86 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap pelibatan pembelajaran siswa kelas 4, 5, dan 6 dalam kegiatan inti kelas Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing yang dipelajari. Pelibatan siswa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap membentuk pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan siswa. Jenis pelibatan siswa juga dapat mengindikasikan pengalaman siswa dengan bahasa asing yang sedang dipelajari. Ujaran guru dan siswa selama berinteraksi di dalam kelas direkam, ditranskripsikan, selanjutnya dianalisis dengan menggunakan kajian Initiation-Response-Followed up (IRF) untuk menemukan siapa yang menginisiasi interaksi serta mengkategorikan jenis respon dalam interaksi. Kemudian, respon siswa ditelaah lebih lanjut dengan menggunakan rujukan analisis pelibatan jenis pembelajaran siswa yang diperkenalkan oleh Frederick, Blumenfeld, and Paris (2004) serta Standar Proses Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah Kurikulum 2013 yang diatur oleh pemerintah untuk menemukan jenis dan jenjang pelibatan pembelajaran yang dialami siswa. Dari 5 pembelajaran yang dianalisis terdapat 1.082 ujaran siswa untuk merespon ujaran guru dalam kegiatan inti, dimana 793 diantaranya menunjukkan pelibatan siswa di dalam pembelajaran. Kemudian ditemukan 217 pelibatan secara keseluruhan; secara kognitif, emosi, dan perilaku, 10 pelibatan dalam emosi dan kognitif, dan 566 pelibatan dalam emosi dan perilaku selama proses pembelajaran. Temuan ini menggambarkan bahwa pelibatan siswa dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Dasar (SD) yang diamati masih terbatas pada pelibatan secara keterampilan dan sikap yaitu mengamati dan menerima. ***** This study was proposed to reveal the students’ engagement year 4, 5, and 6 during main activity in English as a foreign language. Students’ engagement in teaching and learning process influences significantly toward student’s cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Kinds of students’ engagement also indicated students’ experience with the foreign language that has been learning. Teacher’s and students’ utterances during the interaction in the classroom were recorded, transcribed, and then were analyzed with the application of Initiation-Response�Followed up (IRF) to find who were initiating the interaction and the researcher were categorizing kinds of responses in the interaction. Furthermore, the students’ responses were analyzed using the theory of kinds of students’ engagement that is introduced by Frederick, Blumenfeld, and Paris (2004) and Standar Proses Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah Curriculum 2013 which is proposed by the government of Indonesia to find the kinds and stages of students’ engagement in teaching and learning process. From 5 interactions were analyzed, the researcher found 1.082 students’ utterances to respond teacher’s utterances in main activity, which was 793 utterances showed students’ engagements in teaching and learning process. Then, there are 217 engagements in all domain; cognitively, emotionally, and behaviorally, 10 engagement in emotional and cognitive, and 566 engagement in emotional and behavioral during the teaching and learning process. The result drew that students’ engagement in English teaching and learning process in Primary Schools which has been observed were limited to the engagement behaviorally and emotionally; mengamati and menerim

    Wet-electrospun PCL/PLLA Blend Scaffolds: Effects of Versatile Coagulation Baths on Physicochemical and Biological Properties of the Scaffolds

