62 research outputs found

    An evaluation of the Covid-19 risk assessments by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health from a risk science perspective

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    The covid-19 pandemic has made a significant impact all over the world since it was first discovered in December 2019. Reducing the threats associated with the virus quickly became top priority for policymakers. This thesis aims to look into the governmental pandemic risk management in Norway, focusing particularly on the Norwegian Institute of Public Health and their covid-19 risk assessments. The thesis presents an evaluation of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health’s (NIPH) covid-19 risk assessments from a risk science point of view. The evaluation allows for the observation of risk science trends and degree of adherence to contemporary risk science in the risk assessment. It presents main actors within the governmental pandemic risk management in Norway and reflects on how NIPH’s role influence the decision-making. The main risk science concepts that are discussed in this thesis is the risk concept, uncertainties, knowledge and strength of knowledge, risk assessments, the balance of different concerns and risk communication. The work finds that NIPH’s covid-19 risk assessments comply with contemporary risk science to some degree, however there are also areas for improvement. One of the main findings is that the NIPH definition of risk is not in line with current risk science as it does not sufficiently reflect uncertainties and knowledge. The way risk is defined and characterized can largely impact the risk assessment and the following decision-making, and because NIPH have an advisory role in the governmental risk management in Norway it will be beneficial for them to adopt a broader risk definition that reflects uncertainties and knowledge. This will allow the Norwegian Directorate of Health (HDIR) and the Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services (HOD) to make appropriate decisions as they are aware of all important aspects of risk, not just the probabilities and consequences. As the epidemic develops NIPH are able to gather more knowledge and data, and this is reflected in their risk assessments. The thesis discusses the trends related to the dynamics of the pandemic and attempts create an overall understanding of how risk science can support covid-19 risk assessments and management

