174 research outputs found

    Experimental assessment of exposure to gaseous pollutants from mattresses and pillows while asleep

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    Every human spends 30% of his or her lifetime and about 70% of the time he or she is at home in their bed. Mattresses, pillows and bedlinnen are heavily treated with flame-retardants, detergents etc, substances that are known to have, next to a useful effect, an impact on human health. While asleep, the nose and mouth are in the direct proximity of these sources for a long period of time. Although these circumstances seem worrying at the least, virtually no research has been published on the exposure to and intake emissions from bedding. This paper presents the results form climate chamber tests with a breathing thermal mannequin that assess the intake fraction for nose breathing for gaseous emissions from mattresses and pillows under steady state conditions, using a continuous SF6 source. The intake fractions for supine, lateral and prone sleep positions as well as different bedding arrangements are reported. The results demonstrate that the human metabolism is a dominant factor in the dilution of emissions in close proximity of the nose, reducing exposure by 40% compared to a case without metabolic heat output. This effect is more important than the sleep position. Additionally, covering the head with the bedding is shown to increase exposure with magnifying factor of 25 and is therefore to be avoided


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    Korporativna društvena odgovornost (CSR) koncept je u kojemu poslovni subjekt voljno i u interakciji s drugim strankama odlučuje pridonijeti boljemu društvu. DOP gradi i povezuje tvrtke, zaposlenike i zajednicu. Jedan od primjera takva poslovanja je uzimanje slučajeva pro bono (latinsko: za opće dobro). Besplatno predstavljanje klijenata na volonterskoj osnovi prihvatljiv je i dobrodošao način rješavanja poslovnih problema, uglavnom iz financijskih razloga. Za tvrtke i organizacije to je metoda izgradnje novih socijalnih i profesionalnih odnosa preko aktivne izgradnje imidža i proširivanja njihova popisa zadovoljnih klijenata.Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a concept in which a business subject willingly and in interaction with other parties decides to contribute to a better society. CSR builds and connects businesses, employees and the community. One example of such business is taking on cases pro bono (Latin: for the public good). Representing clients for free on a volunteering basis is an acceptable and welcome way of solving business problems, mostly for financial reasons. For companies and organizations, it is a method of building new social and professional relationships through the active building of image and expanding their list of satisfied clients

    »Ne srljajte kao guske u maglu!« Kritička analiza diskursa govora političkoga lidera na primjeru govora Stjepana Radića od 24./25. studenoga 1918. godine u Narodnom vijeću

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    Political discourse is a set of all speech acts that are determined and articulated in the form of verbal formations, whereby their content, subject and addressee fall under the purview of politics. Using Van Dijk’s model of critical discourse analysis, the paper demonstrates one of the possibilities of an integrated approach to qualitative research in historiography using Radić’s most famous speech as an example, which has not yet attracted the attention of communication studies and historiography to be adequately analyzed, interdisciplinarily evaluated, and syncretistically interpreted.Politički diskurs je skup svih govornih činova koji su determinirani i artikulirani u obliku verbalnih tvorbi, pri čemu njihov sadržaj, predmet i adresat ulaze u djelokrug politike. Koristeći Van Dijkov model kritičke analize diskursa, rad pokazuje jednu od mogućnosti integriranog pristupa kvalitativnom istraživanju u historiografiji na primjeru najpoznatijeg Radićeva govora koji do sada nije izazvao pažnju komunikologije i historiografije da bi bio validno analiziran, interdisciplinarno vrednovan i sinkretistički interpretiran

    Fate of particles released by a puff–dispersion with different air distributions

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    Well-mixed assumption normally has flaws in the space with continuous-releasing particle sources. For transient point or puff sources, however, particle concentration might vary differently among locations during emission periods and afterwards. This study measures whether and how rapidly ventilation systems can distribute particles emitted from puff-like sources in an indoor space. The impact of ventilation pattern (over-head mixing ventilation and displacement ventilation), particle size (0.77, 2.5 and 7 μm) and source location are also examined. The results show that particles with sizes of 0.77 μm and 2.5 μm can be distributed uniformly by both mixing ventilation and displace ventilation shortly (within a few minutes) after particle injection is terminated, regardless of particle source locations with the absence of obstructed airflow. This paper validates the well-mixed assumption when assessing long-term human exposure to puff-generated particles in the indoor environment. With regard to puff sources, the spatial concentration enhancement in human microenvironment/breathing zone might not be as significant as continuous-releasing particle sources

