44 research outputs found

    Astrocytic αVβ3 Integrin Inhibits Neurite Outgrowth and Promotes Retraction of Neuronal Processes by Clustering Thy-1

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    Thy-1 is a membrane glycoprotein suggested to stabilize or inhibit growth of neuronal processes. However, its precise function has remained obscure, because its endogenous ligand is unknown. We previously showed that Thy-1 binds directly to αVβ3 integrin in trans eliciting responses in astrocytes. Nonetheless, whether αVβ3 integrin might also serve as a Thy-1-ligand triggering a neuronal response has not been explored. Thus, utilizing primary neurons and a neuron-derived cell line CAD, Thy-1-mediated effects of αVβ3 integrin on growth and retraction of neuronal processes were tested. In astrocyte-neuron co-cultures, endogenous αVβ3 integrin restricted neurite outgrowth. Likewise, αVβ3-Fc was sufficient to suppress neurite extension in Thy-1(+), but not in Thy-1(−) CAD cells. In differentiating primary neurons exposed to αVβ3-Fc, fewer and shorter dendrites were detected. This effect was abolished by cleavage of Thy-1 from the neuronal surface using phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC). Moreover, αVβ3-Fc also induced retraction of already extended Thy-1(+)-axon-like neurites in differentiated CAD cells as well as of axonal terminals in differentiated primary neurons. Axonal retraction occurred when redistribution and clustering of Thy-1 molecules in the plasma membrane was induced by αVβ3 integrin. Binding of αVβ3-Fc was detected in Thy-1 clusters during axon retraction of primary neurons. Moreover, αVβ3-Fc-induced Thy-1 clustering correlated in time and space with redistribution and inactivation of Src kinase. Thus, our data indicates that αVβ3 integrin is a ligand for Thy-1 that upon binding not only restricts the growth of neurites, but also induces retraction of already existing processes by inducing Thy-1 clustering. We propose that these events participate in bi-directional astrocyte-neuron communication relevant to axonal repair after neuronal damage

    Epilepsy in Dcx Knockout Mice Associated with Discrete Lamination Defects and Enhanced Excitability in the Hippocampus

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    Patients with Doublecortin (DCX) mutations have severe cortical malformations associated with mental retardation and epilepsy. Dcx knockout (KO) mice show no major isocortical abnormalities, but have discrete hippocampal defects. We questioned the functional consequences of these defects and report here that Dcx KO mice are hyperactive and exhibit spontaneous convulsive seizures. Changes in neuropeptide Y and calbindin expression, consistent with seizure occurrence, were detected in a large proportion of KO animals, and convulsants, including kainate and pentylenetetrazole, also induced seizures more readily in KO mice. We show that the dysplastic CA3 region in KO hippocampal slices generates sharp wave-like activities and possesses a lower threshold for epileptiform events. Video-EEG monitoring also demonstrated that spontaneous seizures were initiated in the hippocampus. Similarly, seizures in human patients mutated for DCX can show a primary involvement of the temporal lobe. In conclusion, seizures in Dcx KO mice are likely to be due to abnormal synaptic transmission involving heterotopic cells in the hippocampus and these mice may therefore provide a useful model to further study how lamination defects underlie the genesis of epileptiform activities

    Role of cytoskeletal abnormalities in the neuropathology and pathophysiology of type I lissencephaly

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    Type I lissencephaly or agyria-pachygyria is a rare developmental disorder which results from a defect of neuronal migration. It is characterized by the absence of gyri and a thickening of the cerebral cortex and can be associated with other brain and visceral anomalies. Since the discovery of the first genetic cause (deletion of chromosome 17p13.3), six additional genes have been found to be responsible for agyria–pachygyria. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge concerning these genetic disorders including clinical, neuropathological and molecular results. Genetic alterations of LIS1, DCX, ARX, TUBA1A, VLDLR, RELN and more recently WDR62 genes cause migrational abnormalities along with more complex and subtle anomalies affecting cell proliferation and differentiation, i.e., neurite outgrowth, axonal pathfinding, axonal transport, connectivity and even myelination. The number and heterogeneity of clinical, neuropathological and radiological defects suggest that type I lissencephaly now includes several forms of cerebral malformations. In vitro experiments and mutant animal studies, along with neuropathological abnormalities in humans are of invaluable interest for the understanding of pathophysiological mechanisms, highlighting the central role of cytoskeletal dynamics required for a proper achievement of cell proliferation, neuronal migration and differentiation

