132 research outputs found

    Health status among employees of Assembly Services Sdn. Bhd. Shah Alam Selangor

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    The purpose of this study was to examine health status among employees of Assembly Services Sdn Bhd, Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan (ASSB). This study was to examine whether the workers' health status is significantly influenced when they perform physical activity, by their nutrition behavior and smoking habits. This study distributed 400 questionnaires among ASSB employees. The sample size was from all levels of employees which include seven main divisions, 75% operational staff and 25% managerial staff. 366 feedbacks were received and only 357 were valid in the analysis. The data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software version 19.0. Correlation analysis was conducted to test the relationship between health status and physical activity, nutritional behaviour and smoking habits. The finding of this study showed that physical activity, nutritional behaviour and smoking habits have negative relationship to health status. However, multiple regression analysis result indicated that only nutrition behavior and smoking habit do influence health status, whereas physical activity does not influence health status. Recommendations on how to improve health status are discussed and it is absolutely important and also beneficial to the entire compan


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    The purpose of this study is to explore the environmental research activities conducting by teacher trainees through Project Based Learning at Malacca River. The participants of this qualitative case study was involved two teacher trainees majoring in Science from Institute of Teacher Education Technical Education Campus. The research data were obtained through observations, documents and unstructured interviews. The findings showed that environmental research activities was carried out through in-situ and ex-situ process for investigate the water qualities of Malacca River. This study generally indicates that the implementation of Project Based Learning can improving the quality of teachers as well as help improve the skills of science processes and the manipulative skills of trainee teachers in conducting scientific investigations. In conclusion, this study may serve as a guide to shape individual development towards the growth of environmentally-smart citizen

    Makna Istikbār dalam Al-Qur’an: Perspektif Semantik Toshihiko Izutsu

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    Many people misinterpret the word istikbar. Some think that the word has the same meaning with takabbur. By considering the frequent use of the word in daily life, and also seeing the various it is expressed in the Quran, a broader and more detailed understanding of the word istikbār is needed. The research problem here is what is the meaning of istikbar in Al-Qur’an based on Toshiko Izutsu’s semantic approach? This is a library research. The method used is the thematic one. Since this study of the term is focused on language, researcher uses the semantic approach and chooses Toshihiko Itsuzu’s semantic theory. The result shows that 1) the basic meaning of istikbar are great, noble, majestic and al-ta’azhum, 2) syntagmatically the relational meaning of istikbar are reluctant, deny, disbelieve and turn away. While paradigmatically the meanings are divided into two, synonym and antonym. Its synonyms are arrogant and bragging, and its antonym are humble and gentle, 3) its historical meaning are bragging, arrogant, reluctant, 4) its weltanschauung is bragging

    The outcomes of carbapenem resistant enterobacteriaceae (CRE) infected patients and their association with antibiotic therapy

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    Introduction Carbapenem Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) especially Carbapenem producing CRE (CP-CRE) has emerged as a global threat which commonly associated with hospital acquired infection including blood stream infection, pneumonia, surgical site infection and urinary tract infection. Overall, isolation of CRE from any site whether this represents clinical infection or not was associated with poor outcomes. Despite their increasing burden, the most optimal treatment for CRE infections was largely unknown. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine the outcomes of CRE infected patients and their association with antibiotic therapy. Methods This was a retrospective study conducted in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia from January 2013 till March 2017. The l ist of CRE cases se lected from Medical Microbiology & Parasitology laboratory. Patient‟s records were reviewed for demographics and clinical characteristics and those that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria were included in this study. Archived isolates were further tested for MIC testing for meropenem, imipenem, ertapenem, doripenem and polymyxin B by using E test method. The results were interpreted according to CLSI guidelines. Data were analysed using SPSS Statistic version 22. Results A total of 57 CRE infected patients and started on targeted antimicrobial therapy was included in the study. The most common infection related to CRE infection was pneumonia (29/57, 50.9%) followed by blood stream infection (15/57, 26.3%) and urinary tract infection (7/57, 12.3%) with Klebsiella pneuomoniae as a major CRE pathogen (54/57, 94.7%). Most of the patients were located in a medical ward and ICU, accounting for 42.1% (24/57) and 33.3% (19/57) respectively of the subjects. Majority of patients had underlying disease and the most common disease was chronic kidney disease (38.6%, 22/57) followed by diabetes mellitus (36.8%, 21/57). The all-30-day mortality in this study was 43.9% (42/57). Based on in vitro susceptibility testing on carbapenems, imipenem has the highest sensitivity rate (9/57, 15.8%) followed by meropenem (7/57, 12.3%) according to CLSI breakpoint 2012. All isolates were susceptible to polymyxin B. Most of the subjects in this study received monotherapy (33/57, 57.9%) compared to combined therapy (24/57, 42.1%). We found that no significant association between patient‟s outcome with monotherapy or combined therapy (p = 0.113) and also with the type of antimicrobial received. However, the 30- day mortality in combined therapy group much higher (13/23, 56.5%) if compare to monotherapy group (12/34, 35.3%). Out of 45 repeated samples cases, 82.2% (37/45) had achieved microbiological clearance. We found that no significant association between meropenem MIC levels with microbiological clearance (p = 0.641). Conclusion Overall, based on in vitro susceptibility testing polymyxin B is considered to be the most active in vitro agents against CRE. However, imipenem and meropenem still have a role in treating CRE infection especially as a combination therapy. Even though no significant association was found between antibiotic therapy with the outcome but the 30-day mortality in combined therapy group much higher than monotherapy group. This could be bias as combined therapy was started among severe infection and critically ill patients. A larger sample size and prospective study (randomised control trial) may be needed to prevent bias in term of patient‟s selection on starting type of treatment regime

