1,742 research outputs found

    Entropy-Enthalpy Compensation May Be a Useful Interpretation Tool for Complex Systems Like Protein-DNA Complexes: An Appeal to Experimentalists

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    In various chemical systems enthalpy-entropy compensation (EEC) is a well-known rule of behavior, although the physical roots of it are still not completely understood. It has been frequently questioned whether EEC is a truly physical phenomenon or a coincidence due to trivial mathematical connections between statistical-mechanical parameters - or even simpler: A phantom effect resulting from the misinterpretation of experimental data. Here, we review EEC from a new standpoint using the notion of correlation which is essential for the method of factor analysis, but is not conventional in physics and chemistry. We conclude that the EEC may be rationalized in terms of hidden (not directly measurable with the help of the current experimental set-up) but physically real factors, implying a Carnot-cycle model in which a micro-phase transition (MPT) plays a crucial role. Examples of such MPTs underlying physically valid EEC should be typically cooperative processes in supramolecular aggregates, like changes of structured water at hydrophobic surfaces, conformational transitions upon ligand-biopolymer binding, and so on, so forth. The MPT notion could help rationalize the occurrence of EEC in connection with hydration and folding of proteins,enzymatic reactions, functioning of molecular motors, DNA de- and rehybridization, as well as similar phenomena.Comment: 8 pages, 2 Figures, Submitted for publicatio

    The Structure of Norms and Legal Uncertainty: A Framework for the Functional Analysis of Law as Transformed in Multi-Member Decision Mechanisms

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    Doctrinal studies of law describe relationships between conditioning legal facts and con-sequences, distinguishing between substantive and procedural norms. The latter constitute decision mechanisms that maintain the legal system’s norms. These mechanisms generate binding decisions—ordered pairs of facts and consequences—that may obtain the status of res judicata and become part of the norm system in the extensive sense. Functional analyses of law undertake to study agent equilibrium behavior under given norms, perceived as incentive structures. Characteristically, norms that are maintained through adjudication (or arbitration) are not complete or unambiguous: In the ex ante sense, consequences are not uniquely implied by relevant conditioning facts. This indeterminacy has profound implications: first, in multi-member decision mechanisms norm structures are systematically transformed; second, these transformed norms or incentive structures guide agent (equilibrium) behavior. These observations challenge the approach that currently prevails in legal theory, namely of considering substantive norms as abstract entities independent of procedural mechanisms. They also suggest opportunities for widening the scope of functional or repercussion analyses of law. This dissertation develops an analytical framework that seeks to enable the study of norm transformation in multi-member judicial decision mechanisms. The framework’s relevance is demonstrated through numerous examples showing how equilibrium out-comes vary with mechanisms shaping the incentive structures. The framework is developed using formal representation of norms and by ex ante identification of judges (arbitrators) and norms. These representations combine functional relations with basic notions from probability theory that are simple enough to be operative in equilibrium analyses, and, at the same time, rich enough to embody detailed aspects of procedural law. The framework facilitates: (i) distinction between “meta-norms” (the doctrine of sources and judicial method) and “ordinary norms” (doctrine in the customary sense); (ii) depiction of (possible) indeterminacy at both levels; (iii) modeling of multi-member decision-making; and (iv) simultaneous consideration of epistemic uncertainty. The identification of norms and judges envisions judging as commitment, in contrast to a preference-based, rational choice account. The approach combines insights from logical aggregation, case-space, and evolutionary theories. Under meta-level uncertainty, judges may base decisions on different substantive norms. Under ordinary-level uncertainty, they may reach different conclusions under the same substantive norm. In correspondence with standard conceptions of legal decision-making, judges applying law vote directly on outcomes or on substantive norm elements, not abstractly over substantive norms. The commitment notion assumes judges vote independently (non-strategically) as uncertainty is resolved. Both majority and super-majority aggregation rules are studied (the latter require default state specifications). Implications of sequential decision-making (bifurcation) and separation of (collective) decisions on law and facts are also analyzed. The framework is applied to a detailed analysis of the model of precaution, which has a prevalent and unifying role in many areas of law. Equilibrium precautionary investment is derived under uncertain negligence standards, and under mixed norms (uncertainty between strict liability and negligence). Continuous comparative statics reflects the parametric representation of uncertainty on both the meta and ordinary level. Discrete comparative statics reflects decision mechanism size. A condensed analysis of final-offer arbitration demonstrates that the framework is applicable to strategic environments. The norm representation enables one to distinguish between primary norms ex-pressing obligations and power-conferring secondary norms, which express discretion or options. This distinction is reflected in suggested law-in-force notions, with discretion motivating a forward-looking, means-end approach (in fact, partly due to logical problems arising under aggregation). Examples used to illustrate the benefits from detailed attention to norms structures include entitlement-protection in exchange economies and legal commitment mechanisms in strategic environments. Under indeterminacy, norm structures and induced equilibria vary systematically with decision mechanisms. This sensitivity, exacerbated by epistemic uncertainty, accentuates the question of evaluative criteria as discussed in legal and political philosophy. In reference to observed authority structures, the majority outcome in large panels is suggested as a benchmark, making possible a study of the link between (finite, real-world) mechanism choice and Type I and II error generation. Some analytical results may be of independent interest. Judicial panels trans-form marginal dimensions of incentive structures. This is important when conditioning legal fact sets are choice or strategy spaces for optimizing agents (level transformations correspond to Condorcet-type theorems). Second-order stochastic dominance is used to describe panel size effects on a domain of substantive norms. First-order stochastic dominance is used to compare unitary and bifurcated trials. Due to analytical challenges, some results are based on asymptotic theory. The equilibrium analyses are supported by simulations

