225 research outputs found

    Implementação de medidas de suporte à aprendizagem e inclusão: perceções de professores e famílias

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    Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Especial Área de especialização: Problemas de Cognição e MultideficiênciaEste estudo insere-se na temática da inclusão, tendo como objetivo geral conhecer a opinião de professores e famílias acerca da implementação das Medidas de Suporte à Aprendizagem e à Inclusão (MSAI), inscritas no Decreto-Lei nº 54/2018, de 6 de julho e, como objetivos específicos, identificar os critérios utilizados pelos professores para a seleção das MSAI, quais as suas perceções sobre a eficácia da implementação das MSAI e como avaliam essa eficácia; e perceber qual a participação das famílias na definição/ implementação das MSAI. Perante tais objetivos, optou-se por realizar um estudo de caso que se enquadra no paradigma interpretativo. Como metodologia de recolha de dados, realizaram-se entrevistas semiestruturadas a nove participantes do mesmo Agrupamento de escolas: seis professores (três do 1º Ciclo e três de Educação Especial) e três pais. Optou-se ainda pela pesquisa e análise documental de diversas fontes: DL 54/2018 e dados dos alunos com MSAI, que frequentam o Agrupamento no 1º Ciclo. A metodologia revelou-se adequada, permitindo atingir os objetivos do estudo. Segundo os participantes, a implementação das MSAI facilita a inclusão, traz vantagens para os alunos, respeitando as suas capacidades e promovendo a sua autoestima e bem-estar. Salientaram que as barreiras à sua implementação decorrem da falta de recursos humanos, resultante do número excessivo de alunos com MSAI em cada grupo/turma, tendo-se apurando na análise documental que cerca de um quarto dos alunos do 1º Ciclo beneficia de MSAI. Apesar de todos os professores demonstrarem cuidado quanto à seleção, implementação e avaliação da eficácia das MSAI, os resultados desta investigação evidenciam dimensões lacunares que importa considerar: a falta de formação de alguns docentes sobre a escola inclusiva e opções metodológicas no sentido de reduzir as barreiras ao ensino e à aprendizagem de todos os alunos; e a necessidade de incrementar uma cultura de maior envolvimento dos pais, nomeadamente na informação, seleção e implementação das MSAI, enquanto direito reforçado no decreto citado.This study is part of the theme of inclusion, with the general objective of knowing the opinion of teachers and families regarding the implementation of the Learning and Inclusion Support Measures (MSAI), included in Decree-Law nº 54/2018, of 6 July and as specific objectives to identify the criteria used by teachers to select the MSAI, what are their perceptions about their effectiveness of implementation and how they evaluate this effectiveness; and understand the participation of families in their definition/implementation. Given these objectives, it was decided to carry out a case study that fits into the interpretative paradigm. As a data collection methodology, semi-structured interviews were carried out with nine participants from the same group of schools: six teachers (three from 1st Cycle and three from special education) and three parents. It was also decided to research and analyze documents from different sources: DL 54/2018 and data from students with MSAI, who attend the Group in the 1st cycle. The methodology proved to be adequate, allowing the study objectives to be achieved. According to the participants, the implementation of MSAI facilitates inclusion, brings benefits to students, respecting their abilities and promoting their self-esteem and wellbeing. They highlighted that the barriers to its implementation arise from the lack of human resources, resulting from the excessive number of students with MSAI in each group/class, and it was found in the documentary analysis that around a quarter of 1st cycle students benefit from MSAI. Although all teachers show care regarding the selection, implementation and evaluation of the effectiveness of the MSAI, the results of this investigation highlight gaps that are important to consider: the lack of training of some teachers on inclusive schools and methodological options to reduce barriers teaching and learning for all students; and the need to increase a culture of greater parental involvement, particularly in the information, selection and implementation of MSAI, as a right reinforced in the aforementioned decree.N/


