149 research outputs found


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    Not all elderly people live with their families, there are also many elderly people who do not live in the same place as their families, there are also elderly people who live in special care homes for the elderly or nursing homes. In old age, the activities that elderly people can do decrease because as a person gets older, there will be changes in their physical and psychological condition which will also decrease. Happiness is a need for everyone, someone will do various things to achieve a level of happiness that is in accordance with their respective standards of living. Every person must have their own way to achieve happiness. The reduced activity and decline in physical function experienced by the elderly will have an impact on the happiness felt by the elderly, especially the elderly who live in nursing homes. This research focuses on the happiness of elderly people in nursing homes, with the subjects being 6 elderly people who live at Panti Griya Asih Lawang. This research uses a qualitative approach method with descriptive research type. The results of this research are that the happiness felt by the elderly while in a nursing home is the result of a sense of acceptance by the elderly with your life so far. The happiness felt by the elderly is also derived from a sense of gratitude and sincerity with everything they get at the Griya Asih Lawang home

    PENGARUH TEKNOLOGI SISTEM INFORMASI YANG DIGUNAKAN POLRI TERHADAP KUALITAS INFORMASI : Persepsi Pengguna Teknologi Informasi Pada Anggota Kepolisian Resor Kota Cimahi

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    Informasi memiliki peran yang penting dalam suatu organisasi. Informasi yang dihasilkan harus berkualitas, yaitu informasi yang relevan, akurat, tepat waktu dan lengkap. Informasi yang berkualitas akan terbentuk dengan dukungan dari teknologi sistem informasi, sehingga informasi tersebut akan memiliki peran penting dalam penggunaannya di organisasi seperti pada Kepolisian Resor Kota Cimahi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Teknologi Sistem Informasi yang digunakan POLRI dan Kualitas Infomasi di Kepolisian Resor (Polresta) Kota Cimahi serta untuk mengetahui pengaruh teknologi sistem informasi yang digunakan Polri terhadap kualitas informasi di Kepolisian Resor (Polresta) Kota Cimahi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dan verifikatif. Populasi berjumlah 469 orang dengan teknik penarikan sampel, probality sampel dengan sampel berjumlah 82 responden. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah koefisien korelasi pearson product moment dan analisis regresi sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teknologi sistem informasi dalam penelitian ini berpengaruh terhadap kualitas informasi. Dan teknologi informasi memiliki koefisien determinasi sebesar 91,3 % sedangkan sisanya sebesar 8,7 % dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. Kata Kunci: Teknologi Sistem Informasi, Kualitas Informasi Information plays an important role in an organization. The resulting information should be qualified, ie information that is relevant, accurate, timely and complete. Quality information will be formed with the support of the use of information systems technology, so the information will have an important role in its use in organisas as the Police Cimahi. This study aims to determine the use of Information Systems Technology and Quality The chart Police Police (Police) Cimahi as well as to determine the effect of the use of information systems technology on the quality of information on the Police Police (Police) Cimahi. This study uses descriptive and verification. Population of 469 people with a sampling technique, probality totaling 82 samples with a sample of respondents. The analysis technique used is the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient and simple regression analysis. The results showed that the information technology systems in the study of positive affect, the quality of information. And information technology has a coefficient of determination of 91.3% while the remaining 8.7% is influenced by other factors. Keywords: Technology Information Systems, Information Qualit


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh etos kerja dan disiplin kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai. Metode yang digunakan yaitu survei eksplanasi. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara penyebaran angket dengan model skala Likert. Responden adalah pegawai di Sub-bagian Umum dan Kepegawaian Pusat Survei Geologi sebanyak 32 orang. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa etos kerja, displin kerja, dan kinerja pegawai berada pada kategori tinggi. Kinerja dipengaruhi secara positif dan signifikan oleh etos dan disiplin baik secara terpisah maupun secara serempak. Maka dari itu, peningkatan kinerja dapat dilakukan dengan meningkatkan dua aspek yang mempengaruhinya, yaitu etos kerja dan disiplin kerja. This study aims to determine the effect of work ethic and work discipline on employee performance. The method used is explanatory survey. Data collection techniques by distributing questionnaires with a Likert scale model. Respondents are 32 employees in the General and Personnel Sub-Division of the Geological Survey Center. The data analysis technique used is regression. The results showed that work ethic, work discipline, and employee performance were in the high category. Performance is influenced positively and significantly by ethos and discipline both separately and simultaneously. Therefore, improving performance can be done by increasing the two aspects that influence it, namely work ethic and work discipline

