116 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan: 1) Menemukan akurasi estimasi parameter item pada test equating menggunakan metode Item Characteristic Curve (ICC). 2) Menemukan sensitivitas metode linear yang terdiri atas Tucker-Levine score method dan Levine true score method applied to observed scores serta metode equipercentile yang terdiri atas metode Braun-Holland linear dan chained equipercentile. Data yang digunakan data empiris yang berasal dari pola respons siswa peserta Ulangan Akhir Semester V Mata Pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA) SMP Tahun Ajaran 2009/2010. SMPN 1 Lebakwangi Kuningan, SMPN 3 Cilimus Kuningan, dan SMPN 2 Gunungjati Cirebon. Mata Pelajaran IPA SMP terdiri atas Fisika dan Biologi. Materi tersebut diberikan oleh dua guru yang berbeda. Materi Fisika diberikan oleh guru yang memiliki kompetensi pada bidang Fisika, materi Biologi diberikan oleh guru yang memiliki kompetensi pada bidang Biologi. Penyetaraan menggungakan anchor test design. Anchor test bersifat external, anchor test berfungsi sebagai pengait antara tes yang disetarakan. Item anchor berisi 10 item materi Fisika. Banyak item pada tes A 55 item, tes B 55 item dan tes C 50 item. Pola penyetaraan yang digunakan pola kelompok, sehingga banyak item hasil penyetaraan berjumlah 140 item terdiri atas 10 anchor item milik bersama, 45 item berasal dari tes A, 45 item berasal dari tes B, dan 40 item berasal dari tes C. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Estimasi parameter item pada penyetaraan tes menggunakan metode Item Characteristic Curva (ICC) menghasilkan formula indeks kesulitan item bB = 1.88bA – 0.05, dan bC = 0.23, atau bC = 2.72 bA -0.02, dan indeks daya beda item αB = α A /1.88, dan αC = αB /1.45, atau αC = αA /2.27. Nilai RMSD (a) sebesar 0.04873 dan nilai RMSD (b) Sebesar 0.0117. Simpulan yang diperoleh, akurasi estimasi parameter item pada test equating menggunakan metode ICC berdasarkan nilai root mean square difference (RMSD) pada kedua parameter item relative baik (RMSD ≤ 0.1, untuk indeks daya beda item, dan RMSD ≤ 0.1 untuk indeks kesulitan item). 2) Secara keseluruhan, sensitivitas berbagai metode penyetaraan berdasarkan hasil hitung RMSE ≤ 0.1, hal ini menunjukkan sensitivitas dari berbagai metode penyetaraan tinggi. Penyetaraan menggunakan meode linear memiliki sensitivitas yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan metode equipercentile. Sensitivitas metode penyetaraan yang paling tinggi yaitu Tucker-Levine method. Urutan sensitivitas metode penyetaraan dari paling tinggi sampai paling rendah yaitu 1) Tucker – Levine method, 2) Levine method, 3) Braun – Holland linear method, 4) Chained Equipercentile Equating method. Kata kunci: Test equating, anchor test, external anchor test, RMSD, RMSE

    Analysis of Students' Metacognition Level in Solving Scientific Literacy on the Topic of Static Fluid

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    The purpose of this study is to describe students' metacognition level in solving scientific literacy. This research use the descriptive method. The subject of this research is 99 students of grade XI in SMA Batik 2 Surakarta. Data collection methods used are test methods which its instruments based on an indicator of scientific literacy and metacognition ability. Data analysis techniques use quantitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that the achievement of scientific literacy in science as a body of knowledge, science as a way of thinking, science as a way of investigating, and science as an interaction between technology and society is still low at below 35%. This is due to 84% student occupy in low metacognition level that is 30% students in tacit use level, 54% students in aware use level, and only 16% students occupy in high metacognition level that is in strategic use level

    Motto in English Department Graduating Paper: Category and Meaning.