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    Objetivo: presentar prevalencia y niveles de consumo de alcohol en estudiantes universitarios del norte de Portugal.Método: estudio descriptivo-correlativo, cuantitativo, transversal, “bola de nieve”,desarrollado entre febrero y marzo de 2019, estudiantes matriculados en universidades del norte de Portugal y mayores de 18 años.Resultados: muestra con 570 individuos, de entre 18 y 63 años; El 70,7% de las mujeres, el 15,7% reportaron consumo excesivo y los estudiantes portugueses consumen menos. 81,4% están en el nivel de consumo I; 1,6% en el nivel II; 2,6% nivel III; 1.4% nivel IV. Los machos consumen más en las zonas II, III y IV y las hembras en la zona I.Conclusión: podemos concluir que la mayoría de los estudiantes universitarios consumen en los niveles recomendados por quién, pero hay un porcentaje considerable que su nivel de consumo puede conducir a un daño significativo a la salud de los estudiantes, como su rendimiento académico.Objective: To assess and present the prevalence levels of alcohol consumption in university students in the northern region of Portugal.Method: A descriptive-correlational, quantitative, cross-sectional, “snowball” study wasconducted between February and March 2019, including students older than 18 years and enrolled in universities in northern Portugal.Results: The sample was composed of 570 individuals, aged between 18 and 63; 70.7% were female, 15.7% reported heavy drinking, with Portuguese students consuming less. Of all individuals, 81.4% are at risk level I; 1.6% at level II; 2.6% at level III; 1.4% at level IV. Males consume more at zones II, III, and IV and females at zone I.Conclusion: Findings show that the majority of university students consume at levelsrecommended by the World Health Organization but a considerable amount of studentsdrinks at levels that can damage their health and their academic performance severely.Objetivo: apresentar prevalência e níveis de consumo de álcool em estudantes universitários da zona norte de Portugal.Método: estudo descritivo-correlacional, quantitativo, transversal, tipo “bola de neve”, desenvolvido entre fevereiro e março de 2019, com estudantes inscritos nas universidades do norte de Portugal e maiores de 18 anos.Resultados: amostra com 570 indivíduos, idade entre 18 e 63; 70,7% do sexo feminino, 15,7% reporta consumo excessivo, sendo os estudantes portugueses que consomem menos. 81,4% encontram-se no nível I de consumo; 1,6% no nível II; 2,6% nível III; 1,4% nível IV. O sexo masculino consome mais na zona II, III e IV e o sexo feminino na zona I.Conclusão: podemos concluir que a maioria dos estudantes universitários consome em níveis recomendados pela OMS mas existe uma percentagem considerável cujo nível de consumo pode levar a danos significativos à saúde dos estudantes, como ao seu desempenho acadêmico

    Sobrecarga do cuidador informal de crianças com transtorno do espectro do autista

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    Objetivo: avaliar a sobrecarga objetiva e subjetiva de familiares cuidadores de criança com transtorno do espectro autista. Método: estudo descritivo-correlacional, quantitativo, transversal e com amostragem não probabilística, em bola de neve. Critérios de inclusão: ser cuidador informal de descendente com TEA; ter entre 2 a 18 anos de idade; saber ler e/ou escrever; não ser portador de deficiência cognitiva. Para a coleta de dados foi utilizado um questionário sociodemográfico e a Escala da Sobrecarga do Cuidador. A análise foi efetuada através do programa SPSS 25.0. Resultados: o estudo teve 32 participantes, predominando o gênero feminino (77,8%), com idades compreendidas entre 30 e 55 anos. A maioria é casada (62,5%) e tem estudos universitários (37,5%) ou pós-graduação (50%). A idade média da criança foi de 8 anos e a sobrecarga total do cuidador informal teve em média um score de 61.21. Conclusão: verificou-se alta prevalência de percepção de sobrecarga entre os cuidadores informais (61–severa), tendo essa sobrecarga uma influência negativa na qualidade de vida destas pessoas, exigindo intervenção de enfermagem.Objective: to evaluate the objective and subjective burden of family caregivers of children with ASD. Method: descriptive-correlational, quantitative, cross-sectional by “snowball” non-probabilistic study. Inclusion criteria: being an informal caregiver of ASD descendant; descendant between 2-18 years old; agree to participate in the study; be able to read and write; not having an apparent cognitive impairment. For data collection, a sociodemographic questionnaire and the Caregiver Overload Scale were used. The analysis was performed using the SPSS 25.0 program. Results: the study had 32 participants, predominantly female (77.8%), aged between 30 and 55 years. Most are married (62.5%) and have university studies (37.5%) or postgraduate studies (50%). The child's average age was 8 years and the total burden of the informal caregiver averaged a score of 61.21. Conclusion: there was a high prevalence of perceived burden among informal caregivers (61-severe) and this burden had a negative influence on the quality of life of these caregivers, requiring nursing intervention.Objetivo: evaluar la carga objetiva y subjetiva de los cuidadores familiares de niños con TEA. Método: estudio de muestreo descriptivo-correlacional, cuantitativo, transversal y no probabilístico de bola de nieve. Criterios de inclusión: ser un cuidador informal de descendientes de TEA; descendiente entre 2-18 años de edad; aceptar participar en el estudio y poder hacerlo; saber leer y / o escribir; No tener un deterioro cognitivo. Para la recolección de datos, se utilizó un cuestionario sociodemográfico y la escala de sobrecarga del cuidador. El análisis se realizó utilizando el programa SPSS 25.0 Resultados: los datos de la muestra (n=32) predominaron en las mujeres (77.8%), con edades comprendidas entre 30 y 55 años, la mayoría (62.5%) está casado y tiene estudios universitarios (37.5%) o de posgrado (50%), la edad promedio del niño es de 8 años y la sobrecarga total del cuidador informal promedia un puntaje de 61.21. Conclusión: hubo una alta prevalencia de carga percibida entre los cuidadores informales (61-grave) y esta carga tuvo una influencia negativa en la calidad de vida de estas personas, que requirió intervención de enfermería.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Species Composition and WNV Screening of Mosquitoes from Lagoons in a Wetland Area of the Algarve, Portugal

