1,652 research outputs found

    Restrictive covenants in Xanadu

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    Legal scholarship is naturally inclined towards explanations and justifications of contemporary law. In the case of restrictive covenants and building schemes this has led to a distorted perception of the historical record, as revealed in recorded case reports dating from the nineteenth century. It is argued that the restrictive covenant had its historical genesis not in a response to industrialisation and mass urbanisation, but in the developments of resort towns in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, as a response to the needs of land developers. Furthermore, it is argued that a better historical understanding of these origins illuminates contemporary problems concerned with the adaptability of law and the potential roles of law in development

    The strategic implications of sustainability in strategy textbooks

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    Underlying every strategic management textbook are numerous assumptions about the nature of the economic system, society and the environment. One assumption that seems saliently absent from management textbooks is sustainability. In view of the detailed critique of the design of the MBA set out in Bubna-Litic and Benn (2003) it is likely that a systematic study of strategy textbooks will reveal other similar omissions. This study analyses a number of strategy textbooks exploring how they engage with questions of sustainability. The findings show that although the increase in the ethical self-consciousness of environmental economics is visible, so too is a narrow view of sustainability

    Entrepreneurial intentions and entrepreneurship education to University students in Portugal

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    [EN] This article analyzes entrepreneurial intentions and motivations that encourage university students of Tourism to create their own company. Methodology is based on an empirical study, using a questionnaire adapted from a model of Veciana and Urbano (Actitudes de los estudiantes universitarios hacia la creación de empresas: un estudio empírico comparativo entre Catalunya y Puerto Rico. El emprendedor innovador y la creación de empresas de I + D + I, University of Valencia, pp 35 58, 2004), including the desirability and viability concepts. One hundred and sixty students answered the questionnaire from a total study population of 243 official Tourism degree students of the Superior Institute of Accounting and Management of Porto. This research finds out that the university students have a very positive perception about the desire to create their own company; a 90 % of students express their desire to do it, and 83.5 % express their intention. Moreover, a 57.5 % think that within actual crisis it is more difficult to do than before it. This research lets us get an in-depth study of a student of Tourism degree, finding out his entrepreneurial attitudes. It can be the first step to wake up and encourage students interest for starting up their own business.Del Rio-Rama, MDLC.; Peris-Ortiz, M.; Álvarez García, J.; Rueda Armengot, C. (2016). Entrepreneurial intentions and entrepreneurship education to University students in Portugal. Technology, Innovation and Education. 2(7):1-11. doi:10.1186/s40660-016-0013-5S11127Ajzen I (1991) The theory of plannes behavior. Organ Behav Hum Decis Process 50:179–211Aponte M (2002) Factores condicionantes de la creación de empresas en Puerto Rico: un enfoque institucional. Doctoral dissertation, Autonomous University of BarcelonaAponte M, Urbano D, Veciana JM (2006) Actitudes hacia la creación de empresas: un estudio comparativo entre Catalunya y Puerto Rico. Centro de Investigaciones Comerciales e Iniciativas Académicas de la Facultad de Administración de Empresas. Forum Empresarial 11(2):52–75Bae TJ, Qian S, Miao C, Fiet JO (2014) The relationship between entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial intentions: a meta-analytic review. Entrep Theory Pract 38(2):217–254Brice J (2004) The role of personality dimensions on the formation of entrepreneurial intentions. USASBE Small Business Advancement National Center. University of Central Arkansas, USACabana-Villca R, Cortes-Castillo I, Plaza-Pasten D, Castillo-Vergara M, Alvarez-Marin A (2013) Análisis de las capacidades emprendedoras potenciales y efectivas en alumnos de centros de educación superior. J Technol Manag Innov 8(1):65–75Davidsson P (1989) Continued entrepreneurship and small firm business. Stockholm School of Economics, StockholmDavidsson P (1995) Culture, structure and regional levels of entrepreneurship. Entrep Reg Dev 7(1):41–62De Jorge-Moreno J, Castillo LL, Triguero MS (2012) The effect of business and economics education programs on students’ entrepreneurial intention. Eur J Train Dev 36(4):409–425Díaz JC, Hernández RM, Barata ML (2007) Estudiantes universitarios y creación de empresas. Un análisis comparativo entre España y Portugal. In Ayala, J.C. (coord.) Conocimiento, innovación y emprendedores: camino al futuro. Grupo FEDRA, MadridDo Paço AMF, Ferreira JM, Raposo M, Rodrigues RG, Dinis A (2011) Behaviours and entrepreneurial intention: empirical findings about secondary students. J Int Entrep 9(1):20–38Dohse D, Walter SG (2010) The role of entrepreneurship education and regional context in forming entrepreneurial intentions (No. 2010, 18). Document de treball de l’IEBEuropean Commission (2006). Entrepreneurship education in Europe: Fostering entrepreneurial mindsets through education and learning, Final Proceedings of the Conference on Entrepreneurship Education in OsloEurostat (2014) Informes sobre el empleo en la Unión Europea. Available in: http://europa.eu/publications/statistics/index_es.htmFuentes F, Saco F, Rodríguez P (2013) Estudio sobre el perfil emprendedor en el alumnado universitario de Córdoba. UCO Consejo Social de la Universidad de Córdoba, III Edición, Córdoba, pp 1–180Fuentes García FJ (2007) Análisis del Perfil Emprendedor del alumnado universitario y preuniversitario de Córdoba. Consejo Social Universidad de Córdoba, pp 1–105Genesca Garrigosa E, Veciana Verges JM (1984) Actitudes hacia la creación de empresas. Información Comercial Española 611:147–155Gerba DT (2012) Impact of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intentions of business and engineering students in Ethiopia. Afr J Econ Manag Stud 3(2):258–277Gorman G, Hanlon D, King W (1997) Some research perspectives on entrepreneurship education and education for small business management: a ten-year literature review. Int Small Bus J 15(3):56–77Guerrero M, Rialp J, Urbano D (2008) The impact of desirability and feasibility on entrepreneurial intentions: a structural equation model. Int Entrep Manag J 4(1):35–50Haynie JM, Shepherd DA, McMullen JS (2009) An opportunity for me? The role of resources in opportunity evaluation decisions. J Manage Stud 46(3):337–361Hernangomez J, Martín N, Rodriguez AI, Saboia F (2005) El emprendedor nace o se hace? Un análisis de los determinantes del espíritu emprendedor. XVI Spanish-Portuguese Meeting of Scientic Management. Sevilla:33–44Hmieleski KM, Corbett AC (2006) Proclivity for improvisation as a predictor of entrepreneurial intentions. J Small Bus Manage 44(1):45–63Honjo Y (2004) Growth of new start-up firms: evidence from the Japanese manufacturing industry. Appl Econ Lett 11(1):21–32Hyde GC (1989) The relationship between policy and research. In Rosa, P.; Birley, S. Cannon, T. and O´Neill, K. The Role and Contribution of Small Business Research, Chap. 3:55–77, Institute ReportKolvereid L (1996) Prediction of employment status choice intentions. Entrep Theory Pract 21(1):47–57Kourilsky ML, Walstad WB (1998) Entrepreneurship and female youth: knowledge, attitude, gender differences, and educational practices. J Bus Ventur 13(1):77–88Krueger N, Brazeal D (1994) Entrepreneurial Potencial and Potencial Entrepreneurs. Entrep Theory Pract 18(3):91–104Krueger NF, Carsrud AL (1993) Entrepreneurial intentions: applying the theory of planned behaviour. Entrep Reg Dev 5(4):315–330Lanero A, Vázquez JL, Gutiérrez P, García MP (2011) The impact of entrepreneurship education in European universities: an intention-based approach analyzed in the Spanish area. Int Rev Public Nonprofit Marketin 8(2):111–130Miller BK, Bell JD, Palmer M, González A (2009) Predictors of entrepreneurial intentions: a quasi-experiment comparing students enrolled in introductory management and entrepreneurship classes. J Bus Entrep 21(2):39–62Neck HM, Zacharakis AL, Bygrave WD, Reynolds PD (2003) Global entrepreneurship monitor: 2002 executive report. Babson College, Babson, MANorth DC (1990) Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (UK)North D (1993) Instituciones, cambio institucional y desempeño económico. Fondo de Cultura Económica, MéxicoNorth DC (2005) Understanding the Process of Economic Change. Academic Foundation. University Press, PrincentonGEM Portugal (2012) Estudo sobre o Empreendedorismo. Global Entrepreneruship Monitor (GEM). 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Entrep Reg Dev 3(2):195–206Shane S (2003) A General Theory of Enttrepreneurship- The Individual Oportunity Nexus. Edward Elgar EditoresShapero A (1982) Social dimensions of entrepreneurship. In: Kent CA et al (eds) The encyclopedia of entrepreneurship. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, pp 72–89Shapero A, Sokol L (1982) The social dimensions of entrepreneurship.Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship:72–90Storey DJ (1994) Employment. In Storey, D.J. Understanding the small business sector. Capítulo 6, pp. 160–203. London: RoutledgeToledano N, Urbano D (2008) Promoting entrepreneurial mindsets at universities: a case study in the South of Spain. Eur J Int Manag 2(4):382–399Trequattrini R, Lombardi R, Lardo A, Cuozzo B (2015). The Impact of Entrepreneurial Universities on Regional Growth: a Local Intellectual Capital Perspective. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 1–13Urbano D (2006) La creación de empresas en Catalunya. Organismos de apoyo y actitudes hacia la actividad emprendedora, Ed. Generalitat de Catalunya-CIDEM, BarcelonaUrbano D, Toledano N (2008) The systems of university education and their influence on the students’ attitudes in the business world: a multiple case study. Oikos 25:87–103Veciana JM (1989) Características del empresario en España. Papeles de Economía Española 39:19–36Veciana JM, Urbano D (2004) Actitudes de los estudiantes universitarios hacia la creación de empresas: un estudio empírico comparativo entre Catalunya y Puerto Rico. El emprendedor innovador y la creación de empresas de I + D + I, University of Valencia, pp 35–58Veciana JM, Aponte M, Urbano D (2005) University student’s attitudes towards entrepreneurship: a two countries comparison. Int Entrep Manag J 1:165–182Wang CK, Wong PK (2004) Entrepreneurial interest of university students in Singapore. Technovation 24(2):163–172White SB, Reynolds PD (1996) Government programs and high growth new firms. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Center for Entrepreneurial Studies Babson College. Wellesley, MA.: 621–635Yari A, Toulabi Z, Pourashraf Y (2013) Designing propensity to entrepreneurship paradigm in Ilam universities (structural equation model approach). J Novel Appl Sci 2:872–88