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    Introduction: High surface/volume ratio and 3-dimensionality of nanofibers increases cell-scaffold interactions and promote migration and proliferation of cells. Wet electrospinning is a variant of electrospinning technology that is utilized to produce nanofibrous scaffolds. Altering the parameters governing the wet electrospinning process such as applied voltage, polymer concentration, composition and depth of the coagulation bath, and tip to bath distance can affect the morphology of the produced scaffolds. In this study, the influence of various coagulation baths on the physicochemical properties of the wet-electrospun nanofibers was investigated. Materials and Methods: Poly (ε-caprolactone)/Poly (L-lactic) acid 15% (w/v) blends under an applied voltage of 15 kV, and a tip-to-bath distance of 10 cm. were used to prepare fibrous scaffolds via wet-electrospinning technique into aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) (pH~13), distilled water, ethanol, water/ethanol (3:7) (v/v) and water/ethanol/methanol (6:2:2) (v/v). The final products were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), liquid displacement technique, contact angle measurement, compressive and tensile tests. As well as, cell adhesion and cell viability through human adipose-derived stem cells (hADSCs) cell culture. Results: Wet-electrospun fibers, except in the almost fully beaded structure of water/ethanol (3:7) (v/v) specimen exhibited random, dispersive and non-woven morphology under SEM observation. The coagulation bath composition significantly influenced on porosity, wettability, mechanical properties and biocompatibility of the scaffolds. The porosity measurement via liquid displacement method showed that except for the specimen in which the blend was spun into NaOH, other scaffolds could not meet the accepted ideal porosity percentage of above 80%. According to the contact angle measurement data, it was expected that all scaffolds experience low cellular attachment and proliferation. Conversely, in vitro hADSCs culture demonstrated that the scaffolds presented a non-toxic environment and enhanced cell proliferation and attachment. Conclusion: The data indicated that the scaffold spun into NaOH was the best candidate among other specimens to culture hADSCs

    The theory of reconstruction temperature field based on ultrasonic sensing dual-layer walls of reactors

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    Работа посвящена совершенствованию теоретической модели реструктуризации теплового профиля Т(x,t) в двухслойной пластине с односторонним доступом по данным измерений средней по толщине стенки х температуры (t) при тепловом воздействии на недоступную поверхность пластины. Модель предназначена для использования в методе ультразвукового неразрушающего контроля УЗНК температурных полей и обусловленных ими термических напряжений в корпусах ядерных реакторов ЯР типа ВВЭР в нестационарных тепловых условиях. Он реализуется путем регистрации при внешних тепловых воздействиях изменений в реальном времени t времени задержки УЗ сигнала τ(t) на выделенном участке стенки корпуса реактора, определении по данным УЗ измерений средней по толщине стенки х температуры (t)=f(τ,t), реструктуризации по установленному на основе теоретической модели алгоритму теплового профиля и расчета соответствующих Т(x,t) термических напряжений σ(x,t). В предыдущих работах с участием авторов основой для расчета теплового профиля по данным (t) использована модель одно- или двухслойной полубесконечной пластины, а также однослойной пластины конечной толщины. При этом модель, несмотря на хорошую согласованность с экспериментом при малых временах УЗНК и вблизи приконтактной с теплоносителем зоны, не учитывает изменений температуры на поверхности конструкции, что ограничивает временные рамки УЗ мониторинга и увеличивает погрешность контроля. В данной работе получены выражения для теплового профиля Т(х,t) в двухслойной пластине конечной толщины, которая нагревается с одной поверхности. Выражения использованы для сравнительного анализа двух теоретических моделей при расчете теплового профиля по данным предыдущих комплексных УЗ и термометрических исследований массивных образцов из корпусной стали 15Х2МФА при импульсной тепловой нагрузке. Установлено, что теоретическая и экспериментальная временные зависимости температуры в сечении пластины (массивного образца) на фиксированном расстоянии от зоны контакта с источником нагрева х=const хорошо описываются полиномом третьей степени. Результаты реструктуризации Т(х,t) по алгоритму усовершенствованной модели для х=const хорошо согласуются с данными термометрических измерений.The paper is devoted to improvement of the theoretical model of restructuring thermal profile Т(x,t) in the two-layer plate with one-way access based on measurements of average temperature (t) by thickness wall x under the thermal action on inaccessible plate surface. The model is designed to be used it in the method of ultrasonic nondestructive testing (UNDT) of temperature fields and caused by them thermal stresses in reactor vessels of the WWER type at non-stationary thermal conditions. It is implemented by recording during the thermal actions of changes in real-time t delay signal τ(t) on a dedicated section of the reactor wall, determining of the average temperature by wall thickness (t)=f(τ,t) according to the ultrasound measurements data, restructuring thermal profile via algorithm based on the theoretical model and calculating corresponding to Т(x,t) thermal stresses σ(x,t). In previous researches, in which the authors were involved, the basis for calculating the thermal profile according (t) a one- or two-layer semi-infinite plate model and the one-layer plate of finite thickness were used. Despite of good consistency with experiment at small times UNDT and around near-contact with the coolant zone the model does not take into account the temperature changes on the construction surface, which limits the time frame of ultrasound monitoring and increases method error. In this paper expressions for the thermal profile Т(х,t) in two-layer plate of finite thickness, which is heated on one surface were obtained. The expressions were used for comparative analysis of two theoretical models for the calculation of the thermal profile according to the previous complex ultrasound and thermometric studies of bulk samples of the vessel steel 15Cr2MFA under pulsed thermal loading. It was found that the theoretical and experimental temperature time dependence in the cross section of plate (bulk sample) at a fixed distance from the contact with a heat source х=const is well described by the third degree polynomial. Restructuring results of Т(х,t) by the algorithm of improved model for х=const are in good agreement with the thermometric measurements data