    Hippocampal pyramidal cells: the reemergence of cortical lamination

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    The increasing resolution of tract-tracing studies has led to the definition of segments along the transverse axis of the hippocampal pyramidal cell layer, which may represent functionally defined elements. This review will summarize evidence for a morphological and functional differentiation of pyramidal cells along the radial (deep to superficial) axis of the cell layer. In many species, deep and superficial sublayers can be identified histologically throughout large parts of the septotemporal extent of the hippocampus. Neurons in these sublayers are generated during different periods of development. During development, deep and superficial cells express genes (Sox5, SatB2) that also specify the phenotypes of superficial and deep cells in the neocortex. Deep and superficial cells differ neurochemically (e.g. calbindin and zinc) and in their adult gene expression patterns. These markers also distinguish sublayers in the septal hippocampus, where they are not readily apparent histologically in rat or mouse. Deep and superficial pyramidal cells differ in septal, striatal, and neocortical efferent connections. Distributions of deep and superficial pyramidal cell dendrites and studies in reeler or sparsely GFP-expressing mice indicate that this also applies to afferent pathways. Histological, neurochemical, and connective differences between deep and superficial neurons may correlate with (patho-) physiological phenomena specific to pyramidal cells at different radial locations. We feel that an appreciation of radial subdivisions in the pyramidal cell layer reminiscent of lamination in other cortical areas may be critical in the interpretation of studies of hippocampal anatomy and function

    Ubiquitous molecular substrates for associative learning and activity-dependent neuronal facilitation.

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    Recent evidence suggests that many of the molecular cascades and substrates that contribute to learning-related forms of neuronal plasticity may be conserved across ostensibly disparate model systems. Notably, the facilitation of neuronal excitability and synaptic transmission that contribute to associative learning in Aplysia and Hermissenda, as well as associative LTP in hippocampal CA1 cells, all require (or are enhanced by) the convergence of a transient elevation in intracellular Ca2+ with transmitter binding to metabotropic cell-surface receptors. This temporal convergence of Ca2+ and G-protein-stimulated second-messenger cascades synergistically stimulates several classes of serine/threonine protein kinases, which in turn modulate receptor function or cell excitability through the phosphorylation of ion channels. We present a summary of the biophysical and molecular constituents of neuronal and synaptic facilitation in each of these three model systems. Although specific components of the underlying molecular cascades differ across these three systems, fundamental aspects of these cascades are widely conserved, leading to the conclusion that the conceptual semblance of these superficially disparate systems is far greater than is generally acknowledged. We suggest that the elucidation of mechanistic similarities between different systems will ultimately fulfill the goal of the model systems approach, that is, the description of critical and ubiquitous features of neuronal and synaptic events that contribute to memory induction

    Haematological consequences of acute uncomplicated falciparum malaria: a WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network pooled analysis of individual patient data

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    Background: Plasmodium falciparum malaria is associated with anaemia-related morbidity, attributable to host, parasite and drug factors. We quantified the haematological response following treatment of uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria to identify the factors associated with malarial anaemia. Methods: Individual patient data from eligible antimalarial efficacy studies of uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria, available through the WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network data repository prior to August 2015, were pooled using standardised methodology. The haematological response over time was quantified using a multivariable linear mixed effects model with nonlinear terms for time, and the model was then used to estimate the mean haemoglobin at day of nadir and day 7. Multivariable logistic regression quantified risk factors for moderately severe anaemia (haemoglobin < 7 g/dL) at day 0, day 3 and day 7 as well as a fractional fall ≥ 25% at day 3 and day 7. Results: A total of 70,226 patients, recruited into 200 studies between 1991 and 2013, were included in the analysis: 50,859 (72.4%) enrolled in Africa, 18,451 (26.3%) in Asia and 916 (1.3%) in South America. The median haemoglobin concentration at presentation was 9.9 g/dL (range 5.0–19.7 g/dL) in Africa, 11.6 g/dL (range 5.0–20.0 g/dL) in Asia and 12.3 g/dL (range 6.9–17.9 g/dL) in South America. Moderately severe anaemia (Hb < 7g/dl) was present in 8.4% (4284/50,859) of patients from Africa, 3.3% (606/18,451) from Asia and 0.1% (1/916) from South America. The nadir haemoglobin occurred on day 2 post treatment with a mean fall from baseline of 0.57 g/dL in Africa and 1.13 g/dL in Asia. Independent risk factors for moderately severe anaemia on day 7, in both Africa and Asia, included moderately severe anaemia at baseline (adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 16.10 and AOR = 23.00, respectively), young age (age < 1 compared to ≥ 12 years AOR = 12.81 and AOR = 6.79, respectively), high parasitaemia (AOR = 1.78 and AOR = 1.58, respectively) and delayed parasite clearance (AOR = 2.44 and AOR = 2.59, respectively). In Asia, patients treated with an artemisinin-based regimen were at significantly greater risk of moderately severe anaemia on day 7 compared to those treated with a non-artemisinin-based regimen (AOR = 2.06 [95%CI 1.39–3.05], p < 0.001). Conclusions: In patients with uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria, the nadir haemoglobin occurs 2 days after starting treatment. Although artemisinin-based treatments increase the rate of parasite clearance, in Asia they are associated with a greater risk of anaemia during recovery

    Studies of the neurotoxicity of oral artemisinin derivatives in mice.

