14 research outputs found

    Caractérisation De La Pêche Au Lac Kivu

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    This study was focused on the description of fishing gears on Lake Kivu. Data were collected from March 2012 to February 2014 in Goma, Bukavu, and Kibuye fishing stations. The study findings indicate that gill nets, beach seine, lift net, trammel net composed of two panels of small and larger meshes (mosquito net attached to lift net parts), mosquito net, longline, single line, pots, and cast net were identified as fishing gears used on Lake Kivu. Longline was more selective (2 species) in terms of species selection. The lift net presented the best catch (19.4 ± 11 kg), while the trammel net showed the highest CPUE (7.9 ± 6.1 kg/h). The large dimensions of gears and the long netting duration characterized gillnets (1023.2 ± 620.1 m2 ) and longline (10.3 ± 4.6 hours) respectively. Cast-nets (20mm) showed the largest mesh size, while mosquito nets (1 ± 0.3 mm) were the smallest

    Les poissons du bassin de la rivière Ulindi, à l’Est de la République Démocratique du Congo : revue de la littérature

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    Cette revue de la littérature sur les poissons du bassin hydrographique de la rivière Ulindi à l’Est de la République Démocratique du Congo a été réalisée dans le but d’avoir une idée sur l’état des connaissances actuelles de son ichtyofaune en vue de définir les orientations pour leurs études ultérieures dans cette région non encore prospectée en profondeur et dont la plupart des rivières se trouvent actuellement menacées par des activités anthropiques. Cette étude présente une vue globale des rivières du Bassin de la rivière Ulindi avec une liste systématique non exhaustive d’environ 31 espèces de poissons appartenant à 17 genres, 9 Familles et 4 ordres, basée sur la méta-analyse des différentes études taxonomiques de l’ichtyofaune du Bassin de la Rivière Ulindi, réalisées depuis l’époque coloniale du Congo-Belge jusqu’en 2019. Les résultats de cette étude constituent une aide-mémoire pour les services publics en charge de la gestion de l’environnement dans la gestion de la biodiversité ichtyologique de cet écosystème à intérêt socio-économique considérable dans la région, d’une part et une liste de contrôle aux scientifiques pour des études ultérieures.Mots clés : Ichtyofaune, Ulindi, République Démocratique du Congo, revue de la littérature, liste de contrôle.   English Title: Fishes from the Ulindi river basin, East of the Democratic Republic of Congo: review of the literatureThis review of the literature on fish in the Ulindi river basin in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo was carried out with the aim of gaining an idea of the state of current knowledge of its fish fauna in order to define guidelines for their further studies in this region not yet explored in depth and most of the rivers of which are currently threatened by anthropogenic activities. This study presents a global view of the rivers of the Ulindi river basin with a non-exhaustive systematic list of approximately 31 fish species belonging to 17 genera, 9 Families and 4 orders, based on the meta-analysis of the various taxonomic studies of the ichtyofauna of the Ulindi river basin, carried out since the colonial times of the Belgian Congo until 2019. The results of this study constitute a baseline for the public services in charge of environmental management in the management of the ichthyological biodiversity of this ecosystem with considerable socio-economic interest in the region, on the one hand and a checklist to scientists for further studies.Keywords: Ichtyofauna, Ulindi, Democratic Republic of Congo, literature review, checklist. &nbsp

    К вопросу о табулировании функций распределения отказов

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    Проведена перепараметризация основных строго вероятностных функций распределения отказов: экспоненциального распределения, логарифмически нормального распределения и распределения Вейбулла. Разработаны таблицы функций распределения отказов и примеры их использования для решения некоторых задач по надежности.Проведено перепараметризацію основних строго ймовірнісних функцій розподілів відмов: експоненційного розподілу, логарифмічно нормального розподілу, розподілу Вейбулла. Розроблено таблиці функцій розподілів відмов та приклади їх використання для рішення деяких задач з надійності.The reparametrization of the basic strictly probabilistic functions of refusals distribution: exponential distributions, logarithmically normal distribution and distribution Weibull are carried out. Tables of refusals distribution functions and examples of their use for the decision of some tasks on reliability are developed

