33 research outputs found

    Re-futuring: Conscientização e processo de design na era hiper-tecnológica

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    The complex relationship between man and technology is the starting point of an interesting design process, aiming to highlight the lack of awareness in most of the behavioral choices of man. Man is distinguished by its nature of finding short-term solutions, with the almost complete inability to prefigure long-term effects resulting from his unconscious decisions. Technology, on the other hand, is developing fast, becoming day by day more potentially uncontrollable. Specific attention is given to the innovations that can cause unpredicted impacts on human life: knowing history by its sociological implications allows us to recognize some recursive patterns that can then be transformed into opportunities. The goal is not an attempt to predict future trends in technological innovation but to find the right formulas in order to raise the level of responsibility in individuals’ behavior. In this paper the role of the designer is analyzed within the technology of 3D printing, enhancing its potential ability of changing both technological and human environments. A first answer to the problems triggered by 3D printing can be found, for example, in the positive phenomena that are activated within collaborating groups by sharing space and knowledge, in communities with a bottom-up approach, where the designer is actively involved.Keywords: human factors, ethics, awareness, 3D printing, rapid manufacturing, behaviors, transdisciplinarity, re-thinking, re-making, metadesign.A complexa relação entre o homem e a tecnologia é o ponto de partida de um processo de design interessante, com o objetivo de destacar a falta de consciência na maioria das escolhas de comportamento do homem. O homem se distingue por sua natureza de encontrar soluções em curto prazo, com a impossibilidade quase total de prefigurar efeitos em longo prazo resultantes de suas decisões inconscientes. A tecnologia, por outro lado, se desenvolve rapidamente, tornando-se a cada dia mais incontrolável. Atenção especial é dada às inovações que podem causar impactos imprevisíveis sobre a vida humana: conhecer a história por suas implicações sociológicas nos permite reconhecer alguns padrões recursivos que podem ser transformados em oportunidades. O objetivo não é uma tentativa de prever tendências futuras em inovação tecnológica, mas de encontrar as fórmulas certas, a fim de elevar o nível de responsabilidade no comportamento dos indivíduos. Neste trabalho, o papel do designer é analisado no âmbito da tecnologia de impressão 3D, aumentando a sua capacidade potencial de mudar os ambientes tecnológico e humano. A primeira resposta aos problemas desencadeados por impressão 3D pode ser encontrada, por exemplo, nos fenômenos positivos que são ativados dentro de grupos que colaboram através da partilha de espaço e do conhecimento, em comunidades com uma abordagem bottom-up, onde o designer está ativamente envolvido.Palavras-chave: fatores humanos, ética, consciência, impressão 3D, produção rápida, comportamentos, a transdisciplinaridade, repensar, retomada, metadesign

    Comfort of open public spaces: case study New Belgrade

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    Open public spaces are very important for sustainable contemporary cities as important generators of users and activities. The concentration both of users and activities produces livability and vitality of districts and city (Hass-Klau, 1993; Jacobs, 1972; Whyte, 1988). Recent research has shown that the microclimate of open public spaces is important for intensity of use, as thermal conditions affect people’s behaviour and usage of outdoor spaces On the other hand, the comfort of open public spaces depend on urban design and its morphological characteristics. The outdoor thermal environment, is impacted by the surrounding surfaces and objects (Ichinose et al. 1999), materialization of ground surface (Lin et al. 2007), evaporation and evapotranspiration of plants (Robitu et al. 2006), shading by trees or constructed objects (Lin et al. 2010). However, rain, wind, hot weather can greatly influence the comfort of users of open public spaces. In the paper, Block 21 in New Belgrade has been analyzed, before and after transformation, using ENVI-met simulations and direct survey of citizens. Such analysis could help designers to create comfort urban place, which could increase the number of users throughout the year, with the focus on hot summer periods