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    Ravine forests are samples of intrazonal vegetation where numerous representatives of the fauna live, as well as plants of forest, steppe, meadow and other types of phytocoenosis, many of which are rare and endemic species. Сonsequently, the study of the taxonomic structure of their flora and the impact of recreational activities on the biodiversity of these natural forests is relevant. The route method based on the biogeocenotical principle for the defining of the species composition of the dendroflora represents the research technique. The research provides data on the species composition of the dendroflora of ravine Shyroka ravine, Khortytsya (recreational area of tourists and residents of Zaporizhzhia), where 54 species of woody plants belonging to 43 genera and 26 families grow. As a result, the study reviled that the Rosaceae Adans family is characterized by the highest species diversity. In the composition of the dendroflora of the birch forest, 48.1 % are native species, 51.9 % are introduced. The largest share of the introduced species belongs to the species of North American origin (11 species, or 39.3 % of the total number of alien species). Amorpha fruticosa, Robinia pseudoacacia, Morus alba and Celtis occidentalis represent the introductants. The main forest-forming aboriginal species of the plantation are Acer platanoides, Quercusrobur, Ulmusscabra, A. tataricum. The study demonstrates the pedigree composition of the overstorey and undergrowth on the territory of various morphological parts of the ravine. Ravine forest has a significant resource potential, including honey and vitamin plants. Species with high invasive capacity (Acer negundo, Amorpha fruticosa, Robinia pseudoacacia) and those recognized as invasive (Parthenocissus quinquifolia) occur in the plantation. Сonsequently, the directions for future research is a detailed study of the natural renewal of native and introduced tree species, which are part of the plantation of the ravine forest, as well as further monitoring of the distribution of invasive species on the territory of the ravine.Байрачні ліси Запорізької обл. відносять до байраків порожистої частини Дніпра. Вони мають важливе кліматичне та ґрунтозахисне значення, у них трапляються представники лісових, степових, лугових фітоценозів, часто – рідкісні й ендемічні види, а також місцева фауна. Такі заліснені балки характеризуються високою атракторною здатністю для рекреантів, діяльність яких призводить до трансформації рослинності байрачно-лісових фітоценозів. З огляду на це актуальною є інформація про стан їх дендрофлори для створення банку даних та оперативного моніторингу. Наведено дані про видовий склад дендрофлори балки Широка, розташованої на о. Хортиця (зона рекреаційної діяльності туристів та мешканців м. Запоріжжя), де зареєстровано 54 види деревних рослин, що належать до 43 родів і 26 родин. Встановлено, що найбільшим видовим насиченням характеризується родина Rosaceae Adans. У складі дендрофлори байрачного лісу аборигенні види становлять 48,1 %, інтродуковані – 51,9 %. Найбільша частка участі серед інтродукованих видів належить породам північноамериканського походження (11 видів, або 39,3 % від усієї кількості інтродуцентів). Інтродуценти представлені здебільшого Amorpha fruticosa, Robinia pseudoacacia, Morus alba та Celtis occidentalis. Основними лісотвірними аборигенними породами насадження є Acer platanoides, Quercus robur, Ulmus scabra, A. tataricum. З'ясовано породний склад верхніх ярусів деревостану та підліску, що зростають на території різних морфологічних частин балки. Байрачний ліс має значний ресурсний потенціал, включаючи медоносні та вітамінні рослини. У складі насадження виявлено види з високою інвазійною здатністю (Acer negundo, Amorpha fruticosa, Robinia pseudoacacia) та той, що визнано інвазійним у списках близьких до України територій (Parthenocіssus quinquifolia)

