13 research outputs found

    The Success Rate of the GISA Village Program in Hulu Sungai Selatan District

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    This study aims to analyze the success rate of the GISA Village program in Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency. The data used in this study are statistical data on the success of the GISA Village program from the Department Population and Civil Registry of Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency. Meanwhile, the objects of this research are 3 villages, Muning Baru Village, Hamak Timur Village and Gambah Luar Muka Village. The source of the analysis is data on the success rate of the GISA Village program in each village. The success parameter is the percentage of ownership of population data such as Identity Cards, Child Identity Cards and Birth Certificates. This research method uses a descriptive research type with a qualitative approach, which aims to describe systematically, factually and accurately about certain social phenomena, which intends to describe in detail about the facts and existing data. While the analysis used in this study is the CIPP evaluation method (Context, Input, Process, Product) as a document analysis method is used to find data and information about the GISA Village program. Based on the results of the study, none of the 3 villages has achieved a 100% success rate, the cause is that there is no socialization from the Population and Civil Registration Office to the village and community equally, not equipped with supporting facilities and infrastructure, and the absence of a follow-up to the GISA Village program. Keywords: GISA Village, CIPP, success rate DOI: 10.7176/JESD/12-20-05 Publication date:October 31st 202


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    The Revolving Fund Management Unit is an institution that manages the Savings and Loans Activities Program, one form of the program is women's savings and loan activities with the aim of improving community welfare. This research was conducted to find out the implementation of the Standard Operating Procedure used by UPDB managers in providing loans to savings and loan groups and knowing the effectiveness of the program managed by the UPDB in order to empower the Paju Epat community. The research design used was case study research with methods of collecting data in the field through observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the study show that in lending the manager of the revolving fund is not guided by the objectives of establishing the KSP. Based on the SOP for review and institutions, the provision of funding from a revolving fund that SPP revolving funds is only used for funding SPP activities, is not permitted to provide loans individually. The funded groups include: savings and loan groups and joint business groups, various business groups with RTM users. While the results of research that can show the use of loans is used by group members to meet consumptive needs such as daily needs such as eating, drinking and medical expenses. In addition, loan funds are also used for other purposes such as buying land, the cost of school children, studying, building houses, rehabilitating homes and buying transportation equipment.  Article visualizations


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    Salah satu wilayah dengan basis ekonomi tanaman pangan di Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang yakni di Kecamatan Watang Sidenreng. Penggunaan lahan terluas yakni lahan persawahan. Peningkatan ekonomi wilayah Kecamatan Watang Sidenreng tidak terlepas dari produksi tanaman pangan yang tentu berpengaruh pada kondisi ekonomi masyarakat. Namun kebutuhan lahan yang terus meningkat, pembangunan serta pengembangan permukiman dan aktivitas perekonomian secara tidak lansung memunculkan konflik yang menjadi hambatan dalam melakukan upaya peningkatan ekonomi wilayah Kecamatan Watang Sidenreng khususnya dalam sistem produksi sektor unggulan tanaman pangan. Kendala-kendala yang dimaksud yakni semakin maraknya konversi lahan pertanian, ketersediaan dan kelayakan infrastruktur pertanian kurang memadai meliputi jaringan irigasi dan mekanisasi alat pertanian sehingga banyak petani yang beralih profesi serta keterampilan sumber daya manusia dalam melakukan pertanian yang masih kurang. Maka dibutuhkan suatu penelitian yang mengkaji seberapa besar kontribusi sektor unggulan tanaman pangan terhadap peningkatan ekonomi wilayah di Kecamatan Watang Sidenreng

    The Polential for Rural Resources Development Specifically Livestock Commodities based on Geographic Information System (GIS) in Patukku village, Bontocani District, Bone Regency

