1,034 research outputs found

    António Hespanha and the Journal 'Penélope: Fazer e desfazer a História

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    The founding and editing of the journal Penélope. Fazer e Desfazer a História was a notable achievement in António Hespanha’s multifaceted, energetic and seemingly limitless career. The title of the journal encapsulated the way in which the younger generation of historians sought to express themselves and, above all, the new directions that were taken in the field of Portuguese historiography following the revolution of April 25, 1974.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Nobleza de corte y noblezas provinciales: poder, relaciones interfamiliares y circulación de las élites en Portugal (1640-1820)

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    What I Learned from Joaquim Romero Magalhães

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    Precisely because they were grounded on a solid knowledge of institutional and social matrices of the Portuguese trans-continental reality, Romero Magalhães’s works provide many relevant contributions on specific matters. Often there are less prominent ideas in the overall economy of a work that can be very striking to those who read them. I would like to emphasize three, which decisively influenced my understanding of Portuguese history and all my historiographical output.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Maxwell, Kenneth. Pombal, Paradox of the Enlightenment

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    Discussing what has or has not been said in the historiography written in English about themes from Portuguese history runs the risk of being transformed into a string of constantly repeated lamentations. As a general rule, there is almost always a tendency to fall back on a comment made by Laura de Mello e Souza in the first published review (1995) of Maxwell’s book about Pombal: “peripheral, both in the past and in the present, Portugal has ended up being miniaturized by European historians, who have placed it well below its real dimensions or have simply ignored it.” Nonetheless, the eighteenth century has a number of quite distinctive marks, which are best not forgotte

    A análise do sector automóvel em Portugal - o que influencia a venda de automóveis?

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    Com este trabalho pretende-se conhecer os factores que influenciam as vendas de automóveis em Portugal. Não existe ainda evidência de relação entre as vendas de automóveis e a situação (económica, financeira e populacional) do país. Quanto aos aspectos da situação económico-financeira dos consumidores (famílias e empresas), os factores que mais relevância têm são o desemprego e o rendimento disponível das famílias. Tanto a carga fiscal como a campanha de incentivos ao abate e o preço dos combustíveis não são relevantes. Por fim, os factores que influenciam as vendas no sector automóvel são tendencialmente diferentes para cada tipo de veículo vendido

    Probabilistic seismic assessment of bridges

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Civil. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 201

    Physical activity and affect of the elderly: Contribution to the validation of the Positive and Negative Affect Shedule (PANAS) in the Portuguese population

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    The concept of affect corresponds to the emotional dimension of subjective well-being (Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin, 1985). It is represented by two dimensions (negative affect and positive affect), which were the basis of the development of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule - PANAS (Watson, Clark, & Tellegen, 1988). It was translated and validated for the Portuguese population by Galinha and Pais-Ribeiro (2005b). Nevertheless, because the Portuguese version was not validated in a sample of Portuguese elderly, the goals of this study consisted in the translation of the scale (PANAS) from the original version of 20 items and the validation of its measurement model (including a shortened version) for a sample of Portuguese elderly (n = 311), aged 60 years or older (M = 68.53; DP = 6.69); it was then tested by a confirmatory factorial analysis. The results demonstrated that the measurement model (two factors and 10 items) of the shortened Portuguese version of the PANAS presented acceptable psychometric qualities, which adjusted to the data in a satisfactory way (factorial weights ranging between .57 and .70 in positive affect and between .52 and .68 in negative affect). We also concluded that older adults who practice more physical activity perceive higher levels of positive affect F(2, 297) = 3,78, p < .05; η2 = .025, and lower levels of negative affect F (2, 297) = 6,24, p < .001; η2 = .040).This project was supported by the National Funds through FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (UID/DTP/04045/2019) - and the European Fund for regional development (FEDER) allocated by European Union through the COMPETE 2020 Programme (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006969).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tax dividend evaluation of major urban renewal projects

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    This paper proposes a parsimonious methodology to evaluate the impact of large urban renewal projects on public revenues. The impact is largely endogenous, external to projects and may encompass a broad range of instruments, ranging from local to regional to central governments. We look at licence fees, user charges, piggyback levies, excise taxes, social security contributions, and taxation of property, corporate income, personal income, and sales or value added. All these revenues are labelled tax dividends for short. The evaluation of a project?s tax dividends may help governments on their licensing and, above all, on their co-financing decisions. However, the need for rigorous financial evaluations faces too many difficulties in practice, from modelling complexity to information shortages to time constraints to bureaucratic obstruction. The methodology in this paper aims precisely at delivering feasible, fast and reasonably sound assessments that can be computed before or after the projects? accomplishment. Revenue changes spring from the economic effects of renewal projects, which differ across space and time. Spatial effects are not restricted to the renewal site. Very often, they spill over to neighbouring city areas, and may also include region and nationwide outcomes. Most on-site effects are internalised by the developer but generate tax dividends too. The renewal project can also bring important benefits to adjacent city areas, because it either reduces a negative externality?pollution or crime, for example?or creates a positive externality?such as widely appraised amenities?for agents located therein. In the case of really large renewal projects, there may also be non-local effects to account for. In fact, the project?s own expenditure is likely to leak into regional and national suppliers, triggering macroeconomic consequences. Economic effects differ also on time, being temporary or permanent. The former come out of resource acquisition by the developer, and may include expenditure on planning, compulsory purchases, decontamination, demolition, and construction. Permanent effects on output occur because these projects increase the real value of capital in the economy. Real estate rents, on site and on neighbouring areas, capitalise the social net benefits of the renewal project. Hence, temporary effects are spatially diffuse and expand the economy in the short run. The methodology includes a tailored Mundell-Fleming design to quantify these effects. Permanent outcomes expand potential output, are normally restricted to an urban subspace and are quantifiable out of differential rents. The methodology is easily customisable to particular projects. As an example, we include an application to the large ongoing renewal project in Eastern Lisbon, Portugal, triggered by the 1998 world exhibition?Expo?98. Frequently, major renewal projects are prompted by a highly visible event, such as this exhibition or the Olympics. The event itself is likely to cause temporary effects, for example through its impact on the tourism sector? which is likely to boost within the city and its region. Our application shows also how to plug these effects into the analysis.

    Gestão da tesouraria e sistemas de incentivos às pequenas e médias empresas

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    Relatório de estágio do mestrado em Gestão, apresentado à Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, sob a orientação de António Manuel Ferreira Martins.Este relatório faz uma integração daquilo que foram cinco meses de estágio, numa empresa de investigação e desenvolvimento, com uma exposição teórica relacionada com o tema da gestão de tesouraria. Mais concretamente, efetua-se uma abordagem do tema dos programas de incentivo ao progresso da economia portuguesa, como é o caso do QREN. Como primeira experiência profissional, o estágio pretende fazer um enquadramento daquilo que foi aprendido durante os últimos anos de faculdade, com um ambiente real de aplicação de conhecimentos. O método foi a minha inclusão na equipa do departamento financeiro da Active Space Technologies e o desenvolvimento de atividades de controlo e suporte neste meio. Os resultados serão descritos ao longo das próximas páginas e buscam essencialmente a conexão dos conceitos assimilados com a sua utilização na prática. Realço como aspetos chave desta etapa o fato de me permitir ter uma melhor percepção do mercado laboral, conhecer melhor este meio e poder assimilar noções que poderão ser úteis para o meu percurso profissional que se aproxima