781 research outputs found

    Argentina’s Participation in the International Penal and Penitentiary Congress (1872-1950)

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    This article analyzes the participation of Argentine delegates in international prison congresses held between 1872 and 1950. We argue that the forms of participation can be divided into two. On the one hand, the presence of non-penitentiary experienced representatives, generally diplomats assigned to the places where the congresses were held. On the other hand, the participation of outstanding penitentiary specialists, both for their theoretical training (in Criminal Law) and for their daily management of the Argentinian prisons. For a better development, we will divide the article in two sections. In the first one, it will be dealt with from the first congress held in London (1872) to the sixth one held in Budapest (1905). In the second part, we will analyze from the seventh congress held in Washington (1910) to the last one held in The Hague (1950). It should be noted that for the preparation of this article we have used unpublished material located in the Archive of the Argentine Foreign Office and Ministry of Justice and Education; and other published texts.Fil: González, Esteban. Universidad de San Andrés; Argentina. Ministerio de Ciencia. Tecnología e Innovación Productiva. Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica; ArgentinaFil: Nuñez, Jorge Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Instituto de Investigaciones de Historia del Derecho; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    Dynamics in the governance of collective irrigation systems: Evidence from field experiments in Nicaragua.

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    The objective of this study is to analyze the common pool resource appropriation and public good provisiondecisions in a dynamic setting, testing the differences in behavior and performance between lab and field subjects. We performeda total of 45 games in Nicaragua, including 88 villagers in rural communities and 92 undergraduate students. In order to analyze sequential decision making, we introduce a dynamic and asymmetric irrigation game that combines the typical social dilemmas associated to irrigation systems management.In addition, in 9 out of 22 villagers’ groups, we implemented a treatment that included the disclosure of subjects’ appropriation of the common pool resource. The results reveal that the provision of individuals’ appropriation level results in higher appropriation in subsequent rounds. In addition, the results show that non-treated villagers provide more public good than treated villagers but if compared with students the differences are not significant. The results also suggest that appropriation levels are below the Nash prediction of full appropriation, but above the social efficient level. This results in an efficiency loss in the game that can be explained to a large extent by individual decisions on appropriation and public good contribution and by group appropriation behavior

    Hacia la desestimación de una falacia institucionalizada : el sistema de patentes

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    Los viajes de estudio de Adolfo S. Carranza y la reforma penitenciaria en Tucumán (1911-1927)

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    El movimiento de reforma penitenciaria se caracterizó desde sus inicios por el carácter "viajero" de sus impulsores. Si bien podría elaborarse una larga lista de viajeros entre los reformistas, cabe mencionar, cuanto menos, al "padre" de la escuela penitenciaria clásica, John Howard (quien, a pesar de sus crónicos problemas de salud, recorrió gran parte de Europa para conocer sus instituciones de reclusión) y Alexis de Tocqueville quien fue comisionado por el gobierno francés a los Estados Unidos para estudiar su sistema penitenciario. A comienzos del siglo XX, en el marco de la reforma penitenciaria argentina, el jurista Adolfo S. Carranza (con una larga trayectoria en la provincia de Tucumán), retomó la senda viajera iniciada por John Howard, realizando varios viajes por Sudamérica (Chile y Brasil) y por Europa. En el presente trabajo nos proponemos reflexionar sobre una temática que ha sido escasamente abordada por la historiografía jurídica y social argentina: el papel de los "viajeros penitenciarios" y el impacto producido a posteriori en sus realidades locales a través de la adopción de instituciones extranjeras. Para ello, nos centraremos en el viaje realizado por Carranza a Europa en 1921 y en la construcción de la nueva Penitenciaría de Tucumán en el bienio 1925-1927.The penitentiary reform movement was characterized from its very beginning by its spearheads' "traveler" spirit. While a large list of travelers could be issued among reformists, the "fathers" of the penitentiary classic school should at least be mentioned. John Howard (who, in spite of his health chronic problems, traveled across Europe to know their detention institutions), and Alexis Tocqueville, who was commissioned by the French government to the United States to study their penitentiary system. At the beginning of the XX century, and within the framework of the Argentine penitentiary reform, the lawyer Adolfo S. Carranza (who held a large professional experience in the province of Tucumán), returned to the traveling pad initiated by John Howard, carrying out several trips to South America (Chile and Brazil) and to Europe. This paper aims to reflect on a subject which has been barely addressed by the argentine legal and social historiography: the role of the "penitentiary travelers" and the evaluation of the impact in their local contexts and realities after the events throughout the adoption of foreign institutions. Therefore we shall focus on the trip carried out to Europe by Carranza in 1921 and the building of the new Penitentiary of Tucumán in the biennium 1925-1927.Fil: González Alvo, Luis Gabriel. Universidad Nacional de Tucuman. Facultad de Filosofia y Letras. Instituto de Investigaciones Historicas "Dr. Ramon Leoni Pinto"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Nuñez, Jorge Alberto. Instituto de Inv.de Historia del Derecho; Argentina. Instituto Max-Planck-para la Historia del Derecho Europeo; Alemania. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Management of Free-Roaming Horses