    Environmental Factors in the Relapse and Recurrence of Inflammatory Bowel Disease:A Review of the Literature

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    The causes of relapse in patients with Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) are largely unknown. This paper reviews the epidemiological and clinical data on how medications (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, estrogens and antibiotics), lifestyle factors (smoking, psychological stress, diet and air pollution) may precipitate clinical relapses and recurrence. Potential biological mechanisms include: increasing thrombotic tendency, imbalances in prostaglandin synthesis, alterations in the composition of gut microbiota, and mucosal damage causing increased permeability

    Concomitant CIS on TURBT does not impact oncological outcomes in patients treated with neoadjuvant or induction chemotherapy followed by radical cystectomy

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    © Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018Background: Cisplatin-based neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) for muscle invasive bladder cancer improves all-cause and cancer specific survival. We aimed to evaluate whether the detection of carcinoma in situ (CIS) at the time of initial transurethral resection of bladder tumor (TURBT) has an oncological impact on the response to NAC prior to radical cystectomy. Patients and methods: Patients were identified retrospectively from 19 centers who received at least three cycles of NAC or induction chemotherapy for cT2-T4aN0-3M0 urothelial carcinoma of the bladder followed by radical cystectomy between 2000 and 2013. The primary and secondary outcomes were pathological response and overall survival, respectively. Multivariable analysis was performed to determine the independent predictive value of CIS on these outcomes. Results: Of 1213 patients included in the analysis, 21.8% had concomitant CIS. Baseline clinical and pathologic characteristics of the ‘CIS’ versus ‘no-CIS’ groups were similar. The pathological response did not differ between the two arms when response was defined as pT0N0 (17.9% with CIS vs 21.9% without CIS; p = 0.16) which may indicate that patients with CIS may be less sensitive to NAC or ≤ pT1N0 (42.8% with CIS vs 37.8% without CIS; p = 0.15). On Cox regression model for overall survival for the cN0 cohort, the presence of CIS was not associated with survival (HR 0.86 (95% CI 0.63–1.18; p = 0.35). The presence of LVI (HR 1.41, 95% CI 1.01–1.96; p = 0.04), hydronephrosis (HR 1.63, 95% CI 1.23–2.16; p = 0.001) and use of chemotherapy other than ddMVAC (HR 0.57, 95% CI 0.34–0.94; p = 0.03) were associated with shorter overall survival. For the whole cohort, the presence of CIS was also not associated with survival (HR 1.05 (95% CI 0.82–1.35; p = 0.70). Conclusion: In this multicenter, real-world cohort, CIS status at TURBT did not affect pathologic response to neoadjuvant or induction chemotherapy. This study is limited by its retrospective nature as well as variability in chemotherapy regimens and surveillance regimens.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Are local climate adaptation policies credible? A conceptual and operational assessment framework

