671 research outputs found

    Spatial patterns of watershed impervious cover relativeto stream location

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    The urban stream syndrome may not be limited to streams in urbanized watersheds. We measured thespatial pattern of impervious cover in ∼82,800 small watersheds across the conterminous United Statesby comparing watershed-based and stream-based measures of imperviousness. The watershed-basedmeasure was the commonly used watershed percentage impervious cover. The stream-based measurewas the percentage of watershed stream length flowing through impervious cover. Spatial pattern ofimpervious cover was classified on a watershed basis as proximal to streams, distal to streams, and uni-form by comparing the two measures of impervious cover. We used a classification threshold of ±5%to assign watersheds to the three classes (i.e., stream-based minus watershed-based ≥5% = proximal;watershed-based minus stream-based ≥5% = distal; else = uniform). We then applied the classification totwo impervious cover thresholds, ≥5% and ≥15%. For ≥5% and ≥15% thresholds, impervious cover wasdistributed uniformly across ∼70% and ∼86% of the watersheds, respectively. For the remaining water-sheds, the proximal spatial pattern was ∼12x and ∼4x greater than the distal spatial pattern for the ≥5%and ≥15% impervious cover thresholds, respectively. The proximal spatial pattern of impervious coveroccurred predominantly in non-urbanized watersheds, resulting in a widespread occurrence of a rela-tively high percentage of streams flowing through relatively high impervious cover in watersheds wherethe total percentage impervious cover was relatively low. The spatial pattern of change in imperviouscover between ca. 2001 and ca. 2006 did not avoid streams. Impervious cover increased in the vicinitystreams in ∼55% of the watersheds with increases in impervious cover. During this period, the lengthof streams flowing through ≥5% and ≥15% impervious cover increased by ∼9800 km and ∼6900 km,respectively

    Spatial patterns of watershed impervious cover relativeto stream location

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    The urban stream syndrome may not be limited to streams in urbanized watersheds. We measured thespatial pattern of impervious cover in ∼82,800 small watersheds across the conterminous United Statesby comparing watershed-based and stream-based measures of imperviousness. The watershed-basedmeasure was the commonly used watershed percentage impervious cover. The stream-based measurewas the percentage of watershed stream length flowing through impervious cover. Spatial pattern ofimpervious cover was classified on a watershed basis as proximal to streams, distal to streams, and uni-form by comparing the two measures of impervious cover. We used a classification threshold of ±5%to assign watersheds to the three classes (i.e., stream-based minus watershed-based ≥5% = proximal;watershed-based minus stream-based ≥5% = distal; else = uniform). We then applied the classification totwo impervious cover thresholds, ≥5% and ≥15%. For ≥5% and ≥15% thresholds, impervious cover wasdistributed uniformly across ∼70% and ∼86% of the watersheds, respectively. For the remaining water-sheds, the proximal spatial pattern was ∼12x and ∼4x greater than the distal spatial pattern for the ≥5%and ≥15% impervious cover thresholds, respectively. The proximal spatial pattern of impervious coveroccurred predominantly in non-urbanized watersheds, resulting in a widespread occurrence of a rela-tively high percentage of streams flowing through relatively high impervious cover in watersheds wherethe total percentage impervious cover was relatively low. The spatial pattern of change in imperviouscover between ca. 2001 and ca. 2006 did not avoid streams. Impervious cover increased in the vicinitystreams in ∼55% of the watersheds with increases in impervious cover. During this period, the lengthof streams flowing through ≥5% and ≥15% impervious cover increased by ∼9800 km and ∼6900 km,respectively

    Whiteness In Sports

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    Created by Neenah Estrella-Luna\u27s Fall 2019 Sociology 110 course. Zine addresses white privilege in sports, diversity in the leagues, Colin Kaepernick, Kyle Korver, Adam Jones, and Lawrence (Larry) G. Nassar.https://digitalcommons.salemstate.edu/zines/1006/thumbnail.jp

    Magnetoconductivity of Hubbard bands induced in Silicon MOSFETs

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    Sodium impurities are diffused electrically to the oxide-semiconductor interface of a silicon MOSFET to create an impurity band. At low temperature and at low electron density, the band is split into an upper and a lower sections under the influence of Coulomb interactions. We used magnetoconductivity measurements to provide evidence for the existence of Hubbard bands and determine the nature of the states in each band.Comment: In press in Physica

    Diferencias en las respuestas fisiológicas entre triatletas masculinos y femeninos

