53 research outputs found


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    In spite of age and blood pressure values at rest,hypertensive response to moderate intensity stress testingis characterized by increasing ofprobable beginning of cardiac infarction, stroke or coronary disease in 1.36 times. The hypertensive response to stress test in people with normal blood pressure values at rest (independent of other risk factors) is characterized by increasing risk of future hypertension more than in 2 times. Antihypertensive drugs affect blood pressure values differently during the stress testing. The prognosis of blood pressure values during daily physical activity is necessary for antihypertensive treatment. Low availability of convenient instruments and methodological tools for continuous measurement of blood pressure (similar to Spiroarteriocardiorhythmograph, Finapres) duringthe dosed physical loads constrain wide use of stress tests with controlled blood pressure in medical practice.Гипертоническая реакция на нагрузку средней интенсивности вызывает независимое от возраста и величины артериального давления в состоянии покоя повышение в 1,36 раза вероятности возникновения инфарктов миокарда, инсультов или ишемической болезни сердца. У людей с нормальным уровнем артериального давления в состоянии покоя гипертоническая реакция на нагрузку (независимо от других факторов риска) связана с более чем 2-кратным возрастанием риска возникновения гипертензии. Антигипертензивные препараты в различной степени влияют на величину артериального давления при физических нагрузках. Для антигипертензивной терапии необходим прогноз уровня артериального давления при повседневных физических нагрузках. Внедрение в медицинскую практику сдерживается низкой доступностью приборных и методических средств непрерывного измерения артериального давления (аналогичных приборам САКР, Finapres) при дозированных физических нагрузках

    Нарушения синхронизации кровообращения и дыхания при гиперкапнической дыхательной пробе и умеренных физических нагрузках у пациентов c пульмонологической патологией

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    Relevance.The comprehensive assessment of cardiorespiratory coupling (CRC) for the diagnosis of functional adaptation in pulmonological patients is presented.The objective of the study was to test the complex criteria of CRC for objective differential diagnosis of individual adaptive reactions of pulmonological patients.Methods and materials. 30 volunteers without verified pathology and 31 patients with restrictive and obstructive disorders were examined. All subjects underwent physical examination with traditional routine method using spiroarteriocardiorhythmography (SACR) at rest and during performing functional tests with hypercapnia and moderate physical exercise.Results. We proposed the methodology of integrated assessment of multicomponent system of CRC, which increases the diagnostic precision of SACR in the tasks of predicting the adaptive defects of the organism at different pulmonary syndromes.Conclusion. Breathing with a fixed frequency normalizes the regulation of CRC, both in healthy and pulmonological patients. Moderate physical activity (80 W) modifies the indicators of CRC in pulmonological patients in comparison with the control group statistically due to disorders of the heart rate and circulation. During moderate physical activity, stroke volume (SV) statistically decreases in patients differently: SV were significantly lower in the group with obstructive disorders than in the group with non-obstructive disorders. Введение. Предложена комплексная оценка сердечно-сосудисто-дыхательной синхронизации (ССДС) у больных с пульмонологической патологией.Цель исследования — апробация комплексных критериев ССДС для объективной дифференциальной диагностики индивидуальных функциональных реакций пациентов с пульмонологической патологией.Методы и материалы. Обследовали 30 добровольцев без верифицированной патологии и 31 пациента с обструктивными и необструктивными нарушениями. Проводили физикальное обследование по традиционной рутинной методике с использованием спироартериокардиоритмографии (САКР) в покое и при выполнении функциональных проб с гиперкапнией и умеренной физической нагрузкой.Результаты. Предложена методология комплексной оценки многокомпонентной системы ССДС, которая повышает диагностическую эффективность САКР в задачах прогнозирования функциональной состоятельности организма при различных синдромальных вариантах пульмонологической патологии.Выводы. Дыхание с фиксированной частотой нормализует регуляцию ССДС, как у здоровых, так и у больных с пульмонологической патологией. При умеренной физической нагрузке (менее 80 Вт) показатели ССДС у пульмонологических больных статистически достоверно изменяются по сравнению с контрольной группой, преимущественно за счет нарушения регуляции сердечного ритма и кровообращения. При выполнении пробы с умеренной физической нагрузкой снижение показателей ССДС у больных статистически достоверно различается по ударному объему (УО): в группе с обструктивными нарушениями значения УО были существенно ниже, чем в группе без обструктивных нарушений.


