917 research outputs found

    The SDA Mission to the Jewish Community in South America

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    Ernest Hambloch e Borges de Medeiros: presidencialismo e poder moderador no Brasil

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    This paper will seek to equate the criticisms of Brazilian presidentialism by two authors: Ernest Hambloch and Borges de Medeiros, who deal with the institutional causes that underlie the authoritarian character of our political regime. For both, the reform of the political system is the fundamental demand; however, their proposals suggest different ways: parliamentarianism and presidentialism with moderating power. Thus, in dialogue with these authors, we will try, from its contextual political trajectories, understand their views and most fundamental diagnosis and the different proposals correction for distortions of imperial presidentialism in Brazil.O presente trabalho buscará equacionar as críticas dirigidas ao presidencialismo brasileiro através de dois autores: Ernest Hambloch e Borges de Medeiros, os quais versam sobre as causas institucionais que perpassam o caráter autoritário do nosso regime político. Para ambos, a reforma do sistema político é a demanda fundamental, no entanto, suas propostas apontam para caminhos distintos: o parlamentarismo e o presidencialismo com poder moderador. Assim, em diálogo com esses autores, tentaremos, a partir de suas trajetórias políticas contextualizadas, compreender seus pontos de vista e diagnósticos mais fundamentais, bem como as diferentes propostas de correção para as distorções do presidencialismo imperial no Brasil

    Short-term forecasting of daily COVID-19 cases in Brazil by using the Holt’s model

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    Introduction: We evaluated the performance of the Holt’s model to forecast the daily COVID-19 reported cases in Brazil and three Brazilian states. Methods: We chose the date of the first COVID-19 case to April 25, 2020, as the training period, and April 26 to May 3, 2020, as the test period. Results: The Holt’s model performed well in forecasting the cases in Brazil and in São Paulo and Minas Gerais states, but the forecasts were underestimated in Rio de Janeiro state. Conclusions: The Holt’s model can be an adequate shortterm forecasting method if their assumptions are adequately verified and validated by experts

    Poesia Hebraica Bíblica: A Relação entre Forma e Conteúdo em Juízes 4 e 5

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    A prosa e a poesia da Bíblia Hebraica guardam similaridades e diferenças, mas nem sempre delimitar a forma de ambas é fácil. Além disso, se a forma guarda relação com o conteúdo, pressupõe-se que ao contar a mesma história de formas diferentes (prosa e poesia) indicará um propósito distinto também. O artigo é uma análise da relação entre forma e conteúdo em Juízes 4 e 5 a partir das diferenças e similaridades entre prosa e poesia

    Mídia, fake news e racismo:: o punitivismo dos boatos como legitimador da violência

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    This article aims to investigate the relation that exists between the propagation of fake news and the institutionalized racism in Brazil. We realized that the construction of the criminal’s image, associated to black people, relates to the destruction of the individual’s memory, seeking a violent act’s legitimation to restore an alleged ‘order’. Beyond a punitivist activity in the mainstream media, there is a non-official form of media that acts in the social media that, as an expression of the dominant ideology in society, creates rumors to justify excesses and violence against blacks and poor people in a systematic way. Authors as Evgeni Pachukanis, Loic Wacquant and Marielle Franco helps us to iniciate a discussion about Criminal Law, criminal State and peripherals bodies and spaces ‘militarization’. Finally, we present some concrete cases that allow us to notice a continuous action, in the same modus operandis, regarding the destruction of black and marginalized victims of violence’s memory.O seguinte trabalho tem como objetivo investigar a relação existente entre a viralização de notícias falsas, amplamente conhecidas como fake news, e o racismo institucionalizado no Brasil. Percebemos, assim, como a construção da imagem do ‘bandido’ associado a pessoas negras relaciona-se com a destruição da memória do indivíduo, buscando legitimar a ação violenta para restabelecimento de uma suposta ‘ordem’. Entendemos que, para além da atuação punitivista existente na imprensa tradicional, existe a forma não oficial de mídia, atuante nas redes sociais, que, como expressão da ideologia dominante na sociedade, cria boatos para justificar excessos e violências contra negros no país de forma sistematizada. Recuperamos, assim, autores como Evgeni Pachukanis, Loic Wacquant e Marielle Franco para uma discussão sobre Direito Penal, Estado Penal e militarização de corpos e espaços periféricos. Apresentamos, ao final, alguns casos concretos que possibilitam perceber uma ação contínua, em mesmo modus operandi, para destruir a memória de corpos negros e periféricos vítimas de violência