    Mitologija i njen nestanak u ruralnim pjesmama Graya, Goldsmitha i Crabbea

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    Rural life has been portrayed as idyllic for a long time in literature, while the reality of villagers’ life was concealed. The eighteenth century was a harsh period of time, especially for villages, due to the advancement in economy and industry, which made villagers’ life even harder. Thomas Gray, Oliver Goldsmith, and George Crabbe refused to create illusions about rural life in their poetry, so they described rural life as it was. Thomas Gray’s “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” is a well-known poem that sheds light on lives of the poor villagers and describes the hardships of their everyday work, breaking the illusions previously set by the pastoral poetry, but keeping beautiful descriptions of rural nature. Oliver Goldsmith’s “The Deserted Village” brings sadness into the speaker’s realization upon returning to his idyllic childhood village that it is now in ruins and abandoned, blaming luxury and greed of the rich people for creating such atrocity. Lastly, George Crabbe brings the harsh truth in its purest form in his poem “The Village”, describing the abject poverty and life full of suffering and sickness the poor people lived in, mentioning not a single positive feature about the so-called peaceful rural life. These poems bring another perspective to the usual pastoral one, creating a realistic picture of what rural life genuinely is


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    Glavni cilj ovog diplomskog rada je utvrditi na temelju kojih parametara situacijske efikasnosti su reprezentacije ostvarile prolaz grupne faze Svjetskog nogometnog prvenstva u Rusiji 2018. godine. Uzorak varijabli čine 32 reprezentacije koje su bile podijeljene u osam skupina po četiri reprezentacije te su samo prve dvije reprezentacije ostvarile pravo na prolazak skupine. Svi podatci su skinuti sa službene FIFA-ine stranice. Obradom podataka u devet varijabli smo dobili da se reprezentacije koje su prošle grupnu fazu natjecanja i koje nisu prošle, statistički razlikuju u posjedu lopte (p=0,02), udarcima u okvir vrata (p=0,03), ukupnom broju dodavanja (p=0,05) i ukupnom broju točnih dodavanja (p=0,04). Na temelju ovih rezultata možemo doći do zaključka da reprezentacije koje su igrale napadački nogomet su ostvarile prolazak skupine Svjetskog nogometno prvenstva u Rusiji 2018. godine.The main goal of the present master’s thesis is to determine which variables account for the passing of the group phase of the FIFA World Cup in Russia 2018. The sample is made up of 32 teams divided in eight groups consisting of four teams each, with only two teams being able to pass the group. All the data were taken from the official FIFA website. The data analysis including nine variables reveals that the teams passing and the teams not passing the group stage of the cup statistically differ in ball possession (p=0,02), on-target (p=003), passes (p=0,05), and passes completed (p=0,04). On the basis of those data, it can be concluded that the teams active in attack managed to pass the group phase of the FIFA World Cup in Russia 2018


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    Glavni cilj ovog diplomskog rada je utvrditi na temelju kojih parametara situacijske efikasnosti su reprezentacije ostvarile prolaz grupne faze Svjetskog nogometnog prvenstva u Rusiji 2018. godine. Uzorak varijabli čine 32 reprezentacije koje su bile podijeljene u osam skupina po četiri reprezentacije te su samo prve dvije reprezentacije ostvarile pravo na prolazak skupine. Svi podatci su skinuti sa službene FIFA-ine stranice. Obradom podataka u devet varijabli smo dobili da se reprezentacije koje su prošle grupnu fazu natjecanja i koje nisu prošle, statistički razlikuju u posjedu lopte (p=0,02), udarcima u okvir vrata (p=0,03), ukupnom broju dodavanja (p=0,05) i ukupnom broju točnih dodavanja (p=0,04). Na temelju ovih rezultata možemo doći do zaključka da reprezentacije koje su igrale napadački nogomet su ostvarile prolazak skupine Svjetskog nogometno prvenstva u Rusiji 2018. godine.The main goal of the present master’s thesis is to determine which variables account for the passing of the group phase of the FIFA World Cup in Russia 2018. The sample is made up of 32 teams divided in eight groups consisting of four teams each, with only two teams being able to pass the group. All the data were taken from the official FIFA website. The data analysis including nine variables reveals that the teams passing and the teams not passing the group stage of the cup statistically differ in ball possession (p=0,02), on-target (p=003), passes (p=0,05), and passes completed (p=0,04). On the basis of those data, it can be concluded that the teams active in attack managed to pass the group phase of the FIFA World Cup in Russia 2018