    The Application of a Cost Plus Pricing Method in Determining the Selling Price of Dried Lomek Products (Case Study at Bumdes Kuala Alam)

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    The determination of the selling price will affect the level of consumer purchasing power, specifically, if the price offered is too high, it will have an impact on the decline in consumer purchasing power. As a result, the product willbe unable to compete in the market and vice versa. Even though the products offered at low prices can compete in the market, the profit achieved by the company will not be maximized. This study aims to determine the selling price of dried lomek products at BUMDes Kuala Alam, as well as the selling price of dried lomek products using the cost plus pricing method. This study uses a quantitative descriptive research method by collecting data from BUMDes Kuala Alam, observing the data and displaying the results in the tables described. This study obtained the results that there are differences in determining the selling price of dried lomek between the methods used by BUMDes and the Cost Plus Pricing method. The difference in the inclusion of variable factory overhead costs and fixed factory overhead costs. The method of determining the selling price of Cost Plus Pricing is able to determine the selling price that is able to compete. Because the selling price is below the market selling price range for 100 Kg is Rp. 13,700/pcs and the selling price of 1000 Kg is Rp. 8,000/pcs. Keywords: Pricing Strategy, Selling Price, Cost Plus Pricing Method


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kurangnya perhatian dari orang tua terhadap pendidikan anaknya di rumah, seperti memberikan bimbingan dalam mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan oleh guru, orang tua juga sulit meluangkan waktunya untuk mengajari anak karena sibuk bekerja, ada juga orang tua yang mengerjakan tugas anaknya sendiri, anak-anak tersebut juga semakin malas untuk belajar karena mereka beranggapan bahwa orang tuanya akan mengerjakan tugasnya. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana bentuk-bentuk kerja sama guru PAI dan orang tua pada masa new normal dalam pembelajaran PAI di SDN 19 Tarung-Tarung Utara. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian yang bersifat lapangan (Field Research) dengan dengan pendekatan kualitatif yaitu menggambarkan apa adanya tentang suatu keadaan. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggambarkan kerja sama guru PAI dan orang tua pada masa new normal dalam pembelajaran PAI di SDN 19 Tarung-Tarung Utara. Dalam mengumpulkan data penulis menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi dengan informan yang berkaitan dengan kerja sama antara guru PAI dengan orang tua pada masa new normal dalam pembelajaran PAI. Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa kerja sama guru PAI dan orang tua pada masa new normal dalam pembelajaran PAI di SDN 19 Tarung-Tarung Utara sudah berjalan cukup baik, hal ini terlihat dari kerja sama yang dijalin yaitu guru dan orang tua membimbing anak dalam memperoleh pendidikan, pertemuan antara guru dan orang tua awal atau pun akhir semester, dan kunjungan guru ke rumah orang tua siswa, atau sebaliknya

    Pola Asuh Ibu Tiri dalam Membangun Karakter Anak Pra Sekolah

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    This study discusses the Stepmother Parenting in Building the Character of Pre-School Children in Alur Nunang Village, Kec. Banda Mulia is experiencing various obstacles. This study aims to determine the parenting style of stepmothers in building the character of pre-school children in the village of groove nunang, sub-district. Banda Mulia and to find out the stepmother's obstacles in building the character of pre-school children in the village of groove nunang kec. Noble band. The type of approach used in this research is qualitative research. The results showed that stepmother parenting in building character in pre-school children in Alur Nunang village, Kec. Banda Mulia is to educate them gently, we position them as our biological children so that their mental and character can be confident and as if they still have a biological mother. Parenting should not be authoritarian, because it will result in their mental and self-confidence will be down. The influence of the stepmother's parenting style on the child's character is very important, namely in the form of preventive action (prevention). Then in the form of repressive actions (active), as well as curative actions (supervision) on children's behavior both at home and outside the home. factors and barriers to stepmothers in building the character of pre-school children in Alur Nunang Village, Kec. Banda Mulia are children who have a stepmother who are often feared by their friends playing in their environment, saying that the stepmother is very cruel, so that the psychology of the children becomes timid in front of their stepmother, then automatically, the stepmother's upbringing in building the children's character will experience obstacle