    Re-futuring: Conscientização e processo de design na era hiper-tecnológica

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    The complex relationship between man and technology is the starting point of an interesting design process, aiming to highlight the lack of awareness in most of the behavioral choices of man. Man is distinguished by its nature of finding short-term solutions, with the almost complete inability to prefigure long-term effects resulting from his unconscious decisions. Technology, on the other hand, is developing fast, becoming day by day more potentially uncontrollable. Specific attention is given to the innovations that can cause unpredicted impacts on human life: knowing history by its sociological implications allows us to recognize some recursive patterns that can then be transformed into opportunities. The goal is not an attempt to predict future trends in technological innovation but to find the right formulas in order to raise the level of responsibility in individuals’ behavior. In this paper the role of the designer is analyzed within the technology of 3D printing, enhancing its potential ability of changing both technological and human environments. A first answer to the problems triggered by 3D printing can be found, for example, in the positive phenomena that are activated within collaborating groups by sharing space and knowledge, in communities with a bottom-up approach, where the designer is actively involved.Keywords: human factors, ethics, awareness, 3D printing, rapid manufacturing, behaviors, transdisciplinarity, re-thinking, re-making, metadesign.A complexa relação entre o homem e a tecnologia é o ponto de partida de um processo de design interessante, com o objetivo de destacar a falta de consciência na maioria das escolhas de comportamento do homem. O homem se distingue por sua natureza de encontrar soluções em curto prazo, com a impossibilidade quase total de prefigurar efeitos em longo prazo resultantes de suas decisões inconscientes. A tecnologia, por outro lado, se desenvolve rapidamente, tornando-se a cada dia mais incontrolável. Atenção especial é dada às inovações que podem causar impactos imprevisíveis sobre a vida humana: conhecer a história por suas implicações sociológicas nos permite reconhecer alguns padrões recursivos que podem ser transformados em oportunidades. O objetivo não é uma tentativa de prever tendências futuras em inovação tecnológica, mas de encontrar as fórmulas certas, a fim de elevar o nível de responsabilidade no comportamento dos indivíduos. Neste trabalho, o papel do designer é analisado no âmbito da tecnologia de impressão 3D, aumentando a sua capacidade potencial de mudar os ambientes tecnológico e humano. A primeira resposta aos problemas desencadeados por impressão 3D pode ser encontrada, por exemplo, nos fenômenos positivos que são ativados dentro de grupos que colaboram através da partilha de espaço e do conhecimento, em comunidades com uma abordagem bottom-up, onde o designer está ativamente envolvido.Palavras-chave: fatores humanos, ética, consciência, impressão 3D, produção rápida, comportamentos, a transdisciplinaridade, repensar, retomada, metadesign

    Factores de riesgo y protectores para el trastorno de éstres postráumatico en individuos expuestos a trauma durante la pandemia COVID-19 – hallazgos de un estudio paneuropeo

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic is a health emergency resulting in multiple stressors that may be related to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Objective: This study examined relationships between risk and protective factors, pandemic-related stressors, and PTSD during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: Data from the European Society of Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS) ADJUST Study were used. N = 4,607 trauma-exposed participants aged 18 years and above were recruited from the general populations of eleven countries (Austria, Croatia, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, and Sweden) from June to November 2020. We assessed sociodemographic (e.g. gender), pandemic-related (e.g. news consumption), and health-related (e.g. general health condition) risk and protective factors, pandemic-related stressors (e.g. fear of infection), and probable PTSD (PC-PTSD-5). The relationships between these variables were examined using logistic regression on multiple imputed data sets. Results: The prevalence of probable PTSD was 17.7%. Factors associated with an increased risk for PTSD were younger age, female gender, more than 3 h of daily pandemic-related news consumption (vs. no consumption), a satisfactory, poor, or very poor health condition (vs. a very good condition), a current or previous diagnosis of a mental disorder, and trauma exposure during the COVID-19 pandemic. Factors associated with a reduced risk for PTSD included a medium and high income (vs. very low income), face-to-face contact less than once a week or 3–7 times a week (vs. no contact), and digital social contact less than once a week or 1–7 days a week (vs. no contact). Pandemic-related stressors associated with an increased risk for PTSD included governmental crisis management and communication, restricted resources, restricted social contact, and difficult housing conditions. Conclusion: We identified risk and protective factors as well as stressors that may help identify trauma-exposed individuals at risk for PTSD, enabling more efficient and rapid access to care.Antecedentes: La pandemia COVID-19 es una emergencia sanitaria que genera múltiples estresores que pueden estar relacionados con el trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT). Objetivo: Este estudio examinó las relaciones entre los factores de riesgo y protectores, estresores relacionados con la pandemia y TEPT durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Métodos: Se utilizaron los datos del estudio ADJUST de la Sociedad Europea de Estudios de Estrés Traumático (ESTSS por sus siglas en ingles). N=4.607 participantes mayores de 18 años expuestos a trauma fueron reclutados de la población general de once países (Austria, Croacia, Georgia, Alemania, Grecia, Italia, Lituania, Países Bajos, Polonia, Portugal y Suecia) desde junio a noviembre 2020. Evaluamos factores de riesgo y protectores sociodemográficos (p.ej. género), relacionados con la pandemia (p.ej. consumo de noticias) y relacionados con la salud (p.ej. estado de salud general), estresores relacionados con la pandemia (p.ej. temor a la infección) y TEPT probable (PC-PTSD-5 por sus siglas en ingles). Las relaciones entre estas variables se examinaron mediante regresión logística en múltiples conjuntos de datos imputados. Resultados: La prevalencia de TEPT probable fue del 17.7%. Los factores asociados con un mayor riesgo de TEPT fueron edad más joven, sexo femenino, más de 3 horas de consumo diario de noticias relacionadas con la pandemia (frente a ningún consumo), un estado de salud satisfactorio, malo o muy malo (frente a un estado muy bueno), un diagnóstico de trastorno mental actual o previo y exposición a un trauma durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Los factores asociados con un riesgo reducido de TEPT incluyeron ingresos medios y altos (frente a ingresos muy bajos), contacto cara a cara menos de una vez a la semana o de 3 a 7 veces por semana (frente a ningún contacto) y contacto social digital menos de una vez a la semana o de 1 a 7 días a la semana (frente a ningún contacto). Los estresores relacionados con la pandemia asociados con un mayor riesgo de TEPT incluyeron la gestión y comunicación de crisis gubernamental, recursos restringidos, contacto social restringido y condiciones de vivienda difíciles. Conclusiones: Identificamos factores de riesgo y protectores, así como estresores que pueden ayudar a identificar a las personas expuestas a traumas en riesgo de TEPT, lo que permite un acceso más eficiente y rápido a la atención

