37 research outputs found

    Pemilihan Monomer Fungsional Terbaik Dalam Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP) Monogliserida Lard Menggunakan Metode Komputasi

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    Pemilihan monomer fungsional yang cocok dan dianggap relatif cukup baik selektivitasnya dalam pembuatan MIP dapat dilakukan dengan bantuan komputer (computer aided) untuk mengurangi trial and error. Dimana molekul target (template) dan monomer fungsional dimodelkan dalam bentuk 3D menggunakan software ChemBio Ultra 12 selanjutnya diinteraksikan  menggunakan software AutoDock Tools 1.5.6 dan Pyrx untuk melihat binding interaction yang terjadi dan binding energy serta kemiripan sifat polaritas yang secara teoritis dapat memberikan informasi sebelum dilakukan sintesis MIP. Seleksi monomer fungsional secara bertahap dilakukan berdasarkan ada tidaknya binding interaction, tahap berikutnya dilihat berdasarkan binding energy yang paling besar (negatif) dan terakhir adalah momen dipol. Berdasarkan data tersebut monomer fungsional terpilih adalah molekul Benzo-15-crown-5-acrylamide dengan binding Interaction berupa ikatan hydrogen serta nilai binding energy dan momen dipol paling besar

    Adsorpsi Hg(II) Menggunakan Sargassum crassifolium dengan Adanya Pb(II), Cu(II) dan Fe(II)

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    Amalgamation use mercury in mining process especially small-scale gold mining and it has been impacted on mercury contamination in environment. Mercury is one of heavy metal that toxic and can accumulate in water, soil and organism. Adsorption method is one of alternative option that effective to remove heavy metal. This method depends on adsorbent type, pH, adsorbent composition with metal or presence of several metal ions. Beside mercury, wastewater of mining gold have another metal ions such as Pb(II), Cu(II) dan Fe(II) can be found by human activity or naturally present. This research aim is to study effect of Pb(II), Cu(II), and Fe(II) in Hg(II) adsorption by using Sargassum crassofolium adsorbent. Research stages are adsorbent activation and mercury adsorption on binary and ternary system respectively in equimass amount of metals ion and equimolar amounts of metals. Based on adsorption analysis is known that Pb(II) and Cu(II) is Hg(II) competitor while Fe (II) is not Hg(II) competitor in adsoption by using Sargassum crassifolium. On binary system in equimass amount of metals ion and equimolar amounts of metals that the largest decreasing effect of Hg(II) adsorption in system contain Cu(II)