    Evaluation of a UHF RFID system for livestock

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    A structural change could be observed within German animal production in recent years. Whereas the number of livestock holdings decreased, the number of animals per livestock holding increased. Because bigger livestock holdings are also often in a conflict of aims between sustainability, animal welfare and economy, a well-functioning and cost-effective management assistance is even more important. The collection of animal-related data and data from their environment with simple, innovative and low-cost techniques to improve animal welfare, animal health and animal performance, as well as the housing conditions, is a main part of so-called precision livestock farming (PLF). A possible solution for implementation of these thoughts is a technology called radio-frequency identification (RFID). The suitability of an UHF RFID system for simultaneous pig and cattle detection could be evaluated during a three year project, which was funded by the Federal Office of Agriculture and Food. Therefore, several UHF transponder ear tags had to be developed and tested in laboratory and practical experiments. Additionally, a cost-benefit analysis of the UHF system based on four example barns had to be carried out to estimate the potential of the system for use in practice. Thereby, not only the costs and benefits of simultaneous animal detection were calculated, but also the costs and benefits of hotspot monitoring of the animals in their husbandry environment were estimated. Nine different transponder types for each animal species were developed within the duration of the project. During the development process, the antenna structure, antenna length and label material had to be varied to adjust the transponder to its immediate surroundings as optimally as possible. The grouting process of the transponder into the ear tag was also continuously improved. Before testing the UHF transponder ear tag types in practice, they were all tested on a dynamic test bench. Using this test bench, a preliminarily assessment of the in-house developed transponder types by themselves, with foreign and commercially available UHF transponder types under various conditions was possible. The number of readings per round was recorded and used to identify differences between the transponder types. The UHF transponder ear tag types were tested with the aid of driving experiments using pigs and cattle with a focus on their suitability and durability under practical conditions. While one gate in a stall environment was built in the driving experiments for the fattening pigs, with cattle, reader output power, reader orientation and the test environment were varied. In these experiments, the number of readings per round and the reading rates, which were the more decisive value in practice, were calculated. In the last stage of development, a suitable, well-functioning UHF transponder ear tag type and good average reading rates could be achieved for both animal species (pigs: ø 98 %; cattle: ø 99 %) While performing the cost-benefit analysis, it could be calculated that, at the present state of development of the UHF system, the benefits do not exceed the costs of the system in the fattening pig husbandry. In dairy cattle husbandry, a positive result could be reached only under the best estimations and the larger farm. However, the costs arising per animal are still too high to implement the systems on the market. Because of the early stage of development, the calculation of the costs and benefits was difficult and still holds uncertainties. Following the assumption that the UHF system will be developed to practical maturity, the costs calculated would be lower and an advantageousness of the system would be also expected for other farms. This work was sensible and necessary to get a first assessment of the costs and benefits. Great development progress could be achieved for the UHF RFID system and a large potential for PLF could be shown within this project, even if the system is not yet ready for market.Innerhalb der deutschen Tierproduktion konnte in den vergangenen Jahren ein Strukturwandel festgestellt werden. Während die Anzahl der landwirtschaftlichen Betriebe stetig sank, nahm die Anzahl an Tieren pro Betrieb zu. Da jedoch auch große tierhaltende landwirtschaftliche Betriebe häufig im Zielkonflikt zwischen Nachhaltigkeit, Tiergerechtheit und Wirtschaftlichkeit stehen, ist eine gut funktionierende und kostengünstige Managementhilfe umso wichtiger. Das Sammeln von tier- und umweltbezogenen Daten mit einfachen, innovativen und günstigen Techniken zur Verbesserung von Tierwohl, -gesundheit und -leistung sowie Haltungsbedingungen, stellt den hauptsächlichen Teil des sogenannten Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) dar. Eine Möglichkeit zur technischen Umsetzung stellt die sogenannte Radiofrequenzidentifikation dar (RFID). Während eines dreijährigen, von der Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung finanzierten, Verbundprojektes wurde die Eignung eines UHF-RFID-Systems zur Simultanerfassung von Schweinen und Rindern getestet und bewertet. Hierfür wurden verschiedenste UHF-Transponderohrmarken entwickelt, an Prüfständen und in Praxisanwendungen getestet. Zusätzlich wurde eine Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse des UHF-RFID-Systems anhand von vier Beispielställen durchgeführt um das Potential des Systems für den Einsatz in der Praxis abzuschätzen. Hierfür wurden nicht nur die Kosten und der Nutzen des Systems zur simultanen Tiererfassung berücksichtigt, sondern auch eine Überwachung der Tiere an verschiedensten Punkten ihrer Haltungsumwelt. In der gesamten Projektlaufzeit wurden für beide Tierarten neun unterschiedliche Transpondertypen entwickelt. Während des Entwicklungsprozesses wurden die Antennenstruktur, -länge und das Trägermaterial des Transponders verändert und somit der Transponder an seine unmittelbare Umgebung so gut wie möglich angepasst. Auch der Prozess des Eingießens wurde stetig verbessert. Bevor die UHF-Transponderohrmarken in der Praxis getestet wurden, wurden sie auf einem dynamischen Prüfstand beurteilt, sowie mit anderen eigens entwickelten, projektfremden und kommerziell erhältlichen UHF-Transponderohrmarken unter verschiedenen Bedingungen verglichen. Es wurde die Anzahl an Lesungen pro Runde aufgenommen um Unterschiede zwischen den Transpondertypen festzustellen. Mit Hilfe von Treibeversuchen an Schweinen und Rindern wurde die Eignung und Haltbarkeit der Transponderohrmarken in der Praxis untersucht. Während für die Versuche mit Schweinen ein Lesegerätgate, mit in allen Versuchen gleichen Einstellungen, im Stall aufgebaut wurde, wurden bei den Rindern die Lesegerätleistung, die Lesegerätausrichtung und die Versuchsumgebung variiert. Bei diesen Experimenten wurden sowohl die Anzahl an Lesungen pro Runde als auch die Erfassungsquoten, welche den für die praktische Anwendung wichtigeren Wert darstellen, berechnet. Mit dem letzten Entwicklungsschritt konnte eine funktionsfähige und haltbare UHF-Transponderohrmarke mit guten durchschnittlichen Erfassungsquoten für beide Tierarten entwickelt werden (Schwein: ø 98 %; Rind: ø 99 %). Bei der Durchführung der Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse konnte gezeigt werden, dass, zum jetzigen Entwicklungszeitpunkt des Systems, der Nutzen die Kosten im Bereich der Mastschweinehaltung nicht übersteigt. In der Milchviehhaltung konnte nur unter den günstigsten Annahmen und für den größten Betrieb ein positives Ergebnis erzielt werden. Die entstehenden Kosten pro Tier sind vermutlich jedoch zu hoch für die Etablierung des Systems auf dem Markt. Allerdings war, aufgrund des frühen Entwicklungsstadiums des Systems, eine Kosten- und Nutzenabschätzung des Systems schwierig und ist mit Unsicherheiten behaftet. Unter der Voraussetzung der Praxistauglichkeit des Systems würden die Kosten sinken und auch für andere Betriebe ließe sich eine Vorteilhaftigkeit des Systems erwarten. Die vorliegende Arbeit war sinnvoll und wichtig um eine erste Beurteilung der Kosten und Nutzen des Systems zu bekommen. Innerhalb des Projektes konnte ein großer Entwicklungsfortschritt des UHF-RFID-Systems erreicht und das große Potential für PLF gezeigt werden, auch wenn das System bis jetzt noch nicht marktreif ist