    Monitoring climate change and anthropogenic pressure at Lake Tanganyika

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    The African Great Lakes are under threat from global and local environmental challenges including climatic change,water pollution and overfishing. To address those issues,managers need observations based on regularly monitored environmental indicators. However, environmental monitoring of the African Great Lakes is often lacking or not based on harmonised methods. The presentmanuscript is a case study based on Lake Tanganyika, impacted by climate change and anthropogenic pressure affecting water quality, fisheries and biodiversity changes. The implementation of environmental monitoring has often not been continuous or standardised among bordering countries. This prevents managers from taking data-based decisions and opens a risky field where speculation may overcome a rational approach. Long-term monitoring observations are essential to guide management measures to adapt to climate changes and decrease, whenever possible, unfavourable human impact on the Great Lake environment. A regionally standardised long-term monitoring programme is proposed. The sustainability of such monitoring requires that it remains inexpensive and focuses on a fewessential parameters. Its strength would be its uninterrupted implementation. Setting up a long-termintegratedmonitoring programme is also a goal of the Lake Tanganyika Authorities (LTA) with mandated national authorities and stakeholders. A Lake Tanganyika Regional IntegratedMonitoring Programme (LTRIEMP) needs to be widely encouraged and supported to ensure its sustainability. General principles from the Lake Tanganyika case study could be useful to develop a wider harmonised sustainable long-term regional monitoring network of the African Great Lakes in a multi-lakes collaborative approach

    Phytoplankton blooms and fish kills in lake Tanganyika related to upwelling and the limnological cycle

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    peer reviewedCharacterizing the processes which cause upwelling in the East African Great Lakes enables prediction of the spatial–temporal variability of phytoplankton blooms and increases in fish abundance or incidence of fish kills. The influence of the southeast trade winds on the limnology of Lake Tanganyika is well known. Upwelling occurs to the south and downwelling to the north from May to September and subsequent upwelling and blooms at the northern end of the lake. However, the influence of the shifts in wind speed and direction after the SE trade winds, including the Northeast trade winds, and any further internal wave driven upwelling requires investigation. Here we use images from remote-sensing during a 12 year period (2003–2014) to illustrate intense phytoplankton blooms at the southeast of Lake Tanganyika in April-May, a period characterized by relaxation of the Northeast trade winds. Phytoplankton blooms progressed around the lake after a massive cyanobacteria bloom at the northern end in September 2018; recent and historical observations and local knowledge show similar patterns. Lake Tanganyika limnological cycle is revised to include four main periods: two trade winds seasons and two inter-monsoon seasons (April-May and September-October) with lake-wide up and downwelling of the thermocline associated with the monsoons, and upwelling associated with subsequent internal waves in the inter-monsoon period which are linked with increased phytoplankton blooms and sometimes also fish kills


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    Background. Despite the importance of Lake Tanganyika's biodiversity for science and the livelihoods of the riparian people, high-resolution surveys of the fish biodiversity are sparse and fragmentary, especially along the western (Congolese) shoreline. The coast suffers locally from intensive human activities and lacks adequate protective measures or nature reserves. However, in view of the intra-lacustrine endemism of this fish fauna, conservation needs to be managed lake-wide at a fine scale, necessitating detailed inventories on fish species distribution. The study aims at updating knowledge on fish diversity and distribution along the north-western and central western shores of Lake Tanganyika. Materials and methods. Fish specimens were collected using gilland seine nets, by snorkelling and SCUBA diving, and through purchases on the local markets. Results. Over 28 locations were sampled, and 84 cichlidand 30 non-cichlid fish species (belonging to Protopteridae, Clupeidae, Cyprinidae, Alestidae, Claroteidae, Clariidae, Malapteruridae, Mochokidae, Poeciliidae, Latidae, and Mastacembelidae) collected. Conclusion. Our records substantially expand the known range of fish species in a range of habitats. As numerous specimens are hard to assign to nominal species, a taxonomic revision of a number of genera is underway. It should take into account intraspecific geographic variation.status: publishe