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    ABSTRAKSeiring dengan meningkatnya jumlah sampah organik yang bersumber dari rumah tangga, menyebabkan semakin besarnya kebutuhan fasilitas dalam pengelolaan sampah. Perlu upaya dan strategi untuk menangani masalah ini secara tepat dan efisien. Kota Sungailiat memiliki Kelompok Swadaya Masyarakat (KSM) yang bernama KSM Srimenanti Jaya, yang peduli akan permasalahan sampah dan peningkatan kualitas lingkungan di Kota Sungailiat. Salah satu produk yang dapat dihasilkan dari pengelolaan sampah organik ini adalah pupuk kompos. Berdasarkan survei dan wawancara yang telah dilakukan, KSM Srimenanti Jaya memproduksi pupuk kompos namun memiliki permasalahan terkait kualitas pupuk kompos yang diproduksi tidak seragam/homogen. Hal ini diakibatkan oleh tidak tersedianya alat pengaduk pupuk kompos. Pengadukan pupuk kompos dilakukan secara manual menggunakan cangkul sehingga mempengaruhi homogenitas pupuk kompos yang diproduksi dan durasi proses pengadukan yang lebih lama. Oleh karena itu, perlunya penyediaan, sosialisasi dan edukasi mengenai teknologi mesin pengaduk pupuk kompos hasil olahan sampah organik bagi KSM Srimenanti Jaya sebagai metode dalam upaya peningkatan kualitas pupuk kompos yang dihasilkan. Setelah dilakukan penyediaan, sosialisasi dan edukasi teknologi mesin pengaduk kompos, terdapat peningkatan kualitas pupuk kompos yang terlihat dari volume pupuk yang seragam dan tidak ada yang menggumpal. Warna dan bau pupuk kompos organik juga seperti tanah dan teksturnya tidak terlalu basah/kering. Berbeda dengan kondisi hasil sebelum adanya penggunaan mesin pengaduk kompos. Selain itu, berdampak baik juga pada produksi pupuk kompos yang meningkat sebanyak 1 ton per bulan. Kata kunci: sampah organik; sampah rumah tangga; pupuk kompos; mesin pengaduk. ABSTRACTAlong with the increasing amount of organic waste sourced from households, causing the need for facilities in waste management is increasing. Efforts and strategies are needed to deal with this problem appropriately and efficiently. Kota Sungailiat has a Non-Governmental Organization (KSM) named KSM Srimenanti Jaya which cares about waste problems and improving environmental quality in Kota Sungailiat. One of the products that can be produced from this organic waste management is compost. Based on surveys and interviews that have been carried out, KSM Srimenanti Jaya produces compost but has problems related to the quality of the compost produced which is not uniform/homogeneous. This is due to the unavailability of a compost mixer. Compost mixing was done manually using a hoe that affects the homogeneity of the compost produced and the duration of the mixing process. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out provision, socialization and education about composting machine technology for processing organic waste for KSM Srimenanti Jaya as an effort to improve the quality of the compost produced. After providing, socializing and educating the compost mixer technology, there was an increase in the quality of the compost as seen from the uniform volume of fertilizer and no lumps. The color and smell of organic compost is also soil-like and the texture is not too wet/dry. This condition has the differences between the results before and after using a compost mixer machine. Besides that, it also has a good impact on compost production which increases by 1 ton per month. Keywords: organic waste; household waste; compost; compost mixer machine

    Penerapan Teknologi Mesin Pencacah Sampah Organik Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Pupuk Kompos Pada KSM Srimenanti Jaya Sungailiat

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    Currently, special efforts are needed to create proper and efficient waste management. The formation of a waste bank or through self-help groups is an effort to improve the community’s economy by taking advantage of the waste problems that are around. The Srimenanti Jaya Non-Governmental Organization (KSM) is a group that cares about environmental conditions and waste problems. KSM Srimenanti Jaya has helped the community and government in efforts to handle household waste into compost.  Through this community service activity, counseling and simple technology are provided in the form of a garbage chopping machine to facilitate the process of processing waste into compost. To speed up the composting process, it is necessary to enumerate the waste into smalller sizes with a garbage chopper machine. The manufacture of this garbage chopping machine is designed with a shredder mechanism where the inserted waste will be attacted, cut, and chopped so that it becomes small pieces. Through the knowledge and technology generated from this activity, it is hoped that KSM Srimenanti Jaya can produce compost that has a selling value and is compotitive in the marke

    Nanoencapsulation of Simpur (Dillenia indica L.) Leaf Extract For Antibacterial

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    Simpur leaf (Dillenia indica L.) as a traditional medicinal plant spread in the Bangka Belitung Islands. Secondary metabolites contained in simpur leaf extract are alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols, tannins, saponins, steroids, and terpenoids. Compounds that provide pharmacological properties such as polyphenols are unstable to the influence of temperature and high light intensity so that they are easily oxidized. The challenge to protect the damage of these compounds can be done by means of nanoencapsulation. This study aims to determine the size and efficiency of the nanoencapsulation of simpur leaf extract and its antibacterial bioactivity against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli bacteria. Manufacture of nanoencapsulation using the nanoprecipitation method with the constituent components of PCL (1.5 g), Tween 80 (50 mL), simpur leaf extract (0.15 g; 0.25 g; 0.35 g). Antibacterial activity testing using disc diffusion method. Nanoencapsulated extract mass 0.15 g; 0.25 g; and 0.35 g have sizes of 167.2 nm, respectively; 208.7 nm; and 229.1 nm and encapsulation efficiency of 88.21%; 56.77%; and 5.34%. The antibacterial activity of the nanoencapsulation and extract was more effective in inhibiting the growth of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria than Escherichia coli bacteria. Strength of activity against Staphylococcus aureus bacteria in nanoencapsulated extracts was categorized as moderate to strong and Escherichia coli bacteria in extracts were categorized as moderate