    ATP-sensitive potassium transport in rat brain mitochondria is highly sensitive to mK(ATP) channels openers: a light scattering study

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    The aspects of ATP-sensitive K+ transport regulation by mitochondrial K+,ATP-sensitive (mKATP) channels openers are important for understanding the properties of these channels. The effect of KATP channels openers (KCOs) diazoxide and pinacidil on ATP-sensitive K+ transport in isolated brain mitochondria was studied in the absence and the presence of MgATP using light scattering technique. Without MgATP we observed high sensitivity of ATP-sensitive K+ transport to both drugs with full activation at ≤ 0.5 µM. ATP-sensitive K+ transport was specifically blocked by ATP in the presence of Mg2+. Neither Mg2+ nor ATP affected Vmax of ATP-sensitive K+ transport activated by KCOs, but MgATP shifted the activation curve to micromolar scale. The blockage of ATP-sensitive K+ transport by KATP channels blockers glibenclamide and 5-hydroxydecanoate in the absence and the presence of MgATP proved the sensitivity of ATP-sensitive K+ transport to the blockers of mKATP channel. Full activation of mKATP channel by diazoxide and pinacidil on sub-micromolar scale in the absence of MgATP was shown. The sensitivity of ATP-sensitive K+ transport to the known modulators of mKATP channel (diazoxide, pinacidil, glibenclamide, 5-HD and MgATP) proved the identity of ATP-sensitive K+ transport with mKATP channel activity. Based on our studies, we hypothesized that mKATP channel might comprise high affinity sites for KCOs binding screened by MgATP. The results of this work reveal novel not described earlier aspects of the regulation of ATP-sensitive K+ transport by mKATP channels openers, important for understanding of mKATP channel properties

    Influence of argon pollution on the weld surface morphology

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    In this paper the surfaces of butt welded joints in steel tubes were analyzed using an optical 3D measurement system to determine the morphology and topographic parameters. It was established that pollution of the argon shield gas with oxygen did not influence the width of the heat-affected zone. However, the composition of the shield gas significantly influenced the surface asymmetry, Ssk, and its inclination Sku. The measurement of these parameters enabled the selection of a higher quality surface, which was visually proven by the reduction in discoloration of the surface of the weld joint. High quality surfaces eliminate a potential habitat for bacteria and a future source of corrosion as well as providing less resistance to fluid flow

    A Europe-wide inventory of citizen-led energy action with data from 29 countries and over 10000 initiatives

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    Numerous case studies show that citizens engage in various ways in renewable and low carbon energy projects, thereby contributing to the sustainable energy transition. To date, however, a systematic and cross-country database on citizen-led initiatives and projects is lacking. By performing a major compilation and reviewing copious data sources from websites to official registries, we provide a Europe-wide inventory with over 10,000 initiatives and 16,000 production units in 29 countries, focusing on the past 20 years. Our data allow cross-country statistical analysis, supporting the elicitation of empirical insights capable of extending beyond the perspective of single case studies. Our data also align with ongoing efforts to implement two EU Directives that aim at strengthening the active role of citizens in the energy transition. While the focus of our data collection is on Europe, the data and methodology can contribute to the global analysis of citizen-led energy action