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    After the Paris Agreement that put stronger emphasis on the development of climate change adaptation policies and on the definition of financing mechanisms, there is a patent need to track whether actual planning efforts are proving sufficient. This entails the development of assessment methods and metrics as plans are drafted and actions implemented. To this end, this paper explores the concept of credibility as a critical issue in climate policy and develops an Adaptation Policy Credibility (APC) conceptual and operational assessment framework for helping to allocate public funding and private investments, and for implementing and catalysing climate policy. Through a pilot testing in four early-adopting cities (Copenhagen, Durban, Quito and Vancouver), a clear potential for large-n tracking and assessment exercises of local climate adaptation plans is envisaged. The APC approach might also be useful to guide individual cities that aim to improve their adaptation planning and policy-making processes

    Entrepreneurs’ age, institutions, and social value creation goals: a multi-country study

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    This study explores the relationship between an entrepreneur's age and his/her social value creation goals. Building on the lifespan developmental psychology literature and institutional theory, we hypothesize a U-shaped relationship between entrepreneurs’ age and their choice to create social value through their ventures, such that younger and older entrepreneurs create more social value with their businesses while middle age entrepreneurs are relatively more economically and less socially oriented with their ventures. We further hypothesize that the quality of a country’s formal institutions in terms of economic, social, and political freedom steepen the U-shaped relationship between entrepreneurs’ age and their choice to pursue social value creation as supportive institutional environments allow entrepreneurs to follow their age-based preferences. We confirm our predictions using multilevel mixed-effects linear regressions on a sample of over 15,000 entrepreneurs (aged between 18 and 64 years) in 45 countries from Global Entrepreneurship Monitor data. The findings are robust to several alternative specifications. Based on our findings, we discuss implications for theory and practice, and we propose future research directions

    Methods for economic evaluation of a factorial-design cluster randomised controlled trial of a nutrition supplement and an exercise programme among healthy older people living in Santiago, Chile: the CENEX study

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    BACKGROUND: In an effort to promote healthy ageing and preserve health and function, the government of Chile has formulated a package of actions into the Programme for Complementary Food in Older People (Programa de Alimentación Complementaria para el Adulto Mayor - PACAM). The CENEX study was designed to evaluate the impact, cost and cost-effectiveness of the PACAM and a specially designed exercise programme on pneumonia incidence, walking capacity and body mass index in healthy older people living in low- to medium-socio-economic status areas of Santiago. The purpose of this paper is to describe in detail the methods that will be used to estimate the incremental costs and cost-effectiveness of the interventions. METHODS AND DESIGN: The base-case analysis will adopt a societal perspective, including the direct medical and non-medical costs borne by the government and patients. The cost of the interventions will be calculated by the ingredients approach, in which the total quantities of goods and services actually employed in applying the interventions will be estimated, and multiplied by their respective unit prices. Relevant information on costs of interventions will be obtained mainly from administrative records. The costs borne by patients will be collected via exit and telephone interviews. An annual discount rate of 8% will be used, consistent with the rate recommended by the Government of Chile. All costs will be converted from Chilean Peso to US dollars with the 2007 average period exchange rate of US$1 = 522.37 Chilean Peso. To test the robustness of model results, we will vary the assumptions over a plausible range in sensitivity analyses. DISCUSSION: The protocol described here indicates our intent to conduct an economic evaluation alongside the CENEX study. It provides a detailed and transparent statement of planned data collection methods and analyses. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ISRCTN48153354