    Concentration Optimization Na2CO3 Alginates from Turbinaria sp. as Raw Material Electrolite Polymer for DSSC

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    Polymer electrolyte DSSC is one component of the application can convert solar energy into electrical energy. The polymer electrolyte can be synthesized from brown seaweed Turbinaria sp. However, the optimization of alginate extraction has not been widely carried out, so the aim of this study was to determine the optimum conditions for variations in the concentration of Na2CO3 (3%, 5%, 7%) in extracts from Turbinaria sp as raw material for polymer electrolyte synthesis for DSSC. Alginate optimum extraction results known by percentage yield, moisture content and functional groups using FTIR analysis. The optimum conditions for alginate extraction from Turbinaria sp are Na2CO3 5% and a temperature of 60 oC with a yield of 23.81% and a moisture content of 8.1%. FTIR results also indicate the intensity of the strongest mannuronic seen at 822cm-1 wave numbers


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    Industri pariwisata yang terus berkembang saat ini mampu meningkatkan peran makanan dan minuman dalam sektor pariwisata. Kondisi pasar saat ini menuntut adanya perubahan yang dapat memberikan nilai lebih dari suatu produk/jasa yang dapat memenuhi harapan dan kebutuhan konsumen. Salah satu bentuk perubahan tersebut ditunjukkan dengan tujuan konsumen untuk mengunjungi sebuah tempat makan kini bukan lagi karena faktor kebutuhan akan makan dan minum saja, tetapi mencari pengalaman makan yang berkesan lewat suasana dan tempat yang unik. Lewat suasana dan tempat yang unik tersebut, perusahaan mengharapkan konsumen akan merasa puas sehingga memperbesar peluang konsumen untuk datang kembali. Untuk dapat bertahan di tengah persaingan, perusahaan harus mampu menciptakan keunikan lewat lingkungan fisik sebuah tempat makanagar konsumen merasa tertarik untuk datang sehingga mampu meningkatkan repurchase intentionbagi perusahaan. Salah satu faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi repurchase intention yaitu melalui atmospherics, service quality dan food quality. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1)mengetahui gambaran atmospherics,2)mengetahui gambaranservice quality, 3)mengetahui gambaranfood quality,4)mengetahui gambaran repurchase intentiondan 5)mengetahui besarnya pengaruh dining atmospherics melalui atmospherics, service quality, food qualityterhadap repurchase intention. Objek penelitian ini adalah konsumenGiggle Box Café & Resto Outlet Progo. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif, verifikatif dan metode yang digunakan adalah explanatory survey dengan teknik purposive samplingdengan sampel berjumlah 100 responden. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah koefisien korelasi pearson product moment dan analisis regresi berganda dengan alat bantu software SPSS 22.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa atmospherics, service quality, food qualitydan repurchase intentionpada Giggle Box Café & Resto Outlet Progoberada pada kategori tinggi. Hasil perhitungan korelasi, variabel atmospherics, service quality, dan food qualitysama-sama memiliki hubungan yang positif dengan klasifikasi rendah dengan repurchase intention. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian menyatakan bahwa kinerja atmospherics, service quality, dan food quality mempengaruhi repurchase intention sebesar 24,3%. Dari hasil terhadap pengujian hipotesis dapat diketahui bahwa atmospherics, service quality, dan food quality memiliki pengaruh yang positif terhadap repurchase intention. Penulis merekomendasikan agar perusahaan memberikan pengalaman yang lebih berkesan kepada konsumen serta tetap menjaga, mempertahankan dan meningkatkan atmospherics, service quality, dan food quality yang telah diterapkan agar dapat meningkatkan repurchase intention perusahaan. Kata Kunci:atmospherics, dining atmospherics, food quality, repurchase intention,service quality  The tourism industry continues to grow at this time able to increase the role of food and drinks in the tourism sector. The current market conditions demand a change that can deliver more value than a product or service that can meet the expectations and needs of consumers. One of the changes is shown by consumers for the purpose of visiting a place to eat is no longer because of the need for food and drink, but look for a memorable dining experience through the atmosphere and unique place. Through the atmosphere and the unique place, the company expects consumers will be satisfied, thus increasing the chances of the consumer to come back. To survive in the competitive, companies must be able to create a unique physical environment that consumers feel compelled to come and to increase the repurchase intention for the company. One of the factors that may affect the repurchase intention, through atmospherics, service quality and food quality. This study aims to 1)to give description of atmospherics, 2)to give description of service quality, 3)to give description of food quality, 4)to give description of repurchase intention, and 5) the influence of dining atmospherics through atmospherics, service quality, food quality toward repurchase intention. Object of this study is consumers on Giggle Box Café & Resto Outlet Progo. The study uses descriptive, verifikatif, and the explanatory method used was survey by purposive sampling technique, and a sample of 100 respondents. Data analysis technique used is correlation coefficient of pearson product moment and multiple regression analysis with SPSS 22.0 software. The result of study showthat atmospherics, service quality, food quality, repurchase intention on Giggle Box Café & Resto Outlet Progo is inupper categorize. The result of correlation shows that each of atmospherics variable, service quality, and food quality has positive relation with low classification toward repurchase intention. The results obtained in this study that the performance of atmospherics, service quality, and food quality affects repurchase intention by 24.3%. from the results of this study of hypothesis testing can be seen that atmospherics, service quality, and food qualityhas a positive influence toward repurchase intention. The author recommends that companies provide a more memorable experience to consumers as well as maintain, sustain and improve the atmospherics, service quality, and food quality that have been implemented in order to increase the repurchase intention of the company. Key Words: atmospherics, dining atmospherics, food quality, repurchase intention, service qualit