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate mosquito abundance, species diversity, larval and adult population dynamics in seven lagoons integrated in the wetland coastal system of the Algarve, Portugal, in the summer of 2007, as well as the screening of these for West Nile virus (WNV). WNV has been isolated from mosquitoes in this region, in the summer of 2004, next to the putative area of infection of two linked human WN cases. Adult mosquitoes were collected with CDC traps baited with CO2, and potential breeding sites were surveyed for immature stages. Morphological identification of 1,432 adult mosquitoes and 85 larvae revealed the presence of 10 species: Anopheles atroparvus, Anopheles algeriensis, Coquillettidia richiardii, Culex modestus, Culex pipiens, Culex theileri, Culex univittatus, Culiseta longiareolata, Aedes caspius, and Aedes detritus. Adult mosquito peak densities were recorded in July, contrasting with null larval breeding in the same month in the surveyed biotopes. Most abundant species were C. pipiens (52%), C. theileri (29%), and A. caspius (11%). Lagoon Salgados and Quinta das Salinas, exhibited the highest similarity of culicid fauna, despite being most distant from each other, Female mosquitoes (1,249 specimens) screened by RT-PCR, did not reveal WNV products. However, previous detection of WNV activity in this area, susceptible to re-introductions, demands for continued vigilance

    The burnout of nurses in intensive care units and the impact of the pandemic of SARS-CoV-2: protocol of a scoping review

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    BackgroundThe SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has brought multiple challenges for health institutions and their professionals. The requirement of this disease forced nurses to confront organizational and clinical challenges to maintain the quality standards of care they provide. These requirements may have contributed to increased burnout symptoms. This study aims to map the scientific evidence related to nurses’ burnout in intensive care units. Methods: A scoping review will be conducted according to the Joanna Briggs Institute methodology. Relevant databases will be used as well as grey literature, where the following words will be used: burnout, nurses, intensive care units and SARS-CoV-2. Results: This scoping review will include all types of studies—quantitative, qualitative and mixed—and all types of reviews that focus on the objective of this review. Conclusions: It is vital to determine the impact of the burnout caused by the pandemic of SARS-CoV-2 to assess amending measures of risk and protection factors. This will help in the implementation of guidelines according to the available evidence. Additionally, this will help to improve the skills of these professionals as well as to reduce their emotional and physical exhaustion. This protocol is registered with the Open Science Framework.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Native Mitral Valve Endocarditis Caused by Neisseria elongata subsp. nitroreducens in a Patient with Marfan Syndrome: First Case in Italy and Review of the Literature

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    Neisseria elongata (NE) is an aerobic Gram-negative organism that constitutes part of the commensal human normal oropharyngeal flora. Although previously considered not to be pathogenic, it has been recognized as an occasional cause of significant infections in humans. We report here the first case in Italy of infective endocarditis of a native prolapsing mitral valve in a patient with Marfan syndrome, caused by NE subspecies nitroreducens which has been rarely isolated from clinical specimens. The culprit organism has been confirmed by mass spectrometry directly from the positive blood culture, as previously reported. The amplified gene has been deposited in GenBank under accession number KT591873. In spite of the reported aggressive nature of NE, clinical remission was promptly obtained, there being no requirement for surgery

    Epithelium and stroma from nasal polyp mucosa exhibits inverse expression of TGF- beta(1) as compared with healthy nasal mucosa