    Tahap Kesediaan Guru Pelatih Reka Bentuk Dan Teknologi Terhadap Pengajaran Mata Pelajaran Reka Cipta

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    Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengenalpasti Tahap kesediaan Guru Pelatih Rekabentuk dan Teknologi di Negeri Johor. Tahap kesediaan yang dikaji ialah pengetahuan, kemahiran, dan sikap, hubungan interpersonal dan beban tugas. Kajian berbentuk tinjauan deskriptif yang melibatkan data kuantitatif menggunakan borang soal selidik sebagai instrument kajian. Sampel terdiri daripada guru pelatih Rekabentuk dan Teknologi di mana responden adalah seramai 120 orang yang diambil dari keseluruhan populasi Data yang dikumpul daripada responden telah dianalisis melalui perisian SPSS Versi 21.0. Data yang diperolehi daripada soal selidik menggunakan statistik deskriptif iaitu pengiraan min, peratusan , sisihan piawai dan Ujian-t . Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa tahap pengetahuan, kemahiran guru pelatih reka bentuk dan teknologi adalah tinggi dalam mata pelajaran reka cipta. Dapatan kajian juga mendapati sikap guru pelath adalah rendah dalam mata pelajaran reka cipta. Selain itu, dapatan kajian menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan, sikap dan kemahiran berdasarkan umur dan latar belakang pendidkan. Bagaimanapun, dapatan kajian menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan, sikap dan kemahiran berdasarkan jantina bagi tahap kesediaan guru pelatih dalam mata pelajaran reka cipta. Hasil daripada kajian yang telah dibincangkan, didapati bahawa kursus yang dipelajari terbukti mempunyai kepentingan dalam mempengaruhi kesediaan mengajar. Kursus-kursus ini banyak memberikan input yang berguna yang dapat diaplikasi oleh pelajar sewaktu mengajar. Guru pelatih disarankan meningkatkan pengetahuan mereka agar dapat menyampaikan pengajaran secara berkesan dalam era globalisasi masa kini. Selain itu, guru pelatih juga seharusnya menyertai kursus-kursus yang berterusan dalam perkhidmatan berkaitan teknologi terkini, motivasi dan juga pedagogi. Kursus-kursus sebegini dapat menjadikan guru mempunyai pengetahuan dan kemahiran selari dengan perkembangan semasa dalam dunia pendidika


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    Abstrak : Nitric Oxide (NO) merupakan suatu radikal bebas. Peningkatan kadar NO didapatkan pada berbagai kondisi stres oksidatif. Pemberian ekstrak delima dilaporkan dapat memperbaiki kadar NO dalam kondisi stres oksidatif karena adanya kandungan antioksidan pada delima terutama senyawa polifenol. Penelitian menggunakan metode studi pustaka sistematis bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh delima (Punica granatum) terhadap kadar Nitric Oxide (NO) pada serum, plasma, jaringan hepar, otak, limfe, usus, ginjal dan endotel yang diperoleh dari penyakit yang patofisiologinya melibatkan stres oksidatif (injury, toksisitas, inflamasi dan infeksi). Bagian delima yang dipelajari pada penelitian ini adalah buah, kulit, biji dan bunga. Studi pustaka sistematis. Pengumpulan data penelitian dilakukan melalui sumber PubMed, dan Google Scholar dengan kata kunci Punica granatum, Antioxidant, dan Nitric Oxide. Melalui proses screening didapatkan data berupa 14 artikel memenuhi kriteria inklusi yang telah ditetapkan. Senyawa antioksidan yang terdapat dalam ekstrak buah, kulit, bunga, dan biji delima terbukti mampu memperbaiki nilai NO dengan menurunkan kadar NO pada jaringan hepar, otak, usus, limfe, ginjal dan meningkatkan NO pada jaringan endotel pada kondisi stres oksidatif. Melalui 14 jurnal yang ditelaah, mekanisme antioksidan utama ekstrak delima dalam memperbaiki nilai NO adalah melalui peningkatan antioksidan dan pembersihan radikal bebas. Pemberian ekstrak buah, biji, kulit, dan bunga delima (Punica granatum) dapat memperbaiki kadar radikal NO pada kondisi stres oksidatif.Kata Kunci : Punica granatum, Antioxidant, Nitric Oxid

