1,523 research outputs found

    Two-phase RTD-CMOS pipelined circuits

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    MOnostable-BIstable Logic Element (MOBILE) networks can be operated in a gate-level pipelined fashion (nanopipeline) allowing high through output. Resonant tunneling diode (RTD)-based MOBILE nanopipelined circuits have been reported using different clock schemes including a four-phase strategy and a single-phase clock scheme. In particular, significant power advantages of single-phase RTD-CMOS MOBILE circuits over pure CMOS have been shown. This letter compares the RTD-CMOS realizations using a single clock and a novel two-phase clock solution. Significant superior robustness and performance in terms of power and area are obtained for the two-phase implementations

    On the generating function of weight multiplicities for the representations of the Lie algebra C2C_2

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    We use the generating function of the characters of C2C_2 to obtain a generating function for the multiplicities of the weights entering in the irreducible representations of that simple Lie algebra. From this generating function we derive some recurrence relations among the multiplicities and a simple graphical recipe to compute them.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1304.720

    Adaptación de una metodología de desarrollo arquitectónico al contexto de equipos de desarrollo pequeños

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    The presented proposal in this work consists in adapting the architectural developmentprocesses that the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) suggests to the small developmentteams with the purpose that they can be used in the information technologies enterprises.The process presented in this work is evaluated by using the architectural design of a real-lifeapplication that utilizes a variant of the Services Oriented Architecture (SOA). In addition,different variants found on the literature of SOA and their main features are presented.Finally, this project provides guidelines for integrating the adapted methods to the Intro-ductory Team Software Process (TSPi), specifically explaining where they fit with respect torequirements development and high-level design activities.La propuesta que se presenta en este trabajo consiste en adaptar los procesos de desarrollo arquitectónico que propone el Instituto de Ingeniería de Software (SEI) al contexto de equipos de desarrollo pequeños con el fin de que estos se puedan emplear en las empresas de tecnologías de la información. El proceso propuesto es evaluado mediante el diseño arquitectónico de una aplicación de la vida real que emplea una variante de la Arquitectura Orientada a Servicios (SOA). Adicionalmente, se presentan las diferentes variantes de SOA encontradas en la literatura junto con sus características principales. Por último, este proyecto proporciona las guías para integrar las adaptaciones de los métodos dentro del Proceso de Software en Equipo nivel Introductorio (TSPi), explicando específicamente como se ajusta con respecto de las actividades de desarrollo de requerimientos y diseño de alto nivel

    Industria cultural y relaciones ‘cara a cara’ en las redes: la continuidad del cambio en España

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    In the digital society, personal relationships face to face are established distance and simultaneously among users that interact with autonomy. Despite this impressive novelty, data show that in Spain neither habits nor users preferences change with respect to those forming the large television audiences in the preceding mass consumer society. Conventional audience have continuously increased and the recent emergence of social TV shows that an essentially interpersonal media may blend with oneway media like radio and TV. As the mass society has been transformed into a virtual society of interpersonal distance relationships, the inclination to entertainment still remains as a predominant use. In the virtual space to know is to discern and each individual in the process is responsible for his findings. Authority criteria move without that change altering the prevailing tastes of the previous industrial society of mass consumption.En la sociedad digital las relaciones personales face to face se establecen a distancia simultáneamente entre innumerables usuarios que interactúan con autonomía. A pesar de esta impresionante novedad, los datos muestran que en España no cambian los hábitos ni las preferencias de los usuarios respecto de las que conformaron las grandes audiencias televisivas en la precedente sociedad de consumo de masas. La audiencia convencional aumenta y la aparición de la televisión social muestra que un medio esencialmente interpersonal puede amalgamarse con medios unidireccionales como la radio y el televisor. Al transformarse la sociedad de masas en una sociedad virtual de relaciones interpersonales a distancia, la inclinación al entretenimiento también se mantiene como uso predominante. En el espacio virtual, saber es saber discernir y cada sujeto del proceso es responsable de lo que encuentra. Los criterios de autoridad se desplazan sin que ese cambio altere los gustos predominantes de la anterior sociedad industrial de consumo en masa

    Investification in Latin America: problematising the letting market in the Chilean case

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    Se introduce el fenómeno de la inversionistificación como marco de análisis crítico para desentrañar las problemáticas asociadas al aumento de propietarios en un mercado de arriendos reducidos como parte de factores que inciden en el aumento de precio de arriendos. El contexto neoliberal chileno con un mercado de arriendos desregulados ofrece interesantes alcances al problema de la vivienda y el arriendo en ciudades de la región. El método se divide en dos partes. A nivel nacional se ha utilizado un método estadístico descriptivo a partir de la encuesta CASEN entre 2009 y 2017 para detectar cuánto ha variado la cantidad de hogares que perciben ingresos por arriendo de propiedades urbanas en este periodo. Para profundizar el análisis, se selecciona un barrio con heterogeneidad en valores de arriendo para estudiarlo mediante técnicas de evaluación de rentabilidad financiera (Yield y VAN). Los resultados de este estudio indican que ha aumentado la concentración de ingresos por arriendo de propiedades urbanas en el 10% más rico y que en el barrio estudiado para todos los casos se observa una rentabilidad financiera alta. Con esto se demuestra la existencia de inversionistificación en Santiago y se ofrecen algunas alternativas de política pública.The article introduces how investification serve as an analytical framework for unpinning the increase of the buy-to-let phenomenon in a reduced letting market that produces a rise in letting prices. The Chilean neoliberal context and the dis-regulated condition of property-rent markets provides a chance for reviewing the insights of how housing and letting are undermining the affordability in the Latin American region. The first part is centred on an explorative statistical analysis based on CASEN survey 2009-2017 to identify the variations in the household whose incomes come from letting urban properties. To deepen the analysis, the second part explores the financial profitability of letting business in a specific borough of Santiago. This analysis employs two financial methods: the Yield and the Net Present Value (NPV). The results indicate that there is a higher concentration of this type of business in the wealthiest 10% while the profitability of letting business is high. These results demonstrate the existence of investificacion in Santiago and some public policy alternatives are offered to engage in a broader international discussion

