82 research outputs found

    Isovector multiphonon excitations in near spherical nuclei

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    The lowest isoscalar and isovector quadrupole and octupole excitations in near spherical nuclei are studied within the the proton-neutron version of the interacting boson model including quadrupole and octupole bosons (sdf-IBM-2). The main decay modes of these states in near spherical nuclei are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX, sprocl, epsfig. Proc. Int. Conf. on Structure of the Nucleus at the Dawn of the Century (Bologna, 29 May - 3 June 2000); in pres

    Interrelation between the isoscalar octupole phonon and the proton-neutron mixed-symmetry quadrupole phonon in near spherical nuclei

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    The interrelation between the octupole phonon and the low-lying proton-neutron mixed-symmetry quadrupole phonon in near-spherical nuclei is investigated. The one-phonon states decay by collective E3 and E2 transitions to the ground state and by relatively strong E1 and M1 transitions to the isoscalar 2+ state. We apply the proton-neutron version of the Interacting Boson Model including quadrupole and octupole bosons (sdf-IBM-2). Two F-spin symmetric dynamical symmetry limits of the model, namely the vibrational and the \gamma-unstable ones, are considered. We derive analytical formulae for excitation energies as well as B(E1), B(M1), B(E2) and B(E3) values for a number of transitions between low-lying states.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figures, LaTeX, epsfig. Nucl. Phys. A (in press

    Polarization and relaxation of radon

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    Investigations of the polarization and relaxation of 209^{209}Rn by spin exchange with laser optically pumped rubidium are reported. On the order of one million atoms per shot were collected in coated and uncoated glass cells. Gamma-ray anisotropies were measured as a signal of the alignment (second order moment of the polarization) resulting from the combination of polarization and quadrupole relaxation at the cell walls. The temperature dependence over the range 130∘^\circC to 220∘^\circC shows the anisotropies increasing with increasing temperature as the ratio of the spin exchange polarization rate to the wall relaxation rate increases faster than the rubidium polarization decreases. Polarization relaxation rates for coated and uncoated cells are presented. In addition, improved limits on the multipole mixing ratios of some of the main gamma-ray transitions have been extracted. These results are promising for electric dipole moment measurements of octupole-deformed 223^{223}Rn and other isotopes, provided sufficient quantities of the rare isotopes can be produced.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Searching for the double gamma-decay of the X particle

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    The e−e+ decay of the candidate new particle X(17) has already been confirmed by previous experiments. However, theoretical models give different predictions for the spin and the parity of this particle. The double gamma-decay process could be an appropriate probe to shed light on such properties. Thus, for the first time, we searched for the gamma-gamma decay of X(17) created in nuclear transitions. In this paper, we report preliminary results of two experiments on the Jπ= 0− -> 0+ transition in 4He

    Contrasting properties of particle-particle and hole-hole excitations in ÂČ⁰⁶Tl and ÂČÂč⁰Bi nuclei

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    A complete-spectroscopy investigation of low-lying, low-spin states in the one-proton-hole and one-neutron-hole nucleus 206Tl has been performed by using thermal neutron capture and Îł-coincidence technique with the FIPPS Ge array at ILL Grenoble. The new experimental results, together with data for the one-proton-particle and one-neutron-particle nucleus 210Bi (taken from a previous study done at ILL in the EXILL campaign), allowed for an extensive comparison with predictions of shell-model calculations performed with realistic interactions. No phenomenological adjustments were introduced in the calculations. In 210Bi, state energies, transition multipolarities and decay branchings agree well with theory for the three well separated multiplets of states which dominate the low-lying excitations. On the contrary, in 206Tl significant discrepancies are observed: in the same energy region, six multiplets were identified, with a significant mixing among them being predicted, as a consequence of the smaller energy separation between the active orbitals. The discrepancies in 206Tl are attributed to the larger uncertainties in the determination of the off-diagonal matrix elements of the realistic shell-model interaction with respect to the calculated diagonal matrix elements, the only ones playing a major role in the case of 210Bi. The work points to the need of more advanced approaches in the construction of the realistic interactions

    A study on the transition between seniority-type and collective excitations in 204Po and 206Po

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    Low-lying yrast states in 204Po and 206Po have been investigated by the Îł-Îł fast timing technique with LaBr3(Ce) detectors. Excited states of these nuclei were populated in the 197Au(11B,4n) and the 198Pt(12C,4n) fusion-evaporation reactions, respectively, at the FN-Tandem Facility at the University of Cologne. The lifetimes of the 4+1 states in both nuclei were measured, along with an upper limit for the 2+1 state in 204Po. The preliminary results are discussed in the scope of the systematic behavior of the transition strengths between yrast states in polonium isotopes

    The decay pattern of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance of Âč⁎⁰Ce

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    The decay properties of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance (PDR) have been investigated in the semi-magic N=82 nucleus Âč⁎⁰Ce using a novel combination of nuclear resonance fluorescence and γ–γcoincidence techniques. Branching ratios for transitions to low-lying excited states are determined in a direct and model-independent way both for individual excited states and for excitation energy intervals. Comparison of the experimental results to microscopic calculations in the quasi-particle phonon model exhibits an excellent agreement, supporting the observation that the Pygmy Dipole Resonance couples to the ground state as well as to low-lying excited states. A 10% mixing of the PDR and the [2+1×PDR]is extracted

    Recent results on heavy-ion induced reactions of interest for neutrinoless double beta decay at INFN-LNS

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    Abstract. The possibility to use a special class of heavy-ion induced direct reactions, such as double charge exchange reactions, is discussed in view of their application to extract information that may be helpful to determinate the nuclear matrix elements entering in the expression of neutrinoless double beta decay halflife. The methodology of the experimental campaign presently running at INFN - Laboratori Nazionali del Sud is reported and the experimental challenges characterizing such activity are describe

    Coulomb Excitation of Proton-rich N = 80 Isotones at HIE-ISOLDE

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    A projectile Coulomb-excitation experiment was performed at the radioactive ion beam facility HIE-ISOLDE at CERN. The radioactive Âč⁎⁰Nd and Âč⁎ÂČSm ions were post accelerated to the energy of 4.62 MeV/A and impinged on a 1.45 mg/cmÂČ-thin ÂČ⁰⁞Pb target. The Îł rays depopulating the Coulomb-excited states were recorded by the HPGe-array MINIBALL. The scattered charged particles were detected by a double-sided silicon strip detector in forward direction. Experimental Îł-ray intensities were used for the determination of electromagnetic transition matrix elements. Preliminary results for the reduced transition strength of the B(M1;23+→21+)=0.35(19)ÎŒN2 of Âč⁎⁰Nd and a first estimation for Âč⁎ÂČSm have been deduced using the Coulomb-excitation calculation software GOSIA. The 2³₊ states of Âč⁎⁰Nd and Âč⁎ÂČSm show indications of being the main fragment of the proton-neutron mixed-symmetry 2âș₁,ms state