    Pembinaan skala dan penentuan tahap pemikiran visual bagi pelajar tingkatan lima menggunakan set modul soalan visual matematik berkaitan trigonometri dan bulatan

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    Kajian ini dijalankan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui tahap pemikiran visual pelajar tingkatan lima dalam mata pelajaran Matematik (Trigonometri dan Bulatan). Seramai 33 orang pelajar telah dipilih sebagai responden dalam kajian ini. Kaedah pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah melalui ujian menggunakan modul soalan visual matematik dan temubual berstruktur. Data yang diperolehi dianalisis menggunakan kaedah peratusan skor bagi setiap responden. Penentuan tahap pemikiran visual terbahagi kepada 4 tahap iaitu cemerlang, baik, sederhana dan lemah. Dapatan kajian mendapati bahawa tahap pemikiran visual majoriti pelajar masih berada dalam kategori sederhana. Beberapa cadangan dikemukakan untukmenjadi panduan untuk kajian selanjutnya

    Makna Istikbār dalam Al-Qur’an: Perspektif Semantik Toshihiko Izutsu

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    Realitanya banyak orang yang salah memaknai kata istikbār. Ada yang beranggapan bahwa kata istikbār memiliki makna yang sama dengan kata takabbur. Dengan mempertimbangkan seringnya pemakaian kata istikbār dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, dan juga dilihat di dalam Al-Qur’an bermacam bentuk dan ragam Allah mengungkapkan kata istikbār, maka diperlukan pemahaman yang lebih luas dan detail tentang kata istikbār ini. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah apa makna istikbār dalam Al-Qur’an berdasarkan pendekatan semantik Toshihiko Izutsu? Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian library research (kepustakaan). Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode tematik. Berhubung term istikbār merupakan kajian yang berfokus kepada bahasa maka penulis menggunakan pendekatan semantik dengan teori Semantik Toshihiko Izutsu. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa makna istikbār dalam Al-Qur’an berdasarkan teori Toshihiko Izutsu adalah sebagai berikut: 1) Makna dasar dari kata istikbār adalah besar, mulia, agung dan al-ta’azhum, 2) Makna relasional kata istikbār secara sintagmatik adalah enggan, mendustakan, kafir dan berpaling. Sedangkan secara paradigmatik dibagi dua lagi yakni sinonim dan antonim. sinonim dari kata istikbār adalah angkuh dan menyombongkan diri, dan antonim dari kata istikbār adalah rendah hati dan lemah lembut, 3) Makna Historis dari kata istikbār adalah menyombongkan diri, angkuh dan enggan, dan 4) Weltanschauung dari kata istikbār adalah menyombongkan diri

    Bortezomib attenuates HIF-1- but not HIF-2-mediated transcriptional activation

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    Bortezomib is the first proteasomal inhibitor (PI) to be used therapeutically for treating relapse cases of multiple myeloma and mantle cell lymphoma. A proposed mechanism for its action is that it prevents the proteasomal degradation of proapoptotic proteins, leading to enhanced apoptosis. Although the α subunit of hypoxia‑inducible factor (HIF)‑1 is not degraded with bortezomib treatment, the heterodimeric HIF‑1 fails to transactivate target genes. HIF‑1 and HIF‑2 are related hypoxia‑inducible transcription factors that are important for the survival of hypoxic tumor cells. The majority of reports have focused on the effects of bortezomib on the transcriptional activities of HIF‑1, but not HIF‑2. The present study investigated the effects of bortezomib on HIF‑2 activity in cancer cells with different levels of HIF‑1α and HIF‑2α subunits. HIF‑α subunit levels were detected using specific antibodies, while HIF transcriptional activities were evaluated using immunodetection, reverse transcription‑polymerase chain reaction and luciferase reporter assay. Bortezomib treatment was found to suppress the transcription and expression of CA9, a HIF‑1‑specific target gene; however, it had minimal effects on EPO and GLUT‑1, which are target genes of both HIF‑1 and HIF‑2. These data suggest that bortezomib attenuates the transcriptional activity only of HIF‑1, and not HIF‑2. This novel finding on the lack of an inhibitory effect of bortezomib on HIF‑2 transcriptional activity has implications for the improvement of design and treatment modalities of bortezomib and other PI drugs