    Micro-volume couette flow sample orientation for absorbance and fluorescence linear dichroism

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    Linear dichroism (LD) can be used to study the alignment of absorbing chromophores within long molecules. In particular, Couette flow LD has been used to good effect in probing ligand binding to DNA and to fibrous proteins. This technique has been previously limited by large sample requirements. Here we report the design and application of a new micro-volume Couette flow cell that significantly enhances the potential applications of flow LD spectroscopy by reducing the sample requirements for flow linear dichroism to 25 μL (with concentrations such that the absorbance maximum of the sample in a 1-cm pathlength cuvette is not, vert, similar1). The micro-volume Couette cell has also enabled the measurement of fluorescence-detected Couette flow linear dichroism. This new technique enables the orientation of fluorescent ligands to be probed even when their electronic transitions overlap with those of the macromolecule and conversely. The potential of flow-oriented fluorescence dichroism and application of the micro-volume Couette LD cell are illustrated by the collection of data for DNA with minor groove and intercalating ligands: DAPI, Hoechst, and ethidium bromide. As with conventional fluorescence, improved sensitivity compared with absorbance LD is to be expected after instrumentation optimization

    Knowledge capabilities for sustainable development in global classrooms - local challenges

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    The Young Masters Programme provides young people around the worldwith a net–based global–local learning environment for sustainable development. The present study investigates certain aspects of the implementation of this programme in the secondary schools of a Swedish municipality, in the context of the Lund Calling project. The research focuses on critical abilities to act globally, referred to as “knowledge capabilities”, and how they relate to the implementation process of initiating global learning for sustainabledevelopment (GLSD). A phenomenographic approach and semi–structuredinterviews were used in the investigation of the experiences of secondary school pupils, teachers and headmasters who participated in the project. Participants’ experiences of the changes carried out are described in relation to examples of knowledge capabilities needed for GLSD. Critical knowledge capabilities found to have been developed through the implementation were: to take command, and to collaborate. Critical knowledge capabilities perceived asnecessary, but not developed through the programme were: to be prepared, to act in a transdisciplinary manner, and to lead for a holistic understanding

    Two order books are better than one? Trading at settlement (TAS) in VIX futures

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    We examine the effects from the Trading At Settlement (TAS) introduction on VIX futures market quality. We find that the VIX futures market exhibits higher trading activity and better liquidity after the TAS introduction. VIX futures traders use the TAS limit order book to execute large transactions, and TAS helps limit order traders from being picked off by informed traders when the VIX futures price volatility is high. The TAS introduction has created a highly liquid, low-cost, trading venue. Although the TAS introduction fragments VIX futures trading into two order books, liquidity in the regular order book is not hurt