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    Motto is one kind of language which are interseting to analyze. It is a short sentence that reflecting an organization, institution and individual as the principle of life. It expresses the aims and beliefs of a person, a group, and used a rule of behavior. Moreover, it has meaningfull forevery bodythat uses of motto in their life. Therefore, researcher is interested to analyze meaning of motto that used based on user understanding.Ussually,people get motto on working form, join of organization form, curiculum vitae (cv), and it could be gotten in graduating paper page at university.In this research the data taken fromgraduating paper’s alumni of English department at State Islamic University Sunan gunung Djati Bandung as user. So, from the background of research above, researcher has some problem, they are: what are the categories source of motto used in the students graduating paper, what is the meaning of motto that used in the students graduating paper based on user understanding. This research is aimed at analyzing categories sources of motto used by user, they are: Al- Quran, saying that taken from browsing, book, magazine, comic, and motto taken from researcher itself.Then, this research also is aimed to know meaning of motto that given by user based on their understanding. In terms of method, this study uses descriptive qualitative as the research design because the data are in the form of words or sentences from motto of students graduating papers. And the techniques of collecting data are: document study and interview. After the data have been collected, they are presented, analyzed by contextual meaning theory, and concluded based on the finding and discussion. Based on result of research, category sources of motto that used by user in their graduating papers is Al- Quran and Saying. In this research saying is sourced from browsing, book of motivation, comics, magazine and from researcher itself. Moreover meaning aboutmotto based on their understanding is as motivation, principle of life and an ideology. Based on conclusion above, researcher would like to offer some recommendations that the students have to know about meaning because meaning is important thing from language study. The result of this research does not cover with other kinds of meaning. Therefore, this still far from the complete one. Nevertheless, the researcher suggests for the reader to conduct the research about kinds of meaning, containing in the words or sentences to get purpose of meaning and to know it. Other researcher can conduct the same research, not only about the kinds meaning used but also other aspect meaning

    Archaeal diversity and community structure in the compartmented gut of highert termites

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    Phylogenetically higher termites emit higher amounts of methane than lower termites, but the reason for this phenomenon has not been clear. Our comparative study based on 16S rRNA gene sequencing and qPCR analysis of archaeal communities in the guts of higher termites revealed that unlike the lower termites, which host mainly members of Methanobacteriales in their guts, higher termites host a diverse assemblage of methanogenic euryarchaeota comprising representatives of four major orders: Methanobacteriales, Methanosarcinales, Methanomicrobiales and the recently discovered Methanoplasmatales. 16S rRNA-based diversity of archaea was highest in soil-feeding taxa, where nearly all major archaeal groups were represented. Besides the euryarchaeotal lineages, the gut contained also lineages closely related to ammonia-oxidizing Thaumarchaeota and a deep-branching termite specific group of uncultured archaea loosely affiliated to Crenarchaeota. Archaeal diversity in the fungus-cultivating Macrotermes species, in the grass-feeding Trinervitermes sp., and in the wood-feeding Microcerotermes sp., which show low methane emission rates, was much lower. These results show the high methane emission rates in higher termites is reflected in the high diversity, density and complex community structure of archaea in the termite hindguts. Higher termites host gut-specific archaeal communities different from those of lower termites and from other environments and these communities seem to co-evolve with the host termite probably with shift in feeding behavior. Higher termites harbor archaeal lineages which are specific to their gut environment and are different from communities from lower termites and from other environments. Methanogenic archaea are heterogeneously distributed in the highly compartmented gut. Density and diversity of archaea was highest in posterior gut compartments, which also harbored most of the methanogenic activities. The highly alkaline anterior gut compartments were preferentially colonized by Methanosarcinales. Archaeal community structure differed strongly among gut compartments, with communities in the more methanogenic posterior gut sections being distinct from those of the anterior sections, a phenomenon that is reflected in the different micro-environmental conditions in the compartments. Experimental stimulation of methanogenesis in isolated gut sections of soil-feeding termites revealed significant activities of hydrogenotrophic methanogens that are obligately dependent on methanol and formate. Our results suggest that community structure in the different microhabitats is shaped by exogenous factors, such as pH, oxygen status and the availability of methanogenic substrates. The recently discovered Methanoplasmatales are the seventh order of methanogenic euryarchaeota comprising methylotrophic lineages which colonizes higher termite guts and various other environments, and helps to explain the high methane emission rates in higher termites. The methylotrophic nature of termite-derived lineage demonstrates that substrates other than hydrogen drive methanogenesis in higher termites

