891 research outputs found

    Functional role of the striatum in stimulus-response learning: Evidence from functional MRI and patients with Parkinson\u27s disease

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    Cognitive impairment is recognized in Parkinson’s disease (PD). Understanding striatum-mediated cognitive functions will help elucidate some of these abnormalities. Learning is often impaired by dopaminergic medication. However, dorsal striatum (DS) has been implicated in learning; an unexpected result given that dopaminergic therapy, the gold standard treatment for PD, remediates DS functioning. In two separate experiments, stimulus-response association learning and decision-making were examined in healthy individuals using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and in PD patients using behavioural methods. In Experiment 1, healthy individuals completed a stimulus-response learning task, and brain regions associated with learning versus decision-making were investigated using fMRI. In Experiment 2, patients with PD completed a similar task on and off their dopaminergic medication. Results from both experiments suggest that DS mediates decision-making and not learning. This greater understanding of striatum-mediated cognition will ultimately prompt clinicians to devise medication strategies that consider both motor and cognitive symptoms of PD

    Role Of The Dorsal Striatum In Learning and Decision Making

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    The striatum, the input region of the basal ganglia, has been shown to mediate many cognitive functions. The striatum itself can be functionally segregated into dorsal (DS) and ventral striatum (VS). For more than 60 years, DS has been reported to mediate stimulus-response learning, though evidence has been accruing pointing to a role in decision making. These literatures have been growing independently and an aim of this thesis was to bridge these two bodies of knowledge. We directly investigated the role of DS in stimulus-response learning versus decision making using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in patients with Parkinson’s disease (Chapter 2) and obsessive compulsive disorder (Chapter 3). In Chapter 4, the role of DS in stimulus-response habit learning was tested in healthy individuals using fMRI. In three separate experiments (Chapters 2-4), all of the results strongly support the notion that DS mediates decision making and not learning. DS is implicated in many disorders ranging from Parkinson’s disease, obsessive compulsive disorder and addiction, and clarifying the role of DS in cognitive function is paramount for understanding substrates of disease and developing treatments

    MIGU: Diseño y desarrollo de concepto para un sistema y aplicaciones digitales interactivas con el objetivo de mejorar la experiencia de compra en supermercados locales.

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    This work shows the process of study that was done in order to make the project MIGU. Theaudiencetargetedby this project is young and young-adult people, especially, because they are the most influenced by the portable devices technology of the present generation. This document is divided into several parts.that show the initial investigative bases, finding the problem and its solution, the study of a specific target audience, the creation of the brand, and the final product obtained. The goalof MIGU is to improve the purchase experience in supermarkets in Ecuador and add a new habit within them using the technology we have at our disposal.Este trabajo muestra el proceso de estudio que se hizo para poder realizar el proyecto MIGU. El público al que va dirigido este proyecto es a jóvenes y adultos – jóvenes, especialmente, debido a que son los más influenciados por la tecnología de dispositivos móviles de la generación actual. Este documento se divide en varias partes que muestran las bases investigativas iniciales, la búsqueda del problema y su solución, el estudio del público específico, la creación de la marca y el producto final que se obtuvo. El objetivo de MIGU es mejorar la experiencia de compra en los supermercados del Ecuador y añadir una nueva costumbre dentro de ellos usando la tecnología que tenemos a nuestro alcance

    \u3cem\u3eAINTEGUMENTA\u3c/em\u3e Contributes to Organ Polarity and Regulates Growth of Lateral Organs in Combination with \u3cem\u3eYABBY\u3c/em\u3e Genes

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    Lateral organs in flowering plants display polarity along their adaxial-abaxial axis with distinct cell types forming at different positions along this axis. Members of three classes of transcription factors in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana; the Class III homeodomain/leucine zipper [HD-ZIP] proteins, KANADI proteins, and YABBY proteins) are expressed in either the adaxial or abaxial domain of organ primordia where they confer these respective identities. Little is known about the factors that act upstream of these polarity-determining genes to regulate their expression. We have investigated the relationship between AINTEGUMENTA (ANT), a gene that promotes initiation and growth of lateral organ primordia, and polarity genes. Although ant single mutants do not display any obvious defects in organ polarity, loss of ANT activity in combination with mutations in one or more YABBY genes results in polarity defects greater than those observed in the yabby mutants alone. Our results suggest that ANT acts in combination with the YABBY gene FILAMENTOUS FLOWER (FIL) to promote organ polarity by upregulating the expression of the adaxial-specifying HD-ZIP gene PHABULOSA. Furthermore, we show that ANT acts with FIL to up-regulate expression of the floral homeotic gene APETALA3. Our work defines new roles for ANT in the development of lateral organs