    Flersidig styrke og smerte — en kvalitativ studie av hvilken betydning tidlige mobbeerfaringer oppleves å ha på relasjoner i voksen alder

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    Postponed access: the file will be accessible after 2021-05-28Formålet med denne kvalitative studien var å utforske hvordan voksne bærer med seg en mobbehistorie fra tidligere skolegang videre i livet. Studien anvendte semistrukturerte forskningsintervju med 14 deltakere i alderen 18-50 år, der intervjutranskripsjonene ble analysert med en hermeneutisk-fenomenologisk tilnærming til refleksiv tematisk analyse (Braun & Clarke, 2019). Studien hadde som analysefokus å undersøke hvordan en slik historie påvirket deltakernes opplevelser av sine relasjoner til andre. Jeg identifiserte fire temaer: (1) Fantomsmerter fra fortidens kropp, (2) Å våge seg ut i et ukjent relasjonelt farvann, (3) Å eie sin egen fortid og fremtid, og (4) Opplevelse av aksept og fotfeste i livet. Funnene viste at erfaringer med mobbing kan sette dype spor og påvirke ens relasjoner til andre. Funnene viste samtidig viktigheten av nære relasjoner og nye erfaringer for tilfrisking. Mobbing var også forbundet med positive aspekter i deltakernes liv. Opplevelse av økt empati var noe deltakerne knyttet til erfaringer med mobbing. Implikasjoner for klinisk praksis så vel som i skolen blir diskutert i tillegg til implikasjoner for videre forskning.Hovedoppgave psykologprogrammetPROPSY317PRPSY

    Comparison of different ultra-high-frequency transponder ear tags for simultaneous detection of cattle and pigs

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    AbstractElectronic animal identification is an important technology in modern animal husbandry providing great benefits. Low-frequency applications are state-of-the-art within the radio frequency identification of animals. Quasi-simultaneous detection of several animals and reading of the transponders over longer distances is impossible with low-frequency systems. Ultra-high-frequency (UHF) applications are suitable for this purpose. However, UHF systems have disadvantages through their susceptibility to metallic surfaces and liquids. Thus, the reflection and absorption of electromagnetic radiation in the animals' environment is often problematic. Consequently, an adjustment of the transponder ear tags regarding mechanical stability and functionality close to water (ear tissue) is necessary. In this project, targeted adjustments and a further development of UHF transponder ear tags concerning the resonance frequency were made. Three trials with cattle and two trials with pigs were performed in this study. Cattle were driven through a reader gate for ten rounds and six different types of transponder ear tags designed in-house were tested. The influence of the environment (indoor vs. outdoor), reader orientation at the gate (sideways vs. above) and output power of the readers (1.0 vs. 0.5W) were tested in two experiments. The average number of readings per round and the reading rates of the transponder ear tag types were taken as target variables. In the trials with pigs, three transponder ear tag types were compared. The animals were driven through the gate for five rounds per repetition, but neither the reader output power nor the reader orientation were varied. The pig experiments were performed indoors.The results of the cattle experiments showed that the average number of readings per round and the reading rates were significantly higher indoors compared to outdoors. The reader output power of 1.0W achieved significantly better results compared to 0.5W. The same applied to the reader orientation ‘above’ compared to ‘sideways’. It could also be shown that an improvement of the transponder and, thus, an adjustment to the animal's ear could be achieved during transponder ear tag type development. A maximum reading rate of 100% was reached with the cattle transponder types finally developed (B3-4, B4-4 and B5).In addition, an average reading rate of 100% was achieved for one pig transponder ear tag type (C2). However, these experiments have to be treated with caution due to a very low sample size