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    Intramuscular injections of high doses of the oil-soluble antimalarial artemisinin derivatives artemether and arteether produce an unusual pattern of selective damage to brain stem centers in experimental mammals, predominantly those involved in auditory processing and vestibular reflexes. We have shown recently in adult Swiss albino mice that parenteral artesunate, a water-soluble derivative, is significantly less neurotoxic than intramuscular artemether in this murine model. Using the same model, in which the drugs were administered daily for 28 days, the neurotoxic potential of the oral drugs was assessed and compared with the parenteral routes of administration. The dose causing neurotoxicity or death in 50% of animals (ED50), was approximately 300 mg/kg/day of oral artemether and artesunate compared to 50 mg/kg/day of intramuscular artemether. Doses of intramuscular artemether > 100 mg/kg/day were uniformly lethal. When oral artemether was given in peanut oil there was an increase in neurotoxicity and mortality compared with the aqueous suspension (P = 0.002), and when the food pellets were coated with artemether in oil, giving relatively constant oral intake, neurotoxicity was further increased; ED50 = 150 mg/kg/day (P = 0.017). These data indicate that once-daily oral administration of artesunate or artemether is relatively safe, presumably because the central nervous system is exposed transiently, whereas constant exposure either from depot intramuscular injection of oil-based drug, or constant oral intake carries relatively greater neurotoxic potential

    Studies of the neurotoxicity of oral artemisinin derivatives in mice.

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    Intramuscular injections of high doses of the oil-soluble antimalarial artemisinin derivatives artemether and arteether produce an unusual pattern of selective damage to brain stem centers in experimental mammals, predominantly those involved in auditory processing and vestibular reflexes. We have shown recently in adult Swiss albino mice that parenteral artesunate, a water-soluble derivative, is significantly less neurotoxic than intramuscular artemether in this murine model. Using the same model, in which the drugs were administered daily for 28 days, the neurotoxic potential of the oral drugs was assessed and compared with the parenteral routes of administration. The dose causing neurotoxicity or death in 50% of animals (ED50), was approximately 300 mg/kg/day of oral artemether and artesunate compared to 50 mg/kg/day of intramuscular artemether. Doses of intramuscular artemether &gt; 100 mg/kg/day were uniformly lethal. When oral artemether was given in peanut oil there was an increase in neurotoxicity and mortality compared with the aqueous suspension (P = 0.002), and when the food pellets were coated with artemether in oil, giving relatively constant oral intake, neurotoxicity was further increased; ED50 = 150 mg/kg/day (P = 0.017). These data indicate that once-daily oral administration of artesunate or artemether is relatively safe, presumably because the central nervous system is exposed transiently, whereas constant exposure either from depot intramuscular injection of oil-based drug, or constant oral intake carries relatively greater neurotoxic potential

    Studies of the neurotoxicity of oral artemisinin derivatives in mice.

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    Intramuscular injections of high doses of the oil-soluble antimalarial artemisinin derivatives artemether and arteether produce an unusual pattern of selective damage to brain stem centers in experimental mammals, predominantly those involved in auditory processing and vestibular reflexes. We have shown recently in adult Swiss albino mice that parenteral artesunate, a water-soluble derivative, is significantly less neurotoxic than intramuscular artemether in this murine model. Using the same model, in which the drugs were administered daily for 28 days, the neurotoxic potential of the oral drugs was assessed and compared with the parenteral routes of administration. The dose causing neurotoxicity or death in 50% of animals (ED50), was approximately 300 mg/kg/day of oral artemether and artesunate compared to 50 mg/kg/day of intramuscular artemether. Doses of intramuscular artemether > 100 mg/kg/day were uniformly lethal. When oral artemether was given in peanut oil there was an increase in neurotoxicity and mortality compared with the aqueous suspension (P = 0.002), and when the food pellets were coated with artemether in oil, giving relatively constant oral intake, neurotoxicity was further increased; ED50 = 150 mg/kg/day (P = 0.017). These data indicate that once-daily oral administration of artesunate or artemether is relatively safe, presumably because the central nervous system is exposed transiently, whereas constant exposure either from depot intramuscular injection of oil-based drug, or constant oral intake carries relatively greater neurotoxic potential