168 research outputs found

    Barrytownská trilogie: Roddy Doyle a jeho obraz dělnické třídy v Dublinu na přelomu 80. a 90. let 20. století

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    Tato práce se zabývá vykreslením dublinské dělnické třídy v prvních třech románech Roddyho Doyla, The Commitments, The Snapper a The Van, souhrnně označovaných jako Barrytownská trilogie. První část práce nabízí krátký přehled Doyleových prvotin v kontextu moderní irské literární fikce se zaměřením na protagonisty dělnické třídy a popisuje irské a obzvláště dublinské kulturní a ekonomické podmínky na konci 80. a na začátku 90. let 20. století. Druhá část práce je založena na porovnání všech tří knih, v nichž autor oslavuje každodenní život v Barrytownu, smyšleném sousedství na severu Dublinu, očima typické dělnické rodiny. Jedna kapitola je rovněž věnována použití jazyka jako prostředku dosažení větší autenticity. KLÍČOVÁ SLOVA Roddy Doyle, Barrytownská trilogie, The Commitments, The Snapper, The Van, irská literatura, Dublin, dělnická třída, rodina, 80. a 90. léta 20. stoletíThis thesis is concerned with the depiction of working-class Dublin in Roddy Doyle's first three novels, The Commitments, The Snapper and The Van, known as The Barrytown Trilogy. The first part of the thesis provides a short overview of Doyle's early work in the context of modern Irish fiction with a focus on working-class protagonists and outlines Ireland's and specifically Dublin's cultural and economic background in the late 1980s and the early 1990s. The second part is based on a comparative analysis of the three books in which the author celebrates everyday life in Barrytown, a fictitious neighbourhood in the north of Dublin, through the eyes of a typical working-class family. One section is also dedicated to the language of the trilogy used as a means of achieving greater authenticity. KEYWORDS Roddy Doyle, The Barrytown Trilogy, The Commitments, The Snapper, The Van, Irish literature, Dublin, working class, family, 1980s, 1990sKatedra anglického jazyka a literaturyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Trasology in the practice - ensuring comparative material

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    Tato bakalářská práce se věnuje tématu trasologie, jedné z kriminalistických metod. Zaměřuje se na její aplikaci v praxi na jednom z odboru kriminalistické techniky a expertíz v České republice. Popisuje základní systémy využívané na expertizním pracovišti a průběh práce pracovníka znaleckého ústavu na zmíněném pracovišti. V druhé části se zabývá problematikou srovnávacího materiálu nejčastěji vyskytujících se trasologických stop. Vymezuje rozdíly mezi teorií a praxí tohoto tématu a v závěru této problematiky popisuje chyby, s kterými se na zmíněném pracovišti setkávají při zajišťování srovnávacího materiálu, jenž může mnohdy ztížit zkoumání stop a srovnávacího materiálu.This bachelor thesis is dedicated to the topic of Trasology, one of the criminalistic methods. It focuses on its application in practice in one of the departments of criminalistic technology and expertise in the Czech Republic. It describes the basic systems use dat the expert department and the workflow of the expert worker at the mentioned department. In the second part it deals with the problem of providing comparative material of the most frequently occurring traces. It outlines the differences between theory and practice on this topic and concludes by describing the errors encountered at the aforementioned workplace when securing comparative material, which can often complicate the course of examination of traces and comparative material.060 - Katedra bezpečnostních služebvýborn

    Pidoplitchkoviella terricola - an interesting fungus from the Domica Cave (Slovakia)

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    International audienc

    Optimization of System for Selecting Suppliers in Chosen Enterprise

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    Import 02/11/2016Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou výběru dodavatelů, což je jedním z klíčových kroků vedoucích k dosažení úspěchu každé firmy. Práce byla zpracována ve spolupráci s firmou KUNST, která se zabývá dodávkou a montáží vodohospodářských celků. V tomto oboru je nežádoucí, aby jakákoli část celku byla nefunkční či nesplňovala požadované parametry. Proto budou v návrhové části této práce vytvořeny formuláře pro výběr dodavatelů konkrétních zařízení, jenž prověří parametry každého zařízení a jeho vhodnost pro použití v dané zakázce.This bachelor thesis deals with issue of the selection of suppliers which is one of the key steps leading to success of each company. This thesis was developed together with the company KUNST which deals with supply and installation of hydraulic components. In this business it is undesirable that any part of the unit was dysfunctional or not satisfy the required parameters. Therefore, in the proposal part of this work were created forms for selecting suppliers of concrete equipment, which verify the parameters of each equipment and its suitability in the given commission.152 - Katedra podnikohospodářskávelmi dobř

    Povědomí a znalost lexikálních a pravopisných rozdílů mezi britskou a americkou angličtinou u českých studentů angličtiny

