7 research outputs found

    Analisis Berpikir Reversible Siswa SMP dalam Menyelesaikan Masalah Statistika

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    Reversible thinking is a type of mental activity that has an important role in a person's success in solving problems. Problem solving is the heart of learning mathematics. Reversible thinking must be developed so that students have good problem solving skills. The purpose of this research is to describe the back-and-forth thinking of junior high school students in solving statistical problems. This type of research is descriptive qualitative with instrument tests. The research subjects were class VII students of SMPN 1 Gudo Jombang. Data collection by giving a test in one class VII SMPN 1 Gudo as many as 33 students. Next, one student who has the highest score is selected to be analyzed more deeply regarding his reversible thinking. The results of the study were that 78.9% of students were able to complete the first question, which was a question where the answer could be directly determined (data was known, the average was asked), but only 45.5% and 30.3% of students were able to complete the next two questions respectively. , which in solving it requires reversible thinking. The next two problems are problems that are the opposite of the first problem. Based on the test results, one student was selected with the highest test score, namely AAN. AAN is able to solve all problems correctly, both from the aspect of the settlement procedure and the final result. AAN has involved aspects of reversible thinking well in solving statistical problems. Among these aspects are forward, backward, and reverse aspects

    Perubahan Fungsi pada Bangunan Bersejarah Benteng Rotterdam terhadap Aktivitas Pengguna Bangunan

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    Abstrak_ Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan fungsi bangunan Fort Rotterdam sebagai Salah satu bangunan bersejarah (Heritage). Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya perubahan fungsi bangunan Fort Rotterdam dan pemanfaatan Fort Rotterdam sebagai salah satu bangunan bersejarah di kota Makassar serta aktivitas para pengunjung di Fort Rotterdam. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan membagikan kuisioner kepada pengunjung Fort Rotterdam dan melakukan dokumentasi atau pengambilan gambar bangunan-bangunan Fort rotterdam yang mengalami perubahan fungsi. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh pengunjung di Fort Rotterdam ini rata-rata berkunjung ke musium nageri La Galligo yang menyimpan beragam koleksi prasejarah, numismatik, keramik asing, sejarah hingga naskah serta etnografi. Kebanyakan benda kebudayaan yang dipamerkan berasal dari suku-suku di Sulawesi seperti suku Bugis, Makassar, Mandar, dan Toraja. Aktivitas lain yang dilakukan pengunjung  yaitu hanya sekedar berkeliling melihat bangunan-bangunan yang ada di Fort rotterdam ini serta berfoto-foto. Adapun perubahan fungsi bangunan-bangnan Fort Rotterdam yaitu pada masa kolonial Belanda, benteng dahulu dijadikan sebagai pusat pemerintahan dan penampungan rempah-rempah Belanda di Indonesia. Pada masa kolonial Jepang, benteng ini beralih fungsi menjadi pusat studi pertanian dan bahasa. Sementara setelah Indonesia merdeka, benteng ini dijadikan sebagai pusat komando yang kemudian beralih fungsi menjadi pusat kebudayaan dan seni Makassar hingga saat ini.Kata Kunci: Bangunan Bersejarah; Fungsi Bangunan; Fort Rotterdam; Pusat Kebudayaan. Abstract­_ This study aims to determine the changing function of Fort Rotterdam building as one of the historic buildings (Heritage). This research is motivated by the change of purpose of Fort Rotterdam building and utilization of Fort Rotterdam as one of a landmark building in Makassar city and visitor activity in Fort Rotterdam. The research method used is qualitative research method by distributing questionnaires to visitors of Fort Rotterdam and doing documentation or taking pictures of Fort Rotterdam buildings that have changed function. The results of the study show that visitors undertake the activities in this fort Rotterdam on average visit the museum of La Gallego nageri which stores a diverse collection of prehistoric, numismatic, foreign ceramics, history to script and ethnography. Most cultural objects on display come from tribes in Sulawesi such as Bugis, Makassar, Mandar, and Toraja tribes. Other activities that visitors do is just around to see the buildings in this Fort Rotterdam and take pictures. The change of building function Fort Rotterdam is in the Dutch colonial period of the castle served as the centre of government and shelter of Dutch spices in Indonesia. In the Japanese colonial period, this fort turned to function as a centre for agricultural and linguistic studies. Meanwhile, after Indonesia's independence, this fort became a command centre which later turned the function of being the centre of Makassar's culture and arts to date.Keywords: Historic Buildings; Building Functions; Fort Rotterdam; Cultural Center

