mesin fitrit-core-split adalah Net Present Value (NPV) yang memperoleh nilai positif sebesar Rp 468.036.430 dan dikatakan layak untuk dijalankan, kemudian pada perhitungan  Internal Rate of Return (IRR) menghasilkan nilai sebesar 19% yang mengartikan usaha ini layak untuk dijalankan, begitu pula dengan perhitungan Payback Periode (PP) selama 2,9 Tahun, selanjutnya hasil perhitungan Profitability Index (PI) menghasilkan nilai sebesar 1,38 kemudian pada hasil perhitungan return of Investment (ROI) menghasilkan 46%, dan Break Even Point (BEP) unit menghasilkan nilai sebesar 5781 unit dan BEP Rupiah sebesar Rp 198.067.796. Kata Kunci: Kelayakan, usaha, Pengembangan, UMKM, Kerajinan, Rotan

    Work situation awareness, incidence of accidents and severity & job satisfaction in the construction industry

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    Construction industry is among the most hazardous, as measured by work-related mortality, injury rates, and workers' compensation payments. The main objective of this study was to investigate and identify the present status of work situation awareness, incidence of accidents and severity, and job satisfaction among the general workers at the construction site. The correlation between these factors with socio demographic data was evaluated. The study was conducted from December 2013 to March 2014. The methodology adopted in this study was based in comprehensive questionnaire targeting 369 general workers of construction site. Their preference was rated using a 5-point Likert scale ranging from very disagree to highly agree. The questionnaire set is a combination of Work Situation Awareness Scale, Incidence of Accidents Severity Survey and Job Satisfaction Survey. It was found that construction workers showed an average mean of work situation awareness. There was no significant impact of socio demographic on the awareness. In contrast, the construction workers recorded a higher mean of identification of accidents’ severity and job satisfaction. There was no significant impact of socio demographic on the accidents’ severity, however, there was significance between job satisfaction with the length of service, p<Q.05 with (p=0.014). Result revealed a poor positive correlation significance, p<0.05 between Work Situation Awareness and Job Satisfaction with (/-=0.133). Based on the findings from the study, monitoring and safety enforcement are necessary for effective construction working situation awareness, accident prevention, and job satisfaction of the workers

    Work situation awareness, incidence of accidents and severity & job satisfaction in the construction industry

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    Construction industry is among the most hazardous, as measured by work-related mortality, injury rates, and workers' compensation payments. The main objective of this study was to investigate and identify the present status of work situation awareness, incidence of accidents and severity, and job satisfaction among the general workers at the construction site. The correlation between these factors with socio demographic data was evaluated. The study was conducted from December 2013 to March 2014. The methodology adopted in this study was based in comprehensive questionnaire targeting 369 general workers of construction site. Their preference was rated using a 5-point Likert scale ranging from very disagree to highly agree. The questionnaire set is a combination of Work Situation Awareness Scale, Incidence of Accidents Severity Survey and Job Satisfaction Survey. It was found that construction workers showed an average mean of work situation awareness. There was no significant impact of socio demographic on the awareness. In contrast, the construction workers recorded a higher mean of identification of accidents’ severity and job satisfaction. There was no significant impact of socio demographic on the accidents’ severity, however, there was significance between job satisfaction with the length of service, p><0.05 with (p=0.014). Result revealed a poor positive correlation significance, p<0.05 between Work Situation Awareness and Job Satisfaction with (>-=0.133). Based on the findings from the study, monitoring and safety enforcement are necessary for effective construction working situation awareness, accident prevention, and job satisfaction of the worker

    Poken Sotu Dangung-Dangung: Dinamika Pasar Serikat di Nagari Guguak VIII Koto Kabupaten Limo Puluah Koto 1997-2022

