11 research outputs found

    Private Rights versus Public Power: The Role of State Action in Alaska Constitutional Jurisprudence

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    Linear approximations of nonlinear systems can be obtained by fitting a linear model to data from a nonlinear system, for example, using the prediction-error method. In many situations, the type of linear model and the model orders are selected after estimating several models and evaluating them using various validation techniques. Two commonly used validation methods for linear models are spectral and residual analysis. Unfortunately, these methods will not always work if the true system is nonlinear. However, if the input can be viewed as if it has been generated by filtering white noise through a minimum phase filter, spectral and residual analysis can be used for validation of linear models of nonlinear systems. Furthermore, it can be shown that the input minimum phase property guarantees that a certain optimality result will hold. Here, the benefits of using minimum phase instead of non-minimum phase filters for input design will be shown both theoretically and in numerical experiments

    Multispacer Sequence Typing Relapsing Fever Borreliae in Africa

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    In Africa, relapsing fevers are caused by four cultured species: Borrelia crocidurae, Borrelia duttonii, Borrelia hispanica and Borrelia recurrentis. These borreliae are transmitted by the bite of Ornithodoros soft ticks except for B. recurrentis which is transmitted by louse Pediculus humanus. They cause potentially undifferentiated fever infection and co-infection with malaria could also occur. The exact prevalence of each Borrelia is unknown and overlaps between B. duttonii and B. crocidurae have been reported. The lack of tools for genotyping these borreliae limits knowledge concerning their epidemiology. We developed multispacer sequence typing (MST) and applied it to blood specimens infected by B. recurrentis (30 specimens), B. duttonii (18 specimens) and B. crocidurae (13 specimens), delineating these 60 strains and the 3 type strains into 13 species-specific spacer types. B. crocidurae strains were classified into 8 spacer types, B. duttonii into 3 spacer types and B. recurrentis into 2 spacer types. These findings provide the proof-of-concept that that MST is a reliable tool for identification and genotyping relapsing fever borreliae in Africa

    Multiplex Real-Time PCR Diagnostic of Relapsing Fevers in Africa

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    Background: In Africa, relapsing fever borreliae are neglected arthropod-borne pathogens causing mild to deadly septicemia and miscarriage. The closely related Borrelia crocidurae, Borrelia duttonii, Borrelia recurrentis and Borrelia hispanica are rarely diagnosed at the species level, hampering refined epidemiological and clinical knowledge of the relapsing fevers. It would be hugely beneficial to have simultaneous detection and identification of Borrelia to species level directly from clinical samples. Methodology/Principal Findings: We designed a multiplex real-time PCR protocol targeting the 16S rRNA gene detecting all four Borrelia, the glpQ gene specifically detecting B. crocidurae, the recN gene specifically detecting B. duttonii/B. recurrentis and the recC gene specifically detecting B. hispanica. Compared to combined 16S rRNA gene and flaB gene sequencing as the gold standard, multiplex real-time PCR analyses of 171 Borrelia-positive and 101 Borrelia-negative control blood specimens yielded 100% sensitivity and specificity for B. duttonii/B. recurrentis and B. hispanica and 99% sensitivity and specificity for B. crocidurae. Conclusions/Significance: The multiplex real-time PCR developed in this study is a rapid technique for both molecular detection and speciation of relapsing fever borreliae from blood in Africa. It could be incorporated in point-of-care laboratory to confirm diagnosis and provide evidence of the burden of infection attributed to different species of known or potentially novel relapsing fever borreliae

    Nucleic Acid Oxidation in DNA Damage Repair and Epigenetics

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