138 research outputs found

    Development of enzymatically-debranched starch products from sago And tapioca starch for use as fat replacer in foods.

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    An enzymatic hydrolysis process was developed to produce starch fractions of certain composition consisting of amylose and amylopectin polymers. The method involves the use of a debranching enzyme whereby starch fractions consisting of linear chain lengths of different degree of polymerisation were produced

    Advantages and disadvantages of retrenchment

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    The stability of the job in a state or country usually depends on the condition of the economy in that country or state. Malaysia and many countries around the world have faced several economic downturns and recessions over the past year, this causes the slowdown of the economy and poor business conditions resulting in a slump in business due to the significant drop of the company’s profit. Companies that are suffering big losses may choose to restructure or reorganize their businesses to reduce the impact of poor business conditions. The wave of retrenchment usually hit the sectors of manufacturing, transportation, communication, commerce, and finance


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    Betacyanin pigments from red-purple pitaya fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) could be an attractive source of red colourant for food application. This paper presents results on the extraction of betacyanin pigments from pitaya fruits grown locally in Malaysia. Both the flesh of the fruit and its mesocarp were investigated and it was found that the flesh had higher pigment contents compared to its peel component. The concentration of betacyanins expressed as betanin equivalents per 100 g of flesh and peel were 10.1 ± 0.6 mg and 6.7 ± 0.2 mg, respectively when 80% methanol was used.  The stability of betacyanin pigments were investigated at different pH, temperature and in presence of different concentrations of metal ions (Cu2+ and Fe2+) and ascorbic acid. The results showed that the pigment was most stable at pH range between 5 and 6. However, it forfeited its stability to the heat induced at elevated temperatures. Metal ions (Cu2+ and Fe2+) proved to be capable of accelerating betacyanin degradation, with Cu2+ exhibiting the greatest effect. By contrast, supplementation with ascorbic acid could enhance the pigment stability against the detrimental effects caused by pH, temperature and metal ions. Nevertheless, if the concentration of ascorbic acid exceeds 0.7 %, it may change its role from pigment stabilizer to become a pro-oxidant.    Keywords: Betacyanin, pigments, pitaya fruit, Hylocereus polyrhizus, ascorbic aci

    Psychology well- being at workplaces

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    Psychological well-being indicates the existence of positive relationships with others, personal personality, autonomy, meaning in life, and personal growth and development. According to Ronald (2017), psychology well-being is a balance between challenging life events and rewarding, and is achieved through a balance of affected life events


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    Bahagian Pendidikan Islam, Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor appreciates and recognizes the service of Guru Pendidikan Islam (GPI). This recognition is seen from teacher's competency and commitment aspects in delivering duties as educators. Therefore, this study revolves around researching features in GPI knowledge competency concept in Sekolah Rendah Agama Integrasi (SRAI) negeri Selangor. Objective of this study; to explore the knowledge competency of GPI SRAI. This study uses a study case design with findings are discussed descriptively. Qualitative data obtained from semi structural interviews in class teacher’s teaching observation and document analysis. NVivo10 was used to identify teacher’s competency theme and factors by analysing data in continuous comparison technique. As many as five GPI has been chosen as interviewee. Overall, the study found that the knowledge competency factors in the content aspect of GPI’s lesson are subjects, syllabus, appreciation of practice and interest. The pattern of the findings of this study produced GPI’s competency models namely GPI Knowledge Competency Model (GPIKCM). This study can be used as a guide to all parties, especially to the State Islamic Education Division, District Islamic Education Unit, schools and teachers. Bahagian Pendidikan Islam, Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor menghargai dan mengiktiraf perkhidmatan Guru Pendidikan Islam (GPI). Pengiktirafan ini dilihat daripada aspek kompetensi dan komitmen guru dalam melaksanakan amanah sebagai pendidik. Oleh yang demikian, kajian ini bertujuan mendalami konsep kompetensi guru pendidikan Islam di Sekolah Rendah Agama Integrasi (SRAI) negeri Selangor. Manakala objektif khusus kajian ini adalah bagi meneroka kompetensi pengetahuan dari aspek isi kandungan pelajaran yang diajar oleh GPI SRAI. Kajian ini menggunakan reka bentuk kajian kes yang dibincangkan dapatannya secara deskriptif. Data kualitatif diperoleh melalui temu bual semi berstruktur, pemerhatian pengajaran dan analisis dokumen. Data ini dianalisis dengan teknik perbandingan berterusan menggunakan perisian Nvivo10 bagi mengeluarkan tema kompetensi pengetahuan isi kandungan pelajaran GPI. Seramai lima GPI dipilih sebagai peserta temu bual kajian ini. Secara keseluruhannya, kajian mendapati faktor kompetensi pengetahuan dalam aspek isi kandungan pelajaran GPI terdiri daripada aspek subjek, sukatan pelajaran, penghayatan amalan dan minat. Pola dapatan kajian ini menghasilkan kerangka model kompetensi GPI iaitu Model Kompetensi Pengetahuan GPI (MKPGPI). Kajian ini boleh dijadikan panduan kepada semua pihak khususnya kepada Bahagian Pendidikan Islam Negeri, Unit Pendidikan Islam Daerah, sekolah dan guru-guru