    Factores predictores hematológicos asociados a síndrome de reconstitución inmune, en pacientes con infección por VIH en el Hospital Belén de Trujillo

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    El fenómeno de reconstitución inmune; es una circunstancia observada en pacientes con estados de inmunosupresión. Se realizara dicho estudio para comprobar si la anemia, el recuento plaquetario y el recuento de linfocitos CD4, son factores predictores hematológicos asociados El Hospital Belén de Trujillo atiende a pacientes infectados por el VIH con síndrome de reconstitución inmune; mediante análisis, observación, revisión y diseño de casos y controles; incluyendo el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana que cumple con los criterios de selección y recibió terapia antirretroviral en el Hospital Belén de Trujillo de 2017 a 2018 Infectar a los pacientes. Se utilizará la prueba de chi-cuadrado para establecer relaciones entre variables cualitativas. Calcular la razón de posibilidades y el nivel de significancia (p<0.05).Tesis de segunda especialida

    Integrazione di tecniche di osservazione della terra e analisi spaziali per la valutazione dei fenomeni di dispersione insediativa

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    Studio delle variazioni territoriali, con particolare riferimento al consumo di suolo, integrando il telerilevamento con i sistemi informativi geografici. Al centro delle analisi vi è la dispersione insediativa, che è strettamente correlata al consumo di suolo. Nel lavoro sono state svole analisi spaziali, classificazioni supervisionate, autocorrelazione spaziali e change detection

    Kennesaw State University Gospel Choir

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    Kennesaw State University School of Music presents Gospel Choir.https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/musicprograms/1115/thumbnail.jp

    Las condiciones labores y relación con el desarrollo personal en la empresa servicios generales CARDEY EIRL PIURA año 2022

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    El estudio titulado ""Las condiciones laborales y relación con el desarrollo personal en la empresa Servicios Generales Cardey EIRL Piura año 2022"" tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre las condiciones laborales y el desarrollo personal en dicha empresa. La muestra de investigación estuvo compuesta por 35 empleados de Servicios Generales Cardey EIRL. El diseño de investigación utilizado fue cuantitativo, no experimental, descriptivo correlacional transversal. El instrumento de investigación consistió en un cuestionario compuesto por 8 ítems para medir las condiciones laborales y 7 ítems para evaluar el desarrollo personal. Se utilizó la prueba de confiabilidad Alfa de Cronbach para determinar la consistencia interna del instrumento, obteniendo un coeficiente de 0.892 para las condiciones laborales y 0.907 para el desarrollo del personal. Los resultados de la investigación mostraron una fuerte correlación positiva entre las condiciones laborales y el desarrollo del personal en Servicios Generales Cardey EIRL. La prueba de correlación Rho de Spearman arrojó un valor de 0.921, con una significancia bilateral de 0.00. En conclusión, los hallazgos respaldan la importancia de mejorar las condiciones laborales en la empresa para promover el crecimiento y desarrollo personal de los empleados. Estos resultados sugieren que brindar un entorno de trabajo favorable y condiciones adecuadas tienen un impacto positivo en el desarrollo profesional y personal de los empleados de Servicios Generales Cardey EIRL.The study entitled ""Working conditions and their relationship with personal development in the company Servicios Generales Cardey EIRL Piura year 2022"" had the objective of determining the relationship between working conditions and personal development in said company. The research sample consisted of 35 employees of Servicios Generales Cardey EIRL. The research design used was quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive, correlational, cross-sectional. The research instrument consisted of a questionnaire made up of 8 items to measure working conditions and 7 items to assess personal development. The Cronbach's Alpha reliability test was used to determine the internal consistency of the instrument, obtaining a coefficient of 0.892 for working conditions and 0.907 for personnel development. The research results showed a strong positive correlation between working conditions and staff development at Servicios Generales Cardey EIRL. Spearman's Rho correlation test yielded a value of 0.921, with a bilateral significance of 0.00. In conclusion, the findings support the importance of improving working conditions in the company to promote the personal growth and development of employees. These results suggest that providing a favorable work environment and adequate conditions have a positive impact on the professional and personal development of Servicios Generales Cardey EIRL employeesTesi

    Foliaciones del plano.

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    En este trabajo se presenta el problema de clasificación de las foliaciones del plano y el problema de representación de una foliación del plano mediante una recta y semirrectas. El primer problema, se estudiará a través de la clasificación : 1. De las variables topológicas de dimensión uno, con base enumerable y simplemente conexa. 2. De los fibrados sobre tal variedad, localmente triviales con espacio total de Hausdorff. Luego se clasifican las estructuras diferenciables sobre la ramificación simple y se estudian las realizaciones de tales estructuras mediante foliaciones del plano. Para el segundo problema se da una construcción llamada representación y se introduce su correspondiente topología