    En analyse av boligprisene i Oslo fra et makroøkonomisk perspektiv

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    Oppgavens bakgrunn og tema I denne bacheloroppgaven ser vi nærmere på boligmarkedet i Oslo de siste 15 årene. Vi undersøker hvordan ulike økonomiske makrofaktorer påvirker boligprisene. Vi har tatt utgangspunkt i styringsrenten, statsobligasjoner med løpetid på 10 år, statskasseveksler med løpetid på 3 måneder, arbeidsledighet og byggekostnadsindeksen. Oppgaven er avgrenset til å kun gjelde Oslo, da den store prisforskjellen fra resten av landet vekket interessen vår for å undersøke denne delen av boligmarkedet nærmere. Teori Vårt teoretiske grunnlag er forankret i seks ulike teorier knyttet til hver av makrofaktorene vi undersøker i oppgaven. Vi trekker inn teorier knyttet til pengepolitiske regler og pengepolitisk reversering, hvilke faktorer som driver boligprisene, arbeidsledighet gjennom Phillips-kurven og motkonjunkturpolitikken til Keynes. Det teoretiske grunnlaget bunner ut i hypoteser knyttet til forholdet mellom variablene som vi bekrefter eller forkaster i analysen. Metode Undersøkelsen bygger på en kvantitativ tilnærming hvor vi gjennomfører en tidsserieanalyse for å avdekke hvilke faktorer som har mest innflytelse på boligprisen. Vi gjør både korrelasjons- og regresjonsanalyser, hvor vi også benytter sistnevnte til å predikere boligprisen for å sammenlikne med den faktiske boligprisen. Våre funn Funnene fra korrelasjonsanalysene viste signifikante sammenhenger mellom variablene. Videre viste regresjonsanalysen at byggekostnadene har hatt størst innvirkning på boligprisene i Oslo de siste 15 årene. Deretter fulgte arbeidsledigheten, statsobligasjoner med løpetid på 10 år, statskasseveksler med løpetid på 3 måneder og styringsrenten

    Pediatric Tuberculosis Disease during Years of High Refugee Arrivals: A 6-Year National Prospective Surveillance Study.

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    BACKGROUND: In Europe, surveillance and monitoring of pediatric tuberculosis (TB) remains important, particularly in the light of migration in recent years. The aim of the study was to evaluate incidence rates of childhood TB and detailed diagnostic pathways and treatment. METHODS: Data were collected through the Swiss Pediatric Surveillance Unit (SPSU) from December 2013 to November 2019. Monthly -notifications are obtained from the 33 pediatric hospitals in the SPSU, and a detailed questionnaire was sent out upon notification. Inclusion criteria were children and adolescents aged up to 15 years with culture- or molecular-confirmed TB disease or for whom a treatment with ≥3 antimycobacterial drugs had been initiated. Data were compared with age-matched notification data from the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH). RESULTS: Of the 172 cases notified to SPSU, a detailed questionnaire was returned for 161 (93%) children, of which 139 met the inclusion criteria. Reasons for exclusion were age >15 years, double reporting, and not fulfilling the criteria for TB disease. During the same time period, 172 pediatric TB cases were reported to the FOPH, resulting in an incidence of 2.1 per 100,000, ranging from 1.4 to 2.8 per year, without a clear trend over time. In the 64 (46.0%) foreign-born children, incidence rates were higher and peaked in 2016, with 13.7 per 100,000 (p = 0.018). The median interval between arrival in Switzerland and TB diagnosis was 5 (IQR 1-21) months, and 80% were diagnosed within 24 months of arrival. In 58% of the cases, TB disease was confirmed by culture or molecular assays. Age >10 years, presence of fever, or weight loss were independent factors associated with confirmed TB. CONCLUSION: The annual pediatric TB incidence rate only varied among foreign-born children and was highest in 2016 when refugee influx peaked in Europe. Importantly, most foreign-born children with TB were diagnosed within 2 years after arrival in Switzerland. Thus, the early period after arrival in Switzerland is associated with a higher risk of TB disease in children, and this should be considered for screening guidance in refugees

    A Comparison of Cloud Storage Technologies as Sources of Digital Evidence

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    Due to their ease of use and their reliability, managed storage services in the cloud have become a standard way to store personal files for many users. In fact, many apps on mobile devices use local storage on the client merely as a cache for data that is fully stored on a remote server. Consequently, data from cloud storage services is an increasingly valuable source of digital evidence in forensic investigations. This document presents the results of a student project that was performed at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg in the winter term 2021/22. Six groups of students analyzed the most relevant network storage technologies (Samba, Nextcloud, Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, iCloud) regarding two questions: (1) What effect does data acquisition by the client have on the data stored on the server? (2) Does the technology support delayed verification of data acquisition in any way? The two questions refer to critical aspects of forensic evidence collection, namely in what way does evidence collection interfere with the evidence, and how easy is it to prove the provenance of data in a forensic investigation. In the concluding discussion we compare the different technologies and develop a taxonomy of storage services that can be used to assess other cloud storage services with regarding the evidental value of data acquired from them