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    Tato práce se zabývá lexikálními a pravopisnými rozdíly mezi britskou a americkou angličtinou. Teoretická část nabízí přehled dějin a vývoje těchto rozdílů a zahrnuje seznam vybraných vysoce frekventovaných slov. Dále se zaměřuje na roli americké kultury ve světě a její dopad na angličtinu. Praktická část sestává z průzkumu a jejím cílem je zjistit, zda mají čeští studenti středních škol povědomí o britské a americké angličtině a rozdílech mezi nimi. Zvláštní pozornost je věnována médiím, v nichž převládá americká angličtina, a jejich vlivu na jazykovou způsobilost studentů. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)This thesis is concerned with lexical and spelling differences between British and American English. The theoretical part provides an overview of the history and development of those differences, including a list of selected high frequency items. It also focuses on the role of American culture in the world and its impact on the English language. The practical part is based on a survey and attempts to discover whether Czech upper secondary students are aware of British and American English and the differences between them, with special attention to the media dominated by American English and their influence on students' language competence. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)Katedra anglického jazyka a literaturyPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    Primjena metode 8D u rješavanju nesukladnosti – studija slučaja u proizvodnji lijepljenog furnira u Slovačkoj

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    A turbulent and competitive environment currently imposes high demands on flexible adaptation to the changing qualitative and quantitative conditions at the European and global stage. One of the criteria used as an expression/declaration of the high level of management of all organisation’s activities is to adhere to the principles of total quality management (TQM). In this way, it is possible to achieve high quality outputs. One of the TQM principles is constant improvement. It is one of the main objectives of each organisation. It is focused on constant improvement of the total performance. The aim of this case study is to analyse and improve selected processes in a specific company engaged in production of veneer – IKEA Industry Slovakia, Ltd., enterprise branch - Majcichov, by using combined instruments the way they are used in the quality management system. In this study, 8D method is applied for nonconformity resolution. The applied method showed to be optimal for nonconformity resolution because employees are educated and experienced in this area. However, in future, it will be necessary to adopt further quality instruments for increasing a company’s competitiveness.Današnje turbulentno i konkurentno okruženje postavlja visoke zahtjeve glede fleksibilne prilagodbe poduzeća promjenjivim kvalitativnim i kvantitativnim uvjetima na europskome i svjetskom tržištu. Jedan od kriterija koji se primjenjuju za izražavanje i potvrdu visoke razine upravljanja svim organizacijskim aktivnostima jest primjena načela potpunog upravljanja kvalitetom (TQM). Samo je na taj način moguće postići visokokvalitetne izlazne rezultate poduzeća. Jedno od načela TQM-a jest stalno unapređenje kvalitete proizvodnje. To je ujedno i jedna od glavnih zadaća svakog proizvođača, a temelji se na stalnom unapređenju cjelokupnog rada poduzeća. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je analizirati i poboljšati određene procese u poduzeću uključenome u proizvodnju furnira – IKEA Industry Slovakia, Ltd., Majcichov, i usredotočiti se na primjenu kombiniranih instrumenata unapređenja na način na koji se oni primjenjuju u modelu potpunog upravljanja kvalitetom. U ovom je radu za rješavanje nesukladnosti primijenjena metoda 8D. Za promatrano poduzeće ta se metoda pokazala optimalnom u rješavanju takvih problema jer su zaposlenici dodatno educirani i imaju iskustva s njezinom primjenom. Međutim, u budućnosti će biti potrebno uključiti i druge instrumente za postizanje kvalitete kako bi se povećala konkurentnost poduzeća


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    In the year 2007, there were one hundred and seventy-eight potato varieties enlisted in the Czech list of registered potato varieties. The classical morphometric approach to characterization is not effective for such a number of varieties especially for identification at the level of tubers. The needfulness of variety identification at the level of tubers is important mainly for trade aspect. The Czech law no.110/1997 Sb. about the food-stuff and tobacco products and the consequential ordinance (MZe č. 332 / 1997 Sb.) require guarantee of variety declaration in commercial relation for table potato. In this study we analyzed twenty potato varieties (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivated in the Czech Republic. Every variety was represented by four independent replicates. This set of samples was analyzed by methods of PCR-SSR (Simple Sequence Repeats) and PCR-ISSR (Inter Simple Sequence Repeats). We discovered that both of tested methods afford sufficient polymorphism for variety identification, but the method of PCR-ISSR is not utilizable, because we observed the variability within variety. For outright identification of the whole set of potato varieties cultivated in the Czech Republic we recommend to use SSR, AFLP and retrotransposene-based markers as well as morphological markers

    The microbiology of Lascaux Cave

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    Lascaux Cave (Montignac, France) contains paintings from the Upper Paleolithic period. Shortly after its discovery in 1940, the cave was seriously disturbed by major destructive interventions. In 1963, the cave was closed due to algal growth on the walls. In 2001, the ceiling, walls and sediments were colonized by the fungus Fusarium solani. Later, black stains, probably of fungal origin, appeared on the walls. Biocide treatments, including quaternary ammonium derivatives, were extensively applied for a few years, and have been in use again since January 2008. The microbial communities in Lascaux Cave were shown to be composed of human-pathogenic bacteria and entomopathogenic fungi, the former as a result of the biocide selection. The data show that fungi play an important role in the cave, and arthropods contribute to the dispersion of conidia. A careful study on the fungal ecology is needed in order to complete the cave food web and to control the black stains threatening the Paleolithic paintings. © 2010 SGM.We thank support from the Ministry of Culture and Communication, France, the Spanish project CGL2006-07424/BOS, and facilities from DRAC Aquitaine. This is a TCP CSD2007-00058 paper.Peer Reviewe