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    The Potential for rural resources development, specifically livestock commodities based on Geographic [nformation System (GIS) in Patukku Village, Bontocani District, Bone Regency(Muhammad Ansharclan NurWahiclaas researchers). This study aims to analyze how the potential of Rural Resource Development, especially Livestock Commodities based on Geographic Information System (GIS) in Pattuku Village, Bontocani District, Bone Regency. The analytical method used is descriptive analysis and analysis of Geographic Information System (GJS) based mapping. The results showed that Pattuku Village has the potential resources in the form of basic physical conditions that arc appropriate in development of rural areas based on agriculture, especially livestock sub-sector because it has topographic conditions located at an altitude of l 20 meters above sea level (masl) with hydrological conditions including groundwater, springs and periodic inundation, namely rice fields and rivers as sources of water that can be used by residents, especially farmers in development of agricultural activities, especially livestock. For climatology conclitions in Patukku Village, it has two seasons, rainy and dry seasons, with rainfall changing every month and this climate cycle occurring every year. These conditions encourage the optimization of agricultural land use, especially the development of rural areas based on superior livestock commodities

    The Effect of Work Motivation and Discipline on The Performance of The Leading Teachers of Madrasah

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    This article aims to determine the effect of motivation and work discipline on MA Unggulan Hikmatul Amanah Pacet. Respondents in this study were all teachers of the Supreme Court of Hikmatul Amanah Pacet, totaling 39 people. The results of the study found that: 1) The effect of work motivation on the performance of MA Hikmatul Amanah teachers was 23.9%, with a research t value of 1.589 0.05; 2) The effect of work discipline on Hikmatul Amanah's teacher performance was 40.9% with a research t value of 2.717 > t table of 1.687 and a significant value of 0.010 F table of 3.25. The influence of motivation and work discipline on teacher performance at MA Wisdom Amanah Pacet needs to be considered. Solutions to the problem are sought to be more helpful in improving teacher performance in the future


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    This study aims to determine the disparity of economic development between districts / cities and the influence of budgetary variables, infrastructure and economic growth on the inequality of economic development in South Kalimantan Province in 2011 - 2015. The research method used is descriptive quantitative with the analysis tools using the technique of Regional Economic analysis (Williamson Index) and simple regression analysis model. The result of the research shows that the disparity between districts / cities in South Kalimantan Province using Williamson Index within the period of 2011 - 2015 indicates a decreasing disparity that has an average of  0.513 with mining and quarrying sector and 0.310 without mining and quarrying sector. The result of F test shows that the budget expenditure, infrastructure and economic growth simultaneously have significant effect on regional disparity variables and the result of t test shows the budget expenditure and economic growth significantly influence the regional disparity in South Kalimantan Province at the alpha significance level of 0.1 or the level of trust 90 %

    Networking of Inter-Actors Governance in Land Services at Makassar City, Indonesia

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    This research aimed to analyze the pattern of networking between government actor (Land Office), private sector (PPAT), and society (citizens) in governance of land services at Makassar city. This research used a qualitative approach with a phenomenological perspective to understand the meaning of social phenomena under study. This research produces the data orally or in writing of the people and events that were observed to formulate a research focus. The focus of research is how the pattern of networking inter-actors in the governance of land services at Makassar. The results of study showed: (1) the Office of Land (government) and Land Deed Official or PPAT (private sector) is a partner in the process of land registration. Land Office implement the land registration, while PPAT make authentic certificate as a basis for land registration; (2) The relationship between actors is intermittent coordination; (3) Relationship with the Land Office (government) and society (citizens) are sociotechnical community programs through Land Certification Services for People (Larasita) and the Land Orderly Literacy Community Groups (POKMASDARTIBNAH). The implications of this research indicate the need for increased networking among actors in land services through strengthening interaction, interorganizational arrangements, and the provision of facilities to the weaker actors to realize the objectives of cooperation

    Thermal Characteristics of Rice Husk and Low Density Polyethylene Mixtures in Grate Bed Combuster

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    Thermal Characteristics of Rice Husk and Low Density Polyethylene Mixtures in Grate Bed Combuste