27 research outputs found

    Understanding of the Challenges of the Writing Work in Academia World: What Publication Say

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    This article discussed various types of academic or intellectual papers from academic assignments and projects. Understanding the various writing types in academic work is very important because it serves to communicate the knowledge gained through a series of searches that involve research activities in various disciplines. The researchers have obtained literature related publications, and review them with descriptive design analysis to obtain data findings that answer the topic of discussion. The researchers involve a coding system, in-depth interpretation, and data conclusion taking elements of high validity and reliability of this study's findings. Finally, summarize the findings of this study; this thesis's result can be summed up with some significant pings, among others, that academically speaking, challenges in writing were not new.. The difficulty of writing scholarly was a problem for non-academic students [the English speaker] and other nationalities. For this reason, this analysis merely offers an interpretation of that in a traditional academic language. Keywords: Understanding Academic Writing, Academia Works, Publication Revie

    Effect of Knowledge Sharing dan Leader member Exchange (LMX) and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) to Indonesian Lectures’ Performance

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    The goal of this study was to determine and analyse the effect that information sharing on University teachers' performance, to develop and analyse the effect of LMX on university lecturers' performance, to determine and analyse the impact of Organizational Citizen's Conduct (OCBs) on University lecturers' performance, etc. Quantitative techniques for interpretation are used in this study. Data collection took place in private Universities in Jakarta by offering electronic surveys for lectures. As data processing methods version 3.0 of SmartPLS was used. Data from 180 lectures in private universities by taking a snowball sample set. The outcome of this study is the exchange of information which has a positive and significant impact on lecture performance and the positive and significant impact on lecture performance and the actions of the OCB as a leader in membership (LMX

    Virtual Learning Apps: Best Instructional Leadership Practices in the Digital Age Efforts to Improve Student Learning Outcomes

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    The Paper aimed to understand virtual learning applications, the best education practices in the all-digital era. The author believes that one element that leads to successful learning in the digital era is using some virtual learning applications. The researchers have explored many scientific publications looking for evidence of recent studies on how to benefit virtual learning from national and international publication literature databases. So that we can use the data to answer the problem of this study, first we try to explore the data by examining it to get an in-depth understanding of the clock such as data evaluation, data coding, in-depth interpretation, and good abstraction in answering the core problems of the study. After in-depth study and discussion, the data show that we are finally convinced that several applications that excel in virtual learning have been recommended by several education and technology experts due to their effectiveness and innovative power to provide best practices to improve student learning or learning outcomes. They added that typical learning in the digital era is the ability to choose and use several digital applications that have advantages in transforming learning in the 21st-century era. We are sure that the result and new evidence of this project would be used as input to develop similar studies in the future

    Pemanfaatan Media Power Point terhadap Tingkat Konsentrasi dan Motivasi Belajar Peserta Didik

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of using Power Point media on the level of concentration and motivation of students. The research method used in this study is a literature study by collecting data from various reliable sources. The analysis results show that the use of Power Point media can increase the concentration and motivation of students. This is because Power Point has an attractive and interactive appearance, which can attract the attention of students and make them more focused on learning. In addition, the use of Power Point can also facilitate students in understanding the material presented by teachers or lecturers. Therefore, the use of Power Point media is highly recommended in learning to improve the quality of student learnin

    The Role of Academic Fraud as an Intervening Variable in Relationship of Determinant Factors Student Ethical Attitude

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    The study aims to investigate how students' ethical behavior is influenced by their levels of intellectual, emotional, and spiritual intelligence, with educational fraud serving as a moderating factor. In order to gather the primary data for this study, 232 accounting students from 64 universities in Indonesia were given questionnaires. The information analysis method used in this study is partial least squares (PLS) with structural equation modeling (SEM) utilizing SmartPLS 3 software. The results of this study show that while religious and intellectual intelligence have a large and favorable influence on educational fraud, emotional intelligence has no discernible effect. Spiritual intelligence has the power to impact college students' moral behavior in a way that highbrow intelligence and emotional intelligence do not. Academic fraud has a big impact on how pupils act morally. According to this analysis, students' ethical behavior with instructional fraud as an intervening variable is partially and significantly influenced by highbrow intelligence and non-secular intelligence; in contrast, students' ethical behavior without educational fraud as an intervening variable is not influenced by emotional intelligence