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    The current study focused on the differences between male and female non-professional triathletes during a maximal incremental test on the cycle ergometer, as well as, the cycle and run portion of a simulated sprint triathlon. In addition, this research analysed the during association between cycle ergometer maximal incremental test and simulated race variables. Fourteen recreational triathletes, 8 female (35.0 ± 8.1 years; 166.8 ± 7.2  cm; 69.4 ± 14.6 kg; 24.7 ± 3.2 kg.m-2) and 6 male (47.7 ± 14.3 years; 179.9 ± 8.6  cm; 77.8 ± 5.8  kg; 24.0 ± 1.3 kg.m-2) performed a maximal incremental test and a simulated sprint triathlon race (20 km cycle and 5 km run).  No significant differences were found during maximal testing between groups, however, males obtained higher VO2max, Pmax, PVT1, PVT2 and VO2VT2 (p > 0.05, ES = -0.8 to -1.9, large) values than females. No differences between gender were observed during 5 km running during the simulated triathlon. Average and maximal speed (p < 0.05 y p < 0.01, ES = -1.3- -4.1, large) and average and maximal power) (p < 0.01, ES = -2.4- -2.8, alto) during the 20-km cycling were significantly lower in the female group, whereas, time to complete the 20 km (p < 0.01, ES = 1.6, alto) was significantly longer than the male triathletes. Male triathletes who obtained greater values during the maximal test, presented a superior 20km cycling performance. Females who presented larger values during the maximal test accomplished superior performances during both cycling and running simulated tests. These results suggest that recreational male triathletes may present a greater performance during maximal cycle ergometer test and during 20 km cycling simulation than female and the association between a maximal incremental test and simulated triathlon performances might depend on the triathlete’s gender. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron analizar las diferencias entre triatletas masculinos y femeninos amateurs en el rendimiento en un test incremental máximo y en una competición simulada y describir si existe asociación entre el rendimiento en el test máximo incremental y la prueba simulada de competición. Un total de catorce triatletas recreacionales, 8 mujeres (35,0 8,1  años; 166,8 7,2  cm; 69,4 14,6 kg; 24,7 3,2 kg.m-2) y 6 hombres (47,7 14,3  años; 179,9 8,6  cm; 77,8 5,8  kg; 24,0 1,3 kg.m-2) realizaron un test incremental máximo y en una competición simulada (20 km bici y 5 km carrera a pie). A pesar de que no se observaron diferencias significativas entre el grupo masculino y femenino en el test máximo incremental, a efectos prácticos, el grupo masculino obtuvo valores mayores para VO2max, Pmax, PVT1, PVT2 y VO2VT2 (p > 0,05, ES = -0,8 a -1.9, alto). Con respecto a la competición simulada, si bien no se obtuvieron diferencias en función de sexo en los 5 km de carrera, el grupo femenino obtuvo valores significativamente inferiores para las variables velocidad (media y máxima) (p < 0,05 y p < 0,01, ES = -1,3- -4,1, alto) y potencia (media y máxima) (p < 0,01, ES = -2.4- -2.8, alto) durante los 20 km de ciclismo, así como un tiempo de ejecución del sector ciclista significativamente mayor que el grupo masculino (p < 0,01, ES = 1,6, alto).  Por otro lado, un mejor rendimiento durante el test máximo incremental se asoció a un mejor rendimiento durante los 20 km de ciclismo en el grupo masculino (r = 0,848, p < 0,05), mientras que en el grupo femenino se asoció tanto a los 20 km en bici como a los 5 km corriendo (r = -0,714 a -0,822, p < 0,05). Los resultados obtenidos en el estudio ponen de manifiesto que los triatletas masculinos tienen un mejor rendimiento en un test incremental máximo y en el sector bici en una competición simulada y que la asociación entre el rendimiento en un test incremental y el rendimiento en los sectores de la prueba simulada depende del sexo

    Mineral resource information in support of national, regional and local planning : Cheshire (comprising Cheshire, Boroughs of Halton and Warrington)

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    This report is one of a series prepared by the British Geological Survey for various administrative areas in England for the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister’s research project Mineral Resource Information in Support of National, Regional and Local Planning. The accompanying map relates to the county of Cheshire (comprising Cheshire, Boroughs of Halton and Warrington), and delineates the mineral resources of current, or potential, economic interest in the area and the sites where minerals are or have been worked. It also relates these to national planning designations, which may represent constraints on the extraction of minerals. Three major elements of information are presented: • the geological distribution and importance of mineral resources; • the extent of mineral planning permissions and the location of current mineral workings; and • the extent of selected, nationally-designated planning constraints. This wide range of information, much of which is scattered and not always available in a consistent and convenient form, is presented on a digitally-generated summary map on the scale of 1:100 000. This scale is convenient for the overall display of the data and allows for a legible topographic base on which to depict the information. However, all the data are held digitally at larger scales using a Geographical Information System (GIS), which allows easy revision, updating and customisation of the information together with its possible integration with other datasets. The information will form part of a Summary of the Mineral Resources of the North West Region. The purpose of the work is to assist all interested parties involved in the preparation and review of development plans, both in relation to the extraction of minerals and the protection of mineral resources from sterilisation. It provides a knowledge base, in a consistent format, on the nature and extent of mineral resources and the environmental constraints, which may affect their extraction. An important objective is to provide baseline data for the long term. The results may also provide a starting point for discussion on specific planning proposals for minerals extraction or on proposals, which may sterilise resources. It is anticipated that the map and report will also provide valuable background data for a much wider audience, including the different sectors of the minerals industry, other agencies and authorities (e.g. The Planning Inspectorate Agency, the Environment Agency, The Countryside Agency and English Nature), environmental interests and the general public. Basic mineral resource information is essential to support mineral exploration and development activities, for resource management and land-use planning, and to establish baseline data for environmental impact studies and environmental guidelines. It also enables a more sustainable pattern and standard of development to be achieved by valuing mineral resources as national assets. The mineral resources covered are sand and gravel, crushed rock aggregate, silica sand, salt, brick clay, building stones, peat, coal, hydrocarbons and metalliferous mineralisation