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    The modern horse (Equus caballus) evolved in North America about four million years ago, dispersing into Eurasia approximately two to three million years ago. Following this emigration, several extinctions occurred in North America, as did additional migrations to Asia and return migrations to North America (see chap. 8). The final North American extinction occurred between 13,000 and 11,000 years ago (Hunt 1992). Eurasian populations persisted, and humans began domestication ~6,000-5 ,500 years ago (Outram et al. 2009) on the western Eurasian Steppe (Warmuth et al. 2012) and perhaps on the Iberian Peninsula (Warmuth et al. 2011; Achilli et al. 2012). Today, European free-roaming horse populations can be grouped into three classes: (1) traditional popu· lations, (2) true feral populations, and (3) introduced populations (for the purposes of conservation management). We consider traditional popu· lations to be free-roaming, long-established horses that are harvested by local people (United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal). Atlantic ponies from the North Iberian Peninsula and the North Atlantic Islands make up a large proportion of these animals; some consider them remnants of wild horses living in the region since the Pleistocene (Barcena 2012). Feral populations are domestic animals that were abandoned by local farmers and today live largely unmanaged (Romania, Russia), and introduced populations are used as components of various habitat restoration proj· ects across Europe (Latvia, the Netherlands) (Rewilding Europe 2012). In North America, horses reintroduced in 1493 spread across the plains after escape or release, forming feral herds throughout the United States and Canada (see chap. 8). In South America, horses introduced by the Spanish and Portuguese during the sixteenth century spread north into the Pampas, Patagonia, and the mountainous Andean regions. And in Australia, horses introduced by European settlers in 1787 spread into the hills around Sydney and into the north, west, and south as pastoral settlement spread across the continent (see chap. 8). In more recent history, the extirpation of their natural predators has led to even further feral horse expansion, resulting in increased human conflict as feral horses more heavily affected livestock, industry, and native wildlife

    Manejo quirúrgico de la coledocolitiasis en el centro médico ISSEMYM Ecatepec en el periodo de un año

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    La coledocolitiasis es un problema común en nuestro medio hospitalario, donde la conducta quirúrgica que se ha llevado es el uso de la colangiopancreatografia retrograda endoscópica, así como la exploración de las vías biliares en cirugía abierta con la colocación de sonda en T, sin embargo, hemos iniciado el uso de la cirugía laparoscópica realizando exploración de vías biliares laparoscópica y el uso de coledocoscopia laparoscópica. Por lo anterior nos planteamos la siguiente pregunta de investigación: ¿la cirugía laparoscópica con coledocoscopia y exploración de vias biliares es mejor que el uso de la CPRE y la cirugía abierta convencional con exploración de vías biliares para el tratamiento de la coledocolitiasis en el Centro Medico ISSEMyM Ecatepec

    La reforma penitenciaria peronista vista desde España: Análisis de la gestión de Roberto Pettinato en la Revista de la Escuela de Estudios Penitenciarios (Madrid, 1947-1958)

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la forma en que la Revista de la Escuela de Estudios Penitenciarios (Madrid) caracterizó la labor de Roberto Pettinato en la reforma penitenciaria realizada durante el primer gobierno peronista (1946-1955). En ese sentido, argumentaremos sobre la existencia de importantes vínculos intelectuales e institucionales entre los penitenciaristas españoles y argentinos en el período indicado, que se interrumpieron luego del derrocamiento de Juan Domingo Perón.The aim of this paper is analyze how the Revista de la Escuela de Estudios Penitenciarios (Madrid) characterized the work of Roberto Pettinato in the Argentine penitentiary reform during the first Peronist government (1946-1955). The existence of important intellectual and institutional links between the Spanish and Argentine penitentiaries during this period was considered, which were interrupted after the overthrow of Juan Domingo Perón.Fil: Nuñez, Jorge Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Instituto de Investigaciones de Historia del Derecho; Argentina. Max-planck-institut Für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte.; Alemani

    La reforma penitenciaria peronista a debate (Argentina, 1946-1955)

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    Este artículo tiene dos propósitos: en primer lugar, realizar un estado de la cuestión sobre la historiografía de la reforma carcelaria impulsada durante el peronismo clásico (1946-1955), cuyo protagonista central fue Roberto Pettinato, Director General de Institutos Penales de la Nación y presentar nuestras coincidencias y diferencias con las interpretaciones más establecidas en la narrativa historiográfica (en especial, las contribuciones de Lila Caimari, José Daniel Cesano y Jeremías Silva). En segundo lugar, plantear la vitalidad que conserva esta temática para los estudios históricos; los problemas metodológicos a los cuales nos enfrentamos y los notorios vacíos historiográficos todavía existentes. Así, esperamos que este trabajo contribuya a la proliferación de nuevas investigaciones sobre la reforma carcelaria llevada adelante por Roberto Pettinato a lo largo de casi una década.This article has two purposes: first, to make a state of the question on the historiography of the prison reform promoted during the classic Peronism (1946-1955), whose central protagonist was Roberto Pettinato, General Director of Penal Institutes of the Nation, and to present our coincidences and differences with the most established interpretations in the historiographic narrative (especially, the contributions of Lila Caimari, José Daniel Cesano and Jeremías Silva). Secondly, to raise the vitality of this topic for historical studies; the methodological problems we face and the notorious historiographical gaps that still exist. Thus, we hope that this work will contribute to the proliferation of new research on the prison reform carried out by Roberto Pettinato for almost a decade.Fil: Nuñez, Jorge Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Instituto de Investigaciones de Historia del Derecho; Argentin