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    Introduction. The article described the methodology of the objective express diagnostics of cardiovascular and respiratory synchronism depending on manifestations of static spinal deformities. The approaches to simultaneous static and dynamic studies of postural balance with spiro-arterio-cardiorhythmography were discussed.The objective of the work was to determine the mutual influence of static and dynamic postural balance on cardiovascular and respiratory synchronism.Material and methods. We analyzed indicators of static and dynamic postural balance and indicators of cardiovascular and respiratory synchronism among the population without manifested signs of pathology from the studied body systems.Results. The effect of static spinal deformities was observed only on the functional indicators of respiration. Statistically significant correlations of static spinal deformities were observed only with functional respiratory parameters. Indicators of cardiovascular and respiratory synchronism were not affected.Conclusion. The lordotic variant of the static spinal deformity, in contrast to the kyphotic and scoliotic variant, reliably affected the functional indicators of the respiratory system, as well as the indicators of cardiovascular and respiratory synchronism. The balance of sagittal deformities correlated with functional indicators of cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as with indicators of cardiovascular and respiratory synchronism. It was important to emphasize that in order to maintain cardiovascular and respiratory compliance with the most commonly diagnosed variants of static deformity (kyphotic and scoliotic), significant modifications in cardiovascular and respiratory regulation were observed much less frequently than alongside with lordotic deformity.Введение. Излагается методология объективной экспресс-диагностики сердечно-сосудистого и дыхательного синхронизма в зависимости от проявления статических деформаций позвоночника. Обсуждаются подходы к одновременному проведению статических и динамических исследований постурального баланса и спироартериокардиоритмографии.Цель работы – определение взаимного влияния параметров сердечно-сосудистого и дыхательного синхронизма и показателей статического и динамического постурального баланса.Материал и методы. Проведен анализ показателей статического и динамического постурального баланса и показателей сердечно-сосудистого и дыхательного синхронизма среди популяции без манифестированных признаков патологии со стороны исследуемых систем организма.Результаты. Статистически значимые корреляции показателей статической деформации позвоночника наблюдали только с функциональными показателями дыхания. Показатели сердечно-сосудистой и дыхательной синхронизации более стабильны.Выводы. Лордотический вариант, в отличие от кифотического и сколиотического вариантов статической деформации позвоночника, достоверно влияет на функциональные показатели дыхательной системы, а также показатели сердечно-сосудистого и дыхательного синхронизма. Баланс сагиттальных деформаций коррелирует с функциональными показателями сердечно-сосудистой и дыхательной систем, а также с показателями сердечно-сосудистого и дыхательного синхронизма. Важно подчеркнуть, что для поддержания сердечно-сосудистого и дыхательного соответствия при наиболее часто диагностируемых вариантах статических деформаций (кифотической и сколиотической) достоверные модификации в сердечно-сосудистой и дыхательной регуляции наблюдались значительно реже, чем при лордотической деформации