    Pendalaman Materi IPA Berbasis Pendekatan Proses Bagi Guru SD di Sukoharjo

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    Pembelajaran IPA harus distrukturkan sedemikian rupa hingga para siswa mampu memahami, mengingat dan mengaplikasikan materi yang diajarkan. Untuk memenuhi persyaratan tersebut jam pelajaran harus diberi struktur dengan struktur utama : Pengembangan suatu masalah atau pertanyaan IPA, membahas solusi-solusi yang mungkin, contoh merumuskan hipotesa dan menguji hipotesa melalui perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan analisa percobaan-percobaan.Ada 8 struktur pembelajaran IPA, ialah : (a) Motivasi untuk membangkitkan rasa ingin tahu siswa terhadap materi IPA pembelajaran (b) Penjabaran masalah sebagai bentuk uraian dari rumusan pertanyaan ilmiah IPA tertentu (c) Penyusunan Opini-opini sebagai Perumusan sejumlah hipotesa atau dugaan sementara (d) Perencanaan dan konstruksi untuk memilih peralatan dari percobaan agar berfungsi (e) Percobaan IPA sebagai perwujudan sebab akibat dari reaksi alam (f) Kesimpulan hasil IPA dari suatu prosedur pemecahan masalah (g) Abstraksi dar hasil ilmiah yang sah (h) Konsolidasi pengetahuan melalui aplikasi dan praktek pengetahuan IPA secara menyeluruh suatu fenomena alam dan integrasi hasil pendidikan.Rumusan masalah penelitian : Apakah 8 struktur pembelajaran IPA di SD pola SEQIP masih dilaksanakan ?Metodologi penelitian ialah dengan mengamati perilaku mengajar IPA berdasarkan indikator delapan struktur pembelajaran ilmiah.Kesimpulan penelitian : Ke delapan struktur pembelajaran dilaksanakan secara luwes, tetapi harus memper hatikan aspek khusus sebagai berikut : (a) Makna masing-masing struktur dapat sangat bervariasi. Bobot tergantung pada materi yang akan diajarkan maupun kepada situasi dan didaktik suatu kelas (b) Dalam praktek pengajaran ada transisi terus menerus dari satu struktur ke struktur berikutnya, sehingga sulit menarik garis tegas masing-masing struktur (c) Kadang ada struktur yang diabaikan atau dua struktur terjadi secara bersamaan atau saling menyusul dengan begitu cepat sehingga sulit menarik garis pembatas yang tegas antara masing-masing struktur. Misalnya antara konstruksi dan percobaan, abtara percobaan dan kesimpulan, antara kesimpulan dan abstraksi. Terutama di kelas rendah, struktur-struktur “konstruksi”, “kesimpulan” dan “Abstraksi” kadang dapat diabaikan sama sekali. (d) Tergantung pada struktur dan pengaturan materi yang diberikan, ada struktur-struktur yang berulang-ulang secara teratur, kadang dalam jangka waktu yang sangat singkat dalam satu unit pelajaran.Saran : Sebelum mampu menangani delapan struktur ilmiah maupun variasinya secara mantap, sangat perlu untuk praktek menggunakan bentuk yang sederhana dulu, yang mempunyai struktur yang terpisah secara jelas, berdasarkan suatu protokol pelaksanaan pendidikan yang ditulis sebelumnya

    Pengembangan Modul Ilustratif Berbasis Inkuiri Terbimbing Bermuatan Pendidikan Karakter

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    This study aimed to develop and determine the quality of the illustrative module of guided inquiry-based physics learning with character education. This research was a development research (R&D) which refers to the Borg & Gall model. The limited trial was carried out on 10 grade VII students and the expanded trial was carried out on 31 grade VIIA students at SMP Negeri 24 Surakarta. The data were taken using test techniques for cognitive learning outcomes, and observation techniques for character and psychomotor learning outcomes. Furthermore, it was analyzed by using two-sample paired t-test, while the psychomotor and affective learning outcomes were analyzed using the Friedman test. The results showed that the illustrative module of guided inquiry-based Physics learning containing character education was developed to have a total average score of 265.5 with the "very good" category. In conclusion, there was an increase in student learning outcomes after following the learning process using this developed illustrative module. Key words: Learning Outcomes, Product Quality, Illustration Modules, Research and Developmen

    The Characteristics of the Nature of Science (NOS)-based Instruments in Newton Law Using Rasch Model Analysis

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    The objective of this research is to find out the characteristic of each test item with NOS-based instruments which is analysed based on validity and reliability level using Rasch model (RM). A test using NOS-based instruments was used to collect the data. This research is categorized as descriptive with quantitative using statistic from RM through QUEST program. There are 104 students participated as the subject of this research. The result, which is based on validity of each test item using RM analysis, shows that 25 test items are considered fit or accepted. Based on the estimate of item reliability, NOS-based instrument has reliability coefficiency at 0.96. Based on difficulty items 2 test items declared not good, namely test item number 19 and item test number 4. Based on the analysis according to Classic Test Theory of RM, the NOS instrument can be used to measure senior high school students' science literacy on Newton Law