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    Skripsi ini berjudul “Poken Sotu Dangung-Dangung”: Dinamika Pasar Serikat di Nagari Guguak VIII Koto Kabupaten Limo Puluah Koto 1997-2022”. Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang perubahan pengelolaan Poken Sotu Dangung-Dangung selama dua setengah dekade (1997-2022). Selain itu penelitian ini juga menjelaskan aktivitas perdagangan di Poken Sotu tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian sejarah sehingga menggunakan metode historis dalam penulisannya. Menurut Kuntowijoyo ada lima tahap metode penelitian sejarah yakni pemilihan topik, pengumpulan sumber atau heuristik dengan mengumpulkan sumber-sumber yang didapatkan dari arsip, wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Selanjutnya dilakukan verifikasi atau kritik untuk mendapat kebenaran sumber, melalui kritik ekstern untuk keaslian data (autentisitas) dan kritik intern untuk menguji kebenaran sumber (kredibilitas). Hasil penelitian tersebut kemudian diinterpretasikan dan ditulis dalam bentuk karya ilmiah berupa skripsi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Poken Sotu Dangung-Dangung merupakan sebuah pasar yang dibangun pada masa Kolonial Belanda. Pasar ini didirikan oleh empat nagari, yaitu Nagari Guguak VIII Koto, Nagari VII Koto Talago, Nagari Kubang dan Nagari Sungai Talang sebagai tempat masyarakat berkumpul dan berdagang. Oleh masyarakat, pasar ini lebih dikenal dengan sebutan Poken Sotu dan tergolong pasar serikat dikarenakan didirikan dan dikelola oleh lebih dari satu nagari. Pengelolaan pasar ini awalnya dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Kecamatan Guguak pada tahun 1973. Akan tetapi, pada tahun 1997 terjadi pengambil alihan pengelolaan pasar secara paksa oleh masyarakat dan pemuda Dangung-Dangung, dikarenakan pasar yang tidak terawat dan terkelola secara baik. Pengambilan alihan ini menjadi awal pengelolaan pasar oleh pemerintah nagari pendiri pasar. Poken Sotu Dangung-Dangung juga dikenal sebagai salah satu destinasi wisata kuliner di Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota. Beragam kuliner tradisional Sumatera Barat yang cukup terkenal di masyarakat yakni Sate Dangung-Dangung dan Bubua Longkok. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengelolaan Poken Sotu Dangung-Dangung mengalami dua kali perubahan pengelolaan. Pengelolaan yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Kecamatan Guguak sejak tahun 1973 dan pengelolaan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah empat nagari pendiri pasar pada tahun 1998. Pengelolaan yang dilakukan oleh nagari ini mengembalikan kewibawaan empat nagari yaitu Nagari Guguak VIII Koto, Nagari VII Koto Talago, Nagari Sungai Talang dan Nagari Kubang menjadi lebih kuat. Dengan demikian, keberadaan pasar juga meningkatkan pendapatan empat nagari tersebut. Kata Kunci: pasar serikat, pengelolaan pasar, poken sotu, wisata kuline

    Peran Komunikasi Interpersonal Kepala Sekolah Mendorong Guru Sekolah Alam Bandung dalam Bekerja dan Berprestasi