    The Human Nasal Microbiota and Staphylococcus aureus Carriage

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    BACKGROUND: Colonization of humans with Staphylococcus aureus is a critical prerequisite of subsequent clinical infection of the skin, blood, lung, heart and other deep tissues. S. aureus persistently or intermittently colonizes the nares of approximately 50% of healthy adults, whereas approximately 50% of the general population is rarely or never colonized by this pathogen. Because microbial consortia within the nasal cavity may be an important determinant of S. aureus colonization we determined the composition and dynamics of the nasal microbiota and correlated specific microorganisms with S. aureus colonization. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Nasal specimens were collected longitudinally from five healthy adults and a cross-section of hospitalized patients (26 S. aureus carriers and 16 non-carriers). Culture-independent analysis of 16S rRNA sequences revealed that the nasal microbiota of healthy subjects consists primarily of members of the phylum Actinobacteria (e.g., Propionibacterium spp. and Corynebacterium spp.), with proportionally less representation of other phyla, including Firmicutes (e.g., Staphylococcus spp.) and Proteobacteria (e.g. Enterobacter spp). In contrast, inpatient nasal microbiotas were enriched in S. aureus or Staphylococcus epidermidis and diminished in several actinobacterial groups, most notably Propionibacterium acnes. Moreover, within the inpatient population S. aureus colonization was negatively correlated with the abundances of several microbial groups, including S. epidermidis (p = 0.004). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The nares environment is colonized by a temporally stable microbiota that is distinct from other regions of the integument. Negative association between S. aureus, S. epidermidis, and other groups suggests microbial competition during colonization of the nares, a finding that could be exploited to limit S. aureus colonization

    Management of intra-abdominal infections : recommendations by the WSES 2016 consensus conference

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    This paper reports on the consensus conference on the management of intra-abdominal infections (IAIs) which was held on July 23, 2016, in Dublin, Ireland, as a part of the annual World Society of Emergency Surgery (WSES) meeting. This document covers all aspects of the management of IAIs. The Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation recommendation is used, and this document represents the executive summary of the consensus conference findings.Peer reviewe

    Antimicrobials: a global alliance for optimizing their rational use in intra-abdominal infections (AGORA)

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    The tool simulated complex for study of molecular gears of homeostasis

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    For reception of integrated parameters of homeostasis and their evaluations the expensive technologies of researches are required. The tool complex for decision of this task at minimum possible costs is suggested

    Induction by gamma irradiation of double-strand breaks of Escherichia coli chromosomes and their role in cell lethality.

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    Viscoelastometric measurements of DNA from gamma-irradiated bacteria were used to identify the induction of double-strand breaks ( DSBs ) in the chromosome of Escherichia coli. It is shown by means of inhibitors of repair endonucleases and different repair mutants that most DSBs in DNA of E. coli, gamma-irradiated in buffer, arise from enzymatic incision of primary gamma-damages; therefore, previous conclusions regarding DSB repair must be reconsidered. Based on these results, much of the reparable damage is single-strand breaks, and this damage can initiate formation of gaps and ultimately, when repair is insufficient, generation of enzymatically caused DSBs . After extensive repair, the first residual DSB in the E. coli chromosome is generated at approximately 160 Gray (Gy), which corresponds to the D37 dose. We propose that DSBs induced directly by gamma-irradiation are not repaired in wild-type strains. In a recently isolated gamma-resistant strain, E. coli Gamr444 , the dose required for observation of DSB after postirradiation incubation is 1,000 Gy, which corresponds to the D37 of the strain. The resistance is proposed to be due to an ability to repair genuine DSBs

    Disorders of cardiorespiratory coupling in hypercapnic respiratory test and moderate physical exercise in patients with pulmonological pathology

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    Relevance.The comprehensive assessment of cardiorespiratory coupling (CRC) for the diagnosis of functional adaptation in pulmonological patients is presented.The objective of the study was to test the complex criteria of CRC for objective differential diagnosis of individual adaptive reactions of pulmonological patients.Methods and materials. 30 volunteers without verified pathology and 31 patients with restrictive and obstructive disorders were examined. All subjects underwent physical examination with traditional routine method using spiroarteriocardiorhythmography (SACR) at rest and during performing functional tests with hypercapnia and moderate physical exercise.Results. We proposed the methodology of integrated assessment of multicomponent system of CRC, which increases the diagnostic precision of SACR in the tasks of predicting the adaptive defects of the organism at different pulmonary syndromes.Conclusion. Breathing with a fixed frequency normalizes the regulation of CRC, both in healthy and pulmonological patients. Moderate physical activity (80 W) modifies the indicators of CRC in pulmonological patients in comparison with the control group statistically due to disorders of the heart rate and circulation. During moderate physical activity, stroke volume (SV) statistically decreases in patients differently: SV were significantly lower in the group with obstructive disorders than in the group with non-obstructive disorders