    Performanz und Metamorphose in der zeitgenössischen Modeschau

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    Verwirrung, um nicht zu sagen Ratlosigkeit, mögen die Gefühle sein, die der Zuschauer in Anbetracht der Modeschauen mit den Titeln After Words und Long Live the Immaterial (Bluescreen) empfindet. Models, die während der Modewochen lang gezogene Laufstege ruhig entlang schreiten mögen zunächst keine große Überraschung für die Zuschauer_innen sein, doch bei beiden défilés finden zusätzliche, höchst unkonventionelle Ereignisse statt: Bei Viktor & Rolf dokumentieren bzw. vergrößern seitlich angebrachte Leinwände erweitern das Live-Geschehen um eine weitere bildliche bzw. cineastische Ebene. Die Show von Hussein Chalayan wiederum präsentiert ein möbliertes Wohnzimmer und Models, die aus Einrichtungsgegenständen Kleider herstellen. Blickt man in weiterer Folge auch noch auf die Darsteller_innen beider défilés, so lassen sich diese sowohl als passive Models als auch als aktiv Handelnde beschreiben: Einerseits schreiten diese in ruhiger Manier und präsentieren gleichsam passiv die Kleider, andererseits greifen sie ins Geschehen ein und handeln aktiv. Die Kleidung wird präsentiert aber auch ausagiert; sie wird gezeigt aber auch verwandelt und somit verborgen. In mehrfacher Hinsicht können Handlungen festgestellt werden, die alterierende und generierende Eigenschaften haben. Diese sind scheinbar für die Verschiebung und somit Infragestellung zweier Ebenen verantwortlich: die der Modeschau als Medium und die der vestimentären Objekte. Wie sind also diese Ereignisse einzuordnen? Sind es Modeschauen, Theaterstücke, Spektakel, Kunst-Performances oder gar Rituale? Ausgehend von der Fashion Week, dem institutionellen Rahmen der angesprochenen Ereignisse, liegt zunächst die Annahme einer Modeschau auf der Hand. Bei einer solchen liegt üblicherweise der Fokus auf der Präsentation der Mode bzw. der Kollektionen für die nächste Saison. Auch bei After Words und Long Live the Immaterial (Bluescreen) mag dem Betrachter die gezeigte Kleidung auffallen, sie steht aber keinesfalls allein im Rampenlicht. Es stellt sich also die Frage, wo das Zentrum des Interesses innerhalb dieser Ereignisse liegt und wie die verschiedenen Bestandteile der Modeschauen miteinander in Verbindung stehen. Geht es um die präsentierte Mode oder um die oben bereits erwähnten Aktionen bzw. Projektionen? Wie stehen die Modekollektionen und deren Aufführung in Verbindung? Wie ergänzen oder widersprechen sie einander? Der Beantwortung dieser Fragen widmet sich die vorliegende Arbeit durch eine differenzierte, interdisziplinäre Herangehensweise. Denn das Kleidungsstück und die Aktion, die performative Oberfläche und die thematische Tiefenstruktur, der fotografisch festgehaltene Moment und die prozessuale Bewegung, das Zeigen der Kleidung und das durch die Aufführung der Kleidung herbeigeführte Verschwinden derselben, stellen ein höchst komplexes Gefüge dar und führen zu der einleitend erwähnten Verwirrung hinsichtlich der Funktionen und Ziele jener höchst ambivalenten défilés de mode