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    Asbtrak Model komunikasi interpersonal yang ditegaskan dalam penelitian berkaitan dengan peran kepala sekolah sebagai atasan yang semula adalah guru guru Sekolah Alam Bandung (SAB. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengungkap hubungan komunikasi interpersonal atasan bahawan terhadap keterlibatan guru SAB. Metode Survei diterapkan dalam riset ini dengan pendekatan kuantitatif yang diimplementasikan dalam teknik analisis Regresi Berganda. Sampling yang digunakan berupa sensus dengan mengambil seluruh sample sejumlah 34 guru. Dari hasil uji Koefisien Determinasi, ditemukan bahwa variabel Employee Engagement Driver memiliki dampak secara simultan baik kepada Engagement Behavior Stay dan Strive, dengan nilai masing-masing sebesar 92,2% dan 83,8%. Hasil perhitungan kombinasi uji-t dan the lowest average score membuktikan bahwa pengaruh komunikasi atasan terhadap kesediaan bawahan untuk tetap bekerja (Stay) dan berprestasi (Strive) di SAB lebih tinggi, dibandingkan dengan drivers lainnya seperti gaji, lingkungan kerja dan beban kerja. Hasil analisis menunjukkan Kepala Sekolah telah memenuhi harapan bawahan dan dinilai mampu menjadi atasan yang menghargai pendapat bawahannya dalam pengambilan keputusan, serta memberikan perhatian terhadap kinerja bawahannya.AsbtractThe interpersonal communication model used in this study is related to the role of the principal as a superior who was originally a teacher at the Bandung Natural School (SAB). The goal of the study is to determine the connection between interpersonal communication from subordinates' superiors towards the involvement of SAB teachers. Quantitative analysis is implemented in the Multiple Regression analysis technique. The study used a census sampling technique by taking a total sample of 34 teachers. The results of the Coefficient of Determination test show that the Employee Engagement Driver variable has a simultaneous effect both on Engagement Behavior Stay and Strive, with scores of 92.2% and 83.8% respectively. The results of the calculation of the combination of the t-test and the lowest average score prove that the influence of superior communication on the willingness of subordinates to keep working (Stay) and excel (Strive) at SAB higher, banded compared with other drivers such as salaries, work environment, and workload. The results of the analysis show that the principal has met the expectations of his subordinates and is considered capable of being a superior who respects the opinions of his subordinates in making decisions and pays attention to the performance of his subordinates

    Tinjauan Hukum Islam terhadap Praktik Akad Tabarru’ pada Asuransi Syariah (Studi Kasus PT. Prudential Life Assurance Agency Prucahaya Makassar)

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    Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa praktik akad tabarru’ di PT Prudential Life Assurance Agency Prucahaya Makassar, bertujuan untuk kebaikan dan saling tolong-menolong bukan untuk mencari keuntungan semata. Setiap premi yang dibayar dimasukkan kedalam dua rekening, yaitu rekening tabungan pesertadan rekening tabarru’. Dana tersebut diberikan oleh peserta kepada perusahaan sebagai pengelola dana secara ikhlas untuk diberikan kepada peserta yang mengalami risiko atau musibah. Kemudian dana klaim diambil dari rekening khusus dana tabarru’

    TINJAUAN HUKUM ISLAM TERHADAP PRAKTIK AKAD TABARRU’ PADA ASURANSI SYARIAH (Studi Kasus Pt. Prudential Life Assurance Agency Prucahaya Makassar)

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    AbstrakAsuransi syariah dalam tata cara dan operasionalnya berlandaskan pada Al-Qur’an dan Hadist Nabi Muhammad saw. Di dalam asuransi syariah akad yang digunakan yaitu akad tabarru’. Akad tabarru’ bertujuan memberikan dana kebajikan untuk saling tolong-menolong antara sesama peserta asuransi syariah yang sedang mengalami dan mendapat musibah. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana praktik akad tabarru’ pada asuransi syariah PT. Prudential Life Assurance Agency Prucahaya Makassar. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif yang berbentuk penelitian lapangan (field research), dengan menggunakan pendekatan penelitian adalah Empiris. Adapun sumber data penelitian ini adalah wawancara dengan Pimpinan dan Karyawan PT. Prudential Life Assurance Agency Prucahaya Makassar. Hasil penelitian ini adalah mengenai Praktik Akad Tabarru’ di PT. Prudential Life Assurance Agency Prucahaya Makassar dan bagaimana pandangan hokum Islam terhadap praktik akad tabarru’ tersebut. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah hendaknya PT. Prudential Life Assurance Agency Prucahaya Makassar melakukan sosialisasi ke pemukiman masyarakat mengenai asuransi syariah khususnya akad tabarru’.Kata Kunci : Akad Tabarru’, Asuransi Syariah, Hukum Islam. AbstractSharia insurance in its procedures and operations is based on the Qur'an and the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad. In the Islamic insurance contract used is the Tabarru contract. Tabarru contract 'aims to provide benevolence funds to help each other among fellow participants of Islamic insurance who are experiencing and suffering. This research was conducted to find out how the tabarru contract practices' on Islamic insurance PT. Prudential Life Assurance Agency Prucahaya Makassar. This type of research used in this study is qualitative in the form of field research, using the research approach is Empirical. The source of the data of this study was an interview with the leaders and employees of PT. Prudential Life Assurance Agency Prucahaya Makassar. The results of this study are about the Tabarru Akad Practice 'at PT. Prudential Makassar's Prudential Life Assurance Agency and how Islamic law views the practice of the Tabarru contract. The implication of this research is that PT. Prudential Makassar's Prudential Life Assurance Agency conducts socialization to community settlements regarding sharia insurance specifically the Tabarru contract.Keywords: Islamic Law, Sharia Insurance, Tabarru’ Agreement