    Nøkkel til hysterioide sopper på bark og tre i Skandinavia

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    The lack of useful determination keys is often a major obstacle for naming species of Ascomycota, especially for the amateur mycologist. One group of fungi in need of a key are species of Dothideomycetes with hysterioid ascomata on bark and wood in Scandinavia, and we present such a key encompassing 31 species in 14 genera. Hysterothecia are commonly found on bark and wood, and most species with hysterothecia are saprophytes. Since several lichenized, doubtfully lichenized, and other species have ascomata resembling hysterothecia we also mention several such cases of possible misidentification. ycetes, neglected taxa, identificatMangelen på nyttige bestemmelsesnøkler er ofte et stort hinder for å navngi arter av Ascomycota, spesielt for amatørmykologen. En gruppe sopper som har behov for en nøkkel er arter av Dothideomycetes med hysterioide ascomata på bark og tre i Skandinavia, og vi presenterer en slik nøkkel som omfatter 31 arter i 14 slekter. Hysterioide ascomata finnes ofte på bark og tre, og de fleste arter med hysterioide ascomata er saprofytter. Siden flere licheniserte, tvilsomt licheniserte og andre arter har ascomata som ligner på hysterioide ascomata, nevner vi også flere slike tilfeller av mulig feilidentifisering. Tykksekksopper, forsømte taksa, identifiseringsnøkkelpublishedVersio

    Base Orientation of Second DNA in RecA·DNA Filaments. Analysis by combination of linear dichroism and small angle neutron scattering in flow-oriented solution

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    To gain insight into the mechanism of pairing two complementary DNA strands by the RecA protein, we have determined the nucleobase orientation of the first and the second bound DNA strands in the RecA·DNA filament by combined measurements of linear dichroism and small angle neutron scattering on flow-oriented samples. An etheno-modified DNA, poly(depsilon A) was adapted as the first DNA and an oligo(dT) as the second DNA, making it possible to distinguish between the linear dichroism signals of the two DNA strands. The results indicate that binding of the second DNA does not alter the nucleobase orientation of the first bound strand and that the bases of the second DNA are almost coplanar to the bases of the first strand although somewhat more tilted (60 degrees relative to the fiber axis compared with 70 degrees for the first DNA strand). Similar results were obtained for the RecA·DNA complex formed with unmodified poly(dA) and oligo(dT). An almost coplanar orientation of nucleobases of two DNA strands in a RecA-DNA filament would facilitate scanning for, and recognition of, complementary base sequences. The slight deviation from co-planarity could increase the free energy of the duplex to facilitate dissociation in case of mismatching base sequences

    Some interesting lichenized fungi from old Fraxinus excelsior and Ulmus glabra in Norway, including four new country records

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    A survey of lichenized and non-lichenized fungi, and bryophytes on old Ulmus glabra and Fraxinus excelsior trees in Norway was undertaken during 2012–2014. In total, 690 (400 elm, 290 ash) trees at 65 sites were surveyed and 675 records of 34 nationally red-listed epiphytic lichenized fungi were made (Nordén et al. 2015). Several species new to Norway were also found, three of which were reported in Nordén et al. (2013), and one in Nordén (2016). Reported here are four additional species as new to Norway, together with data on six rare species for which our findings contribute to the knowledge of their frequency, distribution and ecology. A few Swedish collections of the same species are also mentioned. All material is deposited in herbarium O. Abbreviations: BN = Björn Nordén, JBJ = John Bjarne Jordal.publishedVersio

    Open Loop Rate-Distortion Optimized Audio Coding

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    This paper addresses complexity reduced rate-distortion optimized audio coding under rate constraint. A technique where distor-tion minimizing coding templates, chosen from a set of templates, are jointly selected for a set of segments. This optimization re-quires knowledge of rate-distortion pairs for all segments, and for each coding template, which often are costly to obtain. The pro-posed framework exchanges true rate-distortion pairs with pre-dicted ones, thereby allowing for complexity reduction. The pre-diction is based on a property vector extracted for each segment, from which distortion predictions, using Gaussian mixture mod-els, are performed. Here, we evaluate the proposed framework in a sinusoidal coding context. The results show that the proposed framework can increase the distortion performance, compared to a fixed sinusoidal coding scheme. 1