    Modeling the Microstructure Evolution During and After Hot Working in Martensitic Steel

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    In this study, the goal is to predict the microstructure evolution during and after the hot working of a martensitic stainless steel with 13% chromium using a physically-based model in the form of a MATLAB toolbox. This model is based on dislocation density theory and consists of coupled sets of evolution equations for dislocation, vacancies, recovery, recrystallization, and grain growth. The focus in this work is on the flow stress calculation and the effect of second phase particles on the strengthening mechanisms in the material at elevated temperatures. Recovery and recrystallization are also studied for this alloy during deformation and following stress relaxation. The experimental part of this work was performed with a Gleeble thermo-mechanical simulator over the temperature range of 850 to 1200°C. Samples were investigated later by a light optical microscope (LOM) and a scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscope (EDS). Hardness test and phase isolation were also performed on the samples and the results are compared with the modeling results. The model can satisfactorily predict the grain growth, recovery, recrystallization, and flow stress for this alloy. Further investigation on the second phase particles showed that the measured mean size of carbides has a good agreement with what is obtained from the model and the hardness values. On the other hand, the modeled volume fraction of the carbides followed a slightly different trend comparing to hardness values, and phase isolation results at temperatures higher than 1000°C. Additionally, the Ms temperature and fraction of the martensite phase are calculated for quenched samples where the results are following the measured hardness values. Finally, the Zener-Hollomon parameter (Z) and its relation to the flow stress and the activation energy for deformation are defined. The dynamic recrystallization (DRX) kinetic is modeled and the fraction DRX was calculated at various temperatures and strain rates for this alloy.I denna studie är målet att förutsäga mikrostrukturutvecklingen under och efter varmbearbetning i ett martensitiskt rostfritt stål med 13 % krom med hjälp av en fysisk baserad modell i form av en MATLAB verktygslåda. Denna modell är baserad på en teori för dislokationstäthet och bestårav kopplade uppsättningar av evolutionsekvationer för dislokation, vakanser, återhämtning, rekristallisation och kornstillväxt. Fokus i detta arbete är beräkning av flytespänningen och effekten av sekundärfaspartiklar på härdningsmekanismerna i materialet vid höga temperaturer. Återhämtning och rekristallisation studeras också för denna legering under deformation och efter spänningsrelaxation. Den experimentella delen av detta arbete utfördes med en Gleeble termomekanisk simulator inom temperaturområdet 850 till 1200°C. Proverna undersöktes senare med ett ljust optiskt mikroskop (LOM) och svepelektronmikroskop(SEM) utrustad med energidispersiv spektroskopi (EDS). Hårdhetstest och fasisolering utfördes också på proverna och resultaten jämförs med modelleringsresultaten. Modellen på ett tillfredsställande sätt kan förutsäga korntillväxt, återhämtning, rekristallisation och flytspänningen för denna legering. Vidare undersökning av partiklarna i sekundärfasen visade att den uppmätta medelstorleken för karbider har bra överensstämmelse med vad som erhålls från modellen och hårdhetsvärdena. Den modellerade volymfraktionen av karbiderna följde en något annorlunda trend vid temperaturerna högre än 1000°C jämfört med hårdhetsvärden och fasisoleringsresultat. Dessutom beräknas Ms temperaturen och fraktionen av martensitfasen för släckta prover där resultaten följer de uppmätta hårdhetsvärdena. Slutligen definieras Zener-Hollomon-parametern (Z) och dess förhållande till flytspänningen och aktiveringsenergin för deformation. Den kinetiska dynamiska rekristallisation (DRX) modelleras och fraktionen DRX beräknades vidolika temperaturer och töjningshastigheter för denna legering