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    This study aims to identify several scientific evidence of the process of concepts and applications of public policymaking and services based on scientific knowledge obtained from various practices in developed and developing countries. We get supporting data from various first publications on public policy and services in Indonesia and several other scientific contexts. We analyze under a phenomenological engagement involving a coding system, so that valid and reliable conclusions are drawn to answer the problem. Based on the analysis and discussion results, we can conclude that several essential components have been obtained whose language is the concept and application of policymaking in public has resulted in a variety of concepts and policies that follow the needs of the field, which are based on instruments and objectives. The best practice that we have been able to conclude includes anti-corruption policies limiting policies in Indonesia and narcotics policies, human rights and democracy, technology and science policies, and system policies that work in Indonesia. These findings will be helpful in the development of similar studies in the future

    Karakteristik Kuta Bataguh di Kapuas, Kalimantan Tengah

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    Kuta Bataguh is administratively located in Bataguh and East Kapuas Districts, Kapuas Regency, Kalimantan Tengah. The research aims to reconstruct the characteristics of Kuta Bataguh. This research is using interpretive-descriptive method with the inductive reasoning. Data collection used surveys, excavations, interviews, and literature study. The analysis included environmental, stratigraphic, artifactual, spatial, and absolute dating analysis. Survey (surface and aerial) and excavation activities were carried out inside and outside the fence, both downstream and upstream of the Karinyau River. The results illustrate that the characteristics of Kuta Bataguh are a large permanent settlement that is split by a river. The fortified settlement of Kuta Bataguh was the leader residence of Ngaju community group (as the center of power). By referring to the pattern, function and extent of this settlement, it can be assumed that the local authorities in Bataguh are on par with early state in their socio-political organization.Kuta Bataguh secara administratif berada di Kecamatan Bataguh dan Kapuas Timur, Kabupaten Kapuas, Kalimantan Tengah. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk merekonstruksi karakteristik Kuta Bataguh. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif interpretif dengan penalaran induktif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan survei, ekskavasi, wawancara, dan studi pustaka. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis lingkungan, stratigrafi, artefaktual, ruang, dan analisis pertanggalan absolut. Kegiatan survei (permukaan dan udara) dan ekskavasi dilakukan di dalam dan di luar pagar benteng baik di arah muara maupun hulu Sungai Karinyau. Hasil penelitian memberi gambaran bahwa karakteristik Kuta Bataguh adalah tempat tinggal permanen yang luas dan dibelah oleh aliran sungai. Dengan berpatokan pada pola, fungsi, dan luasnya pemukiman ini, dapat diasumsikan bahwa penguasa lokal di Bataguh dalam organisasi sosial politiknya sudah setara dengan early state

    Effect of Ecological, Servant dan Digital Leadership Style Influence University Performance? Evidence from Indonesian Universities

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of ecology leadership, servant leadership and digital leadership toward universities performance. This research method is a quantitative method with data processing tools using the SmartPLS version 3.0 program. The research data were obtained from an online electronic questionnaire distributed online using a snowball sampling system. The respondents of this study were 222 lectures of universities in Banten. The results of data analysis show that servant leadership, digital leadership and ecological leadership significantly influence universities performance. The novelty of this study is the first leadership research model with servant, digital and ecology variables on universities performance

    Effect of Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Work Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment toward Indonesian School Performance

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    This research was designed to evaluate and analyse the impact of the OSC on high school results, to determine and analysis the effect of the work on the school's results at secondary schools, and to determine and analyse the influence of OSC on school performance in midschools. As an analysis tool, this review uses quantitative methods. Data collection has been done through the distribution of online electronic questionnaires to senior high school teachers in Jakarta. Snowball sampling data set of 150 Senior High School teachers. The results of this study show that the relationship between job satisfaction and school performance is significant, the correlation between organisation's engagement and school performance is relevant, and that the link is significant between organisational citizenship and school performance

    Relevance of mastery of information systems skills and success of business management in the digital age: a systematic review

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    The search for the relevance of mastery of skills and mastery of information systems on the success and strength of business management in the digital era is the main objective of our systematic review. We make evidence of the study findings from dozens of international publications that have discussed various themes of ways and approaches to advance or manage the business with the assistance of technology which has become the hallmark of a tool in all business sectors. We conducted an electronic search on all supporting data from Google Scholar from the 2010 to 2021 issue. After obtaining the data, we then analyzed it by involving the coding system, extract data, evaluating, in-depth interpretation, and concluding response to this question with valid findings and high reliability. By considering the existing evidence, we can report the results; there is a significant correlation between technology skills and successful business management. In short, the ability to use the Internet plays a vital role in a business because managers can search and meet a customer for any purpose through search engines. Similarly, the consumers will instantly be able to get what they need using the same tools of technology-savvy