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    Pengukuran dalam pendidikan meliputi pengukuran kemampuan testee dan pengukuran karakteristik alat ukur yang digunakan Ada dua teori pengukuran yang saat ini masih digunakan dan dikembangkan, yaitu teori tes klasik disebut juga classical test theory (CTT) dan teori tes modern disebut juga disebut teori respons item atau item response theory (IRT). Pengukuran menurut teori tes klasik adalahpemberian angka kepada objek atau kejadian dengan aturan tertentu, angka diartikan sebagai sifat yang melekat pada objek. Teori tes klasik menyatakan bahwakarakteristik tesdipengaruhi oleh testee yang menempuh tes tersebut. Jika kelompok peserta yang sama menempuh tes berbeda maka karakteristik kelompok peserta umumnya berubah. Jika diberikan tes yang mudah, kemampuan testee berada pada level tinggi sebaliknya jika diberi kan tes yang sulit, kemampuan testee berada pada level rendah. Menurut teori, kemampuan seseorang tidak berubah karena karakteristik tes. Kelemahan teori tes klasik diatasi oleh teori tes modern atau teori respons item (IRT). Sebagai model alternatif, IRT memiliki sifat antara lain karakteristik item tidak tergantung pada kelompok testee yang dikenai item tersebut atau kemampuan seseorang tidak berubah karena karakteristik item.Model dinyatakan dalam tingkatan item. Model tidak memerlukan tes paralel untuk menghitung koefisien reliabilitas dan model menyediakan ukuran yang tepat untuk setiap kemampuan testee.Parameter statistik pada teori tes klasik yaitu, indeks kesulitan item(b_i) , indeks daya beda item (a_i). Pada teori tes modern, selain indeks kesulitan item dan indeks daya beda item juga ditambah dengan kemampuan peserta tes (θ_j) dan tebakan (c_i). Kata kunci: Teori pengukuran, teori tes klasik, teori tes modern

    Equipment of Earthquake Detection and Warning with Vibration Sensor

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    The purposes of writing this paper are to determine: (1) the working principle of vibration sensors can detect impending earthquakes, (2) the sensitivity or the sensitivity of the tool when used in detecting the vibration of an earthquake, (3) demonstration tool Earthquake Detection and Warning with vibration sensor has good meets criteria for use students learn. The method of this research is an a demonstration tool in learning. The basic principle of work and warning earthquake detector with a vibration sensor this is when an earthquake occurs or when the dynamo (earthquake simulator) is started, the resulting vibrations cause movement of the pendulum. This pendulum movement is what will trigger the sound of the bell. When the pendulum movement causes the pendulum in contact with the copper wire ring, then the electricity will flow toward the bell. When electricity flows into the bell will arise in the membrane vibration in the bell. A vibrating membrane will produce resonance which then led to a wave. This wave is what produces the sound on the buzzer. Pendulum vibration frequency is closely related to the magnitude of the voltage / potential difference given input on the dynamo that causes the rotor to rotate. Increasing the voltage will increase the rotational speed of the rotor on a large dynamo. The faster the rotor rotation, the vibration of the pendulum will be even greater. This resulted in the pendulum will be faster and more frequent touching circle copper wire which is connected electricity and bell. Thus the buzzer will sound increasingly rapid and dynamic. The results of the experiment are the greater the number of loops and the greater the voltage will cause a greater rotational speed of the rotor is generated, so that the greater the pendulum vibrations and buzzer / alarm to sound more dynamic. Detector and earthquake warning with vibration sensor has a sensitivity to the number of loops starting from 2 pieces with a 3V input voltage and is capable of detecting an earthquake of ≥3,6 SR. Based on the results of the assessment of a demonstration tool detection and warning of earthquakes with vibration sensor was found that the maximum value that is filled by a validator is 39. It can be concluded that the demonstration tool detection and warning of earthquakes with vibration sensor is included in good criteria for the use of students in learning

    Pembelajaran Berbasis Ict Religi Model Animasi Untuk Meningkatkan Karakter Dan Prestasi Belajar Listrik Dinamis Pada Peserta Didik SMA Negeri 8 Surakarta

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    Tujuan penelitian tindakan ini untuk memperbaiki proses pembelajaran fisika dan untuk meningkatkankarakter: religius, jujur, disiplin, cinta tanah air dan peduli sosial serta prestasi belajar fisika kompetensilistrik dinamis. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 8 Surakarta tahun 2012/2013 semester 2 dengansubjek penelitian kelas X 7. Pembelajaran berbasis ICT religi model animasi dengan metode demonstrasidan penugasan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Perubahan lebih baik pada aktivitas belajar dalam hal:kedisiplinan, belajar berpusat pada siswa, ketertiban dalam pembelajaran, tanggung jawab, kejujuran,kerjasama yang baik. Perubahan aktivitas belajar mengefektifkan difusi inkulkasi dan keterampilan asertifdari bahan ajar berbasis ICT religi, sehingga karakter menjadi lebih baik. Perubahan karaktermeningkatkan kemampuan berpikir yang dimanifestasikan perilaku lebih santun, dan prestasi belajar lebihbaik secara induvidual dan klasikal. Data prestasi belajar predikat baik, ketuntasan belajar, dan koefisienvarian, berturut-turut pada prasiklus: 15%, 59%, dan 15%, meningkat pada siklus 1 menjadi: 33%, 78%,dan 14%, meningkat lagi pada siklus 2 menjadi 85%, 96%, dan 9%
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