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    Objective: To evaluate TGF-beta(1) expression in polypoid mucosa (epithelium and stroma) of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis (CRSwNP).Methods: Cross-sectional study with two groups: 17 patients with nasal polyposis and 11 controls. Polyps and normal nasal mucosa were processed by immunohistochemical methods for TGF-beta 1 visualization. Then, the percentage of TGF-beta 1 expression in stroma and epithelium was objectively quantified using UT Morph software.Results: A lower percentage of positive expression was found in the epithelium of CRSwNP patients (32.44%) versus normal controls (55.91%) (p < 0.05), and a higher percentage of positive expression in the stroma of CRSwNP patients (23.24%) versus controls (5.88%) (p < 0.05).Conclusion: the lower percentage of TGF-beta(1) expression in the nasal epithelium of CRSwNP patients may have an impact on epithelium-directed topical treatments employed in this patient population.Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Otolaryngol Head & Neck Surg, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Ghent, Ghent Univ Hosp, Dept Otorhinolaryngol, Upper Airway Res Lab, B-9000 Ghent, BelgiumUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Pathol, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Otolaryngol Head & Neck Surg, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Pathol, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Independência funcional e o estado confusional de pessoas sujeitas a programa de reabilitação

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    Objetivo: conhecer a influência do estado confusional na recuperação da independência funcional do paciente sujeito a reabilitação. Método: estudo descritivo-correlacional, quantitativo e longitudinal, com amostragem não probabilística, de tipologia acidental. Critérios de inclusão: medida de independência funcional ≤90 e pacientes sujeitos a imobilidade. Critérios de exclusão: pacientes portadores de doenças neoplásicas e com uma escala de coma de Glasgow <11. Para a coleta de dados, utilizou-se um questionário sociodemográfico e as escalas NEECHAM e MIF. Resultados: os dados da amostra (n=40), revelam idade de 76,48 anos, em sua maioria mulheres, casadas, com o primeiro ciclo e em média estiveram sujeitos a 49,60 dias de imobilidade. O estado confusional teve uma melhoria significativa da 1ª avaliação na admissão, na qual 52,2% dos indivíduos apresentavam-se com confusão moderada a severa, para a 2ª avaliação na alta, em que 85% apresentavam-se não confusos. A independência funcional registou uma melhoria de 38,03%. Conclusão: a confusão é um problema neuropsiquiátrico que interfere na atenção e a cognição, nomeadamente na capacidade de percepção. No entanto, mesmo os participantes confusos, quando submetidos a um programa de enfermagem de reabilitação tendem a recuperar a independência funcional.Objective: to know the influence of the confusional state in the recovery of the functional independence of the patient undergoing rehabilitation. Method: descriptivecorrelational, quantitative and cross-sectional study, with non-probabilistic sampling, of accidental typology. Inclusion criteria: measure of functional independence ≤90 and patients subject to immobility. Exclusion criteria: patients with neoplastic diseases and with a Glasgow coma scale <11. For data collection, a sociodemographic questionnaire and the NEECHAM and MIF scales were used. Results: the sample data (n = 40), reveal an age of 76.48 years, mostly women, married, with the elementary school and on average were subject to 49.60 days of immobility. The confusional state had a significant improvement from the 1st assessment on admission, in which 52.2% of the individuals presented with moderate to severe confusion, for the 2nd assessment at discharge, in which 85% were not confused. Functional independence improved by 38.03%. Conclusion: confusion is a neuropsychiatric problem that interferes with attention and cognition, namely the capacity for perception. However, even confused participants, when submitted to a rehabilitation nursing program, tend to regain functional independence.Objetivo: conocer la influencia del estado de confusión en la recuperación de la independencia funcional del paciente sometido a rehabilitación. Método: estudio descriptivo-correlacional, cuantitativo y transversal, con muestreo no probabilístico, de tipología accidental. Criterios de inclusión: medida de independencia funcional ≤90 y pacientes sujetos a inmovilidad. Criterios de exclusión: pacientes con enfermedades neoplásicas y con una escala de coma de Glasgow <11. Para la recolección de datos, se utilizó un cuestionario sociodemográfico y las escalas NEECHAM y MIF. Resultados: los datos de la muestra (n = 40) revelan una edad de 76,48 años, en su mayoría mujeres, casadas, con el primer ciclo y en promedio estuvieron sujetas a 49,60 días de inmovilidad. El estado de confusión tuvo una mejoría significativa desde la primera evaluación (52.5%) al ingreso, donde los individuos presentaron confusión de moderada a severa, para la segunda evaluación, día de alta, en la que el 85% no estaba confundido. La independencia funcional mejoró en 38.03%. Conclusión: La confusión es un problema neuropsiquiátrico que interfiere con la atención y la cognición, es decir, la capacidad de percepción. Sin embargo, incluso los participantes confundidos, cuando se someten a un programa de rehabilitación de enfermería, tienden a recuperar la independencia funcional.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio