174 research outputs found

    Investigation On The Role of Cavity and Slit of Cavity Resonators to Sound Absorption Behavior

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    Slit resonator and also perforated resonator are few kind of room interior finishing. They act as sound absorbers. Gen-erally, they are constructed of at least three basic types of absorbers, such as porous, membrane and cavity compo-nents.These types of room surface finishing should acoustically provide aural quality for audience and even architec-turally contribute aesthetic value for interior finishing. To attain a well performance of interior finishing, composition of surfaces, textures and colors, motivate designers to explore slit and also perforated resonator as frequent choices. Configuration, dimension, composition and form of cavity or slit may give different and specific sound absorption be-havior as well as sound absorption ability and quality. Research that has been done leads to the objective to study the role of slit and cavity resonators as sound absorbers through experimental method in a reverberant chamber

    Compliments Given by a Teacher in Symphpnia Music School Surabaya to High-, Mid-, and Low-ability Students

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    This research aimed at observing compliment and non-compliment feedbacks between a teacher at a private music school and her students who had different abilities. The data were the recorded piano lesson of each student and the analysis was focused on the compliments and exchange structures as directed by Holmes (1988) and Coulthart (1992). The findings showed that all students received more compliments than non-compliments. For the compliment, all types of student received ‘Good' token the most. On the second place high-ability student received ‘Very Good', while mid- and low-ability student got mitigation. As for the non-compliment feedback, high- and low-ability student got criticism the most and it was found that the frequency of no feedback in mid-ability student occured the most


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    As a foundation, At-Thoat school has a routine agenda every year, namely the Admission of New Students (ANS). Even though they have implemented by online, they have not been able to realize one day service. The speed and automation of ANS services greatly helps the acquisition of new students. Because competition for new students is competitive. In addition, the number of new students at At-Thoat has also greatly influenced the survival of the school. The solution offered in this study for this problem is to compile a strategic design for Information Systems (IS) and Information Technology (IT) using the Ward and Peppard method, which are design methods capable of producing IS / IT strategies that are in line with business strategies. The first stage in applying this method in this research is the analysis of current conditions, both the organization as a whole and the IS / IT aspect. The next stage is an analysis of IS / IT needs in the future. The final stage is the preparation of IS / IT strategic steps. To analyze each of these stages, analysis tools are needed, namely: SWOT, critical success factor. The implementation of the Ward and Peppard methods and their analytical tools were able to identify and recommend IS / IT needs at At-Thoat School for the next 5 years. However, the resulting recommendations must be adjusted to the priority scale, because of the various limitations faced.  

    The effect of geometric structure on stiffness and damping factor of wood applicable to machine tool structure

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    Stiffness and vibration damping capability are important criteria in design of machine tool structure. In other sides, the weight of machine tool structure must be reduced to increase the handling capability. This paper presents an analysis of the effect of geometric structure on stiffness and vibration damping of wood structure. The stiffness was analysed using numerical method, so called finite element method (FEM), while the vibration damping capability was experimentally tested. Vibration testing was also performed to wood structures with sand powder filled into its rectangular hole to observe the its effect on damping factor. Simulation results show that the cross ribs structure yielded minimum mass reduction ratio compared to the three square holes as well as the single rectangular hole structures. While the vibration test results explained that the damping factor of Shorea laevis wood was higher than that Hevea braziiensis wood. The use of sand powder as vibrating mass in closed-box structure effectively increased the damping capability, for single rectangular hole structure the damping factor was increased from 0.048 to 0.07

    Pembangunan Web Server Mengunakan Debian Server Untuk Media Pembelajaran Di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Negeri 1 Sragen