    Estudo da interação de nanotubos de carbono e nitreto de boro funcionalizados com a molécula de CO2

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Física, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Física, 2014.Utilizando a teoria do funcional da densidade e o método de representação da variável discreta, estudamos a interação de uma molécula de dióxido de carbono (CO2)com nanotubos de carbono e nanotubos de nitreto de boro puros e funcionalizados. O processo de funcionalização considerado neste trabalho ocorreu através da técnica de dopagem substitucional que, para este caso em particular, consistiu em substituir um átomo na parede dos nanotubos por um átomo de cobalto. A análise dos resultados revela modificações nas características geométricas e propriedades eletrônicas dos nanotubos após o processo de funcionalização, com os fatores diâmetro e quiralidade desempenhando papel importante sobre as mudanças consideradas. Com relação _a capacidade de adsorção da molécula de dióxido de carbono, foi encontrada que os nanotubos de nitreto de boro apresentam melhor desempenho do que os nanotubos de carbono para esta tarefa, tendo em vista que os primeiros desenvolvem maior interação química com a molécula, traduzida através dos valores para a energia de adsorção obtidos. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTIn the scope of the density functional theory and the discrete variable representationmethod, we studied the interaction of a carbon dioxide (CO2) molecule with pureand functionalized carbon and boron nitride nanotubes. The considered functionalizationprocess occurred through the substitutional technique where an atom on the nanotubeswalls was replaced by a cobalt atom. The analysis of these results reveals changes ingeometrical features and electronic properties of the nanotubes after the functionalizationprocess, with the diameter and chirality factors playing an important role over theobtained changes. Regarding the adsorption capacity of the carbon dioxide molecule, itwas found that the boron nitride nanotubes has a better performance than the carbonnanotubes. This feature happens due to the fact the boron nitride nanotubes have ahigher chemical interaction with the CO2 molecule

    A Reappraisal of Judges 3:12-30

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    Abstract: This paper analyzes the text of Judges 3:12-30. The reason is that the presence of irony in Judges 3:12-30 has been disputed in recent articles. Using narrative criticism and intertextuality as methodology, this paper shows that the cumulative effect of literary features, and Moab-Israel relationship background, results in irony. Key-words: Book of Judges; Moab-Israel; Narrative Criticism; Irony; Food.Esse artigo analiza o texto de Juízes 3:12-30. A razão é a que apresença de ironia em Juízes 3:12-30 tem sido questionada em trabalhos recentes. Usando crítica narrativa e intertextualidade como metodologia, esse artigo mostra que o efeito cumulative de recursos literários e o pano de fundo do relacionamento entre Israel e Moabe resultam sim em ironia

    Meat market reaction towards mass media and science communication on bovine spongiform encephalopathy

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    This study assesses the correlation between reports on food risk published in scientific journals and in the printed mass media and changes in the meat market. It focuses on the case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in the United Kingdom. The findings suggest that during the time BSE and its related human disease were of noticeable public concern, there was a predominantly negative correlation between the number of reports on BSE published in the British printed mass media and meat market variables. In contrast, reports of scientific research on the disease contributed to reducing the perception of food risk because these numbers correlated positively with the meat market

    Mass limits of the extremely fast-spinning white dwarf CTCV J2056-3014

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    CTCV J2056--3014 is a nearby cataclysmic variable with an orbital period of approximately 1.761.76 hours at a distance of about 853853 light-years from the Earth. Its recently reported X-ray properties suggest that J2056-3014 is an unusual accretion-powered intermediate polar that harbors a fast-spinning white dwarf (WD) with a spin period of 29.629.6 s. The low X-ray luminosity and the relatively modest accretion rate per unit area suggest that the shock is not occurring near the WD surface. It has been argued that, under these conditions, the maximum temperature of the shock cannot be directly used to determine the mass of the WD (which, under the abovementioned assumptions, would be around 0.460.46 MM_\odot). Here, we explore the stability of this rapidly rotating WD using a modern equation of state (EoS) that accounts for electron--ion, electron--electron, and ion--ion interactions. For this EoS, we determine the mass density thresholds for the onset of pycnonuclear fusion reactions and study the impact of microscopic stability and rapid rotation on the structure and stability of WDs, considering them with helium, carbon, oxygen, and neon. From this analysis, we obtain a minimum mass for CTCV J2056--3014 of 0.56 M0.56~M_\odot and a maximum mass of around 1.38 M1.38~M_\odot. If the mass of CTCV J2056--3014 is close to the lower mass limit, its equatorial radius would be on the order of 10410^4~km due to rapid rotation. Such a radius is significantly larger than that of a nonrotating WD of average mass (0.6M0.6\, M_\odot), which is on the order of 7×1037\times 10^3~km. The effects on the minimum mass of J2056-3014 due to changes in the temperature and composition of the stellar matter were found to be negligibly small.Comment: 5 pages, 3 Figures, 2 Tables. Accepted for publication in A&

    Caso incomum de filariose linfática mediastinal com estenose da artéria pulmonar

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    E descrito um caso incomum de filariose linfática, devido a Wuchereria Bancrofti, com localização dos vermes nos linfonodos e linfáticos do mediastino. A intensa reação do conjuntivo mediastinal, provavelmente desencadeada por macrofilárias mortas, determinou no paciente - de 9 anos, residente em Belém, Estado do Pará - estreitamento do tronco e dos ramos principais da artéria pulmonar, defeito tido, inicialmente, como de natureza congênita. O exame histopatológico de duas dentre várias formações nodulares encontradas no mediastino, durante o ato operatório,permitiu, no entanto, estabelecer-se a verdadeira causa da alteração exibida pelo paciente. O achado representa uma formà curiosa de infecção por W. bancrofti, completamente inesperada, quando se considera que a prevalência da bancroftose é, hoje, muito baixa na cidade de Belém. Segundo dados oficiais, o índice de microfilaremia atingiu, em 1985, nessa cidade, cerca de 0,1% apenas, enquanto que, há algumas décadas, era ele estimado em mais de 10%.An unusual case of bancroftian filariasis caused by the presence of macrofilariae in the mediastinal lymphatic vessels is presented. The considerable tissue reaction developed in the mediastinum, probably in relation to products released by dead worms, provoked a severe constriction of the trunk and main branches ofthe pulmonary artery, which conducted to a initial diagnosis of congenital heart disease. The patient, a 9-year-old boy living in Belém-Pará, was admitted to the Belém Hospital and operated at the heart unit, on March 1983. Several fibrous masses were found in the anterior mediastinum, some of them being close to the bifurcation of the pulmonary trunk. The artery presented a severe constriction and a thickened wall. Two of the fibrous nodules were removed for histopathological examination and the sections showed that the masses consisted of lymph nodes surrounded by fibrous tissue and dilated lymphatic vessels. Lying inside the vessels there were numerous sections of filarial worms, recognized as mature females of Wuchereria bancrofti. Some of the worms had died and become calcified. Blood films obtained from the patient after the operation were negative for microfilariae. However, a member of his family, a 14-year-old sister, had been given a course of diethylcarbamazine (DEC), in January of the same year, because, in a routine examination, microfilariae of Wuchereria bancrofti had been demonstrated in her peripheral blood