    Finite element analysis of composites materials for aerospace applications

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    Composites materials are intended to be used more extensively as an alternative of aluminum structure in aircraft and aerospace applications. This is due to their attractive properties as high strength-to-weight ratio and stiffness-to-weight ratio. Besides that it clarifies the growing interest for composites materials due to advantages of lightweight, high strength, high stiffness, superior fatigue life, tremendous corrosion resistance and low cost manufacturing. In this study, a finite element analysis (FEA) of fiberglass unidirectional E-type was analyzed in the framework of ABAQUS finite element commercial software. The analysis was done to quantify the mechanical properties and response of unidirectional E-glass in term of tensile, compression and thermal responses. From the analysis, the maximum and minimum values of stress and strain for E-glass 21xK43 Gevetex and Silenka E-glass 1200tex were obtained and stress-strain curve is presented. The ultimate load of failure, elastic behavior, tensile strength and other properties for each laminated plates under tensile and thermal-stress are determined from stress-strain curves. The simulation will run twice for each material where the first simulation based on orientation angles of 45° for ply-1, -45° for ply-2 and 90° for ply-3 while the second simulation, the orientation angles is 0° for all plies. The simulation is successfully conducted and verified by experimental data

    Deflection analysis of the thin-web workpiece structure using similarity concept

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    The thin-web structure component is widely used in aviation and aerospace industries with the reason of light weight and high performance. However, the thin-web components are tending to deflect because of their poor rigidity and the effect of cutting force during cutting process. It is required to perform of high-speed machining that can remove the large number of material in a shorter time in order to allow machining of such structure. The performance of high-speed machining operation is restricted by the static and dynamic stiffness of the tool and part that can cause some problems such as regenerative chatter and ‘push-off’. The tool path plays an important function to avoid the problem occurs as it assists to reduce the workpiece vibration during machining. The optimization of tool path is done by determining the element removal sequences and the materials removal are implemented using milling cutter. The maximum deflection for each element removed is recorded in order to define the optimum solution of element removal sequences. The analysis shows that there are significant effects of workpiece stiffness with relation to the cutting parameters setting

    Challenges in machining composite materials: impact of machining parameters on cutting force

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    In the aerospace sector, a hybrid material called CFRP-Aluminum composite is frequently employed. The machining of composite laminate determines the surface integrity and surface polish of the machine part. Excessive cutting forces must be avoided during machining since they are one of the main factors that cause machining problems. By doing this, it is made sure that no waste material is produced during the last phases of production. It is essential to select suitable and perfect machining settings to accomplish the lowest pressure during machining activities. In this study, the issues during the process of CFRP-Aluminum composites milling will be discussed that help utilise various parameters of cutting. A design of experiments method (DOE) was used to run trials with a range of parameter values and levels. Cutting force impacts of machining parameters are assessed by combining Taguchi and statistical analysis of variance (ANOVA). The resulting machining power, which accounts for 54.23 percent for S1 and S2 and 73.57 percent for S2, has the greatest influence on the depth of cut. The feed rate, which accounts for 45.19 percent of the variance in workpiece stiffness and strength, is the factor that has the greatest impact on S3 force. The outcomes proved that there is an adverse correlation exists between cutting forces on one side and feed rate, depth of cut, and cutting speed on the other hand. The results also showed that while the feed rate is set 800 mm/min, the depth of cut is considered 0.2 mm and the spindle speed is set 5000 RPM, the machining force will be minimized