    Preparation of Granular Cold Water-Soluble Sago Starch: A Preliminary Study.

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    Granular cold water-soluble (GCWS) sago starches were prepared by treating native sago starch with mixtures of aqueous solutions of ethanol and NaOH at different temperatures

    Developing A General Algorithm For Ball CurveWith GC2.

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    This paper dwells in developing a general algorithm for constructing a piecewise Ball Curve with curvature continuity (GC2)

    The impacts of NPD characteristics on innovation market performance and its survival: the mediating role of collaboration

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    While collaboration has been acknowledged as pertinent to the success of innovation product commercialization, the collaborative effort between the innovation recipient firm and the innovators remains limited.Besides,one of the central questions is how and under what condition the two parties are more likely to engage in a resilient collaborative effort, from the perspective of innovation recipient firms remain unclear.This new perspective requires an understanding of the relationships among new product Development (NPD) characteristics, collaboration, and product innovation market performance and survival within the context of technology transfer. In this paper, we employed transactional cost economic (TCE) theory to explain the relationships between NPD characteristics (innovation uncertainty and asset specificity) and collaboration,and the mediation effect of collaboration on the relationships between NPD and performance. Based on the response o 104 product innovation recipient firms, our findings suggest a positive relationship between NPD characteristics and, collaboration and market performance and innovation survival.This study revealed that consistent with TCE theory, NPD characteristics influence the pattern of ollaborationbetween the innovation recipient firms and the innovator, acted as an effort to reduce transactional risks. Our findings also concluded that collaboration mediates the relationship between NPD characteristics and market performance and innovation survival

    Mengurangkan kesan voltan neutral ke bumi yang sering merosakkan komputer (Reduces the effects of neutral voltage to the earth that often damage the computer) / Rasdi Deraman … [et al.]

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    UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang mensasarkan seorang pelajar satu komputer ketika menjalani sesi amali di makmal komputer. Namun, dengan pertambahan pelajar yang semakin meningkat berbanding bilangan komputer yang terhad menyebabkan penggunaan komputer semakin kerap. Tenaga elektrik yang dijana oleh TNB sememangnya sudah mempunyai kesan elektrik harmonik. Oleh itu, dengan bertambahnya kekerapan penggunaan komputer ekoran daripada penambahan bilangan pelajar telah menyebabkan kekerapan kerosakan komputer di makmal terus meningkat. Dalam mendepani masalah tersebut, beberapa siri perjumpaan dan sesi fikir lintas di kalangan ahli-ahli KIK Sinar Mutiara telah diadakan bagi merangka pelbagai cadangan penyelesaian untuk dikemukakan kepada pihak pengurusan UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang. Cadangan penyelesaian paling efektif untuk mengatasi masalah gangguan bekalan elektrik ini ialah dengan memasang Isolator Transformer sebagai peranti tambahan. Hasilnya sungguh menakjubkan, di mana kerosakan tersebut telah dapat dihapuskan. Justeru, pihak pengurusan UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang telah mewartakan penggunaan Isolator Transformer sebagai prosidur baru untuk diaplikasikan terhadap semua makmal komputer serta peralatan mesin faks dan server. Kelestarian penggunaan isolator transformer menyelesaikan masalah kerosakan komputer berkelompok di makmal telah tersebar luas ke kampus berhampiran seperti UiTM Cawangan Kedah dan Cawangan Perak. Justeru, Bahagian Pengurusan Fasiliti kedua-dua kampus berkenaan telah menjemput Tenaga Pakar dari UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang bagi membantu mereka mengatasi masalah yang serupa