    Pengaruh Edukasi Melalui Twitter Thread Terhadap Pengetahuan Gizi Seimbang Remaja di SMP Harjamukti Depok

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbedaan pengetahuan gizi seimbang remaja sebelum dan sesudah pemberian edukasi Twitter thread. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan kuasi eksperimental dengan tipe one group pretest-posttest design. Responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 52 orang yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi, yaitu siswa-siswi aktif kelas 7 dan 8 di SMP Harjamukti, bisa membaca dan menulis, memiliki akses pada laptop, komputer atau ponsel (smartphone), memiliki akun Twitter dan bersedia menjadi responden penelitian. Responden diberikan edukasi tentang gizi seimbang melalui thread Twitter sebanyak tiga kali dalam satu minggu dan diulang selama enam minggu. Data mengenai karakteristik individu dan pengetahuan gizi didapatkan melalui kuesioner. Pengumpulan kuesioner dilakukan pada sebelum dan sesudah diberikan edukasi gizi seimbang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan pengetahuan gizi seimbang remaja sebelum dan sesudah intervensi (p = 0,000). Tidak terdapat hubungan antara perubahan pengetahuan gizi seimbang dengan perubahan status gizi responden (p = 0,547; r = 0,085). Pada penelitian lebih lanjut disarankan untuk mengambil variabel lanjutan dari pengetahuan berupa sikap dan perilaku tentang gizi seimbang dengan jangka waktu penelitian yang lebih lama

    Merdeka Belajar Merdeka Mengajar

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    Kebijakan pemerintah “Merdeka Belajar, Kampus Merdeka” tentu menimbulkan respon tersendiri bagi para dosen selaku akademisi bagaimana menyikapi, merencanakan, menyusun dan mengimplementasikan sistem dan model belajar yang paling sesuai dengan kebijakan tersebut. Dan di buku Antologi inilah akan dijumpai berbagai pandangan, pemikiran, dan juga mungkin gambaran usulan untuk mengimplementasikan kebijakan MBKM di era informasi teknologi yang sangat cepat berubah dewasa ini. Sebagai pendidik profesional, para dosen tentu memiliki kiat dan cara tersendiri untuk bisa menghasilkan output lulusan peserta didik yang benar-benar sesuai dengan tujuan dan target kebijakan MBKM tersebu

    Application Of Village Apparatus Personnel Information System Through SIPEDE In Terungwetan Village Krian District Sidoarjo Regency : Penerapan Sistem Kepegawaian Perangkat Desa Melalui SIPEDE Di Desa Terungwetan Kecamatan Krian Kabupaten Sidoarjo

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    This research explores the implementation of e-Government through the Village Officials Employee Information System (SIPEDE) in TerungWetan Village to enhance the quality of public services in the year 2022. The study adopts the theory derived from the research conducted by the Harvard JFK School of Government, as applied in the work authored by Indrajit (2016:11), which comprises three key elements: support, capacity, and value. The research methodology utilized is qualitative, employing data collection techniques such as interviews, observations, and documentation. Informant selection was carried out through purposive sampling. The research findings demonstrate the success of implementing SIPEDE in the Village Officials Employee Information System. This is evidenced by: 1) Clear support and regulations, resource allocation, and effective operator awareness. 2) Adequate capacity, including sufficient financial resources, comprehensive information technology infrastructure, and competent personnel. 3) Village officials have experienced benefits, particularly in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of their performance reporting

    Pengaruh Edukasi Media Podcast Dan Video Animasi Terhadap Pengetahuan Gizi Lebih Remaja Usia 16-18 Tahun Di SMA PGRI 3 Bogor

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    Background: The nutritional status of overweight and obesity worldwide has almost tripled since 1975. In 2016, more than 340 million children and adolescents aged 5-19 years experienced overnutrition and obesity. Most nutritional problems can be avoided if an individual has good knowledge about nutrition and regulates eating. Nutrition education is provided to increase the level of knowledge and use interesting media so that the educational material to be delivered can be received more easily. Objective: Knowing the difference in the level of knowledge about overweight in adolescents 16-18 years before and after being given education with videos and podcasts. Method : Quasy experimental study with pre-post-test group design involving 80 students in class X and XI which choosed by cluster random sampling. Knowledge data collected with online method. Result :there are a difference knowledge with the use of nutrition education media through podcasts (p=0.000) and animated videos (p=0.000). Conclusion: There are differences in the level of knowledge about overweight in adolescents 16-18 years before and after being given education with videos and podcasts 