    The prospect of blue and green hydrogen in Norwegian maritime sector

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    In the face of increasing scientific evidence of the threats of anthropogenic climate change, the maritime sector has become more strictly regulated in recent years. To meet the national and international mandatory environmental obligations, low- and zero-carbon energy solutions need to be developed. Interests in hydrogen as an energy career, among different carbon-lean fuels, have increased in Norway’s low-carbon energy system due to its ubiquity and versatile applications across sectors. As a leader in green shipping, Norway is well-positioned for implementation of hydrogen in maritime industry in terms of natural resources availability, existing compatible infrastructures and technological expertise for the development of hydrogen. However, application of hydrogen technology in Norwegian maritime sectors is at niche level currently. This thesis provides an overview of the established sociotechnical regime as well as focus on the hydrogen niche and their interactions. More specifically, it focuses on the actors, institutions, and the key drivers and barriers influencing the transition pathways. Transition, in general, do not follow a linear process and may follow different pathways affecting by different actors, networks, and mechanisms. As such, the thesis is assessed the implementation of hydrogen technology in Norwegian maritime sector by employing the multi-level perspective (MLP) and the technological innovation system (TIS) approach in conjunction. Taken together the MLP and TIS in the context, it would be possible to discuss the sociotechnical levels (niches, regimes and landscape), their interaction, and their impacts on hydrogen transition in Norwegian maritime industry. In doing so, the TIS was recruited to inform the MLP about the key factors, particularly factors impacting the blue and green hydrogen transformation processes. The findings and analysis show that the hydrogen transition hinges on the lack of knowledge, regulations, and infrastructure at the entire value chain. Hydrogen propulsion vessels may sail on a mix of blue and green hydrogen in the foreseeable future, however blue hydrogen might be the dominant type and could be transported via natural gas pipelines at the initial steps. Overall, blue hydrogen should be viewed as a short-term solution to enable a rapid hydrogen transition while green hydrogen would offer better prospects for a more sustainable economy for Norway

    The Role of Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Signaling in Human Cytomegalovirus Infection

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    Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is a ubiquitous beta-herpesvirus, which causes life-threatening disease in immunocompromised patients and severe birth defects in newborn infants. It is not, however, definitively associated with significant pathology in immunocompetent adults. The virus extensively reprograms host cell metabolism and gene expression upon infection. To efficiently complete an infectious cycle, HCMV must both block the replication of host cell DNA and counteract the cellular innate immune responses. The latter involves the production of interferons and subsequent induction of interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs). Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO1), specifically, is recognized as an important effector ISG in the antiviral innate immune response. It catalyzes the first reaction in Tryptophan (TRP) catabolism, i.e., the conversion of tryptophan to kynurenine (KYN). Activation of IDO1 is believed to restrict HCMV replication by depriving the infected cells of TRP, an essential amino acid. Consequently, the regulation of IDO1 expression and activity by HCMV infection has been the subject of several studies. Notably, KYN and its biological effect on HCMV replication, on the other hand, have received less attention. KYN is an endogenous ligand for the Aryl hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR), a ligand-activated transcription factor. Our group has shown that intracellular KYN levels are elevated during HCMV replication. Moreover, high plasma KYN levels have been correlated with HCMV reactivation in renal transplant recipients, and the exogenous activation of AhR has been shown to enhance viral replication. Therefore, I aimed my graduate studies at determining the molecular mechanisms by which endogenous AhR signaling modulates HCMV infection. Herein, I will discuss how I discovered: (i) HCMV infection of primary human fibroblasts triggers the persistent induction of AhR transcriptional activity; (ii) sustained AhR activity is associated with tightly balanced IDO1 activity; (iii) AhR signaling is required for the efficient replication of virus; (iv) HCMV{induced G1/S cell cycle arrest depends on AhR activity; and (v) the virus exploits AhR signaling to counteract the innate antiviral immune response, in a negative feedback loop containing IDO1-KYN-AhR