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    This research focuses on implicature in Saikiran’s Stand Up Comedy Script Dark Skin and Getting Married. By using Grice theory of implicature, the make up of this research strongly refers to the use of descriptive qualitative method to process the data, which are originally taken from the script. The analysis reveals two types of implicature i.e. cconventional implicatures and conversational implicatures. Conventional implicature is associated with the general meaning and also related to specific words (but, and, even). Meanwhile, conversational implicature verifies two types, i.e. generalized conversational implicature and particularized conversational implicature. There are 13 data referring to cconventional implicatures and 4 data to conversational implicatures (2 data generalized conversational implicatures and 2 data particularized conversational implicatures). The results of this research indicate that Saikiran uses those implicatures when he wants the audience to understand about his life condition in funny ways, and  the audience will possibly find it difficult to understand if they do not know his utterances in the contexts


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    The purposes of this study are: 1) To find out whether there are spelling mistakes in Detikcom and Kompas.com online newspapers. 2) To find out what types of spelling mistakes are often found in Detikcom and Kompas.com online newspapers. 3) To compare which online newspaper has fewer spelling mistakes. This research uses the descriptive qualitative method with document analysis instruments and simak-catat technique. It can be concluded that: 1) There were 60 spelling mistakes in 40 news headlines from Detikcom and 37 spelling mistakes in 40 news headlines from Kompas.com. 2) Italicization mistakes are often found in Detikcom with as many as 45 mistakes, while word writing mistakes are often found in Kompas.com with as many as 17 mistakes. 3) Kompas.com has fewer spelling mistakes than Detikcom in the March-April 2023 edition

    Perencanaan Struktur Bawah Jembatan Jl. Antara Bengkalis

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    Currently, the condition of the road Between Bengkalis bridge has a narrow bridge width compared to the existing road. Therefore, planning will be carried out to widen the bridge according to the width of the largest road. Planning here is focused on the design of the structure under the bridge. In planning the lower structure, data on the loading of the upper structure is needed that is in accordance with the expected width. Several methods are used to carry out structural planning under the design of concrete structures for bridges using RSNI T-12-2004, pile planning using the Notingham & Scretman 1975 method. The purpose of this thesis is to determine the carrying capacity of the foundation based on sondir data that is safe, economical, efficient and to know the calculation of the number of piles required by the foundation using the Notingham & Scretman 1975 method formula. In designing this thesis, what is discussed includes the structure under the bridge building between the abutment and the foundation. The planned foundation is a spun pile foundation . The building structure under the Senggoro Village bridge is planned to receive loads and forces from the superstructure with a span length of 13 meters, a bridge width of 21 meters and a dead load on the upper structure of 857.34 tons. 2.95 m, 21.70 m long and 3.55 m high . The bridge foundation on Jl.Antara Bengkalis Regency uses a pile foundation with a diameter of 25 cm and a pile length of 18 m. From the calculation, the single pile carrying capacity is 81,986 tons and the group pile bearing capacity is 3350.901 tons


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    Hukum tidak tertulis adalah juga hukum kebiasaan, salah satu contohnya adalah hukum Adat Indonesia. Hukum Adat adalah hukum yang tidak tertulis yang meliputi peraturan hidup yang tidak ditetapkan oleh pihak yang berwajib, tetapi ditaati masyarakat berdasar keyakinan bahwa peraturan tersebut mempunyai kekuatan hukum. Sifat hukum Adat adalah tradiosional dengan berpangkal pada kehendak nenek moyang. Menurut hukum adat Bali pengangkatan anak tidak boleh diwakilkan tidak ada batas umur tertentu yang dapat diangkat anak, baik yang baru lahir maupun seorang yang sudah dewasa, anak angkat itu tidak boleh lebih tua dari orang tua angkatnya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kepustakaan (library research) dengan cara meneliti bahan-bahan pustaka atau data sekunder. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kepustakaan karena data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder berupa dokumen- dokumen hukum. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah normative yang berdasarkan putusan – putusan hakim yang menyakut tentang kedudukan mewaris anak angkat dan pengesahan anak angkat menjadi anak sah. Suatu kegiatan penelitian pada hakekatnya merupakan serangkaian proses untuk mengungkapkan sesuatu yang belum diketahui. Pengangkatan anak dilakukan dengan upacara dihadapan seorang pemangku adat atau pendeta dengan saksi-saksi perangkat desa yang bersangkutan. Sahnya Pengangkatan Anak Menurut Hukum Adat Bali dan Hukum Negara Pengangkatan anak diatur dalam awig-awig Desa Adat masing-masing. Dalam Hukum Adat Bali, pengangkatan anak dilakukan dalam ketentuan yang berlaku pada sistem kekeluargaan patrilineal dan anak angkat berkedudukan selayaknya anak kandung dalam keluarga angkatnya. Kata Kunci: Pengangkatan Anak, Hukum Adat, Adat Bali, Hak Wari
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