78 research outputs found
Info- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia omandab järjest suuremat rolli peaaegu kõikides inimtegevuse valdkondades, pakkudes võimalusi sotsiaalseks suhtluseks, info otsimiseks ja haldamiseks, meelelahutuseks, e-teenuste osutamiseks ja kasutamiseks, kuid arvesse tuleb võtta ka internetikasutuse pahupoolt. Nimelt kuulub Eesti nende riikide hulka, mis paistab silma kõrge internetiriskide taseme poolest. Seetõttu käsitletakse seekordse ajakirjanumbri artiklites nii võimalusi kui ka ohte, mis kaasnevad digivahendite kasutamisega haridusvaldkonnas. Artiklid tuginevad laiapõhjalistele uuringutele ning võiksid pakkuda huvi koolieelsete lasteasutuste ja üldhariduskoolide õpetajatele, aga ka kõrgkoolide õppejõududele. Metodoloogilise poole pealt annavad artiklid hea ülevaate eri võimalustest, kuidas digimaailma uurida
Biochemical methane potential of different organic wastes and energy crops from Estonia
The biochemical methane potential (BMP) of different Estonian substrates as alternative sources for biogas production was studied. For this purpose, the BMP test was carried out in batch mode at mesophilic temperature (36°C). Substrates were divided into 2 groups: agricultural substrates (silage, hay, cattle and pig slurry) and food industry residues (milk, brewery and cereal industry residues). Methane yields obtained were between 286–319 L kgVS-1 for silage and hay, 238–317 L kgVS-1 for animal slurry and 272–714 L kgVS-1 for agro-industrial wastes. The highest methane yield was obtained from sour cream (714 L kgVS-1), the lowest (238 L kgVS-1) from cattle slurry. In overall, our results suggest that all tested substrates can be treated anaerobically and are potential sources for the production of methane
GDNF mimeetikute GFR 1-RET aktiveerimise eksperimentaalne uurimine ja QSAR modelleerimine
Käesolevas töös vaadeldakse ülevaatlikult GDNFi perekonna ligandide toimemehhanisme,
nende aktiveeritud signaaliradu ja mõju organismi toimimisele. Gliia rakuliinidest saadud neurotroofiline
faktor (GDNF) on väike proteiin, mis kannab oma signaali läbi GFR retseptorite.[
1] Raskete neuroloogiliste haiguste nagu Parkinsoni tõve või ALS efektiivseks ja püsivaks
raviks on vajalik neuronite taaselustamine. GDNF aitab päästa dopaminergilisi närvirakke, mis
manduvad Parkinsoni tõvega, ning seljamotoneuroneid, mida mõjutab ALS. [2, 3]
Töö eksperimentaalses osas mõõdeti andmed 70 ühendi võimekuse kohta aktiveerida GFR -
RET kompleksi ning seeläbi pidurdada raku hääbumist. Ühendite struktuure analüüsiti, et selgitada
välja millised struktuurimotiivid põhjustavad kompleksi aktivatsiooni. Saadud andmetest
arendati GFR -RET kompleksi aktivatsiooni kirjeldav QSAR mudel.
Mudeli sisemine ja välimine valideerimine kinnitasid, et koostatud neljadeskriptoriline mudel
on statistiliselt stabiilne, ennustusvõimeline ja kirjeldab vaadeldatavat omadust. Mudeli regressiooni
korrelatsioonikoefitsient (R2) on 0;77, ristvalideeritud korrelatsioonikoefitsient (R2
on 0;73. Mudeli statistilised näitajad on head arvestades asjaolu, et ennustati väga keerulist bioloogilist
Deskriptorid, mis esinevad parimas neljadeskritorilises mudelis, on seostatavad ligandi (madalmolekulaarse
ühendi) ja sihtmärgi (GFR -RET kompleksi) vaheliste interaktsioonidega. Mudelis
kasutatavad molekulaardeskriptorid kirjeldavad molekulide kuju, painduvust, laengujaotust
ja elektronstruktuuri.
Saadud mudel kirjeldab madalamolekulaarse ühendi GFR -RET kompleksi aktivatsiooni
usaldusväärselt ning on ennustusvõimeline treeningrühmaga sarnastele ühenditele
HCI and UN's sustainable development goals:responsibilities, barriers and opportunities
Despite increasing interest, Sustainable HCI has been critiqued for doing too little, and perhaps also at times for doing the wrong things. Still, a field like Human-Computer Interaction should aim at being part of transforming our society into a more sustainable one. But how do we do that, and, what are we aiming for? With this workshop, we propose that HCI should start working with the new global Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) that were formally adopted by the UN in September 2015. How can Sustainable HCI be inspired by, and contribute to these goals? What should we in the field of HCI do more of, and what should we perhaps do less of? In what areas should we form partnerships in order to reach the Sustainable Development Goals and with whom should we partner
A methodology for planning, implementation and evaluation of skills intelligence management – results of a design science project in technology organisations
IntroductionThe evolving labour market requirements amidst digital transformation necessitate robust skills intelligence for informed decision-making and adaptability. Novel technologies such as Big Data, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence have significant potential for enhancing skills intelligence.MethodsThis study bridges the gap between theory and practice by designing a novel software artefact for skills intelligence management. With its systematic framework for identifying skills intelligence elements, an assessment instrument, and an implementation methodology, the artefact ensures a thorough approach to skills intelligence management.ResultsThe artefact was demonstrated in 11 organisations. Feedback collected from interviews, focus group sessions, and observations (N = 19) indicated that the artefact is a feasible starting point for implementing or systematising skills intelligence management. Participants suggested improvements but concurred that the systematic approach enhances skills intelligence data collection and quality.DiscussionThe study shows that the artefact facilitates the application of advanced technologies in skills intelligence management. Additionally, it contributes a set of principles for effective skills intelligence management, fostering a broader conversation on this critical topic. Participants’ feedback underscores the artefact’s potential and provides a basis for further refinement and application in diverse organisational contexts
Covers of acts over monoids II
In 1981 Edgar Enochs conjectured that every module has a flat cover and
finally proved this in 2001. Since then a great deal of effort has been spent
on studying different types of covers, for example injective and torsion free
covers. In 2008, Mahmoudi and Renshaw initiated the study of flat covers of
acts over monoids but their definition of cover was slightly different from
that of Enochs. Recently, Bailey and Renshaw produced some preliminary results
on the `other' type of cover and it is this work that is extended in this
paper. We consider free, divisible, torsion free and injective covers and
demonstrate that in some cases the results are quite different from the module
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