    Analyse verbreiteter Anwendungen zum Lesen von elektronischen Büchern

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    Der Marktanteil elektronischer Bucher (E-Books) am Buchmarkt wächst beständig. Um E-Books zu rezipieren, benötigt man spezielle Leseumgebungen, die als Software (im Browser oder als eigene Anwendung) oder als Spezialgerät (E-Reader) realisiert sein können. Diese Leseumgebungen sind geeignet, Daten über das Leseverhalten zu sammeln. Im Rahmen einer universitären Lehrveranstaltung wurden die Software-Leseumgebungen der beiden deutschen Marktführer Kindle und Tolino untersucht. Der vorliegende Bericht fasst die Ergebnisse dieser Analysen zusammen. Das Ergebnis ist eine umfassende Bestandsaufnahme der digitalen Spuren, die durch die Benutzung der Programme entstehen. Betrachtet wurden die zum Untersuchungszeitpunkt aktuellen Versionen der jeweiligen Webanwendungen und Android-Apps sowie des Kindle-Windows-Clients. Die Ergebnisse entstanden im Rahmen einer Übung zur Vorlesung Fortgeschrittene forensische Informatik II im Wintersemester 2018/19 an der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), die gemeinsam durchgeführt wurde vom Lehrstuhl fur Informatik 1 und dem Institut für Buchwissenschaft an der FAU

    Case Reports1. A Late Presentation of Loeys-Dietz Syndrome: Beware of TGFβ Receptor Mutations in Benign Joint Hypermobility

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    Background: Thoracic aortic aneurysms (TAA) and dissections are not uncommon causes of sudden death in young adults. Loeys-Dietz syndrome (LDS) is a rare, recently described, autosomal dominant, connective tissue disease characterized by aggressive arterial aneurysms, resulting from mutations in the transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ) receptor genes TGFBR1 and TGFBR2. Mean age at death is 26.1 years, most often due to aortic dissection. We report an unusually late presentation of LDS, diagnosed following elective surgery in a female with a long history of joint hypermobility. Methods: A 51-year-old Caucasian lady complained of chest pain and headache following a dural leak from spinal anaesthesia for an elective ankle arthroscopy. CT scan and echocardiography demonstrated a dilated aortic root and significant aortic regurgitation. MRA demonstrated aortic tortuosity, an infrarenal aortic aneurysm and aneurysms in the left renal and right internal mammary arteries. She underwent aortic root repair and aortic valve replacement. She had a background of long-standing joint pains secondary to hypermobility, easy bruising, unusual fracture susceptibility and mild bronchiectasis. She had one healthy child age 32, after which she suffered a uterine prolapse. Examination revealed mild Marfanoid features. Uvula, skin and ophthalmological examination was normal. Results: Fibrillin-1 testing for Marfan syndrome (MFS) was negative. Detection of a c.1270G > C (p.Gly424Arg) TGFBR2 mutation confirmed the diagnosis of LDS. Losartan was started for vascular protection. Conclusions: LDS is a severe inherited vasculopathy that usually presents in childhood. It is characterized by aortic root dilatation and ascending aneurysms. There is a higher risk of aortic dissection compared with MFS. Clinical features overlap with MFS and Ehlers Danlos syndrome Type IV, but differentiating dysmorphogenic features include ocular hypertelorism, bifid uvula and cleft palate. Echocardiography and MRA or CT scanning from head to pelvis is recommended to establish the extent of vascular involvement. Management involves early surgical intervention, including early valve-sparing aortic root replacement, genetic counselling and close monitoring in pregnancy. Despite being caused by loss of function mutations in either TGFβ receptor, paradoxical activation of TGFβ signalling is seen, suggesting that TGFβ antagonism may confer disease modifying effects similar to those observed in MFS. TGFβ antagonism can be achieved with angiotensin antagonists, such as Losartan, which is able to delay aortic aneurysm development in preclinical models and in patients with MFS. Our case emphasizes the importance of timely recognition of vasculopathy syndromes in patients with hypermobility and the need for early surgical intervention. It also highlights their heterogeneity and the potential for late presentation. Disclosures: The authors have declared no conflicts of interes