76 research outputs found

    Updating of the detector system applied to the customs inspection systems based on electron accelerators

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    The updating of the detector systems developed at NPK LUTS for application to customs inspection systems based on 6…10 MeV accelerators is considered. Tests of a new updated detector system applied in an industrial introscope based on a 15 MeV accelerator have demonstrated a wider range of thickness of scanned (from 100…360 to 75…410 mm) objects at a resolution of 1-1T according to the radiographic ASTM standard.Рассматривается модернизация детекторной системы, разработанной в НПК ЛУЦ для инспекционно-досмотровых комплексов на базе ускорителей с энергией 6…10 МэВ. Испытания новой системы детектирования в промышленном интроскопе на базе ускорителя с энергией 15 МэВ показали увеличение диапазона толщин просвечиваемых объектов с 100…360 до 75…410 мм при уровне разрешения 11T по радиографическому стандарту ASTM.Розглядається модернізація детекторної системи, розробленої в НПК ЛУЦ для інспекціонно-досмотрових комплексів на базі прискорювачів з енергією 6...10 МеВ. Випробування нової системи детектування в промисловому інтроскопі на базі прискорювача з енергією 15 МеВ показали збільшення діапазону товщин просвічуваних об'єктів з 100...360 до 75...410 мм при рівні розділення 1-1T по радіографічному стандарту ASTM

    Customs inspection systems based on linear electron accelerators

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    The present state of the development of customs inspection systems based on 6…10 MeV accelerators at NPK LUTS is considered. These systems are intended for the examination of vehicles and large-scale containers without their opening. The main performances of the equipment of these systems are presented, and various layout versions are discussedРассматривается состояние разработок в НПК ЛУЦ таможенных инспекционно-досмотровых комплексов на базе ускорителей с энергией 6…10 МэВ. Комплексы предназначены для досмотра транспортных средств и крупногабаритных контейнеров без их вскрытия. Рассмотрены основные технические характеристики оборудования, входящего в состав комплексов и различные варианты их компоновки.Розглядається стан розробок у НПК ЛУЦ митних інспекційно-досмотрових комплексів на базі прискорювачів з енергією 6...10 МеВ. Комплекси призначені для огляду транспортних засобів і великогабаритних контейнерів без їхнього розкриття. Розглянуто основні технічні характеристики устаткування, що входить до складу комплексів і різні варіанти їхнього компонування

    Neutrinoless double-electron capture

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    Indexación ScopusDouble-beta processes play a key role in the exploration of neutrino and weak interaction properties, and in the searches for effects beyond the standard model. During the last half century many attempts were undertaken to search for double-beta decay with emission of two electrons, especially for its neutrinoless mode 0?2ß-, the latter having still not been observed. Double-electron capture (2EC) was not yet in focus because of its in general lower transition probability. However, the rate of neutrinoless double-electron capture 0?2EC can experience a resonance enhancement by many orders of magnitude when the initial and final states are energetically degenerate. In the resonant case, the sensitivity of the 0?2EC process can approach the sensitivity of the 0?2ß- decay in the search for the Majorana mass of neutrinos, right-handed currents, and other new physics. An overview of the main experimental and theoretical results obtained during the last decade in this field is presented. The experimental part outlines search results of 2EC processes and measurements of the decay energies for possible resonant 0?2EC transitions. An unprecedented precision in the determination of decay energies with Penning traps has allowed one to refine the values of the degeneracy parameter for all previously known near-resonant decays and has reduced the rather large uncertainties in the estimate of the 0?2EC half-lives. The theoretical part contains an updated analysis of the electron shell effects and an overview of the nuclear-structure models, in which the nuclear matrix elements of the 0?2EC decays are calculated. One can conclude that the decay probability of 0?2EC can experience a significant enhancement in several nuclides. © 2020 American Physical Society.https://journals-aps-org.recursosbiblioteca.unab.cl/rmp/abstract/10.1103/RevModPhys.92.04500

    Proton instability of 73^{73}Rb

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    The steps of territorial intelligence are based on the emergence of new fashions of exchange within the territory . It acts thus on the territorial visibility and hustles the places of strategic reflexion; by doing this, it takes part within the country, to make move the bond sociétal. This paper subjects a posture of collection and mutualisation of information within the territory

    Shape Coexistence in the Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov approach

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    The phenomenon of shape coexistence is studied in the Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov framework. Standard relativistic mean-field effective interactions do not reproduce the ground state properties of neutron-deficient Pt-Hg-Pb isotopes. It is shown that, in order to consistently describe binding energies, radii and ground state deformations of these nuclei, effective interactions have to be constructed which take into account the sizes of spherical shell gaps.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Probing the nuclide 180W for neutrinoless double-electron capture exploration

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    The mass difference of the nuclides 180W and 180Hf has been measured with the Penning-trap mass spectrometer SHIPTRAP to investigate 180W as a possible candidate for the search for neutrinoless doubleelectron capture. The Q-value was measured to 143.20(27)keV. This value in combination with the calculations of the atomic electron wave functions and other parameters results in a half-life of the 0+ \rightarrow 0+ ground-state to ground-state double-electron capture transition of approximately 5\cdot10E27 years/^2

    Atomic Mass and Nuclear Binding Energy for Pa-212 (Protactinium)

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    Atomic Mass and Nuclear Binding Energy for Ra-208 (Radium)

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    Atomic Mass and Nuclear Binding Energy for Ac-208 (Actinium)

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    Atomic Mass and Nuclear Binding Energy for Ra-203 (Radium)

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