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    ABSTRACT – Along with the development of more advanced technology that affects a system and operational efficiency in the field work in the life, many educational institutions that use computer networks and internet facilities to support teaching and learning process. By using a network of computers and internet facilities, teachers and students can find references of learning and easyy to communicate in order to support the learning process. The aim of this study is  to generate a web server in the Vocational School SMK N  1 Sragen as website for student learning. The advantage of this research to increase student learning that supported by the media website and find out how technical implementation of a network client - server in the Vocational School SMK N 1 Sragen. The methods that the writer used are literary method, observation, interviews, analysis, design, testing, and implementation. In the design and manufacture of web server, the writer uses the debian squeeze 6. The results of this study are to optimize the network of Local Area Network (LAN) as a medium of learning for the benefit of education. Keyword : Web Server   Abstraksi – Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi yang semakin maju mempengaruhi suatu sistem dan efisiensi operasional dalam dunia kerja di bidang kehidupan, banyak instansi pendidikan yang menggunakan fasilitas jaringan komputer dan internet untuk mendukung proses belajar mengajar. Dengan memanfaatkan jaringan komputer dan fasilitas internet, guru dan siswa dapat mencari referensi pembelajaran dan kemudahan komunikasi demi mendukung proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Menghasilkan web server pada Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 1 Sragen sebagai website pembelajaran siswa. Penelitian ini bermanfaat untuk Meningkatkan pembelajaran siswa yang didukung dengan media website serta mengetahui cara teknik implementasi suatu jaringan client – server di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri Negeri 1 Sragen. Metode yang penulis gunakan adalah metode studi pustaka, observasi, wawancara, analisis, perancangan, uji coba, implementasi. Dalam perancangan dan pembuatan web server ini penulis menggunakan debian squeeze 6. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah mengoptimalkan jaringan Local Area Network (LAN) sebagai media pembelajaran. Kata Kunci : Web Serve

    Pemberdayaan Kelompok Aisyiyah dalam Pengelolaan Salak Pondoh di Kecamatan Turi, Sleman

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    Turi yang merupakan salah satu kecamatan di Kabupaten Sleman, dengan tanaman utamanya adalah salak pondoh. Sebagian besar anggota Aisyiyah mempunyai lahan salak pondoh dan merupakan petani salak pondoh. Permasalahan yang sering dihadapi adalah harga salak pondoh yang sangat fluktuatif, serta pengetahuan dan ketrampilan anggota dalam mengelola hasil dan mengolah buah salak pondoh masih sangat terbatas. Mendasarkan pada permasalahan yang ada pada mitra, maka prioritas permasalahan perlu yang diselesaikan dan solusi yang dilakukan adalah peningkatan nilai tambah buah salak pondoh dan peningkatan ketrampilan dalam pengelolaan paska panen salak pondoh. Tujuan program pengabdian masyarakat ini untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah buah salak pondoh melalui industri hilir pengolahan salak pondoh menjadi berbagai macam produk dan meningkatkan pengetahuan, wawasan, dan ketrampilan anggota Aisyiyah dalam pengelolaan paska panen dan pengolahan salak pondoh. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat menunjukkan masyarakat sasaran yaitu Pimpinan dan Anggota PCA Turi dan PRA Kembangarum, memberikan tanggapan yang sangat baik dengan berpartisipasi mengikuti kegiatan dengan sebaik-baiknya. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan, wawasan dan ketrampilan warga Aisyiyah dalam mengelola dan mengolah buah salak pondoh menjadi produk minuman dan brownies.Kata kunci: Salak pondoh, Aisyiyah, Nilai tambah, Produk Olaha

    Antecedents of Usefulness of Electronic Word of Mouth (E-WOM) Information on Consumer’s Purchase Intention

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    This study examines the effect of communication through social media (electronic word of mouth) on consumer’s purchase intentions. This research model was developed from the theory of information adoption model. The study was conducted by quantitative approach through survey method. The data collection process is done online, with the sample size reaching 240 respondents. The data analysis method used to test the relationship between variables in this study is regression analysis. The study findings show that source credibility, source perceptions, two-sided information, and information ratings positively and significantly impact the usefulness of electronic word-of-mouth information. In comparison, the argument quality does not affect the usefulness of electronic word-of-mouth information. The usage variable of the information of active viral influence has a positive and significant effect on the adoption information of electronics word-of-mouth, which has a positive and significant effect on consumer purchase intentions

    Konfirmatori Gabungan Pemasaran Jasa terhadap Animo Beli pada Program Studi Teknologi Pembelajaran

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    This study aims to determine the combined effect of service marketing on buying interest in the learning technology study program. The data analysis method in this study uses a quantitative investigation using the SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) model, the sample data uses the census method. The use of samples in this study were 492 respondents. The authors of this article processed the data using AMOSE version 16.0 programming. The results showed that the combined variables of service marketing, namely product, price, place, promotion, people, process, and physical evidence had a significant effect on buying interest in the Master of Learning Technology (MTP) Program. In conclusion, if students' views about products, prices, places, promotions, people, processes, and physical evidence are good, it will build students' decisions to continue their education in the Learning Technology Study Program, Universitas PGRI Argopuro Jember and vice versa. Keywords: Confirmatory, Combined, Marketin
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