    Mineral resource information in support of national, regional and local planning : Devon (comprising Devon, Plymouth, Torbay, Dartmoor National Park and part of Exmoor National Park)

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    This report is one of a series prepared by the British Geological Survey for various administrative areas in England for the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister’s research project Mineral Resource Information in Support of National, Regional and Local Planning. The accompanying maps relate to the county of Devon and delineates the mineral resources of current, or potential, economic interest in the area and the sites where minerals are or have been worked. It also relates these to national planning designations, which may represent constraints on the extraction of minerals. Three major elements of information are presented: • the geological distribution and importance of mineral resources; • the extent of mineral planning permissions and the location of current mineral workings; and • the extent of selected, nationally-designated planning constraints. This wide range of information, much of which is scattered and not always available in a consistent and convenient form, is presented on two digitally-generated summary map on the scale of 1:100 000. This scale is convenient for the overall display of the data and allows for a legible topographic base on which to depict the information. However, all the data are held digitally at larger scales using a Geographical Information System (GIS), which allows easy revision, updating and customisation of the information together with its possible integration with other datasets. The information will form part of a Summary of the Mineral Resources of the South West Region. The purpose of the work is to assist all interested parties involved in the preparation and review of development plans, both in relation to the extraction of minerals and the protection of mineral resources from sterilisation. It provides a knowledge base, in a consistent format, on the nature and extent of mineral resources and the environmental constraints, which may affect their extraction. An important objective is to provide baseline data for the long term. The results may also provide a starting point for discussion on specific planning proposals for minerals extraction or on proposals, which may sterilise resources. It is anticipated that the map and report will also provide valuable background data for a much wider audience, including the different sectors of the minerals industry, other agencies and authorities (e.g. The Planning Inspectorate Agency, the Environment Agency, The Countryside Agency and English Nature), environmental interests and the general public. Basic mineral resource information is essential to support mineral exploration and development activities, for resource management and land-use planning, and to establish baseline data for environmental impact studies and environmental guidelines. It also enables a more sustainable pattern and standard of development to be achieved by valuing mineral resources as national assets. The mineral resources covered are sand and gravel, crushed rock aggregate, brick clay, kaolin, ball clay, building stones, hydrocarbons and metalliferous mineralisation

    Worsening cognitive impairment and neurodegenerative pathology progressively increase risk for delirium

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    Background: Delirium is a profound neuropsychiatric disturbance precipitated by acute illness. Although dementia is the major risk factor this has typically been considered a binary quantity (i.e., cognitively impaired versus cognitively normal) with respect to delirium risk. We used humans and mice to address the hypothesis that the severity of underlying neurodegenerative changes and/or cognitive impairment progressively alters delirium risk. Methods: Humans in a population-based longitudinal study, Vantaa 85+, were followed for incident delirium. Odds for reporting delirium at follow-up (outcome) were modeled using random-effects logistic regression, where prior cognitive impairment measured by Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE) (exposure) was considered. To address whether underlying neurodegenerative pathology increased susceptibility to acute cognitive change, mice at three stages of neurodegenerative disease progression (ME7 model of neurodegeneration: controls, 12 weeks, and 16 weeks) were assessed for acute cognitive dysfunction upon systemic inflammation induced by bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 100 μg/kg). Synaptic and axonal correlates of susceptibility to acute dysfunction were assessed using immunohistochemistry. Results: In the Vantaa cohort, 465 persons (88.4 ± 2.8 years) completed MMSE at baseline. For every MMSE point lost, risk of incident delirium increased by 5% (p = 0.02). LPS precipitated severe and fluctuating cognitive deficits in 16-week ME7 mice but lower incidence or no deficits in 12-week ME7 and controls, respectively. This was associated with progressive thalamic synaptic loss and axonal pathology. Conclusions: A human population-based cohort with graded severity of existing cognitive impairment and a mouse model with progressing neurodegeneration both indicate that the risk of delirium increases with greater severity of pre-existing cognitive impairment and neuropathology
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