    Proceedings of the 24th Paediatric Rheumatology European Society Congress: Part three

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    From Springer Nature via Jisc Publications Router.Publication status: PublishedHistory: collection 2017-09, epub 2017-09-0

    Living on the border: Psychotic processes in the individual, the couple, and the group

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    This book centres on the problem of psychosis, understood from a psychoanalytic perspective, as it manifests itself in different contexts and different levels of organisation: from the individual psychoanalytic session, through work with couples, groups and institutions and wider levels of social organisation. Beginning with a discussion of the psychoanalytic apporach to psychosis centring on the work of Freud, Klein and the Post-Kleinians, it goes on to cover individual, couple and group therapy with psychotic patients. It draws on clinical material and theoretical discussion to explore the links between psychotic processes on different levels. This work is aimed at different professionals working within the psychodynamic frame of reference: individual psychotherapists, couple and family and group psychotherapists; organisational consultants and trainees in different therapies. As well as this it will be a useful resource to nurses, doctors and social workers who work with very disturbed patients and wish to learn about psychotic processes

    The incidence of down syndrome in newborns at the department of obstetrics and gynecology of the clinical center Kragujevac during the period 2007-2012

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    Objective. The main objective of this study was to determine the incidence of Down syndrome in newborn infants diagnosed prenatally and in newborn children in Kragujevac. Methods. This retrospective study included groups of 1208 pregnant women and 10,712 mothers aged 14-55 years, who came to the Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic, Clinical Center Kragujevac during the period 2007-2012. Cells of amniotic fluid, taken during amniocentesis between 16 and 18 weeks of pregnancy, were cultured for 12 days and, after cytogenetic processing, stained and analyzed with light microscopy. Data were analyzed and presented descriptively. Results. During the four year period, between January 2007 and December 2011, 8 cases of Down syndrome were diagnosed by amniocentesis of 1208 amnions, which resulted in incidence of 1 in 151 amnions. Also, there were 15 cases of liveborn children with Down syndrome in 10822 liveborn babies, which made an incidence of 1 in 721 liveborns. The total of 1070 pregnancies were with mothers older than 35 years at the time of labor and 5 of 15 liveborn babies with Down syndrome were from mothers belonging to this group. Also, 9464 pregnancies were with mothers aged 18-35 years and in this group there were the last 10 cases of Down syndrome. There were 8 fetuses with Down syndrome, all diagnosed with trisomy 21, and all 8 aborted by choice of the Ethical committee of the Clinical Center Kragujevac. Conclusion. The decision of not having prenatal diagnostics for pregnancies, some by late amniocentesis, some by the decision of the family, resulted in Down syndrome liveborns