    Adsorpsi Hg(II) Menggunakan Sargassum crassifolium dengan Adanya Pb(II), Cu(II) dan Fe(II)

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    Amalgamation use mercury in mining process especially small-scale gold mining and it has been impacted on mercury contamination in environment. Mercury is one of heavy metal that toxic and can accumulate in water, soil and organism. Adsorption method is one of alternative option that effective to remove heavy metal. This method depends on adsorbent type, pH, adsorbent composition with metal or presence of several metal ions. Beside mercury, wastewater of mining gold have another metal ions such as Pb(II), Cu(II) dan Fe(II) can be found by human activity or naturally present. This research aim is to study effect of Pb(II), Cu(II), and Fe(II) in Hg(II) adsorption by using Sargassum crassofolium adsorbent. Research stages are adsorbent activation and mercury adsorption on binary and ternary system respectively in equimass amount of metals ion and equimolar amounts of metals. Based on adsorption analysis is known that Pb(II) and Cu(II) is Hg(II) competitor while Fe (II) is not Hg(II) competitor in adsoption by using Sargassum crassifolium. On binary system in equimass amount of metals ion and equimolar amounts of metals that the largest decreasing effect of Hg(II) adsorption in system contain Cu(II)


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    Biodegradable polymer electrolyte utilization on lithium ion battery is increasingly considered to prevent any waste. This study was conducted to synthesis cellulose acetate from oil palm empty fruit bunch and its properties as polymer electrolyte membranes on lithium ion battery. This study was done by extracting cellulose from oil palm empty fruit bunch. That cellulose was acetylated become cellulose acetate and characterized its functional group. Further, polymer electrolyte was synthesized with composition 25/60/15(%b/b) (SAS/PEO/LiClO4). The properties of polymer electrolyte membranes were characterized by analysis thermal properties, ionic conductivity and mechanical properties. Based on functional group data, synthetic cellulose acetate had similar the main functional group with commercial cellulose acetate. Synthetic cellulose acetate contained 27% acetyl with 1,4 substitution degree. Analysis thermal properties showed that the decomposition of SAS/PEO/LiClO4 polymer electrolyte membranes was started above 260oC.  The ionic conductivity 10,81 x 10-4 S/cm of  these polymer electrolyte membranes was 10,81 x 10-4 S/cm. Analysis of mechanic properties were 0,05 MPa stress, 14,23 MPa elongation and 0,35 MPa Modulus Young. SAS/PEO/LiClO4 polymer electrolyte membranes had higher ionic conductivity than SAK/PEO/LiClO4 polymer electrolyte membranes. However, SAS/PEO/LiClO4 polymer electrolyte membranes had lower thermal and mechanic properties than SAK/PEO/LiClO4 polymer electrolyte membranes. &nbsp


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    The synthesis and characterization of kaolin-TiO2 from ilmenite composite as a degradation of rhodamine B dye was prepared. Natural kaolin from Air Bara, Central Bangka and ilmenite from BPM Unit Metalurgi PT. Timah (Persero), Tbk., Mentok Bangka Belitung. The kaolin sample was chemically activated and the ilmenite was carried out leaching with acid (HCl), then the ilmenite was calcined at temperature of 700°C to obtain the anatase phase. Synthesis of kaolin-TiO2 from ilmenit using the precipitation method using ethanol as a solvent, the composite using with 3 variation of kaolin mass i.e 0,2; 0,4 and 0,6 (w/w). The fungsional groups and the phase structure of kaolin-TiO2 from ilmenite was analyzed using FTIR and XRD, then the composite was applied to rhodamine B solution to determine the percentage of degradation in the solution by UV-Vis Spectrophotometry analysis. Degradation was carried out by adding 150 mg kaolin-TiO2 to 25 mL of rhodamine B solution and degradation process by irradiating UVC light. Based on FTIR and XRD data should that kaolin-TiO2 from ilmenite was formed composite. The optimum variation of kaolin mass in the composite composition of 0,4:3 (w/w). Based on UV-Vis Spectrophotometry data, rhodamine B solution with composite kaolin-TiO2 as catalyst was able to degrade rhodamine B up to 87,7% with the largest percentage of degradation at the 40 minutes. Keyword : ilmenite, kaolin, kaolin-TiO2, degradation, rhodamine BSintesis dan karakterisasi kaolin-TiO2 dari ilmenit sebagai degradasi zat warna rhodamin B telah dilakukan. Kaolin alam diperoleh dari desa Air Bara, Bangka Tengah dan ilmenit dari Bidang Pengolahan Mineral (BPM) Unit Metalurgi PT. Timah (Persero), Tbk., Mentok Bangka Belitung. Sampel kaolin diaktivasi kimia dan ilmenit dilakukan pelindian menggunakan asam klorida (HCl), kemudian ilmenit dikalsinasi pada suhu 700°C untuk memperoleh fasa anatase. Proses sintesis kaolin-TiO2 dari ilmenit menggunakan metode presipitasi menggunakan pelarut etanol, komposit dilakukan dengan 3 variasi massa kaolin yaitu 0,2:3; 0,4:3 dan 0,6:3 (b/b). Selanjutnya, gugus fungsi dan struktur fasa dari kaolin-TiO2 dari ilmenit dianalisis menggunakan FTIR dan XRD, kemudian komposit diaplikasikan pada larutan rhodamin B untuk menentukan persentase degradasi pada larutan tersebut yang dianalisis menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis. Degradasi dilakukan dengan menambahkan 150 mg kaolin-TiO2 kedalam 25 mL larutan rhodamin B dan proses degradasi melalui penyinaran sinar UVC. Berdasarkan data FTIR dan XRD menunjukkan kaolin-TiO2 terbentuk komposit. Variasi massa kaolin dalam komposit yang optimum yaitu pada pada komposisi komposit 0,4:3 (b/b). Berdasarkan data spektrofotometer UV-Vis, larutan rhodamin B dengan komposit kaolin-TiO2 sebagai katalis mampu mendegradasi rhodamin B hingga 87,7% dengan peningkatan persentase degradasi terbesar pada menit ke-40. Kata kunci: ilmenit, kaolin, kaolin-TiO2, degradasi, rhodamin