    Effects of galanin n-terminal fragment (1-15) in the light/dark and tail suspension tests

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    Galanin N-terminal fragment (1-15) [Gal(1-15)] is involved in mood regulation. The intracerebroventricular (icv) administration of Gal(1-15) produces a depressive-like behaviour in the forced swim test (FST) and an anxiety-like behaviour in the open field test (OF) in rats. In this work we analyze the effect of Gal(1-15) in two more behavioural tests, the tail suspension test (TLT) and the light/dark test. Gal(1-15) (3nmol), effective dose in FST and OF, or artificial cerebrospinal were injected in animals (n=5-8) 15 minutes before the test. Behavioural assessment were conducted with at least one week between tests. Student’s t-test was used for comparision between experimental groups. In the light/dark test we analyzed during 5 min three parametres as indicators of anxiety-like behaviour. Gal(1-15) significantly reduced the time spent in the light compartiment by 52% (p<0.05) and the latency time for entering the dark box by 65% (p<0.05). An increased in the latency time for re-entering the light box was also observed (p<0.05). In the TST, total immobility time was analyzed during 6 min test as parameter indicator of depressive-like behaviour. Gal(1-15) significantly increased rat immobility by 16% (p<0.05). Our results describe that Gal(1-15) exerts strong depressive- and anxiety-like effects in these tests, indicating a potential role of Gal(1-15) in mood disorders. These results may give the basis for the development of novel therapeutic drugs targeting Gal(1-15) for depression and anxiety.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Junta de Andalucia CVI6476 // Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (PSI2013-44901-P to L.J.S). Author A.F-B. holds a ‘FPI’ grant from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiviness (grant number: BES-2014-068426)

    Galanin n-terminal fragment (1-15) induces an anxiety- and depressive-like behaviours in the light/dark and tail suspension tests

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    Galanin N-terminal fragment (1-15) [Gal(1-15)] is involved in mood regulation. We have shown that intracerebroventricular (icv) administration of Gal(1-15) produces a depressive-like behaviour in the forced swim test (FST) and an anxiety-like behaviour in the open field test (OF) in rats. In this work we analyze the effect of Gal(1-15) in two more behavioural tests, the tail suspension test (TLT) and the light/dark test. In light/dark test we studied during 5 min the latency time for entering the dark box, time spent in the light compartiment, and the latency time for re-entering the light box as parameters indicators of anxiety-like behaviour. In TLT total immobility time was analyzed during 6 min test as parameter indicator of depressive-like behaviour. Groups of rats (n=5-8) were injected icv with Gal(1-15) 3nmol, a dose effective in FST and OF, or artificial cerebrospinal fluid 15 minutes before the test. Behavioural assessment were conducted with at least one week between tests. Student’s t-test was used for comparation between experimental groups. In the light/dark test Gal(1-15) 3nmol significantly reduced the time spent in the light compartiment by 52% (p<0.05) and the latency time for entering the dark box by 65% (p<0.05). An increased in the latency time for re-entering the light box was also observed (p<0.05). This pattern of results reflects an anxiogenic-like effects of Gal(1-15) in this test. In the TST, the administration of Gal(1-15) 3nmol significantly increased rat immobility by 16% (p<0.05) indicating a depressive-like effect. These results confirm the depressive- and anxiety-like effects of Gal(1-15) in rats. Future therapeutic strategies based on these results could be developed for depression and anxiety disorders. This work has been supported by the Junta de Andalucia CVI6476 and Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (PSI2013-44901-P to L.J.S)Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. This work has been supported by the Junta de Andalucia CVI6476 and Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (PSI2013-44901-P to L.J.S)Author A.F-B. holds a ‘FPI’ grant from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiviness (grant number BES-2014-068426)

    Complementary tunnel gate topology to reduce crosstalk effects

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    Tunnel transistors are one of the most attractive steep subthreshold slope devices which are being investigated to overcome power density and energy inefficiency exhibited by CMOS technology. There are design challenges associated to their distinguishing characteristic which are being addressed. In this paper the impact of the non-symmetric conduction of tunnel transistors (TFETs) on the speed of TFETs circuits under crosstalk is analyzed and a novel topology for complementary tunnel transistors gates, which mitigates the observed performance degradation without power penalties, is described and evaluated

    Reliability Improvement in III-V Concentrator Solar Cells by Means of Perimeter Protection

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    This paper presents the evolution in the strategy to assess the reliability of III-V solar cells and a new thermal ageing test carried out over GaAs single junction solar cells at three different temperatures (130, 150 and 170° C). The perimeter of the solar cells has been protected with silicone, which seems to be an effective way of enhancing the reliability of the solar cells. A preliminary analysis of the results indicates a mean time to failure (MTTF) one order of magnitude larger than the one obtained in a previous thermal test with the perimeter uncoated